Interim Results
Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc, the investment trust with an investment
objective to achieve long term capital growth by investment in UK quoted smaller
companies, announces its interim results for the six months ended 31 December
- Net asset value per share increased by 12.3% from 71.23p to 79.95p
- Share price rose by 19.0% from 51.25p to 61.00p
- The trust's benchmark, the Extended Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index
(excluding Investment Trusts) increased by 7%
- Smaller companies markets continue to offer attractive investment
opportunities in under-researched companies that are often over-looked by
mainstream investors
For further information, please contact:
Donald MacDonald
Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc Tel. 0131 557 5065
George Walker
Standard Life Investments Tel. 0131 245 6838
Brian Simmons
Press Manager, Standard Life Investments Tel. 0131 245 5935
Nathan Brown
CloseWINS, Corporate Adviser to Tel. 020 7621 5572
Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc
Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and
that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise.
Investors may not get back the amount they originally invested.
During the six month period ended 31 December 2004, the net asset value per
share of the trust increased by 12.3% from 71.23p to 79.95p while the share
price rose by 19.0% from 51.25p to 61.00p. This compares with a 7.0% increase
in the trust's benchmark, the Extended Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index
(excluding Investment Trusts) over the same period.
The UK stock market began to move up again in August when it became clear that
the top was in sight for UK base rates. By October, further momentum was
provided by the fall in the price of crude oil. Oil prices fell fully 25% in the
last quarter of the year after reaching an all time high of more than $55.
Smaller quoted companies continued to report buoyant trading conditions across a
wide range of sectors over the last six months of 2004. Towards the end of the
year it became clear that the UK housing market was at last being affected by
rising interest rates.
The trust comfortably outperformed its benchmark both in net asset value and
share price terms over the period under review. Net assets rose by 12.3% over
the period but the share price rose by 19.0% reflecting a narrowing in the
"discount". This strong performance was driven by some positive individual
contributions from our largest holdings. Of particular note was Topps Tiles, the
UK's leading retailer of tiles for kitchens & bathrooms. The shares rose by 50%
over the period as the company continued to announce sustained strong trading
from this growth market. A number of other large holdings such as Victrex in
speciality chemicals, Northgate in van rental and Majestic Wines exceeded their
recent earnings expectations. In general the investment style being employed by
the manager is currently being favoured by the market. The emphasis on investing
in companies with robust business models helps during more challenging economic
The trust benefited from participating in three initial public offerings that
performed strongly after flotation. Public quotes are now being seen as
attractive sources of finance by small and medium sized companies. This is in
marked contrast to the bear market conditions of 2001 to 2003.
The manager has been given discretion to vary the level of the net gearing
between 0% and 20% depending on their view on the outlook for smaller companies.
The level of gearing at 31 December 2004 was 13.7%. This reflects a cautiously
optimistic view of the outlook for smaller companies over the next year. Indeed
gearing was raised during the last quarter of 2004 to take advantage of what is
normally a strong start to the year.
Currently £18.7 million of the 7.75% 2023 debenture is outstanding with no
re-purchases being made in the reporting period.
Revenue Account
Earnings per share have improved to 0.27p compared with 0.17p in the six months
to 31 December 2003. This reflects higher levels of income from short term
deposits and money market funds and non recurring expenses in the prior period.
As in previous years, no interim dividend is payable.
UK smaller companies have now risen strongly for nearly two years. The turning
point for the market came in April 2003, which coincided with the end of the
Gulf War and an improving macroeconomic background. Since then, the benchmark
index has risen by 73.8%. The question now is whether smaller quoted company
markets can make progress from here. The view of the manager is that
unquestionably they can, however the level of returns is likely to be lower than
in the two previous years.
The economic backdrop is reasonably supportive, with GDP growth of in excess of
2% expected for the UK in 2005 and inflation remaining under control. Base rates
are likely to stay at current levels for some time. The main cloud on the
horizon is the weakening housing market and the collateral damage this may have
on UK consumer spending. UK smaller companies are significantly exposed to these
Valuations for smaller companies are currently near long-term averages although
looking forward they are still lower than for the market as a whole. Profits and
dividend growth is likely to be healthy for smaller companies in 2005 and likely
to be in excess of 10%.
Smaller companies markets continue to offer attractive investment opportunities
in under-researched companies that are often over-looked by mainstream
investors. It is indeed possible to find under-valued smaller companies with
robust business models operating in growth markets at reasonable valuations.
The manager believes that the longer term outlook is encouraging for these
businesses and hence the trust.
Donald MacDonald
10 February 2005
for the six months ended 31 December 2004 (unaudited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised net gains on - 1,307 1,307
Unrealised net gains on - 4,900 4,900
_______ ________ ________
Total capital gains on - 6,207 6,207
Income from investments 463 - 463
Interest from AAA money market 193 - 193
Interest from Treasury Bills - - -
Interest receivable on short 154 - 154
term deposits
Other income 1 - 1
Investment management fee (140) (140) (280)
Administrative expenses (130) - (130)
_______ ________ ________
Net return before finance costs 541 6,067 6,608
and taxation
Interest payable and similar (356) (356) (712)
_______ ________ ________
Return on ordinary activities 185 5,711 5,896
before taxation
Taxation (2) - (2)
_______ ________ ________
Return on ordinary activities 183 5,711 5,894
after taxation
Dividend in respect of equity - - -
_______ ________ ________
183 5,711 5,894
_______ ________ ________
Return per ordinary share 0.27p 8.47p 8.74p
_______ ________ ________
for the six months ended 31 December 2003 (unaudited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised net losses on - (12,338) (12,338)
Unrealised net gains on - 19,019 19,019
_______ ________ ________
Total capital gains on - 6,681 6,681
Income from investments 580 - 580
Interest from AAA money market 133 - 133
Interest from Treasury Bills 28 - 28
Interest receivable on short 69 - 69
term deposits
Other income 2 - 2
Investment management fee (133) (133) (266)
Administrative expenses (206) - (206)
_______ ________ ________
Net return before finance costs 473 6,548 7,021
and taxation
Interest payable and similar (358) (341) (699)
_______ ________ ________
Return on ordinary activities 115 6,207 6,322
before taxation
Taxation - - -
_______ ________ ________
Return on ordinary activities 115 6,207 6,322
after taxation
Dividend in respect of equity - - -
_______ ________ ________
115 6,207 6,322
_______ ________ ________
Return per ordinary share 0.17p 9.21p 9.38p
_______ ________ ________
for the year ended 30 June 2004 (audited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Realised losses on investments - (12,361) (12,361)
Unrealised net gains on - 22,184 22,184
________ ________ ________
Total capital losses on - 9,823 9,823
Income from investments 1,337 - 1,337
Interest from AAA money market 292 - 292
Interest from Treasury Bills 30 - 30
Interest receivable on short 179 - 179
term deposits
Other income 6 - 6
Investment management fee (267) (267) (534)
Administrative expenses (377) - (377)
________ ________ ________
Net return before finance costs 1,200 9,556 10,756
and taxation
Interest payable and similar (712) (770) (1,482)
________ ________ ________
Return on ordinary activities 488 8,786 9,274
before taxation
Taxation - - -
________ ________ ________
Return on ordinary activities 488 8,786 9,274
after taxation
Dividend in respect of equity (506) - (506)
________ ________ ________
(18) 8,786 8,768
________ ________ ________
Return per ordinary share 0.72p 13.03p 13.75p
________ ________ ________
At 31 At 30 June At 31
December June December
2004 2004 2003
£000 £000 £000
(unaudited) (audited) (unaudited)
Fixed assets
Investments 60,623 53,551 51,253
________ ________ ________
Current assets
Debtors 164 916 209
AAA money market funds 8,110 8,110 8,110
Treasury Bills - - -
Cash and short term deposits 4,254 5,386 5,387
________ ________ ________
12,528 14,412 13,706
Creditors: amounts falling due 562 1,252 753
within one year
________ ________ ________
Net current assets 11,966 13,160 12,953
________ ________ ________
Total assets less current 72,589 66,711 64,206
Creditors: amounts falling due 19,279 19,295 19,311
after more than one year
________ ________ ________
53,310 47,416 44,895
________ ________ ________
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital - equity 16,851 16,851 16,851
Other reserves 36,459 30,565 28,044
________ ________ ________
Total equity shareholders' funds 53,310 47,416 44,895
________ ________ ________
Adjusted net asset value per 79.95p 71.23p 67.51p
ordinary share
________ ________ ________
At 31 At 31 At 30
December December June
2004 2003 2004
£000 £000 £000
(unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)
Revenue before finance 540 473 1,200
costs and taxation
Decrease/(Increase) in 225 60 (110)
accrued income
Decrease in debtors 11 15 4
(Decrease)/Increase in (13) (6) 22
Expenses charged to capital (140) (133) (267)
________ ________ ________
Net cash inflow from 623 409 849
operating activities
Net cash outflow from (724) (741) (1,541)
servicing of finance
Total tax paid (2) - -
Net cash outflow from (524) 1,348 1,633
financial investment
Equity dividends paid (505) (505) (506)
________ ________ ________
Net cash outflow before (1,132) 511 435
Net cash outflow from - (574) (499)
Management of liquid - 3,660 3,660
________ ________ ________
(DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH (1,132) 3,597 3,596
________ ________ ________
1. The accounts are prepared under the same accounting policies used for the
year ended 30 June 2004.
2. The financial information for the year ended 30 June 2004 has been
extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts of the Company which have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies and contained an unqualified auditors'
3. The statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account), balance sheet
and cashflow statement set out above do not represent full accounts in
accordance with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
4. No interim dividend has been declared in respect of the year ending 30 June
5. The Interim Report will be posted to shareholders at the end of February 2004
and copies will be available from the registered office of the Company.
Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and
that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as rise.
Investors may not get back the amount they originally invested.
For Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary