Final Results
Acorn Income Fund Ld
06 April 2006
Results for the year ended 31 December 2005
I am pleased to present to Shareholders the Results of Acorn Income Fund Limited, (the 'Company') for
the year ended 31 December 2005.
During the year under review the Company increased its net asset value per share(1) by 35.26 pence,
after distributing dividends totalling 9.00 pence per share, and achieved a total return per share of
44.26 pence. This represents a total annual return of 31.96% based upon the opening net asset value per
share, outperforming our benchmark. Since 31 December 2005 the net asset value per share(1) has
continued to rise, reaching 194.04 pence per share at the end of March 2006. The Company has continued
to benefit from unrealised gains in its Smaller Companies Portfolio. The High Income Portfolio achieved
modest capital growth in the year despite the adverse trend in Sterling interest rates.
The market price of the Company's shares increased from 128.50 pence at the start of 2005 to 158.75
pence at the end of the year and at the close of business on 31 March 2006 was 184.50 pence. These
market prices reflect discounts to net asset value per share(1) of 8.55%, 9.82% and 4.92%.
Previously the net asset values per Ordinary Share published monthly through the London and Channel
Islands Stock Exchanges were based on investments valued at mid market prices. However, in accordance
with new accounting standards, the investments have been valued at fair value (bid price) in these
results. Following recent guidance from the Association of Investment Trusts ('AITC'), from the start
of 2006 net asset values announced on the London Stock Exchange and The Channel Islands Stock Exchange
have been prepared using both bid and mid prices of investments.
In accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, a Special Resolution will be proposed at
this year's Annual General Meeting that the Company ceases to continue as an investment company. If
that resolution is passed, the Directors will be required to formulate proposals to be put to
Shareholders to reorganise, unitise or reconstruct the Company or to wind up the Company.
Notwithstanding that such a Special Resolution requires 75% of those shareholders voting to vote in
favour for it to be carried, your Board announced, on 21 February 2006, that it is of the view that, if
a simple majority of shareholders voting on the resolution vote in its favour, it will put forward
proposals shortly thereafter to Shareholders which would include the opportunity for those shareholders
that do not wish to continue with the Company to receive cash at close to net asset value.
A circular convening the Annual General Meeting, which is expected to be held on 26 June 2006, will be
sent to Shareholders in due course.
Our Investment Advisers urge caution as to anticipated returns in 2006 from the High Income Portfolio
but are more positive about prospective returns on the Smaller Company Portfolio.
D.M. Bralsford
5 April 2006
(1) Investments valued at bid prices.
(2) Investments valued at mid prices.
The Smaller Companies Portfolio has performed extremely well during the past twelve months. In order to
achieve and sustain our income requirements, we have deliberately focussed on companies with good asset
backing and strong cash flow. Inevitably, for us to achieve the potential for growth in share prices we
have needed to be contrarian. In the past, our decision to invest in the industrial and business
services sectors of the economy may have been perceived to be at odds with the approach of many of our
competitors. However, there is no doubt that the majority of our companies are delivering impressive
results at the moment and that after a long period where business investment was declining or at best
static, a strong improvement is underway.
The portfolio consists of many of the most successful international and domestic businesses based in the
United Kingdom. There are more fashionable sectors in the Stock Market than those in which the Company
invests but it would appear that we are facing economic conditions where market share and global
diversification are major strengths for any business seeking to outperform. As a result, we are very
confident of our ability to deliver above average results in the future.
During the year under review, a number of our companies have benefited from strong trading conditions
and the largest contributors to performance were Rotork, Halstead (James), where special dividends have
been a major bonus for shareholders, Pendragon, Renishaw, BSS Group, Robert Walters, Fenner, Laird
Group, Primary Health Properties and VP Group. In most cases the improved results were achieved not just
through organic growth but acquisitions as well. Wellington Holdings and PD Ports were the subjects of
corporate activity and achieved good gains on our investment cost. We maintained our tough stance
towards non-performers and sold Business Post and TT Electronics where results did not meet our
expectations. Overall portfolio activity was fairly low, reflecting our satisfaction with progress at
the majority of our companies.
The proposed merger of Abacus and Deltron was not enough to reverse the decline in the Abacus share
price during the period under review. However, we are confident that the deal will prove to be
beneficial for shareholders in both companies in due course.
The immediate outlook for the Company appears to be very positive and will be even more so, should
sterling weaken as a result of lower domestic economic growth in the months ahead. Corporate activity is
also on the increase as business confidence improves and it is quite possible that we shall see further
industry consolidation and realise premiums for more of our companies in the year ahead.
P Webb
Unicorn Asset Management Limited
5 April 2006
During the review period Sterling bond markets, especially Gilt-edged securities, fluctuated in thin
volume, and a lack of market breadth was a constant theme. However, post speculation over the result of
the United Kingdom General Election, fixed income markets began to rally as investors became confident
that the rise in inflation above the Government's defined harmonized rate target of 2.00% would be
temporary. Indeed the Bank of England went to considerable lengths to reassure market participants and
even found the confidence to cut interest rates by a quarter of one percent in early August. This was
largely in response to a sharp fall in retail sales and increasing pressure upon manufacturing. It
later transpired from the minutes of the meeting that this was against the wishes of the Bank Governor
who, for the first time, found himself in the minority when the votes were counted. Meanwhile, the
Federal Reserve Board continued with its tightening policy, raising U.S. interest rates on six occasions
during 2005. They also made it clear that further increases were in the pipeline, albeit at a reduced
pace. The European Central Bank also raised interest rates, as did many other Central Banks, as a
precaution against rising inflation, especially higher energy prices. This left the Bank of England
somewhat isolated and may lead to some pressure on Sterling.
Sterling bond markets were further agitated by Gordon Brown's decision to rebase his self-imposed golden
rule (borrowing must be for investment purposes only) for the second time. In so doing he has risked
his reputation for financial prudence. This came hard on the heels of the Treasury's admission that
they had considerably overstated the prospects for United Kingdom growth. Financial markets have become
increasingly concerned at the ever expanding tendency of the United Kingdom's budget deficit which shows
no sign of peaking or abating. Meanwhile the Government's tax take as a percentage of GDP continues to
rise sharply.
One noticeable feature of the review period has been the surging demand from pension funds trying to
match their assets with liabilities which has caused very long dated (30 years plus in duration) yields
to fall to historically low levels. However, we view this as a temporary phenomenon and were drawn to
statements from Messrs Greenspan, King and Trichet, arguably the world's premier central bankers. All
three expressed both surprise and concern at the level of long-term interest rates. In fact, Monsieur
Trichet went further, 'an underestimation of risk may have pushed asset prices beyond their intrinsic
value, especially in fixed income markets'.
Looking ahead we view bond markets as slightly vulnerable but likely to remain in a trading range with a
downward price bias.
J Goodey
Collins Stewart Asset Management Limited
5 April 2006
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005. The results for the year ended 31 December
2005 are audited.
for the year ended 31 December 2005
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
(restated) (restated)
2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments 4 - 12,177 12,177 - 6,784 6,784
Income 5 3,391 - 3,391 2,945 - 2,945
Management fee 6 (176) (529) (705) (162) (487) (649)
Other expenses 7 (158) (111) (269) (161) (199) (360)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Net return on ordinary 3,057 11,537 14,594 2,622 6,098 8,720
activities before finance costs
Interest payable and similar 9 (373) (1,120) (1,493) (394) (1,181) (1,575)
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Net return for the year 2,684 10,417 13,101 2,228 4,917 7,145
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Total return per Ordinary Share 11 9.07p 35.19p 44.26p 7.53p 16.61p 24.14p
Dividend per Ordinary Share 10 9.00p - 9.00p 9.00p - 9.00p
The total columns of this statement represent the Income Statement of the Company.
for the year ended 31 December 2005
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
(restated) (restated)
2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004
Note £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net return for the year 2,684 10,417 13,101 2,228 4,917 7,145
---------- ---------- ----------
Prior year adjustment 3 - 601 601
---------- ---------- ----------
Total recognised gains and 2,684 9,816 12,500
losses recognised since last
annual report
---------- ---------- ----------
The revenue and capital columns represent supplementary information.
All revenue and capital items in the above statements derive from continuing operations.
For the year ended 31 December 2005
Share Share Revenue Special Capital Total
capital premium reserve reserve reserve
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Balance at 1 January 2005 as 7,400 17,079 882 10,000 6,230 41,591
previously stated
Prior year adjustment 3 - - - - (601) (601)
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Balance as at 1 January 2005 as 7,400 17,079 882 10,000 5,629 40,990
Return for the year - - 2,684 - 10,417 13,101
Dividends paid 10 - - (2,664) - - (2,664)
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Balance as at 31 December 2005 7,400 17,079 902 10,000 16,046 51,427
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
For the year ended 31 December 2004
Share Share Revenue Special Capital Total
capital premium reserve reserve reserve
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Balance at 1 January 2004 as 7,400 17,079 1,318 10,000 1,534 37,331
previously stated
Prior year adjustment 3 - - - - (822) (822)
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Balance as at 1 January 2004 as 7,400 17,079 1,318 10,000 712 36,509
Return for the year as restated - - 2,228 - 4,917 7,145
Dividends paid 10 - - (2,664) - - (2,664)
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
Balance as at 31 December 2004 7,400 17,079 882 10,000 5,629 40,990
as restated
--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
as at 31 December 2005
2005 2004
Notes £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Listed investments 12 72,075 61,616
Current assets
Debtors 13 651 1,271
Cash at bank 5,238 4,242
---------- ----------
5,889 5,513
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year
Other creditors 14 (921) (523)
Bank loan 15 (25,616) -
---------- ----------
(26,537) (523)
---------- ----------
Net current (liabilities)/assets (20,648) 4,990
---------- ----------
Total assets less current liabilities 51,427 66,606
Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year
Long-term bank loan 15 - (25,616)
---------- ----------
Net asset value 51,427 40,990
---------- ----------
Share capital and reserves
Called-up share capital 16 7,400 7,400
Share premium 17 17,079 17,079
Revenue reserve 902 882
Special reserve 17 10,000 10,000
Capital reserve 17 16,046 5,629
---------- ----------
Total shareholders' funds attributable to equity interests 51,427 40,990
---------- ----------
Net asset value per Ordinary Share 18 173.74p 138.48p
for the year ended 31 December 2005
2005 2004
Notes £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 19 2,533 1,932
Servicing of finance
Interest paid (1,607) (1,431)
---------- ----------
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (1,607) (1,431)
Investing activities
Purchase of investments (16,377) (17,318)
Sale of investments 19,111 20,127
---------- ----------
Net cash inflow from investing activities 2,734 2,809
Equity dividends paid (2,664) (2,664)
---------- ----------
Cash inflow before financing 996 646
Net cash flow from financing - -
---------- ----------
Increase in cash in the year 20 996 646
---------- ----------
Opening cash balance 4,242 3,596
Increase in cash in the year 996 646
---------- ----------
Closing cash balance 5,238 4,242
---------- ----------
for the year ended 31 December 2005
1. Accounting policies
The accounting policies, all of which have been applied consistently throughout the year, in the
preparation of the Company's results, are set out below:
a) Accounting convention
The results have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation
of investments.
b) Income
Dividends receivable on equity shares are taken into account on the ex-dividend date. Income on
debt and fixed interest securities is recognised on an accruals basis. Dividends received from
United Kingdom registered companies are accounted for net of imputed tax credits.
Bank interest is accounted for on an accruals basis.
c) Expenses
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged through the revenue
reserve except as follows:
(i) expenses which are incidental to the acquisition or disposal of an investment are charged
through the capital reserve;
(ii) 75% of the Company's management fee and financing costs are charged to the capital reserve
in line with the Board's expected long-term split of returns between income and capital
gains from the investment portfolio; and
(iii) 100% of any performance fee is charged to the capital reserve.
d) Capital reserve
The following are accounted for in the capital reserve:
(i) realised gains and losses on the realisation of investments;
(ii) unrealised gains and losses on investments; and
(iii) expenses charged to the capital reserve in accordance with the above accounting policies.
e) Transaction costs
Previously, transaction costs incurred on the acquisition of an investment were included within the
cost of that investment and transaction costs incurred on the disposal of an investment were
deducted from the proceeds on sale. However, in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 26 '
Financial Instruments: Measurement' ('FRS 26'), transaction costs are now charged through the
Income Statement to the capital reserve in the period in which they are incurred.
f) Investments
In accordance with FRS 26, all investments are now classified as 'fair value through profit or loss
'. The Smaller Companies Portfolio and the High Income Portfolio are managed and their performance
evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance with a documented investment strategy. Information
about each portfolio is provided internally to the Company's Board of Directors. Accordingly, upon
initial recognition, the investments are designated by the Company as at 'fair value through profit
or loss'.
The Company recognises financial assets held as fair value through profit or loss assets on the
date it commits to purchase the instruments. From this date, any gains and losses arising from the
changes in fair value of the assets are recognised in the capital reserve.
Fair value through profit or loss assets are initially recognised at cost, being the fair value of
the consideration given, excluding transaction costs associated with the investment (see note 1e).
Subsequent to initial recognition, all fair value through profit or loss assets are measured at
fair value with changes in value being recognised in the Income Statement and taken to the capital
reserve. For investments actively traded in organised financial markets, fair value is determined
by reference to Stock Exchange quoted market bid prices as at the close of business on the Balance
Sheet date. This differs from prior periods where investments were measured at quoted market mid
prices. The impact of this is disclosed in note 3.
A fair value through profit or loss asset is derecognised when the Company loses control over the
contractual rights that comprise that asset. This occurs when rights are realised, expire or are
surrendered. Realised gains and losses on fair value through profit or loss assets sold are
calculated as the difference between the sales proceeds (excluding transaction costs (see note 1e))
and costs. Fair value through profit or loss assets that are sold are derecognised and
corresponding receivables from the buyer for the payment are recognised as of the date the Company
commits to sell the assets. The Company uses the weighted average method to determine realised
gains and losses on derecognition.
g) Impact of revisions to United Kingdom accounting standards
In compliance with Financial Reporting Standard 25 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and
Presentation' ('FRS 25') and FRS 26, the Company has designated and reclassified all investments to
'fair value through profit or loss'. Fair value through profit or loss assets are now measured at
Stock Exchange quoted market bid prices whereas they were previously valued at quoted market mid
In addition, the transaction costs incurred on the purchase and sale of investments are now charged
through the Income Statement in the period in which they are incurred instead of being included
within the cost of the investment or deducted from the proceeds of a sale. The impact of this is
disclosed in note 3.
2. Taxation
The Company has been granted exemption from Guernsey taxation under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies)
(Guernsey) Ordinance 1989 and is charged an annual exemption fee of £600 (2004: £600).
3. Change of accounting policy
As explained in note 1g, charges incurred on the purchase and sale of fair value through profit or
loss investments are now charged through the Income Statement in the period in which they are
incurred instead of being included within the cost of the investment or deducted from the proceeds
of a sale. This had no impact on the net asset value of the Company or reserves but impacted the
unrealised and realised gain or loss on investments as below. However, the effect of valuing
investments at quoted market bid prices not only impacts upon the unrealised gain or loss on
investments, but also on the net asset value (see note 18). The valuation of investments at bid
price instead of mid price has reduced the net asset value at 31 December 2005 by £681,000 (2004:
Realised gains Movements in Other expenses
on fair value unrealised gains/
through profit (losses) on fair
or loss value through
investments profit or loss
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gain for the year ended 31 December 2005 under 3,821 8,325 (158)
the previous accounting policy
Transaction charges 126 (15) (111)
Valuation of investments at bid prices - (80) -
-------- -------- --------
Gain/(expense) for the year ended 31 December 3,947 8,230 (269)
2005 under the current accounting policy
-------- -------- --------
Realised losses Movements in Other expenses
on fair value unrealised gains/
through profit (losses) on fair
or loss value through
investments profit or loss
£'000 £'000 £'000
(Loss)/gain for the year ended 31 December 2004
(as previously stated) (5,699) 12,063 (161)
Transaction charges 267 (68) (199)
Valuation of investments at bid prices - 219 -
-------- -------- --------
(Loss)/gain/(expense) for the year ended 31
December 2004 (as restated) (5,430) 12,214 (360)
-------- -------- --------
The transaction costs associated with the purchase and sale of investments have been shown
separately in the note to the Cash Flow Statement. Consequently, the purchase of fair value
through profit or loss investments decreased by £83,182 (2004: £137,624), the proceeds on sale of
fair value through profit or loss investments increased by £26,592 (2004: £61,017) and the net cash
inflow from operating activities decreased by £109,774 (2004: £198,641)
4. Gains/(losses) on investments
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Realised gain/(loss) on sales 3,947 (5,430)
Movement in unrealised appreciation/depreciation 8,230 12,214
---------- ----------
12,177 6,784
---------- ----------
5. Income
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Dividend income 2,512 2,093
Bond interest 634 666
Bank interest 245 186
---------- ----------
3,391 2,945
---------- ----------
6. Management fee
The Manager of the Company is entitled under the Management Agreement with the Company to receive a
management fee from the Company at the annual rate of 1.0% of the total assets of the Company, payable
quarterly in arrears. Where any investments comprised in the assets of the Company are in funds managed by
or advised by the Manager or Investment Adviser or an affiliate of either of them, the value of such
investments is deducted from total assets for the purposes of calculating the management fee.
In addition, the Manager is entitled to receive a performance fee, payable at the end of each financial
period of the Company, at the rate of 15% of any excess of the net asset value per share (with investments
valued at mid prices) over the benchmark net asset value per share as at the last calculation day in the
relevant financial period, multiplied by the time weighted number of shares in issue within such period. The
benchmark net asset value per share is the higher of 104.8p, compounded at 10% per annum since 31 December
1999, and the highest net asset value per share as of the last calculation day in any preceding financial
period. When calculating the performance fee, the net asset value per share is reduced by the amount that
the dividend per share paid during that year is less than 8.5p. As at 31 December 2005 the benchmark net
asset value per share was 185.66p (2004: 168.78p). No performance fee has been paid in respect of the year
ended 31 December 2005 (2004: nil).
The Manager has delegated the obligations for the performance of the investment management services to
Unicorn Asset Management Limited ('the Smaller Companies Investment Adviser') and Collins Stewart Portfolio
Management Limited ('the High Income Investment Adviser'). The agreements are between the Investment
Advisers and the Manager, not the Company. All Investment Advisory fees are paid out of the management fees
and performance fees received by the Manager from the Company.
Both Investment Advisers are entitled to receive an annual fee at the rate of 0.5% of the total assets
attributable to the investments in relation to which the Investment Adviser acts. The Smaller Companies
Investment Adviser is entitled to 5/8ths of the Manager's performance fee, while the Manager may, at its
discretion, pay the High Income Investment Adviser a proportion of the remaining performance fee. In
addition, the Smaller Companies Investment Adviser is entitled to receive, from the Manager, a fixed annual
fee of £7,500 in relation to marketing services provided to investors.
The Investment Advisory Agreements may be terminated by the Manager or the Investment Advisers, giving not
less than 12 months' notice in writing, or otherwise in circumstances where one of the parties has a receiver
appointed over its assets or if an order is made or an effective resolution passed for the winding up of one
of the parties. On termination the Investment Adviser shall be entitled to receive all fees accrued up to
the date of the termination (or thereafter if the Investment Adviser necessarily incurs expenses arising out
of the termination of the agreement) but shall not be entitled to compensation, except in the case of a
wrongful termination by the Manager.
7. Other expenses
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
(restated) (restated)
2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Custody and settlement fees 39 - 39 38 - 38
Auditors' remuneration 9 - 9 9 - 9
Directors' remuneration 40 - 40 40 - 40
(note 8)
Transaction charges - 111 111 - 199 199
Other expenses 70 - 70 74 - 74
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
158 111 269 161 199 360
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
8. Directors' remuneration
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
David Martin Bralsford 16 16
John Michael McKean 12 12
John Boothman 12 12
Shane Le Prevost - -
---------- ----------
40 40
---------- ----------
No bonus or pension contributions were paid or payable on behalf of the Directors.
Shane Le Prevost waived his rights to his Director's fee for the year (2004: nil).
9. Interest payable and similar charges
The interest payable relates to interest due on the bank loan, details of which are disclosed in note 15.
10. Dividends in respect of equity shares
2005 2005 2004 2004
£'000 pence £'000 pence
Dividends on Ordinary Shares:
First interim paid 592 2.00 592 2.00
Second interim paid 592 2.00 592 2.00
Third interim paid 592 2.00 592 2.00
Special dividend paid 296 1.00 296 1.00
Fourth interim paid 592 2.00 592 2.00
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
2,664 9.00 2,664 9.00
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
11. Return per Ordinary Share
The revenue return per Ordinary Share is based on net revenue of £2,684,205 (2004: £2,227,687) and
on a weighted average number of 29,600,002 (2004: 29,600,002) Ordinary Shares in issue throughout
the year. The capital gain per Ordinary Share is based on the net capital gain of £10,416,826
(2004: gain of £4,917,396) and on a weighted average number of 29,600,002 (2004: 29,600,002)
Ordinary Shares in issue throughout the year.
12. Listed investments
Smaller High Income Smaller High Income
Companies Portfolio Companies Portfolio
Portfolio Portfolio (restated)
Total (restated) Total
2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Opening valuation 52,626 8,990 61,616 49,228 8,747 57,975
Purchases at cost 8,519 8,666 17,185 12,149 5,170 17,319
Sales - proceeds (12,462) (6,441) (18,903) (15,247) (5,215) (20,462)
- realised 4,036 (89) 3,947 23 (5,453) (5,430)
Movement in 8,002 228 8,230 6,473 5,741 12,214
appreciation /
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Closing valuation 60,721 11,354 72,075 52,626 8,990 61,616
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Closing book cost 33,938 12,321 46,259 33,845 10,185 44,030
Closing unrealised 26,783 (967) 25,816 18,781 (1,195) 17,586
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Closing valuation 60,721 11,354 72,075 52,626 8,990 61,616
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Previously recognised as unrealised appreciation/depreciation
Smaller High Income Smaller High Income
Companies Portfolio Companies Portfolio
Portfolio Portfolio
Total (restated) (restated) Total
2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Realised gains/ 662 4 666 (211) 240 29
(losses) attributable
to current year
Amounts previously 3,374 (93) 3,281 234 (5,693) (5,459)
recognised as
appreciation /
(depreciation) on
these sales
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Gains/(losses) 4,036 (89) 3,947 23 (5,453) (5,430)
realised on
investments sold
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
13. Debtors
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Accrued income 563 665
Amounts due from brokers 71 588
Other debtors 17 18
---------- ----------
651 1,271
---------- ----------
14. Other creditors
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Investments outstanding for settlement 499 -
Management fee 185 167
Bank interest 199 313
Other creditors 38 43
---------- ----------
921 523
---------- ----------
15. Bank loan
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Bank of Scotland International facility 25,616 25,616
---------- ----------
Under loan agreements dated 28 September 1999 and 21 December 2000 between the Company and Bank of
Scotland International, a term loan of £25,616,000 has been made available. The Company has
extended the repayment date of the loan from 11 February 2006 to 31 October 2006 - the terms of the
loan remain unchanged. In prior periods the bank loan had been accounted for as a creditor falling
due after more than one year, however, as the repayment date is now 31 October 2006, the bank loan
has been included in amounts falling due within one year.
The interest rates payable on the loan are based on LIBOR plus a margin of 1% plus Mandatory Liquid
Asset ('MLA') costs and are fixed as follows:
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Fixed until 31/01/06 at 5.73188% (2004: 28/02/05 at 6.195%) 5,000 5,000
Fixed until 31/01/06 at 5.7375% (2004: 27/04/05 at 5.963%) 5,000 5,000
Fixed until 31/01/06 at 5.7375% (2004: 27/04/05 at 5.963%) 5,000 5,000
Fixed until 31/01/06 at 5.74503% (2004: 30/09/05 at 5.445%) 5,616 5,616
Fixed until 31/01/06 at 5.71423% (2004: 09/12/05 at 5.885%) 5,000 5,000
---------- ----------
25,616 25,616
---------- ----------
The average cost of borrowings at the year end was 5.73% (2004: 5.88%).
16. Share capital
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
40,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 25p 10,000 10,000
---------- ----------
Allotted, called up and fully paid:
29,600,002 Ordinary Shares of 25p 7,400 7,400
---------- ----------
17. Reserves
The special reserve was created when the Company cancelled part of its share premium account, transferring it
to a distributable reserve to allow the buy-back and cancellation of up to 14.99% of the Ordinary Shares.
The capital reserve comprises an unrealised capital reserve of £25,816,830 (2004: £17,586,421) and a deficit
on the realised capital reserve of £(9,770,940) (2004: £(11,957,357)).
18. Net asset value per Ordinary Share
2005 2004
pence pence
Balance at 1 January as previously stated 140.51 126.12
Prior year adjustment (2.03) (2.78)
---------- ----------
Opening net asset value per Ordinary Share 138.48 123.34
Total return per Ordinary Share 44.26 24.14
Dividend per Ordinary Share (9.00) (9.00)
---------- ----------
Closing net asset value per Ordinary Share 173.74 138.48
---------- ----------
The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on the net assets attributable to equity
Shareholders of £51,427,357 (2004: £40,990,327) and on 29,600,002 (2004: 29,600,002) Ordinary
Shares in issue at the end of the year.
These results have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of FRS 26. The effect of this
is to bring into the Balance Sheet the concept of 'fair value', with the Company's investment
portfolio being valued at bid market prices. However, in accordance with the SORP for ITCs (prior
to its December 2005 revision), the net asset value reported each month to the London Stock
Exchange and The Channel Islands Stock Exchange reflected these investments valued at Stock
Exchange quoted market mid prices. The monetary effects of FRS 26 have resulted in a reduction in
the net asset value per Ordinary Share of 2.30p (2004: 2.03p).
From the start of 2006, and in accordance with the recommendations of the Association of Investment
Trust Companies ('AITC'), the net asset values reported each month to the London Stock Exchange and
The Channel Islands Stock Exchange will reflect the Company's investments valued at Stock Exchange
quoted market bid prices and mid prices.
Reconciliation of net asset value to published net asset value:
2005 2005 2004 2004
Total Per Share Total Per Share
£'000 pence £'000 pence
Published net asset value(1) 52,108 176.04 41,591 140.51
Valuation of investments at bid prices (681) (2.30) (601) (2.03)
-------- -------- -------- --------
Net asset value per FRS 26 51,427 173.74 40,990 138.48p
-------- -------- -------- --------
19. Reconciliation of net revenue return before finance costs and taxation to net cash inflow from
operating activities
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Net revenue return before finance costs and taxation 3,057 2,622
Management fee charged to the capital reserve (529) (487)
Transaction costs charged to the capital reserve (111) (199)
Decrease/(increase) in accrued income 102 (17)
Decrease in other debtors 1 2
Increase in other creditors and accruals 13 11
---------- ----------
Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,533 1,932
---------- ----------
20. Reconciliation of net cash flow to net debt
1 January Cash flows Other 31 December
2005 2005
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Cash at bank and in hand 4,242 996 - 5,238
Debt due in less than one year - - (25,616) (25,616)
Debt due after more than one year (25,616) - 25,616 -
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Total (21,374) 996 - (20,378)
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
21. Capital commitments
All contracted capital commitments have been provided for.
22. Related parties
Details of the relationships between the Company, Collins Stewart Fund Management Limited, Collins Stewart
Portfolio Management Limited and Collins Stewart (CI) Limited are disclosed in note 6.
The Company receives stockbroking services from Collins Stewart Limited in respect of its London Stock
Exchange listing, for which a fee of £6,250 per annum is paid, and from Collins Stewart (CI) Limited in
respect of The Channel Islands Stock Exchange listing, for which a fee of £6,250 per annum is paid.
The Company paid Collins Stewart (CI) Limited £39,102 (2004: £37,731) in respect of the Custodian services
Collins Stewart (CI) Limited, Collins Stewart Fund Management Limited and Collins Stewart Limited are all
members of the Collins Stewart Tullett plc Group.
The Directors are not aware of any ultimate controlling party.
23. Risk profile of financial assets and liabilities
Financial Summary
The principal investment objectives of the Company are to provide Shareholders with a high income and also
the opportunity for income and capital growth by investing primarily in smaller capitalised United Kingdom
companies admitted to the Official List of the United Kingdom Listing Authority and traded on the London
Stock Exchange or traded on AIM.
The Company's portfolio is invested in equities and high income and fixed interest and other income-bearing
securities in order to achieve its investment objectives. It is the aim of the Company to provide both
income and capital growth predominantly through investment of approximately 75% of the portfolio in smaller
capitalised United Kingdom companies. The Company also aims to further enhance income for Shareholders by
investing approximately 25% of its assets in a Sterling denominated investment grade fixed interest bond
portfolio. Due to the recent performance of the Smaller Companies Portfolio and the testing conditions faced
by the Sterling bond market the split has been relaxed to be closer to 80% invested in smaller capitalised
United Kingdom companies, whilst the remainder is invested in Sterling denominated investment grade fixed
interest bonds and cash.
It is no longer the policy of the Company to invest in ordinary shares and income shares of split capital
investment trusts nor lower grade fixed interest Sterling denominated debt and convertibles. At 31 December
2005 78.54%, (2004: 80.04%) of the portfolio (including cash) related to the smaller companies portfolio.
In addition, the Company holds cash and liquid resources as well as having debtors and creditors that arise
directly from its operations.
The main risks arising from the Company's financial instruments are market price risk, interest rate risk and
liquidity risk. As all the assets and liabilities of the Company are denominated in Sterling, there is no
currency risk.
Market price risk
The Company's exposure to market price risk consists mainly of movements in the value of the Company's
investments. The Company's investment portfolio complies with the investment parameters as disclosed in its
prospectus. The Board manages the market price risks inherent in the investment portfolios by ensuring full
and timely access to relevant information from the Investment Advisers. The Board meets regularly and at
each meeting reviews investment performance.
The magnitude of any change in the net asset value of the portfolio arising from market price movements is
increased by the Company's policy of employing gearing. A 10% increase / decrease in the market prices of
investments would have resulted in a 14.01% (2004: 15.03%) increase / decrease in the net asset value per
Ordinary Share as at the balance sheet date.
Interest rate risk
The Company finances its operations through a mixture of shareholders' capital, bank borrowings and retained
profits. Bank of Scotland International has made available a term loan of up to £25,616,000. The interest
payable under the facility is fixed at regular intervals based on the aggregate rate of LIBOR plus certain
additional regulatory costs charged by the bank and a margin of 1.0% per annum (see note 15).
Liquidity risk
The Company entered into a loan agreement with Bank of Scotland International, under which Bank of Scotland
made available a loan of £25,616,000 (see note 15). The Company has extended the repayment date of the loan
from 11 February 2006 to 31 October 2006. The terms of the Company's bank borrowings entitle the lender to
require early repayment should the Company breach any of the covenants placed upon it by Bank of Scotland.
The Company's liquidity is monitored regularly to ensure that the covenants are not breached.
Certain of the Company's investments are or may be illiquid, and the marketability of investments that are
normally liquid may be affected by unsettled market conditions.
Interest rate risk - profile
The Company's financial fixed assets comprise a fixed interest portfolio of £7,393,575 (2004: £8,245,888)
with a weighted average coupon rate of 8.31% (2004: 9.03%), fixed for a weighted average period of 6.03 years
(2004: 4.21 years). An investment with a market value of £778,400 (2004: £801,430) with a fixed income of
9.875% is undated.
The balance of the investment portfolio consists of non-interest bearing investments of £64,681,712 (2004:
The Company's other exposure to interest rate risk arises through its loan, details of which are given in
note 15.
Financial assets
Non-interest Fixed rate Floating Total Non-interest Fixed rate Floating Total
bearing rate bearing rate
(restated) (restated)
(restated) (restated)
2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2004
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Equity shares 61,681 - - 61,681 53,370 - - 53,370
Debt - 7,394 3,000 10,394 - 8,246 - 8,246
Cash at bank - - 5,238 5,238 - - 4,242 4,242
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
61,681 7,394 8,238 77,313 53,370 8,246 4,242 65,858
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
The above analysis excludes short-term debtors as all the material amounts are non-interest bearing.
Fixed rate financial assets
Weighted Weighted Weighted Weighted average
average rate average period average period
2005 2005 2004 2004
% Years % Years
Debt investments 8.31 6.03 9.03 4.21
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Financial liabilities
Fixed rate Fixed rate
financial financial
liabilities liabilities
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Bank loan 25,616 25,616
---------- ----------
The above analysis excludes short-term creditors as all the material amounts are non-interest
bearing. The Company has extended the repayment date of the bank loan from 11 February 2006 to 31
October 2006.
Credit risk
The risk that counterparties might default on their obligations is monitored on an ongoing basis.
As stated in the Prospectus, it is the Company's policy not to invest more than 20% of the gross
assets of the Company in the securities of any one company or group at the time the investment is
The Group's principal financial assets are equity shares, cash at bank and other receivables. The
Company has no significant concentration of credit risk, with exposure spread over a large number
of counterparties. At 31 December 2005 the Company's largest exposure to a single investment was
£5,792,000, 11.26% of total assets (2004: £5,096,000, 12.43%).
If you have any queries please contact:
Andrew Duquemin
Collins Stewart Fund Management Limited
2nd Floor, No. 1 Le Truchot
St Peter Port
Tel: 01481 731 987
Fax: 01481 720 018
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange