Final Results
Actif Group PLC
31 October 2001
31 October 2001
Operational Summary
* Turnover up 73% to £24.4 million (2000: £14.1 million)
* Pre-tax loss £1.98m resulting largely from the costs associated with
the launch and subsequent closure of the Joe Boxer brand in the UK
* Gross margin increased from 36.2% to 41.2% due to the increased
proportion of retail business
* Major cost reduction programme completed
* Mark Evans, new Chief Executive, appointed 1st August 2001
* Stabilisation of trading in second half - particularly as a result of
improving contribution from core ELLE brand
* Two prime ELLE stores and 14 ELLE concessions opened
* ELLE licence re-aligned to strengthen retail rights in UK and
relinquish non-core products and territories
* Post year end like-for-like retail revenues ahead of comparable
period last year and wholesale like-for-like revenues in line with
David Brock, Chairman of Actif Group, commented:
'The Board has taken significant steps to improve our performance in the short
and longer term. I am pleased to report a stabilisation of the trading
performance in the second half and since the year-end sales have been in line
with expectations. While it has been a difficult year for the Group we
believe that we are well placed to exploit the potential of the ELLE brand and
restore profitability to our core business.'
Enquiries: Actif Group plc Hudson Sandler
Mark Evans, Chief Executive Piers Hooper
Simon Banfield, Finance Director
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7436 3330 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7796 4133
31 October 2001
This has been a disappointing year for the Group, having recorded a pre-tax
loss of £1.98 million and is the result of a number of contributing factors,
the most important of which has been the cost associated with the launch and
subsequent closure of the Joe Boxer brand in the UK. Of the pre-tax loss for
the period £1.19 million is attributable to the Joe Boxer operation which has
now been terminated.
Lower than expected sales from our core ELLE brand, as a result of the
prevailing difficult market conditions in the first half of the year as well
as a disappointing reaction to our Spring/Summer range, also had a negative
In the second half of the year the Board has taken significant steps to
improve our performance in the short and longer term. We now have a new Chief
Executive, Mark Evans, who joined on 1st August 2001 and he has already made a
substantial contribution to the business. We have undertaken an extensive
review of the cost base and have completed a major cost reduction programme,
which will significantly reduce central overheads going forward. Additionally
we have extended and amended our licence agreement with ELLE to operate retail
for a further two years while strengthening our retail rights in the UK.
I am pleased to report that we have seen a stabilisation of the trading
performance in the second half of the year, with an operating profit before
exceptional items of £193,000 in comparison to the operating loss before
exceptional items in the first half of £757,000.
Financial Performance
Group turnover for the period increased by 73% to £24.4 million (2000: £14.1
million) reflecting the increase in the number of stores and concessions.
Composite gross margin has increased from 36.2% to 41.2% as a result of the
retail business accounting for a greater proportion of sales than in the prior
period. The Group operating loss of £1.1 million includes an operating loss
of £523,000 incurred by the Joe Boxer business, which has been discontinued.
The loss before tax of £1.98 million includes exceptional items amounting to
£1.2 million. These are in respect of the termination of the Joe Boxer
operation (£662,000), the launch costs of the Joe Boxer brand (£341,000) and
the permanent impairment loss on a leasehold property (£200,000).
We have continued to make substantial investment in the future development of
the business. Capital expenditure during the year amounted to £1.55 million
for the ELLE business, of which £1.2 million was incurred on the development
of new ELLE retail selling space.
Retail Business
Retail turnover for the period increased from £3.8 million to £14.1 million,
reflecting a year in which several new stores and concessions were opened and
a full year's turnover from the stores which opened in the prior year. On a
like for like basis retail sales are up 8%, although comparatives are
available for less than half of the annual turnover due to the immature nature
of parts of the business.
The retail gross margin has decreased from 56.2% last year to 53.4%. This is
explained by the Joe Boxer retail gross margin for the year, which was only
27.5% due to the clearance of excess stocks. If the effect of this is
discounted, then gross margin increased from 56.2% to 57.0%.
During the year the Company has opened two further ELLE prime stores in
Southampton and Milton Keynes bringing the total number of prime stores to
six. The Company also opened 14 department store concessions during the
period, of which 12 are within House of Fraser. At the end of the period the
Group had increased its ELLE retail selling space to 46,500 square feet
compared to 32,000 square feet at the end of last year.
Wholesale Business
In the UK, ELLE wholesale sales declined by 15% to £4.9 million (2000: £5.8
million). However this was in line with expectations following the conversion
of a number of wholesale customers, including House of Fraser, to retail
concessions at the beginning of the financial year. Export sales during the
year increased by 18% to £3.0 million (2000: £2.5 million). In addition, our
Ted Baker agency sales increased by 24% to £2.4 million, albeit at a lower
Wholesale margins, excluding Ted Baker agency sales, have reduced from 32.5%
to 29.8%. This is attributable to the discounted sale of excess retail
stocks to wholesale customers in order to protect the retail margin.
Board Changes
On 5 March 2001 Peter Roberts resigned as Non-executive Chairman to pursue
other business interests. I was pleased to accept the role as Non-executive
Chairman, having been with the Group since January 2000 as a Non-executive
Director. On 30 April 2001 Martin Parker resigned from the Board to take
early retirement, having held the position of Retail Managing Director.
Martin Lent resigned as Chief Executive on 31 July 2001 to continue his other
business interests and was succeeded by Mark Evans on 1 August 2001. I am
delighted to welcome Mark to the Board and believe that his proven management
skills will contribute to building a successful team and driving growth.
Our people
On behalf of the Board I would particularly like to thank our people, who have
responded so well to the demanding conditions experienced in the year. They
have faced up to these challenges and continued to provide a level of service
which is valued by our customers.
Current Trading and Prospects
Since the year end, revenues from our ELLE retail business have continued to
increase with like for like sales for the first quarter ahead of the
comparable period last year. ELLE wholesale sales are in line with budget for
the first quarter of the year.
As part of the ELLE licence amendment that I have referred to previously, the
Group has agreed to relinquish certain non-core product categories and
territories and retail rights for the rest of Europe. I believe that this
realignment will allow the Group to concentrate its financial and design
resources on fewer products and territories, thus improving the focus and
commerciality of the product.
Whilst it has been a difficult year for the Group we believe that the
realignment of our ELLE licence will enable us to focus more effectively on
the key profit drivers of the business. This, together with the cost
reduction programme that we have already implemented, means that we are well
placed to exploit the potential of the ELLE brand and to restore profitability
to our core business.
Group profit and loss account
For the year ended 31 July 2001
Unaudited Audited
Continuing Discontinued Continuing
Operations Operations Total Operations
Notes 2001 2001 2001 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 2 22,702 1,732 24,434 14,100
Cost of sales (13,103) (1,256) (14,359) (8,993)
__________ __________ __________ __________
Gross profit 9,599 476 10,075 5,107
Other operating expenses (10,181) (999) (11,180) (5,080)
__________ __________ __________ __________
Operating (loss)/profit (382) (182) (564) 201
before exceptional costs
Exceptional costs:
Costs of restructuring (174)
for flotation
Permanent diminution in (200) (200)
asset value
Launch costs (341) (341)
Operating (loss)/profit (582) (523) (1,105) 27
Exceptional cost of - (662) (662) -
termination of operation
__________ __________ __________ __________
(Loss)/ profit on ordinary 2 (582) (1,185) (1,767) 27
activities before interest
__________ __________
Interest payable and (214) (133)
similar charges
__________ __________
Loss on ordinary activities (1,981) (106)
before tax
Tax 1 (13)
__________ __________
Loss for the financial year (1,980) (119)
Dividend proposed - - (2)
preference shares
__________ __________
Loss for the year taken to (1,980) (121)
__________ __________
(Loss)/earnings per share 3
Basic loss per share (3.04p) (0.28p)
__________ __________
Adjusted (loss)/earnings (1.19p) 0.05p
per share
__________ __________
Diluted loss per share (3.04p) (0.28p)
__________ __________
Adjusted diluted (loss)/ (1.19p) 0.03p
earnings per share
__________ __________
Group balance sheet
As at 31 July 2001
Unaudited Audited
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 50 85
Tangible assets 2,356 1,852
__________ __________
2,406 1,937
Current assets
Stocks 4,347 4,301
Debtors 4,037 2,282
Cash at bank and in hand 7 739
__________ __________
8,391 7,322
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (6,467) (2,973)
__________ __________
Net current assets 1,924 4,349
__________ __________
Total assets less current liabilities 4,330 6,286
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one (911) (868)
__________ __________
Net assets 3,419 5,418
__________ __________
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 655 655
Share premium account 4,322 4,340
Other reserves 89 89
Profit and loss account (1,647) 334
__________ __________
Shareholders' funds - all equity 3,419 5,418
__________ __________
Consolidated cash flow statement
For the year ended 31 July 2001
Unaudited Audited
Notes 2001 2000
£ £
'000 '000
Net cash outflow from operating 4 (670) (2,049)
Returns on investments and servicing (217) (148)
of finance
Taxation (21) (129)
Capital expenditure and financial (1,346) (1,271)
__________ __________
Net cash outflow before financing (2,254) (3,597)
Financing 312 4,844
__________ __________
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the 5 (1,942) 1,247
__________ __________
1. Basis of preparation
This summary financial information comprises that of Actif Group plc and its
UK and overseas subsidiaries for the year ended 31 July 2001. The results
have been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those presented
in the 2000 financial statements. The preliminary announcement, which does
not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985, is an extract from the Group statutory accounts for the
year ended 31 July 2001, which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
in due course. The auditors have not yet reported on those accounts. The
results for the year ended 31 July 2000 have been extracted from the statutory
accounts for that period which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies and on which the auditors gave an unqualified report.
2. Segment information
The turnover and profit before taxation are attributable to the Group's
principal activity, the design, contracted manufacture, wholesale and retail
of high quality fashion clothing.
a) Analysis of turnover by destination:
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
United Kingdom 21,463 11,576
Overseas - European community 1,991 1,669
Overseas - Non European community 980 855
__________ __________
24,434 14,100
__________ __________
b) Classes of business
Year ended 31 July 2001 Third party Wholesale Retail Group
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 2,401 7,900 14,133 24,434
Cost of sales (2,223) (5,549) (6,587) (14,359)
__________ __________ __________ __________
Gross profit 178 2,351 7,546 10,075
__________ __________ __________ __________
Common costs (10,639)
Operating loss (564)
Exceptional costs (1,203)
Net interest payable (214)
Loss before taxation (1,981)
The exceptional costs of £1,203,000 relate to launch costs, the termination of
the Joe Boxer operation and the impairment loss on a leasehold property.
Year ended 31 July 2000 Third party Wholesale Retail Group
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 1,937 8,336 3,827 14,100
Cost of sales (1,695) (5,623) (1,675) (8,993)
__________ __________ __________ __________
Gross profit 242 2,713 2,152 5,107
__________ __________ __________ __________
Common costs (4,906)
Operating profit 201
Exceptional costs (174)
Net interest payable (133)
Profit before taxation (106)
The exceptional item of £174,000 relates to the costs of restructuring for
3. (Loss)/earnings per ordinary share
The calculations of (loss)/earnings per share is based on the (loss)/earnings
for the financial period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted
average number of ordinary shares as follows:
2001 2000
Number Number
Weighted average number of ordinary shares: 65,144,571 43,397,384
__________ __________
Weighted average number of ordinary shares and 68,829,858 59,338,217
potential ordinary shares
__________ __________
For the year ended 31 July 2001 the potential ordinary shares are
non-dilutive. Adjusted earnings per share has been calculated after excluding
the impact of exceptional items after taxation (£1,203,000) and the
amortisation of goodwill (£3,000).
4. Reconciliation of operating loss to operating cash flows
Unaudited Audited
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
Operating (loss)/profit (1,105) 27
Exceptional cost of termination of operation (662) -
Depreciation charges 881 432
Amortisation of goodwill and licences 9 1
Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed assets 26 (1)
Impairment loss 415 -
Non-cash exceptional costs of flotation - 88
Increase in stock (46) (2,051)
Increase in debtors (1,755) (418)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors 1,567 (127)
__________ __________
Net cash outflow from operating activities (670) (2,049)
__________ __________
5. Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net debt
Unaudited Audited
2001 2000
£'000 £'000
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year (1,942) 1,247
Cash outflow from decrease in debt and lease financing 490 239
__________ __________
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (1,452) 1,486
New secured loans (820) (688)
New finance leases (455) (133)
__________ __________
Movement in net debt in year (2,727) 665
Net debt at 1 August (370) (1,035)
__________ __________
Net debt at 31 July (3,097) (370)
__________ __________
6. The Annual General Meeting will be held at 20 Little Portland Street,
London W1W 8AA on 22 January 2002 at 12.00 noon.