Final Results
For the year-ended 31 December 2003
Total Returns
Total Assets 34.4%
Net Asset Value of Notional Package1 71.1%
Net Asset Value of Capital Shares2 1,407.5%
Total Dividend per Income Share 8.20p [+2.5%]
1 Notional Package is made up of 70% Income Shares and 30% Capital
2 Capital Shares asset performance assumes Income Shares have a capital
entitlement of 100p each.
Aberforth Geared Capital & Income Trust plc invests only in small UK
quoted companies, does not invest in any unquoted securities, AIM listed
securities or securities issued by investment trusts or investment
The year to December 2003 has seen most stockmarkets around the world
generate positive returns, welcome relief after the negative returns of
the recent past. A common characteristic was the out-performance by
small over larger companies. In the UK the Hoare Govett Smaller
Companies Index (Excluding Investment Companies) (HGSC (XIC)) produced a
total return of 43.0% while the FTSE All-Share Index (representative of
"larger companies") achieved a total return of 20.9%.
In the year under review, AGCiT generated a 34.4% return on its total
assets. The effect of the gearing employed by the company was to
translate this into a 71.1% return on Shareholders' funds. After
allowing for the 100p capital entitlement of the Income Shares the Net
Asset Value of a Capital Share has risen from 10.9p on 31 December 2002
to 164.32p on 31 December 2003.
The relationship between the return on total assets and that to
Shareholders illustrates the effect of the capital structure. The
returns in 2003 provide a timely example of how powerful the effect of
the gearing can be. Total asset returns for the first quarter were -
2.6%, consistent with the -6.1% decline in the HGSC (XIC). As these
declines followed the negative returns recorded in 2002, the first
quarter was sufficient to extinguish any value in the Capital Shares.
However, the 38.0% return on total assets since 31 March 2003 has been
sufficient to restore considerable value to the Capital Shares as
illustrated above.
Disappointingly, the history of equity markets suggests that the scale
of the year's return from both the HGSC (XIC) and on the total assets is
likely to prove a rare phenomenon. Encouragement, however, can be taken
from the fact that, despite the strong performance in 2003, the small
company investment universe still stands at a valuation level that is
not out of line with its historic averages both on an absolute basis and
relative to larger companies.
The dividends declared by the portfolio's 85 investments have, by and
large, been in line with the expectations of your Managers. Your Board
is therefore pleased to be able to recommend a second interim dividend
of 5.125p per Income Share. It is intended that this dividend will be
paid on 26 February 2004 to Shareholders on the register on 30 January
2004. This payment represents a 2.5% increase over the 5.0p dividend
paid in respect of the comparative period last year. Income
Shareholders may recall that the Interim Dividend was also increased by
2.5%; therefore the aggregate dividend increase for 2003 is also 2.5%.
I was delighted to welcome John Richards to your Board as an Independent
Non Executive Director on 29 October 2003. John is a Chartered
Accountant and is the Finance Director of The Miller Group, the largest
private property development and house building company in the UK. John
has experience in a number of industries and I am sure he will make a
valuable contribution to your Board's deliberations.
Small UK quoted companies performed well in stockmarket terms during
2003, not only by achieving strong absolute gains but also by out-
performing larger companies. However, the small company universe is
valued, in price earnings terms, only 7.3% above the average level of
the 13 years of your Managers' investment history. This valuation does
not seem unreasonable at a time when there is cause for greater optimism
about the economic outlook than there was twelve months ago. Dividend
cover for smaller companies is also robust and at 2.6x is in line with
its longer term level. As a consequence, smaller companies, in
aggregate, appear well placed to increase their dividends.
Suitably harnessed dividend growth can be a powerful driver to capital
performance from equity portfolios and, as a result, can generate
returns consistent with the requirements of both Income and Capital
Shareholders in AGCiT. Your Board is confident that the combination of
your Managers' investment philosophy and the breadth of their
opportunity base provides a solid platform on which satisfactory
investment returns can be generated.
Alastair C Dempster
21 January 2004
The Statement of Total Return, summary Balance Sheet and summary Cash
Flow Statement are set out below: -
(Incorporating the Revenue Account 1)
7 September 2001
- to -
2003 31 December 2002
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Realised gains/(losses)
on sales - 323 323 - (766) (766)
Unrealised gains/(losses) - 17,611 17,611 - (6,449) (6,449)
Gains/(losses) on
investments - 17,934 17,934 - (7,215) (7,215)
Dividend income 2,963 - 2,963 2,971 245 3,216
Interest income 71 - 71 154 - 154
Other income 1 - 1 11 - 11
Investment management fee (154) (361) (515) (181) (422) (603)
Other expenses (158) - (158) (181) - (181)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Net return before finance
costs and taxation 2,723 17,573 20,296 2,774 (7,392) (4,618)
Interest payable and
similar charges (627) (1,463) (2,090) (554) (1,293) (1,847)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Return on ordinary
activities before tax 2,096 16,110 18,206 2,220 (8,685) (6,465)
Tax on ordinary
activities - - - - - -
------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Return attributable to
non-equity shareholders 2,096 16,110 18,206 2,220 (8,685) (6,465)
Dividends and other
appropriations in respect
of non-equity shares (2,009) (67) (2,076)(1,960) (69) (2,029)
------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Transfer to / (from)
reserves 87 16,043 16,130 260 (8,754) (8,494)
======= ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Returns per non-equity
Income Share 8.56p - 8.56p 9.06p - 9.06p
------- ------ ------ ------ ------- -------
Capital Share - 153.43p 153.43p - (82.71p) (82.71p)
------- ------ ------ ------ ------- -------
1. The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account
of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement
derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or
discontinued in the period.
2. The calculations of revenue return per Income Share are based on
net revenue of £2.096 million (2002: £2.220 million) and on 24.5 million
Income Shares. The calculations of capital return per Capital Share are
based on net capital profits of £16.110 million (2002: losses of £8.685
million) and on 10.5 million Capital Shares.
31 31
December December
2003 2002
£'000 £'000
Securities officially listed on
the London Stock Exchange 74,199 59,685
-------- --------
Debtors 338 349
Cash at bank 1 1
Creditors (1,550) (1,258)
-------- --------
Net current liabilities (1,211) (908)
-------- --------
Total assets less current
liabilities 72,988 58,777
Creditors (amounts falling due
after more than one year) (30,887) (32,873)
-------- --------
Total net assets 42,101 25,904
======= =======
Capital and reserves: non-equity
Called up share capital 350 350
Capital redemption reserve 50 50
Special reserve 33,929 33,929
Capital reserve - realised (3,737) (2,236)
Capital reserve - unrealised 11,162 (6,449)
Revenue reserve 347 260
-------- --------
42,101 25,904
======== ========
Net Asset Values:
- per Income Share 62.37p 56.65p
- per Capital Share 255.42p 114.52p
The Company had 24.5m Income Shares and 10.5m Capital Shares in issue as
at 31 December 2003 and 31 December 2002.
7 September
- to-
2003 31 December
£'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating
activities 2,374 2,274
-------- --------
Returns on investment and
servicing of finance
Non-equity dividends paid (1,978) (735)
Interest and other finance costs paid (2,080) (1,840)
-------- --------
Net cash outflow from returns on
and servicing of finance (4,058) (2,575)
-------- --------
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Payments to acquire investments (20,868) (87,058)
Receipts from sales of investments 24,548 20,158
Net cash outflow from capital
expenditure -------- --------
and financial investment 3,680 (66,900)
-------- --------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before
financing activities 1,996 (67,201)
-------- --------
Financing activities
Issue of shares - 35,050
Redemption of shares - (50)
Expenses paid in respect of share issue - (671)
Loans (repaid)/drawn down (1,996) 32,873
-------- --------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
financing activities (1,996) 67,202
-------- --------
Change in cash during the period - 1
======== ========
Reconciliation of change in cash
to movement in net debt
Change in cash during the period - 1
Loans repaid/(drawn down) 1,996 (32,873)
Amortisation of issue costs
during the period (10) -
-------- --------
Change in net debt 1,986 (32,872)
Net opening debt (32,872) -
-------- --------
Net closing debt (30,886) (32,872)
======== ========
1. The foregoing do not comprise Statutory Accounts (as defined in
section 240(5) of the Companies Act 1985) of the Company.
2. It is anticipated that the Annual Report will be posted to
shareholders on 26 January 2004. Members of the public may obtain
copies from Aberforth Partners, 14 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS or
from its website at
CONTACT: John Evans Aberforth Partners 0131 220
Aberforth Partners, Secretaries - 21 January 2004