White Nile Ltd / Ticker: WNL / Index: AIM / Sector: Oil & Gas
4 December 2008
White Nile Ltd ('White Nile' or 'the Company')
Directorship Changes
White Nile Ltd, the AIM traded oil and gas exploration company, announces that Mr Edward Lino and Dr Lual Deng are ceasing to act as Non-executive Directors with immediate effect. This decision has been taken following the Company's EGM held on 11 November 2008 at which a resolution was passed to amend the Company's articles of association with the effect that Nile Petroleum Corporation Limited's ('NilePet') 155,000,000 ordinary shares were converted into deferred, non-voting shares.
Mr Lino and Dr Deng had been appointed to the Board as representatives of NilePet, and given that the deferral of NilePet's shares has now been formalised, pending such time as clarity of title is achieved in respect of the Block Ba oil concession in Southern Sudan, it was decided that in these circumstances it would be sensible, logical and appropriate for Mr Lino and Dr Deng to vacate their respective directorships, with immediate effect.
The Board wish to sincerely thank Mr Lino and Dr Deng for all their work and advice over the years and wish them well for the future.
In addition, the Company announces that Mr Michael Pelham has been appointed to the Board, as a Non-executive Director, with immediate effect. Mr Pelham is the Company's current General Manager in Southern Sudan, and as such will continue to be tasked, during his appointment, with liaising with the Government of Southern Sudan with a view to reaching a resolution concerning the ongoing title uncertainty issues, in a form agreeable to all parties involved.
Mr Pelham is a Zimbabwean national and has worked in various countries across Africa throughout his 18 year career. Before joining White Nile as Operations Manager in 2006, Mr Pelham held the position of Operations Liaison Manager at Ardan Safaris, and whilst in this role built strong significant relationships with local Government officials and decision makers across southern, central and east Africa. Mr Pelham has a wealth of experience in project management, environmental consultancy, construction and risk management accumulated through his current directorship positions with Ardan Energy Services DMCC, Soszim Limited and Ardan Risk and Support Services (HK) Limited.
Michael Nigel Pelham, (age 39), currently holds or has held the following directorships and partnerships in the last five years.
Current Directorships
Previous Directorships
Ardan Energy Services DMCC
Ardan Risk and Support Services (HK) Limited
Ardan Risk and Support Services (Kenya) Limited
Soszim Limited
Dactari Medical Investments Limited
Gunyan Safaris (Pvt) Ltd
There is no further information to be disclosed in line with Schedule 2 paragraph (g) of the AIM Rules.
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For further information please visit www.whitenile-ltd.com or contact:
Phil Edmonds
White Nile Ltd
Tel: 0845 108 6060
Hugo de Salis
St Brides Media & Finance Ltd
Tel: 020 7236 1177
Jonathan Wright
Seymour Pierce Ltd
Tel: 020 7107 8000