RNS Number : 0191V
Air China Ld
03 April 2019

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this notice, make no representation  as  to  its  accuracy  or  completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or      in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this notice.





(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock  Code: 00753)




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an annual general meeting (the "AGM") of Air China Limited    (the "Company") for the year ended 31 December 2018 will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, 30    May 2019 at The Conference Room C713, No. 30, Tianzhu Road, Airport Industrial Zone, Shunyi District, Beijing, the PRC to consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolutions.





1.         To consider and approve the 2018 work report of the board of directors (the "Board") of the Company.


2.         To consider and approve the 2018 work report of the supervisory committee of the Company.


3.         To consider and approve the appointment of Mr. Cao Jianxiong as a non-executive director of      the Company, whose biographical details are set out in Appendix I to this notice.

4.         To consider and approve the audited consolidated financial statements  of the Company  for the  year 2018 prepared under the PRC Accounting Standards and the International  Financial  Reporting Standards.


5.         To consider and approve the profit distribution proposal for the year 2018  as recommended by    the Board.

6.         To consider and approve the re-appointment of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as the Company's international auditor and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP as the Company's domestic auditor and internal control auditor respectively for the year 2019 and to authorise the management to determine their remunerations for the year 2019.




7.         To consider and approve the issue of debt financing instruments (including but are not limited        to corporate bonds, ultra-short-term commercial papers, short-term commercial papers, mid-term notes, domestic non-public targeted debt financing instruments, overseas debt financing  instruments and overseas bonds/notes denominated in RMB or foreign currencies) within the permissible size under the applicable laws and regulations in one or  multiple  tranche(s),  the details of which are indicated in Appendix II to this notice, and generally and unconditionally authorise the Board to deal with the followings in accordance with the specific needs of the Company and market conditions:


(i)      to determine the issuer, issue size, type,  specific  instruments,  detailed  terms,  conditions and other matters relating to the issuance (including, but not  limited  to,  the  issue  size, actual principle amount, currency, issue price, interest rate or mechanism for determining    the interest rate, issue place, issue timing, term, whether or  not  to  issue  in  multiple  tranches and number of tranches, whether or not to set  put-back  or  redemption  terms,  credit rating, guarantee, repayment term, detailed fund-raising arrangements  within  the  scope of use approved by the shareholders' meeting, detailed placing arrangements, underwriting arrangements and all other matters relating to the issuance);


(ii)      to carry out all necessary and ancillary actions and procedures relating to the issuance (including, but not limited to, select and engage intermediary institutions, handle all  approval, registration and filing procedures with the relevant regulatory authorities in connection with the issuance on behalf of the Company, execute all necessary legal documents, select bonds trustee manager for the issuance, formulate rules for the bondholders' meeting and handle any other matters relating to the issuance and trading);

(iii)     to approve, confirm and ratify any action or procedure relating  to  the  issuance  as  mentioned above already taken by the Company;


(iv)     to make adjustments to the relevant matters such as the specific proposals for the issuance     in accordance with the comments from the regulatory authorities or the prevailing market conditions within the authority granted at a general meeting, except where voting at  a  general meeting is required by any relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Association;


(v)     to determine and handle all relevant matters relating to the listing of the issued Debt Financing Instruments upon the completion of the issuance;


(vi)     in the case of issuance of corporate debt financing instruments, during the term of the corporate debt financing instruments, to determine not to distribute dividends to the shareholders to safeguard repayment of debts as required under the relevant laws and regulations in the event  that the Company expects to, or does fail to pay the  principal and/   or coupon interests of such bonds as they fall due;


(vii)    to approve, execute and dispatch any announcements or circulars relating to the issuance    and make any related disclosure in accordance with the listing rules of the relevant jurisdictions where the shares of the Company are listed;

(viii)   to authorise the Board to delegate the authorisations set forth in items (i) to (vi) above to     the president and/or the general accountant of the Company; and

(ix)     to authorise the Board to delegate the authorisation set forth in item (vii) above to the secretary of the Board.


By Order of the Board Air China  Limited Cai Jianjiang Chairman


Beijing, the PRC, 4 April 2019


As at the date of this notice, the directors of the Company are Mr. Cai Jianjiang, Mr. Song Zhiyong,     Mr. Xue Yasong, Mr. John Robert Slosar, Mr. Wang Xiaokang*, Mr. Liu Deheng*, Mr. Stanley Hui Hon-chung* and Mr. Li Dajin*.


*         Independent non-executive director of the Company Notes:

1.         Closure of register of members


(i)      Eligibility for attending and voting at the AGM


Holders of H Shares of the Company are advised that the register of members of the Company will close from Tuesday, 30 April 2019 to Thursday, 30 May 2019 (both days inclusive), during which time no transfer of H Shares of the Company will be effected and registered. In order to qualify        for attendance and voting at the AGM, instruments of transfer accompanied by share certificates    and other appropriate documents must be lodged with the Company's H Share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at Shops 1712-1716, 17/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, 29 April 2019.


Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members  of  the  Company  on  Tuesday, 30 April 2019 are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM.


(ii)     Eligibility for receiving 2018 final dividends


The Board of the Company has recommended the payment of a final dividend of RMB1.0328 (including tax) per ten shares  for the year 2018. If the resolution regarding the payment of the      final dividend is approved by the shareholders, it is expected to be distributed on Thursday, 11        July 2019 to the holders of H shares whose names appear on the register of members  of  the  Company on Monday, 10 June 2019.


The register of members of the Company will be closed from Wednesday, 5 June 2019 to Monday,   10 June 2019 (both dates inclusive) during which period no transfer of H Shares of the Company    will be registered. In order to be entitled to receive the 2018 final dividends (if  approved),  all transfers of H Shares of the Company accompanied by the relevant  share  certificates  and appropriate transfer forms must be lodged with the Company's H Shares registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at Shops 1712-1716, 17/F., Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong not later than 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 4 June 2019.



2.         Taxation on Dividend


In accordance with the "Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China" (






國企業所得稅法》)  and  the  "Rules  for  the  Implementation  of  the  Enterprise  Income  Tax  Law  of  the

People's  Republic  of  China中華人民共和國企業所得稅法實施條例》),  both  implemented  on  1

January 2008 and the "Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Relevant to  the Withholding of Enterprise Income Tax on Dividends Paid by PRC Enterprises to Offshore Non-resident

Enterprise Holders of H Shares" (Guo Shui Han [2008] No. 897) 關於中國居民企業向境外H股非居

民企業股東派發股息代扣代繳企業所得稅有關問題的通知(國稅函[2008]897) promulgated by the

State  Administration  of  Taxation  on  6  November  2008,  the  Company  is  obliged  to  withhold  and pay

PRC enterprise income tax  on behalf of non-resident enterprise shareholders at  a  tax rate of 10% from  2008 onwards when the Company distributes any dividends  to  non-resident  enterprise  shareholders  whose names appear on the register of members of H Shares of the Company. As such, any H Shares of     the Company which are not registered in the name(s) of individual(s) (which, for this purpose, includes Shares registered in the name of HKSCC Nominees Limited, other nominees, trustees, or  other  organisations or groups) shall be deemed to be H Shares  held by  non-resident  enterprise  shareholder(s), and the PRC enterprise income tax shall be withheld from any dividends payable thereon. Non-resident enterprise shareholders may wish to apply for a tax refund (if any) in accordance with the relevant requirements, such as tax agreements (arrangements), upon receipt of any dividends.


In accordance with the "Circular on Certain Issues Concerning the Policies of Individual Income Tax"


(Cai Shui Zi [1994] No. 020)




promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on 13  May  1994,  overseas individuals are, as an interim measure, exempted from the PRC individual income tax for  dividends or bonuses received from foreign-invested enterprises. As the Company is a foreign-invested enterprise, the Company will not withhold and pay the individual income tax on behalf of individual shareholders when the Company distributes the 2018 final dividends to individual  shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of H Shares of the Company.


Pursuant  to  the  Circular  on  Tax  Policies  Concerning  the  Pilot  Programme  of  the  Shanghai  and Hong

Kong Stock Market Trading Interconnection Mechanism (Cai Shui [2014] No. 81) 關於滬港股票市場

交易互聯互通機制試點有關稅收政策的通知(財稅[2014]81)   and   the   Circular   on   Tax   Policies

Concerning  the  Pilot  Programme  of  the  Shenzhen  and  Hong  Kong  Stock  Connect  (Cai  Shui  [2016]






promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, the  State  Administration  of  Taxation  and  CSRC  on  31  October 2014 and 5 November 2016 respectively:


The Company is obliged to withhold PRC individual income tax on behalf of resident Shareholders at a     tax rate of 20% when the Company distributes the 2018  final  dividends  to  individual  investors  who invest in the Company's H Shares via Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock  Connect  or  Shenzhen-Hong  Kong Stock Connect. Where individual investors have already paid foreign withholding taxes for such income, investors may apply to the competent tax authorities of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited for foreign tax credit with valid tax withholding  certificates.  The  Company  is  obliged to pay RRC individual income tax on behalf of Mainland securities investment funds investing        in H Shares of the Company through Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock  Connect  or  Shenzhen-Hong  Kong  Stock Connect when the Company distributes the 2018 final dividends; and


The Company will not withhold income tax on behalf of Mainland enterprise investors investing in H   Shares of the Company through Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect or Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect when the Company distributes the 2018 final dividends. The Mainland enterprise investors shall report the income and make tax payment by themselves.


Shareholders are recommended to consult their tax advisors regarding the ownership and disposal of H Shares of the Company in the PRC and in Hong Kong and other tax effects.


3.         Notice of Attendance


H Share shareholders who intend to attend the AGM should  complete  and  lodge  the  accompanying  notice of attendance and return it to the Company's H Share registrar on or before Friday, 10 May 2019.   The notice of attendance may be delivered by hand, by post or by fax  to  the  Company's  H  Share  registrar. Completion and return of  the notice of  attendance do not affect the right of a shareholder to   attend and vote at the AGM. However, the failure to return the notice of attendance may result in an adjournment of the AGM, if the number of shares carrying the right to vote  represented  by  the  shareholders proposing to attend the AGM by the notice of attendance does not reach more than half of      the total number of shares of the Company carrying the right to vote at the AGM.


4.         Proxy


Every shareholder who has the right to attend and vote at the AGM is entitled to appoint one or more  proxies, whether or not they are members of the Company, to attend and vote on his/her behalf at the   AGM.


A proxy shall be appointed by an instrument in writing. Such instrument shall be signed by the appointor     or his attorney duly authorised in writing. If the appointor is a legal person, then the instrument shall be signed under a legal person's seal or signed by its director or an attorney duly authorised in writing. The instrument appointing the proxy shall be deposited at the Company's H Share registrar for holders of H Shares not less than 24 hours before the time specified for the holding of the AGM. If the instrument appointing the proxy is signed by a person authorised by the appointer, the power of attorney or other document of authority under which the instrument is signed shall be notarised. The notarised power of attorney or other document of authority shall be deposited together and at the same time  with  the  instrument appointing the proxy at the Company's H Share registrar.

5.         Other business


(i)      The AGM is expected to last for no more than a half of a working day. Shareholders and their    proxies attending the meeting shall be responsible for their own traveling and accommodation expenses.

(ii)      The address of Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited is: 17M Floor

Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East Wanchai

Hong Kong

Tel  No.:  (852)  2862 8628

Fax  No.:  (852)  2865 0990





Biographical details of Mr. Cao Jianxiong are set out below:


Mr. Cao Jianxiong, aged 59, holds a master degree in economics from the East China Normal University and is a senior economist. He was appointed as the Deputy General Manager and Chief Financial Officer of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited in December 1996. In September 1999, he was appointed as the Vice President  of  China Eastern Airlines Group Corporation. Commencing from September 2002 till  December  2008, he served as Vice President and a member of Communist Party Group  of  China Eastern Airlines Group Corporation and also served as Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of China Eastern Airlines Northwest Company from December 2002 to  September 2004. From October 2006 to December 2008, he  served  as  the  General  Manager and the Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited. Since December 2008, he has been serving as a member of Communist Party Group of China National Aviation Holding Corporation Limited. From December 2008 to March 2019, he served as the Deputy General Manager  of  China  National Aviation Holding Corporation Limited. Mr. Cao served as  a  non-executive  Director of the Company from June 2009 to October 2017. He has been  serving  as  a  director of TravelSky Technology Limited (a company listed on The Stock Exchange of  Hong Kong Limited, stock code: 00696) since August 2014. From October 2015 to September 2018, he served as the chairman of the board  of  China  National  Aviation  Capital Holding Co., Ltd. He has been serving as  Deputy  Secretary  of  the  Communist Party Group of China National Aviation Holding Corporation Limited since  November  2016. From May 2017 to March 2019, he served as the Vice President of the Company.       He has been serving as the Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the Company since May 2017. He has been serving as a member and the Secretary of the Communist Party Committee of the management support division of China  National  Aviation Holding Corporation Limited and the Company since July 2017. He has been serving as a director of China National Aviation Holding Corporation Limited since March 2019.


Save as disclosed above and as at the date of this notice, Mr. Cao does not have any relationship with any directors, senior management, substantial shareholder(s) or controlling shareholder(s) of the  Company  or  hold  any  other  positions  in  the  Company or any of its subsidiaries, or any directorships in other listed companies in the last three   years.

As at the date of this notice, Mr. Cao does not have any interest in the shares  of  the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).





Upon approval of Mr. Cao's appointment at a general meeting of the Company, Mr. Cao   will enter into a service contract with the Company for a term commencing on the date of approval by the shareholders of his appointment and ending on the expiry of the term of      the current session of the Board; Mr. Cao will not  receive  any  remuneration  for  his  serving as director of the Company according to the resolution of the general meeting of      the Company held on 27 October 2017.

Save as disclosed above, the Board is not aware of any other matters in relation to the proposed appointment of  Mr. Cao as non-executive  director of  the Company that need to   be brought to the attention of the shareholders nor any information that is required to be disclosed pursuant to Rules 13.51 (2)(h) to 13.51 (2)(v) of the Rules Governing the Listing   of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.





1.       Background


Given the general mandate to issue debt financing instruments granted by shareholders at the last annual general meeting will lapse at the conclusion of the AGM, a special resolution will be proposed at the AGM to grant a general mandate      to the Board to issue the debt financing instruments (the  "Debt  Financing Instruments Issue Mandate").


2.       Particulars of Debt Financing Instruments


Particulars regarding the proposed issuance of the Debt Financing Instruments are as follows:


(i)      Issuer:                                      the Company and/or its wholly-owned or controlled subsidiary, and  the  specific  issuer shall be determined  by  the  Board  according  to  the needs of issuance

(ii)      Placing  arrangement:               no preferential placement to the shareholders


(iii)     Issue size:                                subject to that the balance of the Debt Financing Instruments outstanding shall be within the permissible size prescribed by the relevant  laws  and regulations and specified by regulatory authorities, and the specific issue size shall be determined by the Board according to the capital needs and the market situations

(iv)     Term and type:                       not more than 15 years for one single-term

instrument or a portfolio of instruments with various terms, and the specific term  composition and the issue size of instruments  with  various  terms shall be determined by the Board according   to the relevant regulations and market situations





(v)     Use of proceeds:                    the proceeds to be raised from the issuance are

intended to  be used towards  meeting the demand  of the Company's operations, adjusting its debt structure, replenishing its working capital and/or funding its capital investments, among others, and the specific use of proceeds shall be determined by the Board according to the capital needs


(vi)     Term of validity of

the authorisation:


from the date of the passing  of  the  resolution  at the AGM to the date of the annual general meeting of the Company for the year 2019



If the Board has resolved to issue Debt Financing  Instruments  according  to  the authorisation obtained at the previous general meeting(s), the authorisation in relation to      the issuance of such Debt Financing Instruments shall continue to be valid and extended to  the date of the annual general meeting of the Company for the year 2019.

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