Notice of EGM

Air China Ld 10 February 2006 (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 753) NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an extraordinary general meeting ('EGM') of Air China Limited ('Company') will be held at The Conference Room, 29/F, Air China Building, 36 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC at 2:30 p.m. on 28 March 2006 (or immediately after the conclusion or adjournment of the Foreign Shareholders Class Meeting) to consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolutions. Unless otherwise indicated, capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meaning as those defined in the announcement of the Company dated 9 February 2006 ('Announcement'): Special Resolutions: 1. 'THAT the public offering of A Shares by the Company in the PRC ('A Share Issue') and each of the following terms and conditions for the A Share Issue be and are hereby approved one by one: (1) Class of Shares: RMB denominated ordinary shares (i.e. A Shares); (2) Nominal value: RMB1.00 each; (3) Total number of A Shares to be issued: not more than 2,700,000,000 A Shares; (4) Target subscribers: qualified institutional investors as approved by CSRC and the placees through online offering based on market share value, and subscribers allowed by the regulatory bodies and by the applicable laws and regulations at the time of A Shares Issue; (5) Issue price: The issue price shall be determined based on the PRC securities market conditions at the time when the A Share Issue takes place and in accordance with the applicable regulations; (6) Place of listing: Shanghai Stock Exchange; (7) The existing and new Shareholders of the Company after completion of the A Share Issue whose names appear on the register of members of the Company shall be entitled to sharing the Company's undistributed retained profits immediately prior to the completion of the A Share Issue; (8) The Board of Directors of the Company shall be and is authorized to determine and deal with at its discretion and with full authority, the matters in relation to the A Share Issue (including but not limited to the specific timing of issue, number of A Shares to be issued, offering mechanism, pricing mechanism, issue price, target subscribers and the number and proportion of A Shares to be issued to each subscriber); (9) The Board of Directors of the Company shall be and is authorized to at its discretion and with full authority sign or execute all necessary documents (including but not limited to the preliminary prospectus, the prospectus, underwriting agreement, listing agreement and any related announcement), effect and carry out necessary formalities (including but not limited to procedures for listing of the A Shares on Shanghai Stock Exchange), and take all other necessary actions in connection with the A Share Issue, as well as to handle all registration requirements in relation to changes in the registered capital of the Company following the completion of the A Share Issue; (10) This Special Resolution 1, conditional upon the approval of the A Share Issue by the Domestic Shareholders Class Meeting and Foreign Shareholders Class Meeting, respectively, shall be effective for a period of 12 months from the date of the approval by the EGM, Domestic Shareholders Class Meeting and Foreign Shareholders Class Meeting whichever is the last.' The implementation of this Special Resolution 1 is subject to the approval by the China Securities Regulatory Commission ('CSRC'). 2. 'THAT subject to the passing of the above Special Resolution 1, the proceeds from the A Share Issue be and is hereby approved to be used for the purchase of 20 Airbus A330-200 aircraft, 15 Boeing 787 aircraft and 10 Boeing 737-800 aircraft and Air China's project relating to expansion of existing operating support facilities at the Beijing Capital International Airport, by applying to any payment due in relation to the projects above or to repay any outstanding bank loan in relation to the projects above occurred before the completion of the A Share Issue; after above prescript use of the proceeds, any balance of it shall apply to the working capital of the Company, and the Board of Directors of the Company shall, subject to the scope of use of proceeds set out in this Special Resolution 2, be and is hereby authorized to determine and adjust with full authority the projects, the priority and the actual project investment amounts and bank loan repayment amounts to which the proceeds from the A Share Issue shall be applied.' The implementation of this Special Resolution 2 is subject to the approval by the CSRC. 3. 'THAT subject to the passing of the above Special Resolution 1 and conditional upon the completion of the A Share Issue, the amendments to the Articles of Association as set out in Appendix I to the Circular be and are hereby approved and the Board be and is hereby authorised to make further amendments which in its opinion may be necessary, desirable and expedient in accordance with the mandatory requirements of the applicable laws and regulations, and as government authorities of the PRC may require, and to apply for approvals from the relevant government authorities after the completion of the A Share Issue.' The amended Articles of Association referred to in this Special Resolution 3 will come into effect after approvals from the relevant authorities are obtained. 4. 'THAT, subject to the passing of the above Special Resolution 1 and conditional upon the completion of the A Share Issue, the Rules and Procedures for Shareholders' General Meetings, Rules and Procedures for Board Meetings and Rules and Procedures for Meetings of Supervisors, as amended, details of which are set out in Appendices II, III, and IV to the Circular, be and are hereby approved and adopted as part of the Articles of Association and shall come into effect upon the effectiveness of the amendments to the Articles of Association covered in above Special Resolution 3.' 5. 'THAT the amendment to the Articles of Association in respect of number of Directors be and is hereby approved as follows: Article 93 of existing Article of Association which provides that '...the Company shall have a Board of Directors which is composed of 11 Directors...' shall be amended to read as '...the Company shall have a Board of Directors which is composed of 12 Directors...'. The effectiveness of this Special Resolution 5 is subject to the approval of PRC government authorities. Ordinary Resolutions: 6. 'THAT, subject to Special Resolution 5 being passed at the EGM and approved by PRC government authorities, the appointment of Mr. Jia Kang as an independent non-executive Director for a term from the date of approval of the amendments to Article 93 relating to the number of directors by the relevant government authorities to the expiry date of the term of the current session of the Board be and is hereby approved and the Board be and is hereby authorized to fix Mr. Jia Kang's emoluments.' 7. 'THAT the Connected Transaction Decision Making System, details of which are set out in Appendix V to the Circular be and is hereby approved and adopted and that Connected Transaction Decision Making System shall come into effect upon the effectiveness of the amendments to the Articles of Association covered in above Special Resolution 3.' By Order of the Board Zheng Baoan Li Man Kit Joint Company Secretaries Beijing, the PRC 9 February 2006 As at the date of this announcement, the Executive Directors are Mr. Ma Xulun, Mr. Cai Jianjiang and Mr. Fan Cheng; the Non-executive Directors are Mr. Li Jiaxiang, Mr. Kong Dong, Mr. Wang Shixiang and Mr. Yao Weiting; and the Independent Non-executive Directors are Mr. Hu Hung Lick, Henry, Mr. Wu Zhipan and Mr. Zhang Ke. Notes: 1. Corporate governance documents Details of (a) the Rules and Procedures of the Shareholders' General Meeting; (b) Rules and Procedures for Board Meetings; and (c) Rules and Procedures for Meetings of Supervisors are set out in Appendices II to IV respectively to the Circular and are also available for inspection on the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ( 2. Appointment of independent non-executive director Brief biographical details of Mr. Jia Kang are set out in the paragraph headed 'Appointment of new independent non-executive Director' of the circular to be despatched to the Shareholders and the announcement of the Company dated 6 September 2005. 3. The proposed A Share Issue and the Company's proposed plan in relation to the use of proceeds from the A Share Issue Shareholders are reminded to read carefully details of the proposed A Share Issue as well as the relevant content of the proposal made by the Company in relation to the use of proceeds from the A Share Issue as contained in the Announcement and the Circular to be despatched to the Shareholders. 4. Amendments to Articles Details of the proposed amendments are set out in Appendix I to the circular to be despatched to the Shareholders and are also available for inspection on the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ( 5. Closure of register of members and eligibility for attending the EGM Holders of H Shares of the Company are advised that the register of members of the Company will close from 27 February 2006 to 28 March 2006 (both days inclusive), during which time no transfer of H Shares of the Company will be effected and registered. In order to qualify for attendance at the EGM, instruments of transfer accompanied by share certificates and other appropriate documents must be lodged with the Company's H share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited by 4:00 p.m. on 24 February 2006. Shareholders of the Company whose names appear on the register of member of the Company at the close of business on 24 February 2006 are entitled to attend the EGM. 6. Notice of attendance Shareholders who intend to attend the EGM should complete and lodge the accompanying notice of attendance and return it to, for holders of H Shares, the Company's H share registrar, or for holders of Domestic Shares and Non-H Foreign Shares, the Company's Board Secretariat, on or before 8 March 2006. The notice of attendance may be delivered by hand, by post or by fax to the Company's H share registrar, or to the address of the Company's Board Secretariat (as may be applicable). Completion and return of the notice of attendance do not affect the right of a Shareholder to attend the EGM. However, a failure to return the notice of attendance may result in an adjournment of the EGM, if the number of shares carrying the right to vote represented by the shareholders proposing to attend the EGM by the notice of attendance does not reach more than half of the total number of shares of the Company carrying the right to vote at the EGM. 7. Proxy Every Shareholder who has the right to attend and vote at the EGM is entitled to appoint one or more proxies, whether or not they are members of the Company, to attend and vote on his behalf at the EGM. A proxy shall be appointed by an instrument in writing. Such instrument shall be signed by the appointer or his attorney duly authorised in writing. If the appointer is a legal person, then the instrument shall be signed under a legal person's seal or signed by its director or an attorney duly authorised in writing. The instrument appointing the proxy shall be deposited at the Company's H share registrar for holders of H Shares or at the address of the Company's Board Secretariat for holders of Domestic Shares and Non-H Foreign Shares not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the holding of the EGM. If the instrument appointing the proxy is signed by a person authorised by the appointer, the power of attorney or other document of authority under which the instrument is signed shall be notarised. The notarised power of attorney or other document of authority shall be deposited together and at the same time with the instrument appointing the proxy at the Company's H share registrar or the address of the Company's Board Secretariat (as may be applicable). 8. Other businesses (i) The EGM is expected to last for two hours. Shareholders and their proxies attending the meeting shall be responsible for their own traveling and accommodation expenses. (ii) The address of Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited is: Room 1712-1716 Hopewell Centre 183 Queen's Road East Wanchai Hong Kong Tel No.: (852) 2862 8628 Fax No.: (852) 2865 0990 (iii) The address of the Company's Board Secretariat is: Secretariat of the Board Air China Limited South Terminal Beijing Capital International Airport Chaoyang District Beijing 100621 PRC Tel No.: (86 10) 6458 0753 Fax No.: (86 10) 6458 5095 Contact Person: Mr. Zhou Wu This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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