Final Results

Sirdar PLC 16 September 2004 Sirdar PLC Preliminary results for the year ended 30th June 2004 Chairman's Statement Introduction In my first statement to shareholders as chairman of Sirdar PLC, I have to report that the difficult trading conditions referred to in the interim report to December 2003 continued throughout the period to June 2004. This has resulted in an unsatisfactory outcome for the year and the board is therefore undertaking a fundamental review of every aspect of the group's strategy. Our vision for the group is to exceed customer expectations in the marketing of innovative quality products and we are currently putting in place a wide range of initiatives to capitalise on future opportunities, and deliver enhanced shareholder value over time. Reorganisation of Specialist Yarns division It was also announced in the interim statement that we intended to cease manufacturing at the Wakefield site. These proposals were implemented on time and within budget. Early indications are that the new strategy has been implemented successfully and all transitional issues have been managed effectively. This has ensured the Specialist Yarns division is now well placed to concentrate on building market share with a strong programme of innovation. The results Turnover for the year was £68.8m (2003: £69.9m). Operating profit excluding exceptional items amounted to £2.8m (2003: £5.4m) although the result for this year is after charging additional pension costs of approximately £1.0m as detailed in the trading update issued in December 2003. The statutory operating profit amounted to £1.2m after exceptional costs of £1.6m. These costs were slightly less than the amount of £1.8m indicated in the interim statement. Divisional performance reviews and further financial information are contained within the Group Chief Executive's Review. Earnings and dividend per share Basic earning per share amounted to 1.13p (2003: 6.60p). Adjusted earnings per share, which is calculated to show the underlying performance of the group and excludes the exceptional item, amounted to 3.56p per share. The directors are proposing a final dividend of 1.20p (2003: 4.00p) per share. The dividend is payable on 22nd November 2004 to those shareholders on the register of members at the close of business on 29th October 2004. Management and personnel After 43 years with the group, Gerry Lumb retired from his position as chairman on the 30th April 2004. Gerry served the group in a number of roles including company secretary, managing director and most recently as chairman. We would like to thank him for his contribution and commitment to the business and to wish him a long and happy retirement. Following Philip Howard's resignation in February 2004 we commenced our search for a new senior independent non-executive director. Upon completion of this process, we were pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Harrison on 1st July 2004. Steve has 15 years experience at both executive and non-executive director levels and brings a wealth of knowledge to the Sirdar board. After 37 years with Burmatex, Richard Clark is to retire on 13th October 2004. We would like to thank Richard for his enthusiasm and commitment over many years and wish him well in his retirement. Gordon Donald joined Burmatex in August 2004 and will assume the position of managing director of that subsidiary company upon Richard's retirement. Gordon is 48 and has held a number of senior management positions in the textile industry with the Coats Viyella group and Gaskell PLC. In addition to the above, I would like to thank all our team members for their dedication in difficult trading conditions and for their continuing support in addressing the challenges we face. Current trading and future prospects The closure of the manufacturing facilities in Wakefield was sad but necessary in an increasingly competitive global market place. The prospects for the current financial year are uncertain but conditions are likely to remain challenging. Whilst sales to date are ahead of last year, pressure on margins continues from changes in the product mix and cost increases. Current initiatives, managed with vigour and determination, will enable us to increase our focus on reducing costs, accelerate innovation and major on the strength of our brands and people. Through this programme, we plan to increase market share in our chosen product categories, and aim to deliver an improving level of profitability. TIM VERNON 16th September 2004 Chairman Group Chief Executive's Review Introduction This has been a challenging year of change. Increased levels of imports combined with the continued popularity of alternative floor coverings and a slow down in the new and refurbished office market have provided fierce competition and price pressure. As a result, a review of the floor covering business has been performed and we are in the process of implementing changes designed to strengthen this business, whilst maintaining sufficient flexibility to exploit opportunities as they arise. The reorganisation of the Specialist Yarns division announced in March 2004 has also been completed and early evidence suggests the transition has been successful and justified. Floor Coverings division Sales of floor coverings, including residential and contract products, fell by 3% to £54.6m (2003: £56.4m). The resulting operating profit was £3.1m (2003: £5.8m). The loss of sales, combined with cost increases and the additional pension costs, all contributed to the profit reduction. Throughout the year we continued our policy of resisting price pressures and endeavoured to protect margins even though at times these pressures were intense. However, I feel it was necessary to protect our brands and market position. Contract floor covering products are marketed under the Burmatex, Carpet Tile Company (CTC) and Burmafloors International brands. The sale of Burmatex products in the home market were slightly below the previous year. CTC sales were also lower than expectations mainly as a result of the lack of activity within the London office market. However, the shortfall was compensated for by a significant increase in export sales resulting in overall sales being slightly ahead of 2003. Residential floor coverings are marketed under the Ryalux, Lomas and Pownall brands. This market has been particularly difficult and has resulted in sales reducing by approximately 5%. The growth of low quality, low price carpet imports and the continuing popularity of laminate and wood flooring has had a significant impact, creating an extremely competitive market where margins are routinely sacrificed for volume. Our reluctance to compete on such terms has helped to maintain the strength of our brands, which remain synonymous with quality. Operating our own distribution fleet has enabled us to avoid the delivery problems suffered by our competitors caused by the failure of Carpet Express. We have launched a number of new ranges and we exited the Padiham manufacturing site as planned. We continued our programme of capital investment installing machinery designed to generate operational efficiencies and reduce waste. Specialist Yarns division Turnover in this division increased to £14.2m (2003: £13.5m). The underlying result was similar to that achieved in the last two years with additional pension costs being offset by the profit on increased sales. After exceptional reorganisation costs the operating loss amounted to £1.4m (2003: profit £0.1m). This division has achieved a major reorganisation over recent months with the implementation of the strategic plan. Manufacturing at the Wakefield site has now ceased, and the entire product range is sourced from overseas suppliers whose attitude to quality is commensurate with our own, and where the breadth of product choice and price is advantageous. Headcount reduced by 175 during the year. However, we have retained approximately 100 employees in sales and marketing, design, warehousing, distribution and administration. The management team has implemented the changes successfully and with minimum disruption to customer service. This reorganisation was unfortunately essential if the division was to remain a viable business and generate a more acceptable return on our investment. This business is now on a much firmer footing and we are confident about its future prospects. Conclusion In this year of change a number of significant senior management appointments were made. These have further enhanced an already strong team, providing fresh impetus to help meet the numerous and significant challenges that lie ahead. The prospects for hand knitting yarns in both the home and export markets remain strong. The reorganisation of the Specialist Yarns division has provided a firm base from which to capitalise on these opportunities, and we are looking forward to a more prosperous future. Early indications from the review of our Floor Coverings division suggest that by accepting change, and driving innovation, opportunities exist to increase our competitive position and broaden our appeal. Through exploiting new markets, both at home and abroad, and by maintaining our cost focus, we are confident of achieving the required revitalisation. Finally I wish to express my thanks for the considerable efforts and support of all the group's employees in what was a challenging year of change. DUNCAN VERITY 16th September 2004 Group Chief Executive Enquiries: Duncan Verity 01924 371501 Group Chief Executive, Sirdar PLC Kevin Henry 01924 371501 Group Finance Director, Sirdar PLC Consolidated Profit and Loss Account year ended 30th June 2004 Excluding Exceptional Including exceptional item exceptional Note item (note 3) item 2004 2004 2004 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover 2 68,770 - 68,770 69,900 Operating costs (66,004) (1,606) (67,610) (64,494) Operating profit 2 2,766 (1,606) 1,160 5,406 Net interest payable and similar charges (783) - (783) (586) Profit before taxation 1,983 (1,606) 377 4,820 Taxation (335) 482 147 (1,770) Profit for the year 1,648 (1,124) 524 3,050 Dividends 4 (832) - (832) (2,775) (Deficit)/retained profit for the year 816 (1,124) (308) 275 Earnings per share 5 (basic and diluted) 3.56p (2.43)p 1.13p 6.60p There were no recognised gains or losses in the year other than the loss shown above. The results shown in the profit and loss account derive wholly from continuing activities. There is no difference between the profit on ordinary activities before taxation and the deficit for the year stated above and their historical cost equivalents. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30th June 2004 2004 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible 14,617 15,497 Tangible 16,421 17,459 31,038 32,956 Current assets Stocks 16,853 17,891 Debtors 14,694 12,996 Cash at bank and in hand 614 453 32,161 31,340 Creditors (due within one year) (18,126) (15,973) Net current assets 14,035 15,367 Total assets less current liabilities 45,073 48,323 Creditors (due after more than one year) (6,772) (9,736) Deferred taxation (3,259) (3,237) 35,042 35,350 Equity shareholders' funds Called up share capital 11,561 11,561 Share premium account 504 504 Capital redemption reserve 2,395 2,395 Profit and loss account 20,582 20,890 35,042 35,350 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement year ended 30th June 2004 2004 2003 Note £000 £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 6 5,823 9,298 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received - 310 Interest paid and similar charges (754) (883) (754) (573) 5,069 8,725 Corporation tax paid (1,994) (1,328) Capital expenditure Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,464) (1,416) Sale of tangible fixed assets 429 374 (1,035) (1,042) Acquisitions and disposals Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking - (5,293) Cash balance acquired with subsidiary undertaking - 291 Receipt of deferred consideration - 350 - (4,652) Equity dividends paid (2,127) (2,775) Cash outflow before financing (87) (1,072) Financing Receipt from cash collateral account - 11,333 New bank loan - 14,038 Redemption of loan notes (137) (25,445) Payments into cash collateral account - (1,666) Repayment of bank loans (2,827) (2,300) (2,964) (4,040) Decrease in cash 7 (3,051) (5,112) A reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt is set out in note 8. Notes 1. Basis of preparation These preliminary financial statements, which have been prepared on a basis consistent with the previous year, do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The information for the year ended 30th June 2004 is an extract from the group's statutory financial statements on which the company's auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, have given an unqualified opinion in accordance with Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985, and are to be delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The announcement has been agreed with the company's auditors for release. 2. Segmental Information Analysis of results by class of business Net operating Turnover Operating profit assets/(liabilities) 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Floor Coverings 54,605 56,441 3,143 5,838 38,098 38,679 Specialist Yarns 14,165 13,459 (1,414) 142 8,789 10,562 68,770 69,900 1,729 5,980 46,887 49,241 Central group costs/assets/ (569) (574) 1,177 (1,117) (liabilities) Total net operating assets 48,064 48,124 Operating profit 1,160 5,406 Net interest payable and similar charges (783) (586) Profit before taxation 377 4,820 Net operating assets are stated excluding inter-company financing and are derived from the balance sheet total by excluding bank borrowings, loans and loan notes totalling £13,022,000 (2003: £12,774,000). 3. Exceptional item 2004 £000 Raw materials and consumables 434 Other external charges 380 Staff costs 792 1,606 The exceptional costs relate principally to redundancies, stock write downs, and provisions for additional charges associated with the reorganisation of the Specialist Yarns division. Other external charges amounted to £653,000 but have been shown net of the profit on sale of fixed assets connected with the reorganisation of £273,000. The corporation tax deduction in relation to these exceptional costs amounted to £482,000. 4. Dividends 2004 2003 £000 £000 Interim - 0.60p (2003: 2.00p) 277 925 Proposed final - 1.20p (2003: 4.00p) 555 1,850 832 2,775 5. Earnings per share The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on earnings of £524,000 (2003: £3,050,000) and on 46,242,455 (2003: 46,242,455) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number in issue during the year. Adjusted earnings per share, as set out below, is calculated after excluding exceptional costs of £1,124,000, net of tax, incurred during the reorganisation of the Specialist Yarns division in the year ended 30 th June 2004 and is presented in order to demonstrate the underlying performance of the group. 2004 2003 Earnings Earnings Earnings Earnings per share per share £000 pence £000 pence Earnings and basic earnings per share 524 1.13 3,050 6.60 Exceptional reorganisation costs 1,124 2.43 - - Adjusted earnings and basic earnings per share 1,648 3.56 3,050 6.60 There is no dilution caused by share options. 6. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 2004 2003 £000 £000 Operating profit 1,160 5,406 Depreciation 2,278 2,423 Goodwill amortisation 880 869 Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets (286) (58) Decrease/(increase) in stocks 1,038 (1,368) (Increase)/decrease in debtors (418) 1,605 Increase in creditors 1,171 421 Net cash inflow from operating activities 5,823 9,298 Net operational exceptional cash outflows amounted to £605,000 consisting primarily of redundancy costs offset by proceeds from the sale of fixed assets. 7. Analysis of changes in net debt 2004 Cash flows Loan note redemption 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash at bank 614 161 - 453 Bank overdrafts (3,212) (3,212) - - (2,598) (3,051) - 453 Loan notes (512) - 137 (649) Bank loan (9,298) 2,827 - (12,125) Total net debt (12,408) (224) 137 (12,321) 8. Reconciliation of movement in net debt 2004 2003 £000 £000 Decrease in cash (3,051) (5,112) Receipt from cash collateral account - (11,333) New bank loan - (14,038) Redemption of loan notes 137 25,445 Payments into cash collateral account - 1,666 Repayment of bank loans 2,827 2,300 Movement in net debt (87) (1,072) Net debt at start of year (12,321) (11,249) Net debt at end of year (12,408) (12,321) This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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