Interim Results

QUESTER VCT PLC 17 September 1999 INTERIM STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31st JULY 1999 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 6 months 6 months Year to to 31 to 31 31 July July January 1999 1999 1999 Earnings per share as restated (pence) (2.5) 0.9 7.0 Dividend per share (pence) 5.75 1.00 2.36 Cumulative dividend per share (pence) 13.5 6.4 7.7 Net assets before dividends (£000) 33,817 33,215 34,761 Net assets after dividends (£000) 32,039 32,972 34,181 NAV* per share before dividend (pence) 109.4 109.2 111.9 NAV* per share after dividend (pence) 103.6 108.4 110.1 Mid-market price per share (pence) 90.0 90.0 89.0 * Net Asset Value CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT This statement, which should be read in conjunction with the Investment Manager's Report, covers the six months ended 31st July 1999 and is the fourth interim report since Quester VCT commenced trading in April 1996. Introduction In the 1999 Annual Report, which was sent to shareholders in April, we explained that whilst Quester VCT remained an investment company we could only distribute income as opposed to capital profits. We also referred to the fact that capital profits of approximately £2 million had been realised and that these profits could be available for distribution if the Company adopted trading company, rather than investment company, status. The original prospectus state that it was the intention to dispense with investment company status at such time as sufficient capital profits were realised for distribution in the form of dividends. Change to trading company status The Directors believe it is now appropriate to change the status of the Company and on 15th September 1999 resolved to revoke the existing investment company status and become a trading company. It is important to emphasise that a change to trading company status makes no difference to the position of Quester VCT under the relevant tax rules which apply to a venture capital trust nor to the various tax reliefs and benefits which both investors and the Company receive. Consequences of a change to trading company status The decision to change the legal status of Quester VCT is an important one and was taken after taking professional advice and careful consideration of the issues. The change of status has an immediate short term benefit for shareholders as it enables the Company to pay a special interim dividend out of capital profits. However, as a consequence of this change in status, different accounting policies apply which may lead to a pattern of uneven and less predictable dividend payments in the future. As an investment company, Quester VCT was able to pay dividends out of the revenue return only. The revenue return was enhanced by charging fifty per cent of the management fee to capital and was unaffected by capital profits or losses. As envisaged in the original prospectus, this status initially assisted the payment of higher dividends, but as an increasing level of the funds raised have been committed to venture capital investments, this is no longer the case. Consequently the status has been reviewed and changed, in the knowledge that this decision will result in a dividend stream influenced largely by future capital realisations including both gains and losses. The Directors consider that this policy meets the original objectives of Quester VCT and will enhance overall investment returns for investors who will receive a return of capital profit tax free. The effect on the accounts of the change in status The new trading company status is reflected in the revised form of the financial statements. The principal changes to which are described in note 3 to the accounts. In summary, the result of the change in status has been to increase distributable reserves to £1,852,000, prior to payment of the interim dividend. This increase reflects the cumulative net capital profits realised by the Company net of provisions of £1,152,000, as shown in note 1 to the accounts. Investment progress and performance In the six months ended 31st July 1999, Quester VCT completed twelve venture capital investments at a total cost of £4,756,000, including six in companies where we were already existing investors. In June 1999 we successfully completed the sale of C- Dilla, our fourth venture capital investment realisation since Quester VCT was founded. The investment in this company which develops and supplies encryption software and was made in October 1996 realised a gain of 3.3 times its original cost as referred to in the Investment Manager's Report. At 31st July 1999 there were net unrealised profits in respect of our FTSE 350 and AIM listed stocks of £637,000 and £971,000 respectively, reflecting gains of 11.2 per cent and 24.4 per cent respectively on their original cost. Twenty one unlisted venture capital investments remain valued at cost. The portfolio's performance is detailed more fully in the Investment Manager's Report. Profit and Loss Account Previously, our accounts contained a Statement of Total Return. As a trading company, this is now replaced with a standard profit and loss account. This shows that total income from investments and cash deposits amounted to £455,000. Of this sum £222,000 was in respect of funds awaiting investment and held either as short dated gilts or in the form of bank deposits. The balance comprised £146,000 from FTSE 350 investments and £87,000 from the unlisted and AIM portfolio of investments. The profit and loss account for the half year shows a loss resulting from specific provisions, totalling £827,000, against three investments, as shown in note 1 to the accounts. This amount forms part of the £1,152,000 provision referred to above, with the balance being a transfer from an unrealised loss reserve for an investment written down in a prior period. Only £180,000 of the total profit realised on C-Dilla of £1,159,000 is included in the profit and loss account for the six months ended 31st July 1999, as the investment had already been revalued in a prior period and the balance of the profit is reflected in the movement in reserves shown in note 2 to the accounts. The payment of the special dividend at this interim stage is based on the cumulative achievement of Quester VCT, only some of which is reflected in the profit and loss account for this six month period. Dividend As your Board's policy is to facilitate the distribution of capital profits to shareholders, your Directors have today resolved to pay a special interim dividend of 5.75 pence per share at a cost of £1,777,822. The dividend will be paid on 22nd October 1999 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 1st October 1999. Whilst it is your Board's intention to distribute capital profits to shareholders from time to time as they accrue, the actual timing and level of future distributions will necessarily be determined by the degree of success, or otherwise, achieved by our portfolio of venture capital investments. It is too early to consider the level of any final dividend payable in respect of the current year. However, as any future dividends will be increasingly dependent upon the level of capital gains realised and no such returns are predicted for the remaining period to the year end, it is likely that the amount of the final dividend will be minimal. Future share buy-ins In the annual report for the year ended 31st January 1999, we referred to the Board's consideration of the conversion of the share premium account so as to allow future share buy-ins. This matter remains under active review. Outlook Your Board's decision to adopt trading company status is a reflection of their present view of the longer term growth potential of the venture capital investment portfolio. Whilst it is inevitable that within a portfolio which contains a substantial number of relatively young businesses there will be some under performers, we believe that, overall, we have invested in sectors and management with potential to continue to achieve good returns. Tom Scruby 17th September 1999 Chairman INVESTMENT MANAGER'S REPORT Summary New investment activity by Quester VCT during the period has continued to be strong, with twelve investments completed. Investments have been made in six companies new to Quester VCT and in six companies where we already had an investment. We have made thirty-two qualifying VCT investments to date, sold four and now hold a portfolio of twenty-eight qualifying and two non-qualifying investments. We will be adding further companies in the current six month period, maintaining the spread of risk and opportunity. Performance of the Portfolio We have now achieved three significant realisations from the unquoted portfolio together with one other small realisation. These have enabled us to make the switch to ''trading company'' status and as a result propose a £1,777,822 distribution of realised capital profit to shareholders, as outlined in the Chairman's Statement. Overall, we see the portfolio moving forward positively and in line with our expectations. In assessing the amount of profit available for distribution, we have written down the value of three investments, as shown in note 1 to these accounts, reflecting inevitably uneven performance within the portfolio, including the disappointing recent failure of Axis Genetics. Additionally, Shalibane plc, whose shares are traded on AIM, has seen a significant fall in its share price, which has been reflected in the current valuation. This loss has been treated as an unrealised loss on the balance sheet and offsets, in part, the unrealised profits arising from the other five AIM holdings, which showed a 55 per cent increase in aggregate value at the period end, being valued at £4,611,566 as against cost of £2,973,200. It must also be noted that some of the companies are still at a very early stage in seeking to realise the potential in their business plans and achieve the sort of sales and profit performance which will deliver future capital profits. The current portfolio valuation still includes twenty-one out of thirty investments valued at cost in line with our adopted BVCA valuation principles. This underlines the, as yet, unproven nature of some of the investments. Andrew Holmes 17th September 1999 Managing Director Quester Capital Management Limited UNAUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Profit and loss account 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31st July 31st July 31st 1999 1998 January (as 1999 £000 restated) (as £000 restated) £000 Profit on realisation of 169 220 2,016 investments Income 455 678 1,316 Investment management fee (452) (448) (892) Other expenses (100) (87) (176) Investments written off (827) - - (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (755) 363 2,264 Tax on ordinary activities (19) (91) (133) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation (744) 272 2,131 Dividend declared (1,778) (243) (580) Retained (loss)/profit (2,552) 29 1,551 transferred to reserves Earnings per share (2.50)p 0.90p 6.98p Statement of total recognised gains and losses 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31st July 31st July 31st 1999 1998 January (as 1999 £000 restated) (as £000 restated) £000 (Loss)/profit for the period (774) 272 2,131 Unrealised (loss)/gain on revaluation of investments 538 228 (793) Total recognised gains and losses relating to the (236) 500 1,338 period All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. Balance sheet Note 31st July 31st July 31st 1999 1998 January (as 1999 £000 restated) (as £000 restated £000 Fixed asset investments 1 29,759 31,354 23,006 Current assets Debtors 735 1,176 1,415 Cash at bank and in hand 3,630 1,099 10,583 4,365 2,275 11,998 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (307) (414) (486) Other creditors Declared dividend (1,778) (243) (337) (2,085) (657) (823) Net current assets 2,280 1,618 11,175 Net assets 32,039 32,972 34,181 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 1,546 1,520 1,553 Share premium account 2 28,833 28,279 28,954 Revaluation reserve 2 1,586 3,199 1,682 Profit and loss account 2 74 (26) 1,992 32,039 32,972 34,181 Net asset value per share 103.6p 108.4p 110.1p Summarised Cashflow Statements 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31st 31st July 31st July 1998 January 1999 (as 1999 restated) (as restated) £000 £000 £000 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 516 (64) 332 operating activities Taxation (110) (92) (26) Net capital expenditure and (6,895) (1,019) 7,539 financial investment Equity dividends paid (337) (456) (699) Financing (127) - 707 (Decrease)/increase in cash for the (6,953) (1,631) 7,853 period Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds (Decrease)/increase in cash for the (6,953) (1,631) 7,853 period Net funds at the start of the period 10,583 2,730 2,730 Net funds at the end of the period 3,630 1,099 10,583 Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements 1. Fixed asset investments Cost Valuation % of £000 portfo £000 lio by value Venture capital investments Acedes Gear Tools Limited 900 900 3.02 Advanced Valve Technologies 444 444 1.49 Limited Armagard Limited 750 750 2.52 Artisan Software Tools Limited 1,040 1,040 3.50 Axis Genetics plc 250 - * - * Cardionetics Limited 300 300 1.01 Communication & Control 375 375 1.26 Electronics Limited Cotswold Outdoor Limited 944 944 3.17 Daisy & Tom Limited 1,153 576 * 1.94 * Deep Sea Leisure plc1 * 200 319 1.07 Dragons Health Clubs plc* 950 1,772 5.96 Dycem Limited 650 650 2.19 Elateral Holdings Limited 613 613 2.06 First Fibre Limited 1,000 1,000 3.36 Harleyco Limited 685 685 2.30 HMV Media Group plc 430 430 1.45 HSL Holdings Limited 1,000 1,000 3.36 plc 750 750 2.52 International Diagnostics Group 900 900 3.02 plc International Resources Group 403 403 1.35 Limited JSB Software Technologies plc* 1,000 1,526 5.13 Linguaphone Group plc 250 250 0.84 Methuen Publishing Limited 781 781 2.62 Orchestream Limited 1,000 1,000 3.36 Pipeline Engineering & Supply 499 499 1.68 Co Limited Policy Master Group plc* 198 286 0.96 Purple Technologies Limited 200 200 0.67 Shalibane plc* 1,005 337 1.13 The Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Co 325 - * - * Limited XKO Group plc* 625 709 2.38 19,620 19,439 65.32 Listed fixed interest 4,222 4,200 14.11 investments Listed equity investments 5,483 6,120 20.57 Total investments 29,325 29,759 100.00 Net current assets 2,280 Shareholders funds as at 31st 32,039 July 1999 The above table of fixed asset investments does not include the four disposals to date. In total, realised proceeds of £5,956,000 compared to an original cost of £2,572,000 have resulted in profits of £3,384,000 being realised by the Company. Additional profits of £504,000 have been realised on the disposal of listed investments, bringing the total realised capital profits to £3,888,000. * Investments traded on AIM ** Provisions made against diminution in value Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements (continued) 2. Movement in reserves Share Profit premium Revaluati and account on loss £000 reserve account £000 £000 At 1st February 1999 28,954 1,682 1,992 Share bought in (121) - - Transfer of realised profits to - (959) 959 profit and loss account Transfer of investment write - 325 (325) off Net increase in value of - 538 - investments Retained loss for the period - - (2,552) At 31st July 1999 28,833 1,586 74 3. Changes in the presentation of financial statements As a result of the Directors' decision to enable dividends derived from capital profits to be paid to shareholders the Company applied for its investment company status, as defined under Section 266 of the Companies Act 1985, to be revoked on 15th September 1999. Consequently, the financial statements have been drawn up to include a statutory profit and loss account and a statement of total recognised gains and losses in accordance with Schedule 4 of the Companies Act 1985 and Financial Reporting Standard 3 (Reporting Financial Performance). These statements differ from the Statement of Total Return presented in prior periods as follows: (a) profit/loss on realisation of investments and permanent diminutions in value of investments are now included in the profit and loss account, (b) unrealised gains and losses on investments are included in the statement of total recognised gains and losses and may not be distributed, (c) all investment management fees are charged to the profit and loss account. The effect of the restatement has been to reduce the profit on ordinary activities after taxation, equivalent to the revenue return on ordinary activities after taxation under the previous presentation, by £880,166 in respect of the current period and £41,563 in respect of the comparative period to 31st July 1998 reflecting the net loss on realisation of investments and investment management fees charged to the profit and loss account. In the balance sheet, the revenue reserve and realised capital reserve presented in prior periods have been combined into the profit and loss account. The revaluation reserve records revaluation amounts previously included in the unrealised capital reserve, except for any permanent diminutions in value which have been passed through the profit and loss account. Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements (continued) 4. The financial information contained in this report has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report, as revised by note 3 above. 5. The calculation of earnings per share for the period is based on loss after tax of £774,410 divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 30,990,643. 6. The unaudited financial statements set out above do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 7. Copies of the unaudited interim results are being sent to shareholders on 17th September 1999. Further copies can be obtained from the Company's Registered Office.
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