Final Results

Finsbury Technology Trust PLC 28 February 2001 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2000 * During the year Finsbury Technology Trust PLC was voted best Global Investment Trust by Investment Week and best International Capital Growth Investment Trust by Standard and Poor's Micropal. * NAV increases by 14.9%. * Share price increases by 24.4% Finsbury Technology Trust PLC, which invests principally in equity securities of quoted technology companies on a world-wide basis, today announces preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2000. % increase 30.11.00 30.11.99 /decrease) Total Assets less Current Liabilities £112.2m £103.4m 8.5% Shareholders' Funds £112.2m £96.5m 16.3% Net Asset Value per share 417.7p 363.4p + 14.9% Share Price 431.0p 346.5p + 24.4% (Premium)/discount (3.2%) 4.7% -- MSCI World Net Index (sterling adjusted without 2,037 1,983 + 2.7% dividends reinvested) The Company has not generated significant income and the Directors are not proposing a dividend for the year (1999: nil). For and on behalf of Close Finsbury Asset Management Limited - Secretary 27 February 2001 The following are attached: * Chairman's Statement * Balance Sheets of the Group and of the Company * Consolidated Statement of Total Return * Consolidated Cash Flow Statement * Notes to the Preliminary Results For further information please contact: Alastair Smith, Close Finsbury Asset Management Limited 020 7426 6240 Michael Bourne, Reabourne Limited 020 7426 6290 Fiona Harris, Quill Communications 020 7618 8905 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Chairman's Statement Award winning performance When the Company was launched 5 years ago there was much cynicism over whether technology companies would prove a good investment. Despite these doubts the Company has provided excellent returns to shareholders, with the NAV having increased by 331% since the Company was launched in December 1995. I am delighted that, during the year, our track record has resulted in the Company being voted best Global Investment Trust by Investment Week and best International Capital Growth Investment Trust by Standard and Poor's Micropal. Results In the year ended 30 November 2000 the net asset value per share ('NAV') increased 14.9% from 363.4p to 417.7p. This compares with a decline of 20.7% in the NASDAQ Composite Index (sterling adjusted) and of 2.7% in the MSCI World Net Index, which is our benchmark index. During the year the Company's share price rose 24.4% from 346.5p to 431.0p. This increase resulted in the share price standing at a 3.2% premium to the NAV at the year end. Statement of Total Return The total return per share for the year was 52.0p (1999: 221.9p) made up of a revenue deficit of 8.9p (1999: deficit of 1.7p) and a capital return of 60.9p (1999: 223.6p). Dividends The investments making up the Company's investment portfolio typically provide a very low yield. No dividend has been declared in respect of the year ended 30 November 2000 (1999: nil) and it is unlikely that a dividend will be paid for foreseeable future. Review Once again the year has proved to be a turbulent one for the technology sector. In the first quarter there was a surge of interest in technology stocks, with share prices hitting new highs on an almost daily basis. The flood of new money entering the sector drove many stocks to unsustainable levels and during the latter half of March and April 2000 there was a significant correction. Although there was a modest rally during the summer, there has been sustained weakness since August. Despite this turmoil the Company has continued to deliver positive returns. The companies which suffered most during the year were those involved in ' e-tailing'. Many so-called '' companies tend to operate in a highly competitive market and many had over-optimistic business plans and non-existent business models. Our fund manager found it difficult to see a compelling case for investing in the sector and as a result the portfolio avoided the type of losses suffered by more inexperienced investors. For a number of years the Company has developed positions in biotechnology. The publicity surrounding the sequencing of the human genome helped lead to a re-rating of the sector and this led to a number of significant gains in the portfolio. Outlook The pace of technological advancement continues to increase and some of the more established names are increasingly under threat from smaller, more nimble, companies who are better able to deliver on the high tech mantra of ' better, cheaper, faster'. Although a number of companies face specific difficulties, there remain many exciting opportunities, particularly in the fields of biotechnology, alternative energy, digital appliances and automotive machinery. We have every reason to believe that over the next 5 years the Company will continue to reward the long-term investor. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting will be held at 10 Crown Place, London EC2, on 23 April at 12 noon and I hope as many shareholders as possible will be able to attend. Bryan Lenygon Chairman 27 February 2001 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Consolidated Statement of Total Return incorporating the revenue account for the year ended 30 November 2000 * restated Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Gains on investments - 19,342 19,342 - 73,293 73,293 Exchange (losses)/gains on currency balances - (351) (351) - 24 24 Income 94 - 94 577 - 577 Investment management (1,737) (2,787) (4,524) (729) (13,973) (14,702) fee Other expenses (630) - (630) (278) - (278) Net return before (2,273) 16,204 13,931 (430) 59,344 58,914 finance costs and taxation Interest payable (96) - (96) (28) - (28) and similar charges Return on ordinary (2,369) 16,204 13,835 (458) 59,344 58,886 activities before taxation Taxation on ordinary (7) - (7) (3) - (3) activities Return on ordinary (2,376) 16,204 13,828 (461) 59,344 58,883 activities after taxation Dividends on ordinary - - - - - - shares Transfer (from)/to (2,376) 16,204 13,828 (461) 59,344 58,883 reserves Return per equity share (8.9p) 60.9p 52.0p (1.7p) 223.6p 221.9p All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. * restated for change in accounting policy. See note 4. Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Balance Sheets of the Group and of the Company as at 30 November 2000 Group Group Company Company 2000 1999 2000 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Asset Investments Investment in subsidiary - - - 376 undertaking Other investments 121,312 104,309 121,312 104,309 121,312 104,309 121,312 104,685 Current Assets Debtors 1,200 1,495 2,364 1,345 Investments 1,166 6 - - Cash at Bank 1,951 7,393 1,951 7,393 4,317 8,894 4,315 8,738 Creditors Amounts falling due within (13,418) (9,840) (13,416) (10,060) one year Net current liabilities (9,101) (946) (9,101) (1,322) Total assets less current 112,211 103,363 112,211 103,363 liabilities Creditors Amounts falling due after - (6,908) - (6,908) more than one year Net current assets 112,211 96,455 112,211 96,455 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,716 6,635 6,716 6,635 Share premium account 20,942 19,095 20,942 19,095 Capital reserve - realised 71,802 19,059 71,802 19,059 Capital reserve - 16,691 53,230 16,691 53,606 unrealised Revenue reserve (3,940) (1,564) (3,940) (1,940) Total shareholders' funds 112,211 96,455 112,211 96,455 Net asset value per 417.7p 363.4p 417.7p 363.4p ordinary share Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 November 2000 2000 1999 £000 £000 £000 £000 Net cash outflow from operating (10,562) (223) activities Servicing of finance Bank overdraft and loan interest paid (96) (28) Taxation Tax (paid)/recovered - 5 Financial investment Purchase of investments (102,966) (41,095) Sales of investments 103,462 48,713 Net cash inflow from financial 496 7,618 investment Equity dividends paid - - Financing Drawdown of loans 3,143 - Issue of ordinary shares 1,928 - 5,071 - (Decrease)/increase in cash (5,091) 7,372 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds/(debt) (Decrease)/increase in cash as above (5,091) 7,372 Cash inflow from increase in loan (3,143) - Exchange movements (351) 24 Movement in net (debt)/funds (8,585) 7,396 Net funds/(debt) at 1 December 7,393 (3) Net (debt)/funds at 30 November (1,192) 7,393 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Notes 1 Revenue Account The revenue column of the Statement of Total Return represents the revenue account of the Group. 2 Income Income for the year was derived from the following sources: 2000 1999 £000 £000 Income from UK listed investments 207 102 Other income (113) 475 Total 94 577 3 Investment management fee Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Periodic fee 1,572 - 1,572 687 - 687 Annual performance fee - 941 941 - 6,828 6,828 Long term performance fee - 1,782 1,782 - 6,328 6,328 Irrecoverable VAT 165 64 229 42 817 859 Total 1,737 2,787 4,524 729 13,973 14,702 4 Restatement In accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 16 'Current Taxation ' ('FRS 16') income from UK equity investments is recorded net of any tax credit. The comparative figures for the year ended 30 November 2000 have been restated accordingly. The effect of this change is that net return on ordinary activities before taxation is reduced by £7,000 (1999: £6,000). However there is no effect of the revenue or capital returns per share, nor on the net asset value per share. 5 Return per share The revenue return per ordinary share is based on a revenue deficit of £2,376,000 (1999: deficit of £461,000) on ordinary activities after taxation and dividends on non-equity shares, and on a weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 26,615,801 (1999: 26,539,252). Capital return per ordinary share is based on net capital profits for the financial year of £16,204,000 (1999: £59,344,000) and on a weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 26,615,801 (1999: 26,539,252). 6 Comparative information These accounts are not statutory accounts. The above results have been agreed with the Auditors and are an abridged version of the Company's full draft accounts, which have not yet been signed or filed with the Registrar of Companies. The accounts for 1999 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2000 will be despatched to shareholders shortly. The 1999 accounts received an audit report which was unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237 (2) and (3) of the Companies Act 1985. Close Finsbury Asset Management Limited - Secretary 27 February 2000
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