Final Results

Finsbury Technology Trust PLC 6 March 2002 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2001 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC, which invests principally in equity securities of quoted technology companies on a world-wide basis, today announces preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2001. * Decline in global equity markets lead to 23.0% decline in Net Asset Value per share ("NAV"). * Relative performance remains strong. Finsbury Technology was number one in its peer group over one, three and five years for NAV and share price performance. Standard & Poor's reflected this record by awarding Finsbury Technology first place over three and five years for UK Investment Trusts specialising in the Technology, Media and Telecoms Sector. * Long term outlook remains positive. (unaudited) (audited) 30.11.01 30.11.00 % (decrease) Net Assets £88.8m £112.2m (20.9)% Net Asset Value per share 321.7p 417.7p (23.0)% Share Price 318.0p 431.0p (26.2)% Discount/(Premium) 1.2% (3.2)% N/A MSCI World Net Index (sterling adjusted without 1679 2037 (17.6)% dividends reinvested) The Company has not generated significant income and the Directors are not proposing a dividend for the year (2000: nil). Chairman Bryan Lenygon commented: "Whilst the year under review has been a difficult one for the sector and disappointing for the Company, the Company's long term record remains impressive with the NAV having risen by 199.5% in the five years to 30 November 2001. This performance has been recognised by Standard & Poor's who have awarded the Company first place over three and five years for UK Investment Trusts specialising in the Technology, Media and Telecoms Sector. It is anticipated that, whilst some companies may see an improvement during 2002, conditions will remain challenging, particularly for companies involved in telecommunications. Some of the very largest companies remain on unrealistic valuations; however the steep decline in share prices since the bursting of the "internet bubble" has resulted in a number of small to medium capitalised companies trading on attractive valuations." For and on behalf of Close Finsbury Asset Management Limited - Secretary 6 March 2002 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 2001 The following are attached: • Chairman's Statement • Consolidated Statement of Total Return • Balance Sheets of the Group and of the Company • Consolidated Cash Flow Statement • Notes to the Preliminary Results For further information please contact: Alastair Smith, Close Finsbury Asset Management Limited 020 7426 6240 Colin Edge, Close Finsbury Asset Management Limited 020 7426 6233 Michael Bourne, Reabourne Technology Investment Management Limited 020 7426 6290 Fiona Harris, Quill Communications 020 7618 8905 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Chairman's Statement Results In the year ended 30 November 2001 the net asset value per share ("NAV") fell by 23.0% from 417.7p to 321.7p. This compares with a decline of 25.7% in the NASDAQ Composite Index (sterling adjusted) and of 17.6% in the MSCI World Net Index, which is our benchmark index. During the year ended 30 November 2001 the Company's share price fell 26.2% from 431.0p to 318.0p. This resulted in the share price standing at a 1.2% discount to the NAV at 30 November 2001. Whilst the year under review has been a difficult one for the sector and disappointing for the Company, the Company's long term record remains impressive with the NAV having risen by 199.5% in the five years to 30 November 2001. This performance has been recognised by Standard & Poor's who awarded the Company first place over three and five years for UK Investment Trusts specialising in the Technology, Media and Telecoms Sector. Statement of Total Return The total deficit per share for the year was 95.8p (2000: return of 52.0p) made up of a revenue deficit of 10.2p (2000: 8.9p) and a capital deficit of 85.6p (2000: return of 60.9p). Dividends The investments making up the Company's investment portfolio typically provide a very low yield. No dividend has been declared in respect of the year ended 30 November 2001 (2000: nil) and it is unlikely that a dividend will be paid for the foreseeable future. Review and outlook The year under review was a traumatic period for investors in the technology sector. Virtually all areas suffered from weak business conditions and the first half saw companies such as Cisco, Dell, Intel and Oracle all announcing very poor figures. The malaise affecting the technology sector filtered through into the wider economy and central banks made a sustained effort to bolster economic growth by cutting interest rates. Whilst the technology sector experienced a significant rally during the last quarter of 2001, this was from the very low base that followed 11 September. Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Chairman's Statement (continued) Review and outlook (continued) It is anticipated that, whilst some companies may see an improvement during 2002, conditions will remain challenging, particularly for companies involved in telecommunications. Some of the very largest companies remain on unrealistic valuations; however the steep decline in share prices since the bursting of the "internet bubble" has resulted in a number of small to medium capitalised companies trading on attractive valuations. The Board I am very sorry to report that Richard Hoare will be retiring as a Director at the Annual General Meeting. He has been with the Company since its launch in 1995 and the Board will miss his help and advice. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting will be held at 10 Crown Place, London EC2, on 26 April at 12.00pm and I hope that as many shareholders as possible will be able to attend. Bryan Lenygon Chairman 6 March 2002 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Consolidated Statement of Total Return incorporating the revenue account for the year ended 30 November 2001 (unaudited) (audited) Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 (Losses)/gains on investments - (23,019) (23,019) - 19,342 19,342 Loss on investment dealing by subsidiary undertaking (1,672) - (1,672) (336) - (336) Exchange losses on currency balances - (216) (216) - (351) (351) Income (see note 3) 476 - 476 430 - 430 Investment management fee (see note 4) (972) (99) (1,071) (1,737) (2,787) (4,524) Other expenses (452) - (452) (630) - (630) Net (loss)/return before finance costs and taxation (2,620) (23,334) (25,954) (2,273) 16,204 13,931 Interest payable and similar charges (134) - (134) (96) - (96) (Loss)/return on ordinary activities before taxation (2,754) (23,334) (26,088) (2,369) 16,204 13,835 Taxation on ordinary activities (12) - (12) (7) - (7) (Loss)/return on ordinary activities after taxation (2,766) (23,334) (26,100) (2,376) 16,204 13,828 Dividends on ordinary shares - - - - - - Transfer (from)/to reserves (2,766) (23,334) (26,100) (2,376) 16,204 13,828 (Loss)/return per ordinary share (see note 5) (10.2p) (85.6p) (95.8p) (8.9p) 60.9p 52.0p All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Balance Sheets of the Group and Company as at 30 November (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited) (audited) Group Group Company Company 2001 2000 2001 2000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed Asset Investments Subsidiary undertaking - - - - Other investments 86,621 121,312 86,621 121,312 86,621 121,312 86,621 121,312 Current Assets Debtors 1,918 1,200 3,961 2,364 Investments - 1,166 - - Cash at Bank 2,272 1,951 229 1,951 4,190 4,317 4,190 4,315 Creditors Amounts falling due within one year (1,966) (13,418) (1,966) (13,416) Net current assets/(liabilities) 2,224 (9,101) 2,224 (9,101) Net assets 88,845 112,211 88,845 112,211 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,904 6,716 6,904 6,716 Share premium account 23,488 20,942 23,488 20,942 Capital reserve - realised 70,538 71,802 70,538 71,802 Capital reserve - unrealised (5,379) 16,691 (7,006) 16,691 Revenue reserve (6,706) (3,940) (5,079) (3,940) Total shareholders' funds 88,845 112,211 88,845 112,211 Net asset value per ordinary share (see note 6) 321.7p 417.7p 321.7p 417.7p Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 November (unaudited) (audited) 2001 2000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Net cash outflow from operating activities (11,988) (10,562) Servicing of finance Bank overdraft and loan interest paid (134) (96) Taxation Tax recovered 6 - Financial investment Purchase of investments (43,956) (102,966) Sales of investments 57,018 103,462 Net cash inflow from financial investments 13,062 496 Financing (Repayment)/drawdown of loans (3,143) 3,143 Issue of ordinary shares 2,734 1,928 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (409) 5,071 Increase/(decrease) in cash 537 (5,091) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds/(debt) Increase/(decrease) in cash as above 537 (5,091) Cash outflow/(inflow) from repayment/ (increase) of loan 3,143 (3,143) Exchange movements (216) (351) Movement in net funds/(debt) 3,464 (8,585) Net (debt)/funds at 1 December (1,192) 7,393 Net funds/(debt) at 30 November 2,272 (1,192) Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Notes 1 Accounting Policies Unless otherwise disclosed, the figures in this announcement have been prepared using accounting policies that are consistent with those adopted in the last published set of accounts. 2 Revenue Account The revenue column of the Statement of Total Return represents the revenue account of the Group. 3 Income Income for the year was derived from the following sources: 2001 2000 £000 £000 Income from investments 362 207 Interest receivable and other income 114 223 Total 476 430 4 Investment management fee Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Periodic fee 905 - 905 1,572 - 1,572 Annual performance fee - - - - 941 941 Long term performance fee - - - - 1,782 1,782 Irrecoverable VAT thereon 67 99 166 165 64 229 Total 972 99 1,071 1,737 2,787 4,524 5 Return per share The revenue return per ordinary share is based upon the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of £2,766,000 (2000: £2,376,000) and 27,240,312 ordinary shares being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of (2000: 26,615,801). Capital return per ordinary share upon net capital losses attributable to ordinary shareholders of £23,334,000 (2000: gains of £16,204,000) and 27,240,312 ordinary shares being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of (2000: 26,615,801). Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Notes (continued) 6 Net asset value per share The net asset value per ordinary share is based on the net assets attributable to ordinary shareholders of £88,845,000 (2000: £112,211,000) and 27,615,312 (2000: 26,865,312) ordinary shares in issue at 30 November 2001. 7 Comparative information These accounts are not statutory accounts. The above results have been agreed with the auditors and are an abridged version of the Company's full draft accounts, which have not yet been approved, audited or filed with the Registrar of Companies. Statutory accounts for the year ended 30 November 2000 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an audit report which was unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237 (2) and (3) of the Companies Act 1985. Close Finsbury Asset Management Limited - Secretary 6 March 2002 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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