Final Results-Replacement

Finsbury Technology Trust PLC 25 February 2000 The issuer has made the following amendment to the 'Final Results' announcement released today at 10:51 under RNS No 2171G. The contact number for Dr. Andrew Clark should read (020) 7426 6288. The full corrected version is shown below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 NOVEMBER 1999 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC, which invests principally in equity securities of quoted technology companies on a world-wide basis, today announces preliminary results for the year ended 30 November 1999. 1999 1998 % change Total return per ordinary 221.9p 18.5p +1,099.5 share % Net assets per ordinary share 363.4p 141.6p +156.6% MSCI World Index (sterling 1,983 1,596 +24.2% adjusted without dividends reinvested The Net Asset Value per share on 31 January 2000 was 470.5p. The Company has not generated significant income and the Directors are not proposing a dividend for the year (1998: nil). For and on behalf of Rea Brothers Limited - Secretary 24 February 2000 The following are attached: * Chairman's Statement * Balance Sheet of the Group and of the Company * Consolidated Statement of Total Return * Notes to the Preliminary Results For further information please contact: Dr Andrew Clark, Reabourne Ltd (020) 7426 6288 Colin Edge, Finsbury Asset Management (020) 7426 6233 Mark Mathias, Finsbury Asset Management (020) 7426 6240 Neil Mainland, Financial Dynamics (020) 7269 7245 Chairman's Statement Results The year ended 30 November 1999 was a spectacular one for the Trust with the Net Asset Value per share ('NAV') rising from 141.6p to 363.4p, an increase of 156.6% over the year. In the same period, the benchmark index, the Morgan Stanley Capital International World Index (sterling adjusted and without dividends reinvested), increased by 24.2%. Since the fund was launched in December 1995 the NAV has risen by 274.6% against a rise of 75.4% in the benchmark index. Shortly after the year end Standard & Poor's Micropal calculated that Finsbury Technology was the best performing investment trust over 3 years. The Board has been concerned at the high level of discount between the Trust's NAV and the share price. It is pleasing to note that as at 30 November 1999 the share price had increased from 108.5p to 346.5p with the discount narrowing from 23.4% to 4.7%. On the day before this statement the published share price was at a premium to NAV. Dividends The companies within the Trust's portfolio typically provide a very low yield. No dividend has been declared in respect of the year ended 30 November 1999 (1998: nil) and it is unlikely that a dividend will be paid for the foreseeable future. Review During 1999 the technology sector was dominated by the continuing explosive growth of the internet. Whilst the internet provides enormous opportunities we remain unconvinced by the valuations being placed on many companies. Our Investment Advisers take a fundamental approach to stock picking and focus on companies with good long term growth potential. We have therefore tended to avoid electronic retailers, which we believe will be open to significant competitive pressures, and have instead concentrated on companies which provide the infrastructure to the internet such as Cisco, Verity and Intelligent Environments. After years of extensive research many biotechnology companies have either obtained approval for their products or are in late stage trials. These improved prospects have led to a re-rating of the sector in the US. In Europe the biotechnology rally started later and was less emphatic but many stocks have still seen impressive gains. Our most successful bioscience investment was Aortech which has now obtained FDA approval for its cardiac output monitoring device technology; its share price increased fivefold over the year. We believe that our other holdings in the sector, such as Celltech, Proteome and Teva also have good prospects. It is gratifying that many of the Trust's best performing investments over the year were based in the UK. Stellar performers included Aortech (up 503%), ARM Holdings (up 1,020%), Intelligent Environments (up 606%), Psion (up 443%) and Recognition Systems (up 4,113%). The boom in technology has continued since the year end and at 31 January 2000, the Trust's NAV had risen to 470.5p per share. Outlook 1999 was a remarkable year for the technology sector and in the first two months of 2000 there has continued to be strong performance. However the wall of money which has been invested in the sector has resulted in some indiscriminate buying and many stocks are on stratospheric valuations, which provide little, if any, cushioning against missed targets. Whilst there may be some volatility over the next year, we continue to believe that the long term case for investing in the sector remains strong. The last century saw more technological advancement than any other in the history of mankind. With the internet still in its relative infancy (particularly in Europe), the growth of mobile communications, and the potentially stunning achievements of biotechnology, we have every reason to believe that the twenty-first century will be every bit as innovative as the twentieth. Bryan Lenygon Chairman 24 February 2000 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Consolidated Statement of Total Return incorporating the revenue account for the year ended 30 November 1999 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 1998 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Gains/(losses) on - 73,293 73,293 - 5,323 5,323 investments Exchange gains on - 24 24 - 101 101 currency balances Investment Income 108 - 108 117 - 117 Other income 475 - 475 122 - 122 Investment management (729) (13,973) (14,702) (380) (17) (397) fees Other expenses (278) - (278) (203) - (203) Net return before (424) 59,344 58,920 (344) 5,407 5,063 finance costs and taxation Interest payable (28) - (28) (137) - (137) and similar charges Return on ordinary (452) 59,344 58,892 (481) 5,407 4,926 activities before taxation Taxation on ordinary (9) - (9) (18) - (18) activities Return on ordinary (461) 59,344 58,883 (499) 5,407 4,908 activities after taxation Dividends in respect - - - - - - of equity shares Transfer to/(from) (461) 59,344 58,883 (499) 5,407 4,908 reserves Return per equity (1.7p) 223.6p 221.9p (1.9p) 20.4p 18.5p share Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Balance Sheet of the Group and of the Company as at 30 November 1999 Group Group Company Company 1999 1998 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Asset Investments Investment in subsidiary undertaking - - 376 76 Other investments 104,309 37,385 104,309 37,385 104,309 37,385 104,685 37,461 Current Assets Debtors 1,495 884 1,345 928 Investments 6 125 - - Cash at Bank 7,393 447 7,393 447 8,894 1,456 8,738 1,375 Creditors Amounts falling due (9,840) (1,088) (10,060) (1,083) within one year Net current liabilities (946) 368 (1,322) 292 Total assets less 103,363 37,753 103,363 37,753 current liabilities Creditors Amounts falling due (6,908) (181) (6,908) (181) after more than one year Net current assets 96,455 37,572 96,455 37,572 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,635 6,635 6,635 6,635 Share premium account 19,095 19,095 19,095 19,095 Capital reserve - 19,059 10,763 19,059 10,763 realised Capital reserve - 53,230 2,182 53,606 2,258 unrealised Revenue reserve (1,564) (1,103) (1,940) (1,179) Total shareholders' 96,455 37,572 96,455 37,572 funds Net asset value per 363.4p 141.6p 363.4p 141.6p ordinary share Notes to the Preliminary Results These accounts are not statutory accounts. The above results are an abridged version of the full annual accounts for the year ended 30 November 1999 which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course. Statutory accounts for the 12 months ended 30 November 1998 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an audit report which was unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237 (2) and (3) of the Companies Act 1985. There were 26,539,250 (1998: 26,539,250) ordinary shares of 25p in issue throughout the year. Rea Brothers Limited - Secretary 24 February 2000
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