Interim Results

FINSBURY TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC 28 July 1999 FINSBURY TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 1999 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC, which invests in equity securities of quoted technology companies on a world-wide basis, today announces preliminary results for the half year ended 31 May 1999. Six months Sixth months ended 31 ended 31 May 1999 May 1998 Gains on investments (£'000) 13,925 5,930 Investment income (£'000) 48 74 Other income (£'000) 308 88 Net return before finance costs and taxation 12,252 5,342 (£'000) Return on ordinary activities after taxation 12,252 5,251 (£'000) Total return per ordinary share 46.1p 19.8p Net assets per ordinary share 187.7p 142.9p Percentage increase in net asset value per share 32.6% 16.1% Percentage increase in MSCI World Index 27.1% 18.4% No interim dividend is proposed. For and on behalf of Rea Brothers Limited - Secretary 27 July 1999 The following are attached: - Chairman's Statement - Consolidated Statement of Total Return - Balance Sheet of the Company - Note to the accounts For further information please contact: Mark Mathias, Rea Brothers Limited 0171 397 6902 Anthony Townsend, Director 0171 816 6854 Neil Mainland, Mainland Public Relations 0171 439 4359 Chairman's Statement I am pleased to report on the performance of the Company for the six months ended 31 May 1999. The total return amounted to 46.1p (1998: 19.8p) per share after a revenue loss of 0.1p (1998: loss - 0.9p) and a capital return of 46.2p (1998: 20.7p). The Net Asset Value ('NAV') increased over the six months by 32.6 per cent. from 141.6p per share to 187.7p per share. The Morgan Stanley Capital International World Index (sterling adjusted without dividends reinvested), against which we measure our performance, increased by 27.1 per cent. over the same period. The companies in which we invest tend to have low yields and, as with last year, no interim dividend is proposed. Following the collapse of share prices in the Autumn of 1998, technology stocks have performed strongly. The dramatic growth in transaction volumes across the Internet provided exciting opportunities for growth in areas such as the supply of bandwidth, data storage and data encryption. However the Investment Adviser continues to believe that the valuations of some of the more high profile Internet stocks, such as Amazon, remain difficult to justify on fundamental considerations. The Company has traditionally had an overweight position in smaller sized technology companies and it is pleasing to note that the smaller company shares have out-performed in the year to date. We anticipate that mergers and acquisitions will continue to act as a driver for such shares. Whilst I must once again caution investors that technology shares can prove volatile, your Board remains convinced that the sector continues to provide significant long term prospects for capital growth. Bryan Lenygon, Chairman 27 July 1999 FINSBURY TECHNOLOGY TRUST PLC Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account for the six months ended 31 May 1999) Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 1998 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains on investments - 13,925 13,925 - 5,930 5,930 Exchange gains/(losses) on - 313 31 - (8) (8) currency balances Investment income 48 - 48 74 - 74 Other income 308 - 308 88 - 88 Investment management fee (252) (1,986) (2,238) (186) (426) (612) Other expenses (105) - (105) (130) - (130) Net return before finance (1) 12,252 12,251 (154) 5,496 5,342 costs and taxation Interest payable and similar (15) - (15) (80) - (80) charges Return on ordinary activities (16) 12,252 12,236 (234) 5,496 5,262 before taxation Taxation on ordinary (5) - (5) (11) - (11) activities Return on ordinary activities (21) 12,252 12,231 (245) 5,496 5,251 after taxation Dividends on ordinary shares - - - - - - Transfer (from)/to reserves (21) 12,252 12,231 (245) 5,496 5,251 Return per ordinary share - (0.1)p 46.2p 46.1p (0.9)p 20.7p 19.8p pence Balance Sheet as at 31 May 1999 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) 31 May 1999 31 May 1998 30 November 1998 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Asset Investments 52,087 39,630 37,385 Net current (liabilities)/assets (1,127) (1,714) 368 Total assets less current liabilities 50,960 37,916 37,753 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (1,157) - (181) Net assets 49,803 37,916 37,572 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,635 6,635 6,635 Share premium account 19,095 19,095 19,095 Capital reserve - realised 14,869 8,729 10,763 Capital reserve - unrealised 10,328 4,305 2,182 Revenue reserve (1,124) (848) (1,103) Total shareholders' funds 49,803 37,916 37,572 Net asset value per ordinary share 187.7p 142.9p 141.6p Notes 1. Return per ordinary share Revenue return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the net revenue return available for ordinary share holders of £21,000 loss (six months ended 31 May 1998: £245,000 loss) by the 26,539,250 (31 May 1998: 26,539,250) ordinary shares in issue. Capital return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the net capital return available for ordinary share holders of £12,252,000 (six months ended 31 May 1998: £5,496,000) by the 26,539,250 (31 May 1998: 26,539,250) ordinary shares in issue. 2. Investment Management Fee The investment management fee of £2.238m (1998: £0.612m) is made of the following: 1999 1998 Periodic fee (£'000) 252 186 Annual performance fee (£'000) 1,011 445 5 year performance fee (£'000) 975 (19) The figures for the Annual and 5 year performance fees represent accruals to date. The exact amount paid by the Company (if any) will depend on the value of the fund as at the relevant calculation date. 3. Comparative Figures The figures and financial information for the year ended 30 November 1998 are an extract from the latest published accounts, and do not contain a statement under either section 237 (2) or section 237 (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 4. Statutory Accounts These accounts are not statutory accounts. The above results are an abridged version of the Company's full interim accounts, which have not been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The 1998 accounts received an audit report which was unqualified and did not contain under a statement under either section 237 (2) or section 237 (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
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