Interim Results

Finsbury Technology Trust PLC 1 August 2001 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Preliminary results for the six months ended 31 May 2001 * Finsbury Technology continues to outperform the major technology indices * market weakness represents a good long term investment opportunity Finsbury Technology Trust PLC today announces preliminary results for the six months ended 31 May 2001. Half year Year ended ended 30 November 2001 % Increase / 31 May 2001 (audited) (decrease) (unaudited) Net Asset Value (£m) 101.7 112.2 (9.4) Net asset value per ordinary 371.5 417.7 (11.1) share (p) Share Price (p) 393.5 431.0 (8.7) Premium (%) 5.9 3.2 - MSCI World Net Index 1,894 2,037 (7.0) No interim dividend is proposed (2000: nil) Mr Bryan Lenygon, Chairman, commented: 'The last year or so has been a painful period for the technology investor and there is widespread disenchantment with the sector. However the application of scientific advancement and innovation continues and we believe that the current problems present a good opportunity to the long term investor.' For and on behalf of Close Finsbury Asset Management Limited - Secretary 31 July 2001 - ENDS - The following are attached: * Chairman's Statement * Consolidated Cash Flow Statement * Consolidated Statement of Total * Notes to the interim financial Return statement * Consolidated Balance Sheet For further information please contact: Michael Bourne, Reabourne Technology Investment Management Ltd 020 7426 6290 Colin Edge, Close Finsbury Asset Management Ltd 020 7426 6233 Alastair Smith, Close Finsbury Asset Management Ltd 020 7426 6240 Fiona Harris, Quill Communications 020 7618 8905 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Chairman's Statement Performance During the half year ended 31 May 2001 the Net Asset Value per share ('NAV') fell from 417.7p to 371.5p, a decline of 11.1%. The Morgan Stanley Capital International World Index (sterling adjusted) without dividends reinvested, against which we measure our performance, fell by 7.0% over the same period. Results and dividend The total return per share for the half year ended 31 May 2001 was a deficit of 46.4p (May 2000: gain of 113.0p). This was made up of a capital deficit of 39.6p (May 2000: gain of 116.4p) and a revenue deficit of 6.8p (May 2000: deficit of 3.4p). The companies in which we invest tend to have low yields and, as with last year, no interim dividend is proposed. Issue of shares In the first six months of the year the Company allotted a total of 500,000 shares at an average premium to the NAV of 6.9%. Review and outlook The year to date has been a torrid period for the technology sector, with the NASDAQ Composite Index falling 18.8%, the Techmark 100 Index falling 47.3% and the Neuer Markt plummeting 65.6%. Whilst the Company has outperformed each of these indices the year to date has nonetheless proved the most disappointing period since the Company was launched. The worldwide decline in technology share prices was initiated in the United States where a series of leading companies such as Cisco, Lucent, Oracle and Intel pre-announced very poor results. These poor trading conditions rapidly spread to Europe where profit warnings were made by Nokia, Ericsson, Marconi and Alcatel. Whilst the short term outlook for the sector is uncertain, the long term prospects for technology remain positive. We expect demand for digital products will continue to grow, the next generation of games consoles should prove highly successful and semiconductors will continue to infiltrate an ever increasing range of products. Looking further ahead the prospects both biotechnology and energy technology are bright. Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Chairman's Statement (continued) The last year or so has been a painful period for the technology investor and there is widespread disenchantment with the sector. However the application of scientific advancement and innovation continues and we believe that the current problems present a good opportunity to the long term investor. Bryan Lenygon Chairman 31 July 2001 Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Consolidated Statement of Total Return Incorporating the revenue account for the six months ended 31 May 2001 (unaudited) (unaudited) Half year ended Half year ended 31 May 2001 31 May 2000 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 (Loss)/gains - (10,607) (10,607) - 36,982 36,982 on investments Exchange - (124) (124) - (21) (21) losses on currency balances Income (see (901) - (901) 301 - 301 note 2) Investment (532) - (532) (884) (6,049) (6,933) management fees Other expenses (269) - (269) (293) - (293) Net return (1,702) (10,731) (12,433) (876) 30,912 30,036 before finance costs and taxation Interest (114) - (114) (15) - (15) payable and similar charges (Deficit)/ (1,816) (10,731) (12,547) (891) 30,912 30,021 return on ordinary activities before taxation Taxation on (14) - (14) (5) - (5) ordinary activities (Deficit)/return (1,830) (10,731) (12,561) (896) 30,912 30,016 on ordinary activities after taxation Dividend on - - - - - - ordinary shares Transfer (1,830) (10,731) (12,561) (896) 30,912 30,016 (from)/to reserves Return per (6.8p) (39.6p) (46.4p) (3.4p) 116.4p 113.0p ordinary share - pence (note 3) (audited) Year ended 30 November 2000 Revenue Capital Total £000 £000 £000 (Loss)/gains on investments - 19,342 19,342 Exchange losses on currency balances - (351) (351) Income (see note 2) 94 - 94 Investment management fees (1,737) (2,787) (4,524) Other expenses (630) - (630) Net return before finance costs and (2,273) 16,204 13,931 taxation Interest payable and similar charges (96) - (96) (Deficit)/ return on ordinary (2,369) 16,204 13,835 activities before taxation Taxation on ordinary activities (7) - (7) (Deficit)/return on ordinary (2,376) 16,204 13,828 activities after taxation Dividend on ordinary - - - shares Transfer (from)/to (2,376) 16,204 13,828 reserves Return per ordinary share - pence (8.9p) 60.9p 52.0p (note 3) Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 31 May 2001 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) 31 May 2001 31 May 2000 30 November 2000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed asset investments 100,676 135,811 121,312 Current assets Debtors 463 1,098 1,200 Investments 833 - 1,166 Cash at bank 3,860 4,060 1,951 5,156 5,158 4,317 Creditors Amounts falling due within (4,167) (14,392) (13,418) one year Net current 989 (9,234) (9,101) assets/(liabilities) Net assets 101,665 126,577 112,211 Capital Called up share capital 6,841 6,641 6,716 Share premium account 22,832 19,195 20,942 Capital reserve - realised 72,009 44,727 71,802 Capital reserves - unrealised 5,753 58,474 16,691 Revenue reserve (5,770) (2,460) (3,940) Total shareholders' funds 101,665 126,577 112,211 Net asset value per ordinary 371.5p 476.5p 417.7p share Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Consolidated Cash Flow Statement For the half year ended 31 May 2001 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Half year ended Half year ended Year ended 31 May 2001 31 May 2000 30 November £000 £000 2000 £000 Net cash outflow from (11,913) (7,925) (10,562) operating activities Servicing of finance Bank overdraft and loan (112) (15) (96) interest paid Financial investment Purchase of investments (26,186) (47,548) (102,966) Sales of investments 38,172 52,070 103,462 Net cash inflow from 11,986 4,522 496 financial investment Financing Drawdown on loans 57 - 3,143 Proceeds from issue of 2,015 106 1,928 ordinary shares Net cash inflow from 2,072 106 5,071 financing Increase/(decrease) in 2,033 (3,312) (5,091) cash Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Notes to the interim accounts 1. Revenue Account The revenue column of the Consolidated Statement of Total Return represents the revenue account of the Group. 2 Income Half year ended Half year Year ended 31 May 2001 ended 31 May 30 November 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Income from 228 64 207 investments Loss on dealing (1,195) - (336) subsidiary Interest receivable 66 237 223 and other income Total (901) 301 94 3. Return per ordinary share Revenue return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the deficit of £1,830,000 (half year ended 31 May 2000: deficit of £896,000) by 27,081,246 (half year ended 31 May 2000: 26,563,079) the weighted average number of ordinary shares. Capital return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the net capital deficit of £10,731,000 (half year ended 31 May 2000: £30,912,000) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares as above. 4 Investment Management Fees half year half year Year ended ended 30 November 31 May 31 May 2000 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Periodic fee 489 833 1,572 Annual performance fee - 2,635 941 Long term performance - 3,236 1,782 fee Irrecoverable VAT 43 229 229 thereon Total 532 6,933 4,524 5 Issue of ordinary shares During the half year ended 31 May 2001 the Company issued a total of 500,000 ordinary shares. Following these issues the Company has 27,365,312 ordinary shares in issue. Finsbury Technology Trust PLC Notes to the interim accounts (continued) 6. Comparative information The figures and financial information for the year ended 30 November 2000 are an extract from the latest published financial statements and do not constitute statutory financial statements for that year. Those financial statements have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included the report of the auditors which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section 237(2) and 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. The interim financial statements has neither been audited or reviewed by the Company's auditors. They have been prepared using the using the same accounting policies as those adopted in the annual financial statement for the year ended 30 November 2000. Close Finsbury Asset Management Ltd - Secretary 31 July 2001
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