Interim Results
RCM Technology Trust PLC
05 July 2007
For immediate release
5 July 2007
For the six months ended 31 May 2007
31 May 30 November 2006 % Change
Net Asset Value per Ordinary share 240.2p 227.4p 5.6%
Share price 229.0p 212.5p 7.8%
Discount -4.7% -6.6% n/a
Shareholders' Funds £57.5m* £55.2m 4.2%
Dow Jones World Technology Index (sterling 245.9 231.8 6.1%
adjusted, total return)
*After share buy backs totalling £760,551.
The Company has not declared an interim dividend (2006: nil).
Chairman's Statement
During the six months ended 31 May 2007 the Company's net asset value per share
rose from 227.4p to 240.2p, an increase of 5.6 per cent. This compares with a
rise of 6.1per cent. in the Company's benchmark, the Dow Jones World Technology
Index, which is measured in sterling terms on a total return basis. There was a
narrowing of the discount of share price to net asset value per share over the
period from 6.6 per cent. to 4.7 per cent., which contributed to a rise of 7.8
per cent. in the share price from 212.5p to 229.0p. Over the period since the
appointment of RCM as Managers from 1 May to 3 July 2007, the net asset value
per share has increased by 7.8 per cent. against an increase of 6.3 per cent. in
the Dow Jones World Technology Index and an increase of 3.9 per cent. in the
NASDAQ Composite Price Index.
Results and Dividend
There was a gain of 12.8p in the net asset value per share for the six months
ended 31 May 2007 compared with a loss of 4.8p per share for the corresponding
period last year.
The Company's investments typically provide a very low yield and accordingly no
dividend is payable in respect of the six months ended 31 May 2007 (2006: Nil).
Change of Manager
Following a review of the management and investment management arrangements, RCM
was appointed to manage the Trust on 1 May 2007. RCM has a significant UK
investment trust business and its technology investment management team, which
is principally based in San Francisco, has a very strong track record of
managing technology funds. We believe that the investment management resources
that RCM brings will improve the future prospects of the Trust. Since the new
Manager assumed responsibility, the portfolio has been rebalanced to reflect
RCM's views on current markets, trends and investment opportunities. This has
resulted in a significantly higher weighting in larger capitalisation securities
and a reduced allocation to the UK and Europe. The existing investment
objective of investing principally in the equity securities of quoted technology
companies on a worldwide basis remains in place.
Discount Management Policy and Buy Back Authority
As part of proposals put to shareholders in December 2005, the Board adopted a
discount management policy under which the Company buys back shares, for
cancellation, at prices representing a discount of not less than 7.0 per cent.
to NAV, where there is demand in the market for it to do so. Shareholders will
note that the discount may exceed 7.0 per cent., but that there may be no unmet
demand from selling shareholders at this level. Under the discount management
policy a total of 346,500 shares have been purchased for cancellation since the
year end at a total cost of £760,551 (excluding expenses).
Proposed Bonus Issue of Subscription Shares
Further to the Company's announcement on 26 March 2007 and following the recent
change of investment manager, the Board announced on 31 May 2007 that it
proposes to make a bonus issue of subscription shares to current shareholders.
The terms of the subscription shares will be set out in full in a circular to be
sent to shareholders shortly.
Whilst there is continued uncertainty about the global economic outlook,
valuations in the technology sector, relative to earnings growth, are now at
low levels compared to historic averages. With high levels of funding available
for buy outs and selectively a more favourable background for capital
expenditure there are increasing grounds for optimism. A vibrant consumer
sector should provide greater scope for innovative companies to build new and
growing revenue streams.
Following the change in Manager earlier in the year and the subsequent
reorganisation of the portfolio, the Trust now has a portfolio of companies that
we believe have strong prospects arising from their market leading positions in
high growth sectors.
David Quysner
For further information, please contact:
RCM (UK) Limited
Simon White
Head of Investment Trusts
Tel: 020 7065 1539
for the six months ended 31 May 2007
Revenue Capital Total
£'000s £'000s £'000s
(Note 2)
Net gains on investments held at fair value - 3,797 3,797
Exchange losses on currency balances - (115) (115)
Income from investments 163 - 163
Other income 17 - 17
Investment management fee (233) - (233)
Performance fee - (2) (2)
Administration expenses (574) - (574)
Net return before finance costs and taxation (627) 3,680 3,053
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges (14) - (14)
Net return on ordinary activities before taxation (641) 3,680 3,039
Taxation (10) - (10)
Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders (651) 3,680 3,029
Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)
(basic and diluted) (2.7)p 15.3p 12.6p
as at 31 May 2007
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 56,447
Net current assets 1,040
Total Net Assets 57,487
Called up Share Capital 5,983
Share Premium Account 23,488
Capital Redemption Reserve 921
Capital Reserves: Realised 34,599
Unrealised 2,813
Revenue Reserve (10,317)
Shareholders' Funds 57,487
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 240.2p
The net asset value is based on 23,933,812 Ordinary Shares in issue
for the six months ended 31 May 2006
Revenue Capital Total
£'000s £'000s £'000s
(Note 2)
Net losses on investments held at fair value - (544) (544)
Exchange losses on currency balances - (75) (75)
Income from investments 57 - 57
Other income 4 - 4
Investment management fee (320) - (320)
Administration expenses (262) - (262)
Net return before finance costs and taxation (521) (619) (1,140)
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges (12) - (12)
Net return on ordinary activities before taxation (533) (619) (1,152)
Taxation - - -
Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders (533) (619) (1,152)
Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1) (2.1)p (2.4)p (4.5)p
(basic and diluted)
as at 31 May 2006
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 57,986
Net current assets 59
Total Net Assets 58,045
Called up Share Capital 6,245
Share Premium Account 23,488
Capital Redemption Reserve 659
Capital Reserves: Realised 47,242
Unrealised (10,253)
Revenue Reserve (9,336)
Shareholders' Funds 58,045
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 232.4p
The net asset value is based on 24,980,312 Ordinary Shares in issue
for the year ended 30 November 2006
Revenue Capital Total
£'000s £'000s £'000s
(Note 2)
Net losses on investments held at fair value - (1,597) (1,597)
Exchange losses on currency balances - (67) (67)
Income from investments 208 - 208
Other income 10 - 10
Investment management fee (595) - (595)
Administration expenses (464) - (464)
Net return before finance costs and taxation (841) (1,664) (2,505)
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges (17) - (17)
Net return on ordinary activities before taxation (858) (1,664) (2,522)
Taxation (5) - (5)
Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders (863) (1,664) (2,527)
Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1) (3.5)p (6.6)p (10.1)p
(basic and diluted)
as at 30 November 2006
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 55,073
Net current assets 151
Total Net Assets 55,224
Called up Share Capital 6,070
Share Premium Account 23,488
Capital Redemption Reserve 834
Capital Reserves: Realised 45,334
Unrealised (10,836)
Revenue Reserve (9,666)
Shareholders' Funds 55,224
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 227.4p
The net asset value is based on 24,280,312 Ordinary Shares in issue
For the six months ended 31 May 2007
Called up Share Capital Capital Capital Revenue Total
Share Premium Redemption Reserve Reserve Reserve
Capital Account Reserve Realised Unrealised
£'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s
Six months ended 31 May 2007
Net Assets at 30 November 6,070 23,488 834 45,334 (10,836) (9,666) 55,224
Revenue Return - - - - - (651) (651)
Shares repurchased during the (87) - 87 (766) - - (766)
Capital Return - - - (9,969) 13,649 - 3,680
Net Assets at 31 May 2007 5,983 23,488 921 34,599 2,813 (10,317) 57,487
Six months ended 31 May 2006
Net Assets at 30 November 2005 6,539 23,488 365 45,408 (5,158) (8,803) 61,839
Revenue Return - - - - - (533) (533)
Shares repurchased during the (294) - 294 (2,642) - - (2,642)
Capital Return - - - 4,476 (5,095) - (619)
Net Assets at 31 May 2006 6,245 23,488 659 47,242 (10,253) (9,336) 58,045
Year ended 30 November 2006
Net Assets at 30 November 6,539 23,488 365 45,408 (5,158) (8,803) 61,839
Revenue Return - - - - - (863) (863)
Shares repurchased during the (469) - 469 (4,088) - - (4,088)
Capital Return - - - 4,014 (5,678) - (1,664)
Net Assets at 30 November 2006 6,070 23,488 834 45,334 (10,836) (9,666) 55,224
Six Months to Six Months to Year to
31 May 31 May 30 November
2007 2006 2006
£'000s £'000s £'000s
Net cash outflow from operating activities (583) (1,081) (1,410)
Servicing of finance
Interest paid (14) (12) (17)
Tax (paid) recovered (3) 1 3
Financial Investment
Purchases of fixed asset investments (86,906) (18,079) (28,534)
Sales of fixed asset investments 90,166 19,636 32,251
Net cash inflow from financial investment 3,260 1,557 3,717
Net cash inflow before financing 2,660 465 2,293
Purchase of Ordinary Shares for cancellation (766) (2,642) (4,088)
Increase (decrease) in cash 1,894 (2,177) (1,795)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net
Increase (decrease) in cash as above 1,894 (2,177) (1,795)
Exchange movements (115) (75) (67)
Movement in net funds 1,779 (2,252) (1,862)
Net funds at start of period 555 2,417 2,417
Net funds at end of period 2,334 165 555
as at 31 May 2007
Fair Value % of
Investment Sector Country £'000 Portfolio
Apple Hardware United States 3,001 5.3
Nintendo Leisure Goods Japan 2,918 5.2
Intel Hardware United States 2,793 5.0
Google Software United States 2,602 4.6
NII Telecommunications United States 2,348 4.2
Microsoft Software United States 2,316 4.1
Cisco Systems Hardware United States 2,198 3.9
Nvidia Hardware United States 2,115 3.7
Qualcomm Hardware United States 2,050 3.6
Tencent Software Hong Kong 1,690 3.0
Top ten investments 24,031 42.6 Software United States 1,536 2.7
Autodesk Software United States 1,468 2.6
Focus Media Media & Entertainment United States 1,384 2.5
Activision Leisure Goods United States 1,375 2.5
Comverse Tech Software United States 1,291 2.3
ABB Electronics Switzerland 1,265 2.2
Corning Hardware United States 1,211 2.1
Cerner Software United States 1,163 2.1
Chartered Semi Con Hardware Singapore 1,083 1.9
Infineon Technology Hardware Germany 1,083 1.9
Top twenty investments 36,890 65.4
McAfee Software United States 1,063 1.9
Monsanto Chemicals United States 1,022 1.8
Samsung Electronic Hardware South Korea 990 1.8
Analog Devices Hardware United States 979 1.7
LBI International Software Sweden 930 1.6
On Semiconductor Hardware United States 905 1.6
Level 3 Communications Telecommunications United States 850 1.5
Dolby Laboratories Media & Entertainment United States 833 1.5
Texas Instruments Hardware United States 740 1.3
Macquarie Bank Warrants Telecommunications India 713 1.3
Top thirty investments 45,915 81.4
Ericsson ADR Hardware United States 708 1.2
Research in motion Hardware United States 637 1.1
Renewable Energy Energy Norway 627 1.1
Cognizant Technology Software United States 623 1.1
Wacker Chemie Chemicals Germany 617 1.1
Orkla Asa Food Producers Norway 605 1.1
Sunpower Electronics United States 552 1.0
Maxim Integrated Hardware United States 550 1.0
T-HQ Leisure Goods United States 505 0.9
MEMC Electronic MT Hardware United States 504 0.9
Top forty investments 51,843 91.9
Suntech Power Electronics United States 494 0.9
Cameron International Oil & Gas United States 455 0.8
Gamestop General Retailers United States 421 0.7
Alcatel Lucent Hardware France 402 0.7
Microdose Technology Bio Technology United States 380 0.7
First Solar Hardware United States 369 0.7
Riverbed Technology Hardware United States 352 0.6
Energy Conv Device Electronics United States 294 0.5
Sina Software United States 289 0.5
Juniper Networks Hardware United States 288 0.5
Top fifty investments 55,587 98.5
Macquarie Bank Media Tek Financials Hong Kong 282 0.5
Red Hat Software United States 175 0.3
Hon Hai Precision Hardware Taiwan 143 0.3
Telekomunikasi Industry ADR Telecommunications United States 133 0.2
Bede Hardware United Kingdom 127 0.2
Insignia Solutions Warrants Software United Kingdom - -
Microvision Warrants Healthcare Equipment United States - -
On Track Innovation Warrants Hardware Israel - -
Stockeryale Warants Electronics United States - -
TTI Team Telecom Warrants Software Israel - -
Top sixty investments 56,447 100.0
Total Investments 56,447 100.0
Note 1
The return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average number of shares in
issue 24,059,706 (31 May 2006: 25,479,515; 30 November 2006: 25,005,709).
Note 2
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations. No operations
were acquired or discontinued in the period.
A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains
and losses of the Company have been reflected in the Income Statement.
Included in the cost of investments are transaction costs incurred on the
purchase and sale of investments. These amounted to £390,000 (31 May 2006 -
£77,000; 30 November 2006 - £248,000).
Note 3
Investments are designated as held at fair value through profit or loss in
accordance with FRS 26 'Financial Instruments: Measurement'. Listed investments
are valued at bid market prices.
Unlisted and unquoted investments are valued by the Director based upon the
latest dealing prices, stockbrokers' valuations, net asset values, earnings and
other known accounting information in accordance with the principles set out by
the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines issued
in March 2005.
Note 4
The interim statement has neither been audited nor reviewed by the Company's
auditors. The financial information for the year ended 30 November 2006 has been
extracted from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or
Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.
The interim report will be sent to shareholders in mid July 2007 and will be
available to members of the public from the Company's registered office at 155
Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AD, and on the Company's website .
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange