Interim Results
Anglian Group PLC
28 November 2000
Tuesday 28 November 2000
Interim Results
Anglian Group PLC, a UK leader in the home improvements market, announces its
interim results for the 26 weeks to 30 September 2000.
26 weeks to 26 weeks to
30 September 2000 2 October 1999
Turnover £128.8 million £121.0 million
Operating profit £10.6 million £13.7 million
Profit before taxation £10.7 million £14.1 million
Earnings per share 11.0 pence 12.9 pence
Interim dividend per share 4.8 pence 4.5 pence
* Profits in line with expectations
* Operating profit impacted by inflationary cost increases particularly in
* Continuing growth from Living Design, the Group's developing kitchen
direct sales business
* 10% of Company's share capital bought back at cost of £10.6 million in
June which, with the £44 million special dividend last year, has produced
a more efficient capital structure
* Continued positive cash generation, resulting in a net cash inflow of £
9.7 million before dividend
* Group remains ungeared and cash positive.
Commenting on the results, Chief Executive Eddie Boss said:
'As anticipated, the year has been and will continue to be challenging.
However, with our leading market share and branding positions, integrated
supply chain and quality product and service offering, we look forward to a
return to growth in due course.'
Anglian Group PLC 01603 787000
Eddie Boss, Chief Executive
Robert Aitken, Finance Director
Financial Dynamics 020 7831 3113
Tom Baldock
Charles Armitstead
Anglian Group PLC Interim Results
for the 26 weeks to 30th September 2000
Turnover showed solid growth by comparison with the first half of last year
but this was not reflected in profit due to increased costs.
Operating profits, while lower than the comparative period, were in line with
expectations. The reduction in operating profit was due to lower margins
impacted by inflationary cost increases, particularly in PVCu and distribution
costs, which the Group has generally been unable to pass on in prices to date.
The Group continues to generate positive cash flows. Reflecting this and
following the £44 million special distribution to shareholders last year,
approximately 10% of the Company's share capital was bought back in the market
during June at a cost of £10.6 million. Despite this the group remains
ungeared and cash positive. While these measures have produced a more
efficient capital structure, the inevitable reduction in interest income had
an impact on profit before tax by comparison with prior periods.
Financial summary
* Turnover up 6% at £128.8 million (1999: £121.0 million).
* Operating profit reduced to £10.6 million (1999: £13.7 million).
* Profit before taxation reduced to £10.7 million (1999: £14.1 million).
* Earnings per share down to 11.0 pence per share (1999: 12.9 pence).
* Interim dividend up 7% to 4.8 pence per share (1999: 4.5 pence).
Cash generation continued to be positive, resulting in a net cash inflow of £
9.7 million (1999: £9.5 million) before management of liquid resources,
financing and dividends to shareholders. The reduction in the Group's cash
balance from £13.5 million at last year end to £7.6 million reflected the £
10.6 million buy back of the Company's own shares.
Business review
Consumer home improvements turnover benefited from a reduction in Anglian
Windows' order book to normal levels due to improved installation lead times.
The slow down in order intake in the first two months reported at June has
been reversed by increased marketing effort. Hence order books in this sector
are currently at satisfactory levels.
The Living Design kitchen sales and installation business continued to expand,
producing good growth in profits and cash flow.
The Commercial building products business has proved slower to recover volume
with turnover still running below last year's level. Nonetheless demand in the
new house building sector is being progressively re-established and there have
been some notable successes in winning longer-term supply contracts with our
new 'partnering' approach in the public housing sector.
The effect of higher oil prices on PVCu and distribution, together with other
inflationary cost increases, reduced first half profitability. Increased cost
was also incurred in operating the new warehouse facility which has enhanced
service to the New Build market. With the manufacturing supply issues
experienced last year fully resolved we are confident that Anglian is
providing its customary high standard of customer service.
Significant enhancements in product offerings, including replacement of two of
the principal window ranges for the commercial markets and of Living Design's
kitchen range, have been successfully introduced. This provides the Group with
an outstanding product range upon which to build future growth.
The Board has declared an increased interim dividend of 4.8 pence per share
(1999: 4.5 pence) payable on 13th February 2001 to shareholders on the
register at 12th January 2001.
The Group entered the second half with satisfactory order books for its
consumer home improvements businesses but some short term weakness in order
books for the Commercial building products businesses.
As anticipated, the year has been and will continue to be challenging.
However, with our leading market share and branding positions, integrated
supply chain and quality product and service offering, we look forward to a
return to growth in due course.
David Perry Eddie Boss
Chairman Chief Executive
28 November 2000
Anglian Group PLC Interim Results
for the 26 weeks to 30th September 2000
Consolidated profit and loss account
26 weeks to 26 weeks to 52 weeks to
30th September 2nd October 1st April
2000 1999 2000
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000
Continuing operations
Turnover 128,825 120,976 259,712
______ ______ ______
Operating profit 10,607 13,687 26,836
Net interest 94 415 378
______ ______ ______
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation 10,701 14,102 27,214
Taxation 2 (3,237) (4,372) (8,232)
______ ______ ______
Profit for the period 7,464 9,730 18,982
Dividends 3 (2,554) (3,234) (8,651)
______ ______ ______
Retained profit 4,910 6,496 10,331
______ ______ ______
Earnings per share
- basic 4 11.0p 12.9p 26.0p
- diluted 4 11.0p 12.7p 25.8p
______ ______ ______
Dividend per share 3 4.8p 4.5p 12.1p
______ ______ ______
All recognised gains and losses are included in the consolidated profit and
loss accounts above.
Anglian Group PLC Interim Results
for the 26 weeks to 30th September 2000
Consolidated balance sheet
30th September 2nd October 1st April
2000 1999 2000
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets 29,850 30,189 31,279
Current assets
Stocks 14,477 12,868 12,763
Debtors 25,611 30,403 28,248
Cash at bank and in hand 7,610 11,795 13,451
______ ______ ______
47,698 55,066 54,462
Creditors - amounts falling due (62,287) (67,910) (64,336)
within one year
______ ______ ______
Net current liabilities (14,589) (12,844) (9,874)
______ ______ ______
Total assets less current liabilities 15,261 17,345 21,405
Creditors - amounts fall due after (404) (811) (607)
more than one year
Provisions for liabilities and (8,288) (8,351) (8,655)
______ ______ ______
Net assets 6,569 8,183 12,143
______ ______ ______
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 4,022 4,450 4,454
Capital redemption reserve 440 - -
Share premium account 28,365 28,033 28,193
Profit and loss account 7 (26,258) (24,300) (20,504)
______ ______ ______
Equity shareholders' funds 8 6,569 8,183 12,143
______ ______ ______
Anglian Group PLC Interim Results
for the 26 weeks to 30th September 2000
Consolidated cash flow statement
26 weeks to 26 weeks 52 weeks
to to
30th September 2nd October 1st April
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash flow from 5 14,180 14,054 33,275
operating activities
Returns on investment and
servicing of finance 94 415 378
Taxation (1,945) (923) (10,323)
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (3,013) (4,360) (9,406)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 411 328 571
______ ______ ______
(2,602) (4,032) (8,835)
______ ______ ______
Equity dividends paid (4,881) (4,820) (8,024)
______ ______ ______
Net cash inflow before management
of liquid resources and financing 4,846 4,694 6,471
Management of liquid resources 2,750 33,188 35,813
Financing 6 (10,687) (43,095) (43,216)
______ ______ ______
Decrease in cash in the period (3,091) (5,213) (932)
______ ______ ______
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
Decrease in cash in the period (3,091) (5,213) (932)
Cash outflow from decrease in finance 203 213 459
Cash inflow from decrease in liquid (2,750) (33,188) (35,813)
Inception of finance leases - (124) (166)
______ ______ ______
Movement in net funds in the period (5,638) (38,312) (36,452)
Net funds at the start of the period 12,437 48,889 48,889
______ ______ ______
Net funds at the end of the period 6,799 10,577 12,437
______ ______ ______
Anglian Group PLC Interim Results
for the 26 weeks to 30th September 2000
Notes to the interim results
1. Basis of preparation
The financial information, which is unaudited and does not
constitute statutory accounts, comprises the results of Anglian Group
PLC and its subsidiary undertakings for the period ended 30th
September 2000.
The information has been prepared using accounting policies consistent
with those set out in the Group's 2000 statutory accounts.
The comparative figures for the financial year ended 1st April 2000
have been extracted from the Group's statutory accounts for that
financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the Group's
auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of
the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under
Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
2 Taxation
The taxation charge for the period ended 30th September 2000 is
calculated at 30.25%, being the estimated effective rate of taxation
for the 52 weeks ending 31st March 2001.
3. Dividend
The interim dividend of 4.8p (1999: 4.5p) will be paid on 13th
February 2001 to shareholders registered on 12th January 2001. The
estimated cost of £3,089,000 (1999: £3,234,000) is based on 64,354,523
ordinary shares (1999: 71,199,458 ordinary shares).
The charge in the profit and loss account of £2,554,000 includes a
credit of £535,000 arising from the over provision of the final
dividend for 2000 at 1st April 2000, due to the repurchase of share
4. Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on earnings of
£7,464,000 (1999: £9,730,000) and the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the period of 67,573,343 (1999:
75,315,691). The calculation of diluted earnings per ordinary share is
based on the same earnings and an assumed number of ordinary shares of
67,712,700 (1999: 76,326,649).
5. Reconciliation of net cash flow from operating activities
26 weeks to 26 weeks 52 weeks
30th September to to
2nd October 1st April
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating profit on continuing 10,607 13,687 26,836
Depreciation 4,029 3,552 7,325
Loss/(profit) on sale of fixed assets 2 (84) (102)
Increase in stocks (1,714) (2,579) (2,474)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors 2,804 (3,456) (1,337)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors (1,548) 2,934 3,027
and provisions
______ ______ ______
Net cash inflow from operating 14,180 14,054 33,275
______ ______ ______
6. Financing
26 weeks to 26 weeks 52 weeks
30th September to to
2nd October 1st April
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Issue of share capital 180 1,717 1,881
Special payment to shareholders - (43,987) (43,987)
Expenses paid in connection with - (247) (247)
share capital consolidation
Repurchase of share capital (10,647) - -
Funding of employee share option (17) (365) (404)
Repayment of finance leases (203) (213) (459)
______ ______ ______
(10,687) (43,095) (43,216)
______ ______ ______
7. Profit and loss account
30th September 2nd October 1st April
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Accumulated retained profits 47,037 51,855 54,221
Goodwill (29,308) (32,168) (30,738)
Amount attributable to 'B' share (43,987) (43,987) (43,987)
______ ______ ______
(26,258) (24,300) (20,504)
______ ______ ______
8. Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds
30th September 2nd October 1st April
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the period 7,464 9,730 18,982
Dividends (2,554) (3,234) (8,651)
______ ______ ______
Retained profit for the period 4,910 6,496 10,331
Special payment to shareholders - (43,987) (43,987)
Costs charged against share premium - (247) (247)
Funding of employee share option (17) (365) (404)
New shares issued 180 1,717 1,881
Repurchase of share capital (10,647) - -
______ ______ ______
Net movement in shareholders' funds (5,574) (36,386) (32,426)
Opening equity shareholders' funds 12,143 44,569 44,569
______ ______ ______
Closing equity shareholders' funds 6,569 8,183 12,143
______ ______ ______
9. Repurchase of ordinary shares
During the period under review the company repurchased ordinary shares
with a nominal value of £440,000 at a total cost of £10,647,000 (being
£10,557,000 value of shares and £90,000 costs) which has been charged
against profit and loss account reserves.
10. The financial information for the 26 weeks ending 30th September 2000
is unaudited but has been reviewed in accordance with Auditing Practices Board
guidance by KPMG Audit Plc, whose report is included in the interim report
which will be posted to shareholders on 8th December 2000.