Interim Results - 6 Months to 30 November 1999
MSW Technology PLC
1 February 2000
Chairman's Statement
As anticipated, I regret to have to report a very substantial loss of £1.77m
in the first six months of the trading year. Significant changes to the cost
structure of the Company have consequently now been implemented.
The Directors have declared that there will be no interim dividend.
The Board has been restructured. Robert Drummond, formerly Chairman, has been
appointed Managing Director. I have assumed the role of non-Executive
Chairman and Jack Debnam has joined the Board as a non-Executive Director.
Chris Satterthwaite has stepped down from the Board to concentrate on running
the successful consultancy division and Ross McBeath, Ray Ride and Mrs Jayne
McBeath have resigned from the Board and the Company.
Following these management changes, which were completed in early October
1999, the Directors have undertaken a substantial re-appraisal of the
business, resulting in the following actions.
Costs have been significantly reduced. The Directors estimate that of the
£2.5m costs of the Company during the first half of the year, £1.1m represents
expenditure that has been discontinued and will not be repeated in the second
half. These savings include the completion of a redundancy programme,
amounting to 26% of the staff. Despite the reduced headcount, the Board is
confident that the Company remains able to exploit all growth opportunities.
Turnover in the period was a disappointing £0.75m. Although we continued to
make sales into the military market, our efforts have been temporarily
frustrated by a continuing reappraisal of human resource software suppliers
being conducted by the MoD. We received a substantial order from P&O Cruise
Lines towards the end of the period, not all of which was included in the
half-year turnover figure. We have also highlighted a number of key markets
in which our products have distinct advantages and have developed and
commenced the implementation of changes in our sales organisation to reflect
this change in approach. This has resulted in some initial success. The
consultancy business continues to perform well.
The MAPS software is in the process of continuing development to enhance its
use in the key markets that the Company has identified and also to enable its
use over the internet.
Subsequent to the half-year end, the Company has raised £1.64m gross through a
rights issue in which 94.8% of the rights were taken up or placed. The
remaining 5.2% of shares were sold in the market.
Sales in the first two months of the current half-year have been somewhat slow
due to the usual pre-Christmas slowdown, compounded by the Y2K distraction,
the long Millennium break and the hiatus caused by the MoD review. We have,
however, received further orders from P&O Cruise Lines and the MoD, and the
consultancy division continues to perform strongly.
Costs are now under control and our challenge is to increase revenue.
We can see many sales opportunities in our key markets and we are hopeful for
a positive outcome soon from the MoD review of HR software suppliers. This
should release a number of potential contracts currently in the pipeline.
We are actively pursuing further opportunities with cruise companies and shall
be exhibiting the capability of our products to the world cruise industry at
the Seatrade Exhibition in Florida.
The Board are also developing and strengthening partnerships with several
systems integrators and solution providers as an additional sales channel.
The US office closed in November. Despite this, our sales prospects there
remain good. The Company's presence in the US is now through local partners
and we are pleased to announce that we have been chosen to run a pilot study
for a substantial government agency.
We have also introduced a new commission scheme to improve sales performance
and we plan to use share options to motivate key managers to rapidly grow the
value of the Company.
The Directors remain confident that the business will be trading profitably by
the end of the second half.
Finally I would like to thank all those whose efforts and goodwill has ensured
the well being of the Company through this troubled period.
Ian Lang
31 January 2000
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
6 months ended 6 months ended 12months ended
30 November 30 November 31 May
Note 1999 1998 1999
£ £ £
Turnover 747,363 1,356,666 1,896,518
Cost of sales (1,764,104) (899,139) (2,286,751)
Gross (loss)/profit (1,016,741) 457,527 (390,233)
Net operating expenses
Administrative expenses (719,687) (588,560) (1,230,666)
Operating loss (1,736,428) (131,033) (1,620,899)
Interest receivable 874 4,871 14,015
Interest payable (34,722) (14,147) (34,638)
Loss on ordinary activities
before taxation (1,770,276) (140,309) (1,641,522)
Taxation 2 - 32,409 140,927
Loss for the financial
period (1,770,276) (107,900) (1,500,595)
Dividends - (61,508) (61,508)
Loss retained (1,770,276) (169,408) (1,562,103)
Loss per share 3 (21.59)p (1.82)p (21.27)p
Fully diluted loss
per share 3 (20.96)p (1.81)p (20.86)p
Dividends per share 4 - 0.75p 0.75p
Fully diluted dividends
per share 4 - 0.73p 0.73p
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
As at As at As at
30 November 30 November 31 May
1999 1998 1999
£ £ £
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 193,367 111,588 182,930
Current assets
Stocks 99,520 130,207 119,920
Trade and other debtors 968,829 2,020,441 1,322,750
Cash at bank and in hand 7,246 980,127 16,659
1,075,595 3,130,775 1,459,329
Creditors: amounts falling
Due within one year (1,960,229) (787,434) (548,014)
Net current assets (884,634) 2,343,341 911,315
Total assets less
current liabilities (691,267) 2,454,929 1,094,245
Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year (45,603) (28,828) (60,839)
Net (liabilities)/assets (736,870) 2,426,101 1,033,406
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 410,050 410,050 410,050
Share premium account 1,836,122 1,836,122 1,836,122
Profit and loss account (2,983,042) 179,929 (1,212,766)
Equity shareholders' funds (736,870) 2,426,101 1,033,406
1. Basis of preparation: The financial information in these statements does
not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of The
Companies Act 1985. The results for the periods of six months ended 30
November 1999 and 30 November 1998 and the balance sheets at those dates have
not been audited, but have been reviewed by the Group's auditors, HLB Kidsons
(formerly Kidsons Impey). The comparative figures for the year ended 31 May
1999 do not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for that year, but
have been extracted from the statutory accounts of the Group, filed with the
Registrar of Companies, and carried an unqualified audit report under Section
235 of The Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the six months
ended 30 November 1999 has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the accounts for the year ended 31 May 1999.
2. Taxation: There is no tax charge for the half-year as there are sufficient
tax losses to extinguish any liability for the period.
3. Earnings per share:
6 months ended 6 months ended 12 months ended
30 November 1999 30 November 1998 31 May 1999
Loss for the financial
Period £1,770,276 £107,900 £1,500,595
Weighted average number
of ordinary shares 8,201,000 5,913,374 7,054,053
Fully diluted number of
ordinary shares 8,445,650 5,946,796 7,192,800
4. Dividends per share:
6 months ended 6 months ended 12 months ended
30 November 1999 30 November 1998 31 May 1999
Dividend payable - £61,508 £61,508
Number of ordinary shares 8,201,000 8,201,000 8,201,000
Fully diluted number of
ordinary shares 8,445,650 8,445,650 8,445,650
A copy of this Interim Report will be sent to all shareholders and is
available from the Company's registered office, 33 Bedford Place, London WC1B
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
6 months ended 6 months ended 12months ended
30 November 30 November 31 May
1999 1998 1999
£ £ £
Cash outflow from operating (837,308) (189,387) (951,324)
Returns on investment and
servicing of finance
Interest received 874 4,871 14,015
Interest paid (29,054) (12,605) (28,750)
Interest element of finance
lease payments (5,668) (1,542) (5,888)
(33,848) (9,276) (20,623)
UK corporation tax paid - - (41,500)
Capital expenditure and
Financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible
fixed assets (3,808) (19,858) (55,650)
Equity dividends paid - (166,000) (227,508)
Cash outflow before
Financing (874,964) (384,521) (1,296,605)
Issue of ordinary share
Capital - 2,510,996 2,510,996
Expenses of share issue - (497,136) (542,136)
Redemption of preference
Shares - (100,000) (100,000)
Capital element of finance
lease rentals (25,503) (5,048) (21,362)
(25,503) 1,908,812 1,847,498
(Decrease)/increase in cash
in the financial period (900,467) 1,524,291 550,893
Note 1:
Reconciliation of operating
Profit to net cash flow from
operating activities
Operating loss (1,736,428) (131,033) (1,620,899)
Depreciation and amortisation
Charges 23,950 14,482 40,344
Decrease/(increase) in work
in progress 20,400 (1,804) 8,483
Decrease/(increase) in
Debtors 353,921 (105,714) 585,579
Increase in creditors 500,849 34,682 35,169
Net cash outflow from
operating activities (837,308) (189,387) (951,324)
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
6 months ended 6 months ended 12 months ended
30 November 30 November 31 May
1999 1998 1999
£ £ £
Note 2:
Reconciliation of net cash
Flow to movement in net
(Decrease)/increase in cash
in the period (900,467) 1,524,291 550,893
Cash outflow from decrease
in debt and finance leases 25,503 5,048 21,362
Change in net debt resulting
from cash flows (874,964) 1,529,339 572,255
New finance leases (30,580) (50,811) (117,036)
Movement in net (debt)/funds
in the period (905,544) 1,478,528 455,219
Net (debt)/funds at beginning
of the period (88,945) (544,164) (544,164)
Net (debt)/funds at end of
the period (994,489) 934,364 (88,945)
Note 3:
Analysis of net (debt)/funds
Cash at bank and in hand 7,246 980,127 16,659
Overdrafts (900,985) - (9,930)
Finance leases (100,750) (45,763) (95,674)
Net (debt)/funds at end of
the period (994,489) 934,364 (88,945)