For immediate release 29 April 2009
The Off-plan Fund Limited
Annual General Meeting
The Off-plan Fund Limited (the 'Company') is pleased to announce that all resolutions put to shareholders at the Company's Annual General Meeting held in Jersey today, including (i) an ordinary resolution that the Company continue to pursue its current investment strategy until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting in 2010 (at which another continuation vote shall be taken) and (ii) a special resolution to approve the Company's share buy-back authority, were duly passed.
The Fund is managed by Development Capital Management (Jersey) Limited.
For further details please contact:-
List of Contacts
Development Capital Management
Roger Hornett
Andy Gardiner
020 7355 7600
John East & Partners Limited
Nominated Adviser
Bidhi Bhoma/Simon Clements
020 7628 2200
Corporate Broking
Graeme Cull
020 7628 2200
Buchanan Communications
Charles Ryland
Isabel Podda
020 7466 5000