Interim Management Statement

Aurora Investment Trust Interim Management Statement 31st May 2007 Objective: Capital appreciation through investments mainly listed on the London Stock Exchange. Benchmarks: The FTSE All-Share and Treasury 7.25% Stock 2007. Policy: To invest primarily in equities but with some exposure also to Fixed Interest. In general the portfolio will be weighted towards the larger rather than the smaller capitalised stocks. A distinctive feature is an emphasis on investments in companies with exposure to economies growing at a faster rate than the UK. Result of AGM The Board wishes to express its gratitude to all shareholders for their loyal support. The dividend of 3.1p was paid on 9th July 2007. Manager's comments: Sell in May and go away? The steady rise in stock-markets which has taken place over the last few months has faltered following the sell-off in global bond markets. The announcement of an acceleration in the rate of global economic growth has caused bond investors to pay greater attention to inflation worries while sub-prime debt concerns continue to rumble on. Is it therefore right to follow the normal adage and head for the hills at this time of year? In the Manager's opinion UK equities still appear to represent good value relative to bonds, by comparison with the experience of the previous two decades. More-over, the rate of overall dividend growth remains enticing and appears set to continue, particularly for those companies which benefit from the faster growing areas of the globe. Meanwhile further merger and acquisition activity can be expected, even during the normally quiet summer months. Taken together, these features are likely to underpin the UK stock-market over coming months, despite a further interest rate rise. Within the portfolio the current investment themes remain generally unchanged. Whereas sentiment in the short term has turned rather negative towards both UK house-builders and the Irish stocks in the portfolio, both areas are reporting strong levels of trading. By contrast the heavy exposure to mining stocks is currently serving the portfolio well. +-------------------------------------+ N.A.V. :263.83p | Portfolio Breakdown 31st May 2007 | Total net assets £39.198m |-------------------------------------| | Total gross assets £46.829m | Largest Holdings: |-------------------------------------| | | |-------------------------------------| +-----------------------------+ | Sector Analysis: | | Rio Tinto | 9.4% | | | | | | | Resources 25.2% | |----------------------+------| | | | Gartmore Irish | 9.3% | | Financials 20.4% | | | | | | |----------------------+------| | Basic Industries 14.7% | | Anglo Irish | 9.0% | | | | | | | Investment Companies 8.9% | |----------------------+------| | | | Persimmon | 8.4% | | Services 8.0% | | | | | | |----------------------+------| | AIM 7.6% | | Drax Group | 4.9% | | | | | | | Utilities 7.2% | |----------------------+------| | | | MMI | 4.0% | | Information Technology 4.6% | |----------------------+------| | | | BTG | 3.9% | | General Industries 1.5% | | | | | | |----------------------+------| | Fixed Interest 1.0% | | Arriva | 3.7% | | | | | | | Non-Cyclical Consumergoods 0.9% | |----------------------+------| | | | Standard Chartered | 3.6% | |-------------------------------------| | | | | | |----------------------+------| +-------------------------------------+ | Barratt Developments | 3.5% | +-----------------------------+ Performance: FTAll-Share NAV Since launch +59% +170% 5 years +39% +74% 12months +17.9% +12.9% 3months +7.5% +6.9% Fund Details: Manager: Mars Asset Management Ltd tel 0207-410-0025 Stockbroker: Cenkos Securities Ltd. Launch Date 13/3/1997 Shares In issue(including 250,000 held inTreasury) 15,107,250 Daily quotes : Financial Times, Daily Telegraph Valuations : Bi-monthly Fees -management : 0.75 p.a charged monthly, performance fee ; yes administration/secretarial :0.25pa ---END OF MESSAGE---
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