The Board of Directors of the Company is pleased to announce that, at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Wednesday, 23 December 2015, all the resolutions relating to both the ordinary business and the special business were duly passed by shareholders. Votes were as follows:
1. IT WAS RESOLVED that KPMG Channel Islands Limited be re-appointed as the Auditor of the Company. (12,172,481 votes cast in favour, none against and none withheld).
2. IT WAS RESOLVED that the Directors be authorised to agree to the Auditor's remuneration. (12,172,023 votes cast in favour, 458 votes against and none withheld).
3. IT WAS RESOLVED to re-appoint Mr Jonathan Bridel as a Director of the Company. (12,171,454 votes cast in favour, 1,027 votes against and none withheld).
4. IT WAS RESOLVED that the remuneration of the Directors remain at current levels. (7,679,857 votes cast in favour, 4,492,624 votes against and none withheld).
5. IT WAS RESOLVED that the Company be and is hereby approved to continue as an investment company. (10,216,718 votes cast in favour, 1,955,763 votes against and none withheld).
6. IT WAS RESOLVED to renew the Company's authorisation to make market acquisitions of its own Shares on the terms set out in the notice of meeting. (12,172,481 votes cast in favour, none against and none withheld).
The Company announced on 22 December 2015 that it had entered into sale arrangements relating to its one residual investment, a minority interest in Unistream Commercial Bank (SC). Accordingly, and not withstanding the passing of Resolution 5 above, the Board intends as soon as reasonably practicable following a completion of the sale to convene an extraordinary general meeting to consider proposals to include, inter alia, measures to facilitate the distribution to Shareholders of substantially all of the Company's net realised cash, in a cost effective, tax efficient and timely manner.
JTC Fund Solutions (Guernsey) Limited
Tel: +44 (0) 1481 702400