AGM Statement

5th December 2008 AVATION PLC ('AVATION' OR THE 'COMPANY') RESULT OF AGM The Board of Avation, the PLUS-quoted owner of commercial jet aircraft, are pleased to report that at the annual general meeting ('AGM') of the Company held today at 10.00 a.m. at 63 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BB, all resolutions proposed at the AGM were passed. The Directors of the Company take responsibility for the content of this announcement. ENDS The directors take responsibility for the contents of this announcement. ---ENDS--- Enquiries: Avation PLC 07783 942553 Jeff Chatfield, Chairman Advisor 0207 6281128 Frank Lucas, Loeb Aron & Company Media 0207 5623350 Maxine Barnes, Nick Rome, Nick Farmer Bishopsgate Communications Website: Avation plc


Avation (AVAP)
UK 100

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