3rd Quarter Results
Banco Comercial Portugues S.A.
22 October 2002
Banco Comercial Portugues (BCP, NYSE: BPC, BCPPRA) today reported consolidated
net income of Euro 402.8 million for the first nine months of 2002, compared to
Euro 515.9 million in the same period of 2001. Return on equity stood at 27.4%,
with return on assets at 0.9%.
PROFITABILITY 30 Sep. 30 Sep. Change
INDICATORS 2002 2001 2002/2001
Net income 402.80 515.85 -21.9%
(Millions of euros)
ROE 27.4% 31.6% -
ROA 0.9% 1.1% -
ROA before minority interests 1.0% 1.3% -
Commission growth, the stabilisation of net interest income, continuing control
of domestic costs and an improvement in credit quality were the main highlights
of BCP's activity during the first nine months of 2002. Consolidated net income
was however penalised by the poor performance of capital markets, which led to
lower trading gains and additional provisions relating to unrealised losses on
'In the light of current economic conditions, marked by long-term uncertainty,
BCP's strategy during the third quarter of 2002 was underpinned by prudent risk
management and provisioning. This policy has constrained net income, but has
strengthened the quality of our balance sheet and the provisioning of past-due
loans, as we maintained our focus on a sound financial structure', commented Mr.
Jardim Goncalves, Chairman and CEO of BCP. He added:
'Bearing in mind the operating environment, the growth of our commercial
activity is worth highlighting. On a comparable basis, loans to customers
increased by 6.0%, while total customers' funds were 3.4% up from September 30,
2001. This demonstrates the dynamism of our commercial networks and their
effectiveness in attracting new customers and exploiting new business
opportunities through the successful management of their operating platforms and
BCP's consolidated financial statements for the first nine months of 2002
include non-recurring capital gains, booked during the first half of 2002 under
the process of rationalisation of real-estate and in order to optimise capital
allocation. These transactions compensated for the impact that decreasing
returns on financial assets had on the pension fund assets. Capital gains were
in the same amount as additional pension fund, market and credit risk provisions
(Euro 85 million) with the result that the impact from non-recurring
transactions on consolidated net income was negligible.
The Bank's increased shareholding in NovaBank and the fact that BCP became the
majority shareholder of Banco Internacional de Mocambique after having merged it
with Banco Comercial de Mocambique led to both these institutions being fully
consolidated from the end of 2001. As these interests were previously
consolidated using the proportional method, we have produced pro forma financial
statements for the first nine months of 2001, allowing a comparable basis with
the figures now presented.
Benefiting from measures the Bank has been implementing, notably close pricing
monitoring, and also from increased business volumes, net interest income
amounted to Euro 996 million from January to September 2002, compared to Euro
1,021 million in the same period of 2001 on a pro forma basis. This resulted in
a net interest margin of 2.6%, the same level as seen in the first nine months
of 2001. These impacts were offset by credit securitisation totalling Euro 1,499
million from the end of September 2001.
The increase in charges for provisions for credit risks to Euro 250 million
during the first nine months of 2002 from pro forma Euro 162 million in the same
period of 2001 was attributable to prudent risk provisioning, with the aim of
maintaining high coverage ratios. This line item was also influenced by the
application of Regulation 7/2000 of the Bank of Portugal, under which full
provisioning was required for loans overdue by more than 18 months collaterised
by personal guarantees.
Net commissions totalled Euro 371 million to September 30, 2002, 1.0% up from
Euro 367 million in the first nine months of 2001 on a comparable basis.
Increased fees on debit and credit cards, on guarantees granted and on credit
operations have more than compensated for lower fees on securities trading
resulting from the poor performance of capital markets. This has also caused
trading gains to decrease to Euro 80 million for the nine months to September
2002 from Euro 120 million during the same period of 2001, on a pro forma basis.
Other net operating income was influenced by a capital gain of Euro 85 million
on the sale of premises to the Bank's pension fund, following the Group's
strategy to rationalise real-estate assigned to operations and to optimise
capital allocation. Net of this impact, other net operating income increased
17.1% on a comparable basis, to Euro 238 million in the first nine months of
2002 from Euro 204 million during the same period of 2001. This reflects higher
recoveries of overdue loans and interest and growing income from sundry services
to customers.
A lower contribution from equity accounted associates led to a drop in income
from securities, to Euro 138 million in the first nine months of 2002 from pro
forma Euro 175 million in the same period of the previous year. This reduction
was mainly attributable to the decreased contribution from Eureko. Dividends
received in the second quarter of 2002 have resulted in a quarterly decrease of
this heading.
OTHER INCOME 30 Sep. 30 Sep. 30 Sep. Change
(Millions of euros) 2002 2001 2001 2002/2001
Pro forma Pro forma
Net Commissions 371.1 367.3 363.3 1.0%
Of which: domestic activity 335.7 335.1 335.1 0.2%
Trading Gains 80.0 119.9 110.6 -33.0%
Of which: domestic activity 74.9 102.1 102.1 -26.6%
Other Net Operating Income (1) 238.4 203.5 203.9 17.1%
Of which: domestic activity 227.4 198.7 198.7 14.4%
Other Income /Total Income (1)
- Total 45.4% 45.9% 45.6% -
- Domestic activity 46.6% 46.6% 46.6% -
(1) Excludes non-recurring transactions.
Domestic operating costs (staff costs, other administrative expenses and
depreciation) were favourably influenced by continuing rationalisation, showing
the impact of the ongoing operational efficiency improvement programme. Domestic
cost-to-income stood at 55.2% during the first nine months of 2002, compared to
52.8% in the same period of 2001, reflecting the impact on income of the
performance of capital markets. The increase in operating costs on the Group's
international activities was caused by network expansion and increased turnover,
with emphasis on NovaBank, in Greece, and in BPABank in the USA. Consolidated
operating costs totalled Euro 1,099 million in the first nine months of 2002,
increasing 3.5% from Euro 1,062 million in the same period of 2001, on a
comparable basis.
Increased pension fund provisions resulted in growing staff costs, which
amounted to Euro 581 million from January to September 2002, up 4.7% from Euro
554 million in the same period of 2001, on a pro forma basis. The impact of
non-domestic operations was particularly clear in the evolution of other
administrative expenses, which decreased by 0.8%, and of depreciation, which
grew by 12.4%. For the Group's domestic business alone, other administrative
expenses decreased by 4.5%, while depreciation was 4.2% up from the first nine
months of 2001.
The increase in other provisions, to Euro 8 million in the first nine months of
2002 from Euro 51 million in the same period of 2001, resulted from the need to
provide unrealised losses on securities, caused by falling market prices,
particularly in the third quarter of 2002, and from charging non-recurring
provisions in the second quarter.
OPERATING COSTS 30 Sep. 30 Sep. 30 Sep. Change
(Millions of euros) 2002 2001 2001 2002/2001
Pro forma Pro forma
Staff Costs 580.6 554.4 544.4 4.7%
Of which: domestic activity 499.1 484.3 484.3 3.1%
Other Administrative Expenses 393.5 396.5 386.0 -0.8%
Of which: domestic activity 327.3 342.7 342.7 -4.5%
Depreciation 124.5 110.8 105.8 12.4%
Of which: domestic activity 94.2 90.4 90.4 4.2%
Operating Costs/ Total Income (1)
- Total 60.3% 56.3% 55.6% -
- Domestic activity 55.2% 52.8% 52.8% -
(1) Excludes non-recurring transactions.
Loans to customers increased 6.0% on comparable terms, standing at Euro 44,860
million at September 30, 2002 (Euro 42,334 million at the end of September
2001). Loans to individuals grew at a steep pace, with mortgage loans, up by
16.6% from September 30, 2001, standing out. The growth in corporate loans, at
1.7%, was more moderate, as the Group continued its efforts to optimise the
risks resulting from the acquisitions in 2000.
Total customer's funds were 3.4% up to Euro 47,700 million at the end of
September 2002 from Euro 46,150 million at September 30, 2001. This performance
was mainly attributable to strong growth in capitalisation insurance and
securities, reflecting the effect of the Group's new commercial model, based on
a specialised approach to both the creation and distribution of financial
products and services. Higher risk aversion by customers and the effectiveness
of the Group's distribution channels resulted in both deposits and assets under
management being maintained at roughly the same level as seen at September 30,
2001 on a comparable basis, in spite of the continuing unstable financial
ACTIVITY 30 Sep. 30 Sep. 30 Sep. Change
INDICATORS 2002 2001 2001 2002/2001
Pro forma Pro forma
(Millions of euros)
Total Assets (1) 61,255 61,464 60,667 -0.3%
Loans to Customers (1) 44,860 42,334 42,175 6.0%
Total Customers' Funds
- Deposits 27,454 27,415 26,786 0.1%
- Assets under Management 9,183 9,320 9,320 -1.5%
- Capitalisation Insurance 6,184 5,390 5,390 14.7%
- Securities 4,880 4,026 4,026 21.2%
- Total 47,700 46,150 45,521 3.4%
Own Funds (2) 5,993 6,345 6,345 -5.6%
(1) Does not include securitised assets.
(2) Shareholders' Equity, Preference Shares and Subordinated Debt.
Loan quality improved from the third quarter of 2001. Prudent analysis,
granting, monitoring and recovery of credit allowed the impact of the
unfavourable economic framework to be compensated for, with past due loans as a
percentage of total loans decreasing to 1.5% at September 30, 2002 from 1.6% at
the same date of 2001. Provisioning stood at adequate levels, improving to
140.3% from 137.1% at the end of the first half of 2002 (148.8% at September 30,
2001, on a comparable basis).
LOAN QUALITY INDICATORS (1) 30 Sep. 30 Sep. 30 Sep.
2002 2001 2001
Pro forma
Total overdue loans/Total loans 1.5% 1.6% 1.6%
Provisions/Total overdue loans 140.3% 148.8% 148.7%
(1) Does not include securitized loans.
Solvency indicators continued to be satisfactory. The consolidated solvency
ratio stood at 9.8% at the end of September 2002, according to BIS principles,
with tier one amounting to 6.0%. In accordance with the ruling of the Bank of
Portugal, the consolidated solvency ratio was 8.9% at the end of September 2002.
'We have taken important steps in reinforcing our strategic focus on what we
consider to be our core businesses and countries, notably on retail banking in
Portugal, Poland and Greece. Pursuant to this process, we have realigned our
partnership with Eureko. This has resulted in the purchase by BCP of Seguros e
Pensoes, Portugal's leading insurer, while keeping a 5% shareholding in Eureko's
capital, with a view to jointly pursuing interests in asset management and
bancassurance in other countries in which we have a banking presence', Mr.
Jardim Goncalves commented. 'This transaction reinforces our control of BCP's
domestic bancassurance activities, and also allows greater flexibility in
exploring value creation opportunities through future partnerships in the
domestic insurance market'. Within this context, he also added:
'BCP and its partner Banco Sabadell have decided to further develop the
activities and to increase coordination of ActivoBank7 in Portugal and
ActivoBank in Spain, with the aim of better exploiting operating and commercial
synergies. The shareholding structure of both ActivoBank7 and ActivoBank has
therefore been realigned, with BCP and Banco Sabadell now controlling the local
operations of their subsidiaries.'
'These arrangements will increase the focus on what we consider to be our key
strategic businesses, leading to clear benefits for the capital control and
management of these operations, and also resulting in lower exposure to non-core
risks and markets. However, the execution of these transactions requires
adequate own funds and, as such, we will take the necessary steps to strengthen
our capital, using whichever means we consider to be most appropriate under
current market conditions, with a focus on creating shareholder value, a
principle that has always guided us', he concluded.
For further information:
Miguel Duarte Banco Comercial Portugues Tel: +35 121 321 1081
Toby Moore/Catriona Cockburn Citigate Dewe Rogerson Tel: +44 20 7638 9571
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 September, 2002 and 2001
2002 2001
(Thousands of Euros)
Cash and deposits at central banks 1,039,013 1,140,629
Loans and advances to credit institutions
Repayable on demand 691,217 770,121
Other loans and advances 3,858,774 4,912,660
Loans and advances to customers 44,860,200 43,674,340
Securities 3,929,871 4,571,751
Treasury stock 16,434 8,315
Investments 2,685,672 2,772,301
Intangible assets 142,881 100,675
Tangible assets 1,144,838 1,269,130
Other debtors 854,508 901,676
Prepayments and accrued income 2,031,355 2,044,505
61,254,763 62,166,103
Amounts owed to credit institutions
Repayable on demand 539,997 427,609
With agreed maturity date 12,243,756 14,577,083
Amounts owed to customers
Repayable on demand 11,809,412 11,660,524
With agreed maturity date 15,634,689 15,115,473
Debt securities 12,287,275 11,042,848
Other liabilities 482,067 319,644
Accruals and deferred income 1,293,080 1,580,247
Provision for liabilities and charges 813,727 1,055,812
Subordinated debt 2,857,055 2,858,823
Total Liabilities 57,961,058 58,638,063
Shareholders' Equity
Share capital 2,326,715 2,326,715
Share premium 715,117 715,203
Reserves and retained earnings (1,113,281) (774,088)
Total Shareholders' Equity 1,928,551 2,267,830
Minority interests 158,167 41,488
Minority interests in preference shares 1,206,987 1,218,722
Total Minority Interests 1,365,154 1,260,210
61,254,763 62,166,103
Consolidated Statement of Income
for the nine months ended 30 September, 2002 and 2001
2002 2001
(Thousands of Euros)
Interest income 2,238,191 2,572,004
Interest expense 1,242,622 1,558,813
Net interest income 995,569 1,013,191
Provision for loan losses 249,839 160,174
Net interest income after
provision for loan losses 745,730 853,017
Other operating income
Income from securities 138,156 172,471
Commissions 437,428 421,617
Profit arising from trading activity 311,388 362,562
Other income 379,341 254,203
1,266,313 1,210,853
Other operating expenses
Commissions 66,312 58,271
Losses arising from trading activity 231,431 251,948
Staff costs 580,642 544,390
Other administrative costs 393,475 385,966
Depreciation 124,508 105,817
Other provisions 51,049 7,982
Other expenses 55,483 50,284
1,502,900 1,404,658
Income before income taxes 509,143 659,212
Income taxes 54,572 71,434
Net income 454,571 587,778
Minority interests 51,771 71,924
Net income for the period attributable to the Bank 402,800 515,854
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange