Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. ("BBVA" or the "Company"), in compliance with the Securities Market legislation, hereby communicates the following:
Notice is hereby given of the partial execution of the share capital reduction resolution adopted by the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of BBVA held on 18 March 2022, under item seven of its agenda, through the reduction of BBVA's share capital in a nominal amount of 137,797,167.90 euros, and the consequent redemption of 281,218,710 own shares of 0.49 euros par value each held by the Company as treasury shares.
The own shares subject to the redemption were acquired derivatively by the Company in execution of the first tranche of the program scheme for the repurchase of own shares, which was the subject of the inside information communication dated 29 October 2021 (registration number 1,127) and whose completion was communicated by BBVA as other relevant information on 3 March 2022 (registration number 14,816).
Following the effective redemption of the 281,218,710 own shares with a par value of 137,797,167.90 euros, BBVA's share capital will be set at 3,129,467,256.30 euros, represented by 6,386,667,870 shares with a par value of 0.49 euros each.
This capital reduction does not entail the return of contributions, since the Company itself is the owner of the redeemed shares, and is charged to unrestricted reserves, through the allocation of the reserve for redeemed capital for an amount equal to the par value of the redeemed shares, which can only be used under the same conditions as those required for the reduction of the share capital, in application of the provisions of Article 335 c) of the Spanish Companies Act. Consequently, the Company's creditors will not have the right of opposition referred to in Article 334 of the Spanish Companies Act.
Likewise, notice is hereby given that BBVA will request the delisting of the redeemed shares from the relevant Stock Exchanges and the cancellation of the redeemed shares in the accounting records of "Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores, S.A." (Sociedad Unipersonal) (IBERCLEAR).
Madrid, 15 June 2022