9 Mths Results - Part 2

Banco Santander Central Hispano SA 30 October 2000 PART 2 Santander Central Hispano consolidated income statement Income statement January - September 2000 Jan,Sep. 1999 Variation 00/99 Pta. MM. Euro MM. %ATA Euro MM. %ATA Amount (%) Interest revenues 3,551,022 21,342.1 9.53 14,350.4 7.80 6,991.7 48.72 Dividends 54,311 326.4 0.15 274.8 0.15 51.6 18.76 Interest expenses (2,617,249)(15,730.0)(7.02) (9,592.4)(5.21) (6,137.6) 63.98 Net Interest revenue 988,084 5,938.5 2.65 5,032.8 2.73 905.7 18.00 Net fees and commissions 483,346 2,905.0 1.30 2,324.8 1.26 580.1 24.95 Basic revenue 1,471,430 8,843.5 3.95 7,357.7 4.00 1,485.8 20.19 Trading gains 82,035 493.0 0.22 288.5 0.16 204.6 70.92 Net operating revenue 1,553,465 9,336.5 4.17 7,646.1 4.15 1,690.4 22.11 Personnel and general expenses (849,187) (5,103.7)(2.28) (4,369.6)(2.37) (734.1) 16.80 a) Personnel expenses (524,598) (3,152.9)(1.41) (2,835.4)(1.54) (317.5) 11.20 b) General expenses (324,589) (1,950.8)(0.87) (1,534.2)(0.83) (416.6) 27.15 Depreciation (107,007) (643.1)(0.29) (542.9)(0.29) (100.2) 18.46 Other operating costs (11,101) (66.7)(0.03) (55.0)(0.03) (11.7) 21.35 Operating costs (967,295 (5,813.6)(2.60) (4,967.5)(2.70) (846.0) 17.03 Net operating income 586,170 3,523.0 1.57 2,678.6 1.46 844.3 31.52 Income from equity - accounted holdings 103,302 620.9 0.28 211.9 0.12 408.9 192.94 Less: Dividends from equity -accounted holdings 35,255 211.9 0.09 193.4 0.11 18.5 9.57 Earnings from Group transactions 60,181 361.7 0.16 722.5 0.39 (360.8)(49.94) Net provisions for loan - losses (108,287) (650.8)(0.29) (755.3)(0.41) 104.5 (13.83) Writedown of invest- ment securities 96 0.6 0.00 (2.1)(0.00) 2.6 - Goodwill amortization (36,850) (221.5)(0.10) (607.5)(0.33) 386.0 (63.54) Other income (135,757) (815.9)(0.36) (135.1)(0.07) (680.8)503.92 Income before taxes 468,855 2,817.9 1.26 2.113.2 1.15 704.7 33.35 Corporate tax (93,798) (563.7)(0.25) (436.5)(0.24) (127.2) 29.14 Net consolidated income 375,057 2,254.1 1.01 1,676.6 0.91 577.5 34.44 Minority interests 46,720 280.8 0.13 188.4 0.10 92.4 49.05 Dividend - preferred shareholders 55,159 331.5 0.15 277.2 0.15 54.4 19.61 Net attributable income 273,178 1,641.8 0.73 1,211.1 0.66 430.7 35.56 Note: Average Total Assets 49,680,178 298,583.9 245,451.2 53,132.7 21.65 Average Share- holders' Equity 1,678,568 10,088.4 8,702.3 1,386.1 15.93 Quarterly, Euro million Income statement 1999 2000 2nd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter Interest revenues 4,573.3 5,261.6 4,853.7 6,878.3 9,610.1 Dividends 79.4 56.8 87.6 189.9 48.9 Interest expenses (2,960.0) (3,681.4) (3,229.9) (5,056.5) (7,443.5) Net interest revenue 1,692.6 1,637.1 1,711.4 2,011.7 2,215.5 Net fees and commissions 762.0 752.3 914.0 961.5 1,029.5 Basic revenue 2,454.6 2,389.4 2,625.3 2,973.1 3,245.0 Trading gains 145.7 91.2 133.7 141.8 217.5 Net operating revenue 2,600.3 2,480.6 2,759.1 3,114.9 3,462.5 Personnel and general expenses (1,489.5) (1,473.6) (1,482,8) (1,704,1) (1,916.7) a) Personnel expenses (952.6) (940.4) (952.5) (1,065.6) (1,134.8) b) General expenses (536.9) (533.2) (530.4) (638.5) (781.9) Depreciation (189.7) (192.9) (190.4) (217.1) (235.6) Other operating costs (20.2) (13.8) (22.5) (13.3) (30.9) Operating costs (1,699.4) (1,680.2) (1,695.8) (1,934.5) (2,183.3) Net operating income 900.9 800.4 1,063.3 1,180.5 1,279.2 Income from equity - accounted holdings 72.6 110.9 193.9 150.4 276.6 Less: Dividends from equity - accounted holdings 50.5 46.8 42.7 143.3 25.9 Earnings from Group transactions 31.2 (18.0) 49.5 295.2 16.9 Net provisions for loan - losses (290.3) (232.8) (159.1) (131.2) (360.5) Writedown of investment securities (1.5) (1.9) (0.2) 0.5 0.2 Goodwill amortization(531.9) (40.5) (39.9) (75.2) (106.4) Other income 543.8 (15.6) (264.8) (464.6) (86.4) Income before taxes 724.7 602.4 842.6 955.6 1,019.7 Corporate tax (148.5) (107.0) (171.5) (191.2) (201.0) Net consolidated Income 576.2 495.4 671.1 764.3 818.7 Minority interests 70.0 42.8 91.3 101.7 87.7 Dividend - preferred shareholders 97.9 88.6 96.5 111.7 123.1 Net attributable income 408.3 364.0 483.2 550.9 607.7 Note Average Total Assets 248,243.0 251,038.0 262.315.0 308.708.6 321,669.8 Average Share- holders' Equity 8,315.0 7,946.5 8,497.1 9,120.4 12,062.9 CONSOLIDATED GROUP RESULTS A high capacity to generate revenue more efficiently: net operating income grew 31.5% The business drive of the different areas, the increased level of activity and the improvement in efficiency are reflected in the growth in Group earnings, larger customer business volumes and productivity gains Summary of the first nine months The Group's main indicators performed well in the first nine months, well on the way to meeting the initial goals of Program ONE for the year, and in some cases surpassing them. The strong business drive in all areas, greater activity and improved efficiency are reflected in the growth in Group earnings, larger customer business volumes and the rise in productivity. This performance was intensified by the incorporation to the Group of recently acquired entities, as well as increases in existing stakes, within the growth strategy drawn up by the Group. The main entities incorporated to the Group, which were partially included in the first half, were Totta, Credito Predial Portugues and Serfin. as well as the increased stake in Royal Bank of Scotland. In the third quarter the results of the Meridional Group were also included (as of June only the balance sheet was consolidated) and Patagon.com was integrated for the first time. Their incorporation is reflected in full in the balance sheet, but in the income statement their results are recorded as from the date of acquisition. The income statement reflects growth in all revenue and income lines and significant improvements in efficiency and profitability ratios. Net attributable income rose 35.6% to EUR 1,641.8 million (Pta. 273,178 million). Earnings per share grew 21.2% in line with the Group's forecasts to achieve, at year-end, its 25% growth target. The main highlights of the income statement: - The results reflect the Group's goal of achieving more business at a lower cost, which resulted in an increase of 22.1% in net operating revenue, well above the rise of 16.8% in personnel and general expenses (which actually declined on a like-for-like basis). - The strength of net operating income, which grew 31.5% (+43.4% including Income from equity-accounted holdings, an item of increasing importance because of the higher stakes in European banks and the good performance of companies in which stakes are held). - The favorable, though limited, impact of exchange differences on Group results (+6% in operating income and +2.6% - EUR 32 million - in net attributable income) - The positive performance of the different business areas, with significant rises in net operating income and net attributable income and an improved efficiency ratio. - The increase in profitability, both ROA and ROE, with ROA at 1.01% (0.91% at September 30, 1999), and ROE at 21.7%, three points higher than in 1999. The growth in the balance sheet was due to the incorporation of new entities as well as to the increase in existing business. Total assets rose 35.0% (EUR 85,576 million), to EUR 330,353 million (Pta. 55.0 trillion), with around half of this growth coming from new incorporations. Exchange rates, with the euro failing against the US dollar, also contributed to the rise in total managed assets (around a 6% increase during the period). Business volume (loans and managed funds) increased 35.2% over the past 12 months, with growth of 32% in loans and 37% in customer funds. Within customer funds, both on - and off-balance sheet funds performed well, with deposits with the resident private sector (which are not affected by the incorporation of new entities) growing 14.3%. Off-balance sheet funds also increased significantly, largely because of the strong growth in funds managed abroad. most of them in Latin America, with increases In pension and mutual funds of 71% and 67% respectively (natural business growth and acquisitions). Santander Central Hispano Consolidated Results Net interest revenue: growth in all quarters this year Group net interest revenue rose 18.0% to EUR 5,938.5 million. Growth came from the rise in business volumes, including the higher contribution from new incorporations, and from active balance sheet management which limited the negative impact of the fall in margins over 1999 and is favoring the change in trend in customer spreads during the course of this year. This performance resulted in net interest revenue in the third quarter, even excluding the new incorporations, recording a higher figure than in the previous quarter. On a like-for-like basis net interest revenue increased in each of the last three quarters. Excluding new incorporations, which contributed EUR 745.5 million, and the favorable exchange rate impact, net interest revenue remained flat compared to 1999. This is mainly due to the increase in the cost of financing new acquisitions, whose income is partially reflected in other lines of the income statement, and the fixed income portfolio, as a result of the rise in short term interest rates. Average yield of assets January - September 2000 January - September 1999 (%) Weight Av. rate Weight Av. rate Central banks and Government debt securities 11.03 5.43 14.14 5.39 Due from banks 13.00 7.25 15.14 5.62 Loans 49.88 9.37 47.89 9.44 EMU currency 30.75 5.80 30.19 5.79 Other currencies 19.14 15.10 17.70 15.67 Investment securities 15.18 6.35 12.36 6.95 Other assets 10.91 0.00 10.47 0.00 Other revenue 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.95 Total 100.00 9.68 100.00 7.95 Average cost of funds January - September 2000 January - September 1999 (%) Weight Av. rate Weight Av. rate Due to banks 23.17 5.83 29.18 4.23 Customer deposits 48.95 4.71 46.75 4.43 EMU currency 27.60 2.16 28.09 1.95 Other currencies 21.35 8.00 18.66 8.15 Debt securities and subordinated debt 17.04 7.70 9.38 8.08 EMU currency 4.84 5.05 2.02 6.12 Other currencies 7.20 9.49 7.36 8.62 Net shareholders' equity 4.50 0.00 3.95 0.00 Other liabilities 11.34 1.60 10.74 0.57 Other costs 0.00 2.26 0.00 1.09 Total 100.00 7.02 100.00 5.21 Net fees and commissions: growth in all areas Net fees and commissions rose 25.0% to EUR 2,905.0 million. Progress was made in all business areas and in their main components: funds managed, securities and custody fees, credit and debit cards, checks and transfers, trade bills and contingent liabilities. Net fees and commissions January - September 2000 Jan.-Sep.99 Variation 2000/1999 Pta.MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Amount (%) Mutual & pension funds 171,749 1,032,2 922.1 110.1 11.94 Credit and debit cards 59,375 356.9 277.4 79.5 28.66 Securities services 88,513 532.0 394.0 137.0 34.70 Contingent liabilities 25,419 152.8 127.5 25.3 19.84 Other operations 138,290 831.1 603.0 228.2 37.84 Total 483,346 2,905.0 2,324.8 580.1 24.95 This performance reflects, as in other income statement items, the measures adopted to strengthen the contribution to the income statement as well as the contribution from new incorporations and the favorable impact of exchange rates. Basic revenue: 20.2% growth due to net interest revenue and net fees and commissions Due to the growth in net interest revenue and net fees and commissions, basic revenue rose 20.2% in the first nine months to EUR 8,843.5 million (Pta. 1.5 trillion) The weight of net fees and commissions in basic revenue increased to 32.8% from 31.6% in 1999. Trading gains: greater revenues while maintaining a reduced risk level Trading gains amounted to EUR 493.0 million in the first nine months of 2000, with a favorable performance of the trading portfolios in Spain and subsidiaries abroad, while the negative impact of exchange rates on positions derived from the financing of investments abroad declined. Higher revenues are being obtained while implementing the Group's policy of maintaining a medium/low market risk profile which, in Value at Risk (VaR) terms, stood at an average of US$31.9 million for the trading portfolio in the third quarter (maximum of US$49.9 million and minimum of US$23.3 million). Although the highest VaR of the year was produced in the third quarter, the average values show a slight fall of the risk levels assumed. Higher oil prices, inflationary pressures and the euro's weakness, combined with lower economic growth prospects. generated instability in the financial markets during the third quarter with no clear trends, in evidence and volatility striking the dominant note. Due to these circumstances and the greater marketing of low risk financial products for distribution by the corporate banking area and the branch network, the Group's risk profile was reduced. The reduction was maintained, despite the incorporation of the portfolios derived from new acquisitions. Net operating revenue: up 22.1%. with a solid structure Net operating revenue rose 22.1% to EUR 9,336.5 million (Pta.1.6 trillion). Of note was the high contribution of the retail banking areas, both in Spain and abroad which, together, accounted for 84% of the Group's total (excluding Corporate Activities) and the high relative share of the most recurrent revenue (net interest revenue and net fees and commissions), which accounted for 95% of net operating revenue. The figure, which rose for the third quarter running, was the highest of the year even excluding the new operations. Personnel and general expenses: continued Improvement in efficiency The increased stakes in some entities and the performance of some currencies (basically Latin American) against the Euro produced a 16.8% rise in personnel and general expenses. Excluding the effects of the incorporation of new entities and exchange rate differences, costs on a like-for-like basis declined 3.5%, as certain measures, such as the Branch Optimization Plan, the early retirement program, still being developed, and specific cost saving programs in Latin America and in branches abroad, are beginning to take effect. Personnel and general expenses January - September 2000 Jan.-Sep.99 Variation 2000/1999 Pta.MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Amount (%) Personnel expenses 524,598 3,152.9 2,835.4 317.5 11.20 General expenses 324,589 1,950.8 1,534.2 416.6 27.15 Information technology 56,373 338.8 241.7 97.1 40.19 Communications 34,159 205.3 164.6 40.7 24.71 Advertising 32,669 196.3 152.2 44.2 29.04 Buildings and premises 60,305 362.4 295.8 66.6 22.52 Printed & office material 10,579 63.6 58.6 5.0 8.50 Taxes (other than income tax) 22,880 137.5 114.2 73.3 20.45 Other expenses 107,624 646.8 507.2 139.7 27.53 Total 849,187 5,103.7 4,369.6 734.1 16.80 Despite this favorable performance, there is still a long way to go in terms of cost reduction, such as, for example, the downsizing of central structures. The only item of general expenses which is growing significantly on a like-for-like basis is IT and systems, as a result of the integration process, the development of new distribution channels and the launch of the Altair Project (technological platform in Latin America). All business areas improved their efficiency ratios compared to 1999; in some cases because of the nominal reduction in spending and in others because the growth in costs was below that of revenue. Asset Management and Private Banking and Retail Banking Abroad registered significant nominal growth in their expenses because of the incorporation of new entities and greater business activity, but the rise was well below that of revenue so their performance in terms of efficiency was also very positive. The Group's efficiency ratio improved to 54.7% in the first nine months from 57.2% in the same period of 1999 and 57.7% in 1999 as a whole. This ratio is 2.3 points better than initially set in Program ONE for year-end, even though it increased slightly with the incorporation of new entities (excluding these the ratio would be 53.6%). Depreciation growth in activity and acceleration in amortization rates Depreciation increased 18.5% to EUR 643.1 million. The rise was largely due to the incorporation of new entities, because on a like-for-like basis, growth was just 2.2% chiefly due to the greater volume of renting operations (the depreciation of which, in accordance with accounting rules, is included in this line, while the corresponding revenue is reflected under 'other income'). Net operating income: year-on-year growth of 31.5% The Group's high capacity to generate revenues, combined with cost control. produced a rise of 31.5% in net operating income to EUR 3,523.0 million (Pta. 586,170 million). This was more than double the target set in Program ONE. The following points deserve special mention: * Greater business activity and the rise in commissions, together with better trading gains, were the main contributing factors. as well as cost control since growth in expenses was less than half that of net operating revenue. * The rise on a like-for-like basis was 14.6% due to the favorable performance of all business areas, which achieved significant rates of growth. * Including income from equity-accounted holdings, an increasingly stable item and one of growing importance in the income statement, growth on a like-for- like basis was 24.4%. Income from equity-accounted holdings: total contribution doubles The investments made in European banks with whom the Santander Central Hispano Group maintains alliances, the recording of their final 1999 results, in many cases higher than those reflected during the year, and the good general performance of these entities, resulted in a net contribution, including dividends paid, to the Group's results of EUR 832.7 million (105.4% higher than in the first nine months of last year). The main entities on the basis of their contribution were: Royal Bank of Scotland, Societe Generale, San Paolo-IMI, Cepsa, and Commerzbank, together with a broad range of financial, industrial and service companies, including Agapsa, in which Banesto has a stake and which generated significant income through property sales in the first quarter of 2000. Earnings from Group transactions: income assigned to reserves There was no significant operation in the third quarter. Earnings from Group transactions amounted to EUR 361.7 million which related basically to capital gains from the sale of Royal Bank of Scotland shares in the second quarter. This sate took place in order not to exceed regulatory limits, applied by the Federal Reserve, on the size of the Bank's stake following the acquisition of shares of Royal Bank of Scotland to support the latter's takeover of NatWest. These capital gains, however, had no significant final impact on the income statement as they were assigned in full to general reserves pending specific allocation. Net provisions for loan-losses: lower generic and country-risk allocation Net loan-loss and country-risk provisions totaled EUR 650.8 million, 13.8% lower than in the first nine months of 1999. This figure includes EUR 50.6 million from the entry into force of the Bank of Spain's new regulation regarding provisions for statistical coverage of loan-losses. Net loan-loss and country risk provisions January - September 2000 Jan.-Sep.99 Variation 2000/1999 Pta.MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Amount (%) Non - performing loans 165,126 992.4 1,031.8 (39.4) (3.82) Country - risk (12,204) (73.3) 4.0 (77.4) - Recovery of written - off assets (44,635) (268.3) (280.6) 12.3 (4.40) Net provisions 108,287 650.8 755.3 (104.5) (13.83) The reduction was due to the Group's lower needs for provisions in Global Wholesale Banking and the continued reduction in country-risk (reflected in a released funds figure of EUR 73.3 million in the first nine months of this year compared to a provision of EUR 4.0 million during the same period in 1999). Goodwill: amortization according to schedule The Group charged EUR 221.5 million to amortization of goodwill, 63.5% less than in the first nine months of 1999. The reduction is due to the fact that no early amortization took place against results this year, while a general charge of EUR 486.2 million was made in the first nine months of 1999 from the capital gain arising from the sale of the sale in Banco Comercial Portugues. Other income: includes several charges to enhance balance sheet soundness This item includes a series of heterogeneous results, as well as different allocations in order to continue strengthening the balance sheet. The net negative figure for the first nine months was EUR 815.9 million (negative EUR 135.1 million in the same period of 1999) including a general charge for the same amount as the capital gains from the sale of shares in Royal Bank of Scotland (EUR 257.4 million). Net attributable income: 35.6% rise, meeting targets Income before taxes was 33.4% higher at EUR 2,817.9 million. Net consolidated income (after tax) rose 34.4% to EUR 2,254.1 million and the ROA increased significantly from 0.91% in 1999 to 1.01%. Net attributable income (after deducting minority interests) rose 35.6% to EUR 1,641.8 million (Pta. 273,178 million), which implies a rise of 21.2% in earnings per share, in line with the Group's plans to achieve 25% EPS growth at year-end. Consolidated Group Balance Sheet 30.09.00 30.09.99 Variation 2000/1999 31.12.99 Assets Pta.MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Amount (%) Euro MM. Cash and central 1,457,943 8,762.4 3,743.1 5,019.3 134.09 6,226.9 banks Government debt securities 4,083,328 24,541.3 28,014.8 (3,473.5) (12.40) 29,717.6 Due from banks 6,740,381 40,510.5 31,416.9 9,093.6 28.94 30,226.3 Loans 27,000,676 162,277.3 122,600.9 39,676.5 32.36 127,472.1 Investment securities 9,068,418 54,502.3 33,529.9 20,972.4 62.55 36,037.7 Fixed income 6,673,285 40,107.3 24,340.5 15,766.7 64.78 25,613.8 Equity 2,395,133 14,395.0 9,189.4 5.205.7 56.65 10,423.9 Shares and other securities 896,175 5,386.1 3,988.0 1,398.1 35.06 5,526.2 Equity stakes 1,277,082 7,675.4 4,331.4 3,344.0 77.20 4,036.7 Equity stakes in Group companies 221,876 1,333.5 869.9 463.6 53.29 861.0 Tangible and intangible assets 1,208,470 7,263.1 6,346.8 916.2 14.44 6,302.8 Treasury stock 6,593 39.6 88.6 (48.9) (55.25) 35.7 Goodwill 1,329,524 7,990.6 2,636.0 5,354.6 203.13 2,542.6 Other assets 3,090,498 23,496.6 15,608.1 7,888.5 50.54 17,040.2 Prior years' results from consolidated companies 161,240 969.1 792.1 177.0 22.35 836.7 Total assets 54,966,071 330,352.7 244,777.1 85,575.7 34.96 256,438.5 Liabilities Due to banks 10,817,217 65,012.8 66,358.5 (1,345.7) (2.03) 63,252.2 Customer deposits 27,153,934 163,198.4 114,966.3 48,232.1 41.95 121,573.1 Deposits 23,142,673 139,090.3 98,876.8 40,213.5 40.67 104,756.2 REPOS 4,011,261 24,108.2 16,089.6 8,018.6 49.84 16,817.0 Debt securities 5,731,412 34,446.5 19,836.6 14,609,9 73.65 24,084,8 Subordinated debt 1,808,007 10,866.3 7,395.0 3,471.3 46.94 8,098.7 Pension and other allowances 1,121,945 6,743.0 2,961.6 3,781.4 127.68 4,370.2 Minority interests 1,232,263 7,406.0 6,382,0 1,024.0 16.05 6,340.1 Net consolidated income 375,057 2,254.1 1,676.6 577.5 34.44 2,172.0 Capital 375,657 2,257.7 1,833.9 423.8 23.11 1,833.9 Reserves 2,646,136 15,903.6 7,207.8 8,695.8 120.65 6,358.4 Other liabilities 3,704,443 22,264.2 16,158.7 6.105.5 37.78 18,355.0 Total liabilities 54,966,071 330,352.7 244,777.1 85,575.7 34.96 256.438.5 Other managed funds (off - balance sheet) 14,583,728 87,650.0 74,296.0 13,354,0 17.97 78,475.7 Total managed funds 69,549,799 418,002.7 319,073.0 98,929.7 31.01 334,914.1 Contingent liabilities 4,088,282 24,571.1 21,059.9 3,511.2 16.67 20,895.4 Guarantees 3,578,569 21,507.6 18,794.3 2,713.3 14.44 17,618.2 Documentary credits 509,713 3,063.4 2,265.5 797.9 35.22 3,277.2 Consolidated Group balance sheet Total funds managed by the Group increased 31.0% to EUR 418,003 million (Pia. 69.5 trillion). A notable factor behind these growth rates is the integration by global consolidation of Totta. Credito Predial Portugues, Serfin and Meridional which, together, contributed EUR 40,500 million (Pia. 6.7 trillion). These entities contributed EUR 25,047 million (Pta. 4.2 trillion) to loans and EUR 29,111 million (Pta.4.8 trillion) to managed funds. Exchange rate differences also had an impact, contributing around 6 percentage points to the increase. As well the expansion of business, another notable factor is the improved balance sheet structure due to the higher growth in the items related to customer activity. Lending: strong natural business growth and acquisitions Net Group loans amounted to EUR 162,277 million (Pta. 27.0 trillion), 32.4% higher than in September 1999. Loans to the non-resident sector registered the strongest growth, increasing 66.3% to EUR 86,567 million (Pta. 14.4 trillion), due basically to the new acquisitions. Excluding these incorporations, growth in lending to the non-resident sector was 18%, partly due to the appreciation of the US$ and, as a result, of Latin American currencies against the euro. Loans to residents rose 9.4% over the first nine months of 1999. However, if the impact of domestic loan securitization is excluded, loan growth would have reached 14%. Secured loans increased 14.2% (23% without securitization operations), reflecting the continued buoyancy of the domestic mortgage market, loans to Spanish public administrations remained at practically the same level as in 1999. The consolidated Group's NPL ratio in Spain was 0.88% at September 30, 2000, down from 0.93% at the end of 1999 and 0.98% at September 30, 1999. The unified risk management model recently implemented in Retail Banking in Spain will enable the improvement in credit risk quality to consolidate further. Loans 30.09.00 30.09.99 Variation 2000/1999 31.12.99 Pta.MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Amount (%) Euro MM. Public sector 652,247 3,920.1 3,881.0 39.1 1.01 4,099.6 Private sector 12,797,035 76,911.7 70,313.5 6,598.2 9.38 71,443.4 Secured loans 4,403,800 26,467.4 23,172.6 3,294.7 14.22 23,899.7 Other loans 8,393,235 50,444.4 47,140.9 3,303.5 7.01 47,543.7 Non - resident sector 14,403,474 86,566.6 52,047.1 34,519.5 66.32 55,394.2 Secured loans 3,627,320 21,800.6 13,755.7 8,044.9 58.48 14,508.5 Other loans 10,776,154 64,766.0 38,291.4 26,474.6 69.14 40,885.7 Gross loans 27,852,756 167,398.4 126,241.6 41,156.8 32.60 130,937.2 Less: allowance for loan losses 852,080 5,121.1 3,640.8 1,480.3 40.66 3,465.1 Net loans 27,000,676 162,277.3 122,600.9 39,676.5 32.36 127,472.1 Note: Doubtful loans 779,189 4,683.0 2,778.6 1,904.5 68.54 2,999.6 Public 1,152 6.9 11.7 (4.8) (40.83) 8.7 Private sector 144,393 867.8 878.8 (10.9) (1.24) 850.0 Non - resident sector 633,644 3,808.3 1,888.1 1,920.2 101.70 2,140.9 The slight increase in NPLs observed during the third quarter in the Spanish financial system can be considered logical following a prolonged period of continuous Euro billion decline. Nevertheless. the Bank remains particularly wary of any developments in this regard, adjusting its policies and measures in accordance with prudent criteria. The NPL ratio for the consolidated Group was 2.46% at the end of September, 0.49 points higher than December 1999 and 0.57 points more than a year earlier. The rise was due to the incorporation of the new banks, for, had they been excluded, the ratio would have declined to 1.86%, below the 1.97% at the end of 1999 and already meeting the target contemplated in Program ONE (1.90%). In Latin America, and after the incorporation of the banks acquired in Mexico and Brazil, the NPL ratio stood at 4.87%. Excluding these acquisitions, and on a like-for-like basis, the NPL ratio dropped to 3.73% from 4.05% at the end of 1999. Risk management* 30.09.00 30.09.99 Variation 2000/1999 31.12.99 Pta.MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Amount (%) Euro MM. Non - performing loans 784,846 4,717.0 2,783.2 1,933.8 69.48 2,997.8 NPL ratio (%) 2.46 1.89 0.57 1.97 Allowances for loan losses 892,175 5,362.0 3,514.3 1,847.7 52.58 3,622.6 NPL coverage 113.68 126.27 (12.59) 120.84 Non - performing loans** 701,264 4,214.7 2,341.9 1,872.8 79.97 2,593.3 NPL ratio (%)** 2.20 1.59 0.61 1.71 NPL coverage (%)** 127.22 150.06 (22.84) 139.69 (*) Excluding country - risk (**) Excluding NPLs backed by residential mortgages Note: NPL ratio: Non - performing loans / computable risk Quarterly non-performing loans evolution 1999 2000 Euro MM. 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter Balance at beginning of period 2,686.9 2,783.2 2,997.8 3,031.7 4,493.2 + Net additions 379.8 586.9 381.3 1,845.8 597.2 - write - offs 283.5 372.3 347.4 384.3 373.3 Balance at period end 2,783.2 2,997.8 3,031.7 4,493.2 4,717.0 The Group continues to maintain a highly selective loan concession policy in Latin America with almost zero lending growth in the region, excluding the new acquisitions. Bank of Spain's criteria regarding doubtful debt classification has been extended to all the banks and the level of provisions made, which exceeds expected future loss, responds to a conservative coverage policy NPL coverage was 113.7% for the Group Excluding the acquisitions, it was 124.8%, above the 120.8% at the end of 1999. The Group's exposure to country-risk, in accordance with Bank of Spain criteria, continued to decline and at the end of September, net of provisions, was US$ 948.5 million, 38.2% lower than a year earlier. This exposure was concentrated in emerging countries with the lowest relative risk. Country-risk 30.09.00 30.09.99 Variation 2000/1999 31.12.99 Euro MM. US$ MM. US$ MM. Amount (%) US$ MM. Risk (gross) 1,485.2 1,301.8 2,051.6 (749.8) (36.55) 1,819.6 Allowances 403.1 353.3 517.3 (164.0) (31.70) 492.3 Risk (net) 1,082.1 948.5 1,534.3 (585.8) (38.18) 1,327.3 Note: Country-risk relating to fixed income Investment securities 322.4 282.6 646.2 (363.6) (56.27) 468.8 Foreclosed assets January - September 2000 Jan - Sep. 99 Pta. MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Balance at beginning of period 162,811 978.5 1,260.5 + Foreclosures 76,348 458.9 217.9 - Sales (book value) 63,249 380.1 475.3 Gross foreclosed assets 175,910 1,057.2 1,003.1 Allowance established 84,354 507.0 370.2 Coverage (%)* 47.95 36.90 Net foreclosed assets 91,556 550.3 632.9 (*) Allowance established / Gross foreclosed assets Foreclosed assets: a further reduction in the third quarter The continued active policy of selling foreclosed assets, while increasing provisions, reduced the net balance by EUR 82.6 million (-13.1%) during the 12 months to September 30, 2000. The coverage level was 48.0%, a level regarded as adequate given the market value of the assets, and well above the 36.9% of September 30, 1999. The Group foreclosed on EUR 97.3 million of assets in the third quarter and sold EUR 107.3 million, recovering the declining trend of the last seven quarters, only broken in the second quarter because of the incorporation of new entities. Customer funds: growth in all items The volume of funds obtained by the Group, both on- and off-balance sheet, continued to grow very favorably in Spain and Latin America. As pointed out in other parts of this report, the incorporation of new entitles and the evolution of exchange rates has had a notable impact on the Group's rates of growth. Total customer funds amounted to EUR 296,161 million (Pta. 49.3 trillion) as of September 30, 2000, EUR 79,667 million (+36.8%) more than a year earlier. Growth was 6.2% in the third quarter. Excluding the new incorporations, which mainly affected the balances with the non-resident sector, year-on-year growth was 23.4% (+ EUR 50,556 million). Total on-balance sheet funds were 46.6% higher year-on-year (EUR 66,313 million or Pta. 11.0 trillion). This growth came both from sight deposits with the resident sector (up 14.3%), which are not affected by the new acquisitions, as well as the rise in the non-resident sector (+72.5%) and the placement of various issues and commercial paper (+66.4%). Senior long-term debt issues in the first nine months amounted to EUR 4,025 million and short-term issues, net of amortizations, to EUR 2,392 million, including Euro commercial paper and US$ commercial paper. In the resident sector, all items registered year-on-year growth, with sight deposits up 11.6% and time deposits 12.1%, continuing the positive trend. Growth was spurred by higher interest rates and the low yield of mutual funds. Customer funds 30.09.00 30.09.99 Variation 2000/1999 31.12.99 Pta. MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Amount (%) Euro MM. Public sector 376,492 2,262.8 1,586.3 676.5 42.65 2,151.5 Private sector 11,329,811 68,093.5 59,552.4 8,541.1 14.34 62,458.6 Demand deposits 3,370,326 20,256.1 17,957.6 2,298.5 12.80 19,127.0 Saving accounts 2,286,325 13,741,1 12,516.5 1,224.6 9.78 13,008.3 Time deposits 3,535,495 21,248.8 18,962.8 2,285.9 12.05 19,206.2 REPOS 2,122,787 12,758.2 10,049.7 2,708.5 26.95 10,971.4 Other accounts 14,878 89.4 65.7 23.7 36.01 145.8 Non-resident sector 15,447,631 92,842.1 53,827.6 39,014.5 72.48 56,963.1 Deposits 13,584,791 81,646.2 47,891.9 33,754.4 70.48 51,267.1 REPOS. 1,862,840 11,195.9 5,935.7 5,260.2 88.62 5,695.9 Total customer deposits 27,153,934 163,198.4 114,966.3 48,232.1 41.95 121,573.1 Debt securities 5,731,412 34,446.5 19,836.6 14,609.9 73.65 24,084.8 Subordinated debt 1,808,007 10,866.3 7,395.0 3,471.3 46.94 8,098.7 Total customer funds on balance sheet 34,693,353 208,511.3 142,198.0 66,313.3 46.63 153,756.6 Total managed funds (off-balance sheet) 14,583,728 87,650.0 74,296.0 13,354.0 17.97 78,475.7 Mutual funds 10,525,740 63,261.0 57,805.8 5,455.2 9.44 59,840.3 Spain 8,446,065 50,761.9 50,302.8 459.1 0.91 51,365.7 Abroad 2,079,675 12,499.1 7,503.0 4,996.1 66.59 8,474.7 Pension funds 2,775,139 16,678.9 11,253.2 5,425.8 48.22 13,071.6 Spain 779,672 4,685.9 4,246.9 439.0 10.34 4,537.2 Individuals 662,077 3,979.2 3,753.5 225.7 6.01 3,971.6 Abroad 1,995,467 11,993.0 7,006.2 4,986.8 71.18 8,534.4 Managed portfolios 1,282,849 7,710.1 5,237.0 2,473.0 47.22 5,563.7 Spain 397,042 2,386.3 2,838.0 (451.7) (15.92) 2,922.8 Abroad 885,807 5,323.8 2,399.0 2,924.8 121.91 2,641.0 Total customer funds 49,277,081 296,161.2 216,493.9 79,667.3 36.80 232,232.3 Of note in mutual funds was the good performance in Latin America, as growth in Spain was very limited because of the behaviour of the market. The Group, however, continued to be the leader in Spain, with a market share of more than 24% at the end of September. Pension funds increased 48.2% to EUR 16,679 million (Pta. 2.8 trillion), of which over two thirds corresponded to fund management companies in Latin America, a market where the Group is developing an expansion strategy both through natural business growth as well as acquisitions. The Group already has a significant presence in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. The Group's activity in Spain continues to be focused largely on individual pension funds, with a market share of more than 20%. Equities portfolio: growth through investments in Group and associated companies The balance of the equities portfolio rose by EUR 5,206 million (+56.7%) in the year to September 30, 2000. Most of this increase took place in the second quarter as a result of the higher stakes in allied banks in Europe, principally Societe Generale and Royal Bank of Scotland, and in Metropolitan Life. Goodwill: increase due to new acquisitions Goodwill at September 30, 2000 stood at EUR 7,991 million (Pta. 1.3 trillion), including the goodwill arising from the acquisitions made during the period. The balance pending amortization was EUR 5,448 million higher than at the end of 1999. The stakes where the main increases took place relate to : Totta Group (EUR 1,830 million). Serfin Group (1,237 million), Banco Meridional (EUR 846 million), Patagon.com (EUR 607 million) and Royal Bank of Scotland (EUR 538 million). The goodwill figures were established after carrying out the procedures necessary to verify the asset quality of the entities acquired, applying the Group's strict criteria. In addition, part of the increase was due to the application of Bank of Spain criteria, whereby the shares received in the Portugal and Royal Bank of Scotland operations and the purchase of the minority shares of Banco Rio de la Plata were recorded at the share exchange's market value. The difference between this value and the issue price of SCH shares, amounting to EUR 3,738 million (Pta. 622,018 million) was credited to a voluntary anticipated reserves account which forms part of shareholders' equity. Consolidated goodwill 30.09.00 Net additions 31.12.99 Pta. MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Euro MM. Banesto 86,639 520.7 (6.7) 527.4 Industrial equities 42,933 258.0 55.7 202.3 Banks in Europe 535,303 3,217.2 2,455.5 761.8 Latin America 546,602 3,285.1 2,269.5 1,015.6 Other 118,047 709.5 673.9 35.5 Total 1,329,524 7,990.6 5,448.0 2,542.6 Capital accounts and Shareholders' equity The Group's main capital management objective is to maintain an adequate level of solvency and a sufficiently high capital surplus to be able to accommodate the growth of the balance sheet, and allow the realization of new projects. In addition, it aims to optimize the cost of these funds and contribute to an adequate return to shareholders. With this in mind, Banco Santander Central Hispano is gradually adapting the structure of its capital through the use of the most appropriate financial instruments. The Group has been particularly active this year in capital increases, used to finance investments made. The operations carried out were: First quarter: - The issue, on March 4, of 151,846,636 new ordinary shares of EUR 0.5 nominal value each and an issue premium of EUR 2.07 for each one, which were fully subscribed and disbursed through shares representing all the capital of Foggia SGPS, holder of the direct and indirect stakes of Mr. Antonio de Sommer Champalimaud in the Mundial Confianca Group. - The issue, on March 7, of 179,615,243 new ordinary shares of EUR 0.5 nominal value each and an issue premium of EUR 2.07 for each one, which were fully subscribed and disbursed through shares of Royal Bank of Scotland, within the framework of the latter's takeover of NatWest. Shareholder's equity and capital ratios 30.09.00 30.09.99 Variation 2000/1999 31.12.99 Pta MM. Euro MW Euro MM. Amount (%) Euro MM. Subscribed capital stock 375,657 2,257.7 1,833.9 423.8 23.11 1,833.9 Paid - in surplus 1,320,732 7,937.8 3,865.7 4,072.1 105.34 3,220.0 Reserves 902,009 5,421.2 2,086.5 3,334.7 159.82 1,592.6 Reserves at con- solidated companies (net) 262,155 1,575.6 463.5 1,112.1 239.93 709.0 Total primary capital 2,860,553 17,192.3 8,249.6 8,942.7 108.40 7,355.5 Net attributable income 273,178 1,641.8 1,211.1 430.7 35.56 1,575.1 Treasury stock (6,593) (39.6) (88.6) 48.9 (55.25) (35.7) Distributed interim dividend (49,670) (298.5) (201.7) (96.8) 47.98 (403.5) Share- holders' equity at period end 3,077,468 18,496.0 9,170.4 9,325.5 101.69 8,491.5 Interim dividend pending distrib- ution - - - - - (201.7) Final dividend - - - - - (263.5) Shareholders' equity after allocation of period end results 3,077,468 18,496.0 9,170.4 9,325.5 101.69 8,026.2 Preferred shares 1,090,812 6,555.9 5,193.5 1,362.4 26.23 5,334.7 Minority interests 243,330 1,462.4 1,654.1 (191.7) (11.59) 1,602.3 Shareholders' equity & minority in- terests 4,411,610 26,514.3 16,018.0 10,496.3 65.53 14.963.3 Basic capital (Tier 1) 2,909,331 17,485,41 12,716.0 4,769.5 37.51 12,456.1 Supple- mentary Capital 1,069,964 6,430.6 5,052.7 1,377.9 27.27 5,852.8 Eligible capital 3,979,295 23,916.0 17,768.7 6,147,4 34.60 18,308.9 Risk weighted assets (BIS crit- eria) 31,607,289 189,963.6 147,218.4 42,745.3 29.04 152,172.4 BIS ratio 12.59 12.07 0.52 12.03 Tier 1 9.20 8.64 0.57 8.19 Excess (amount) 1,450,712 8,719.0 5,991.2 2,727.8 45.53 6,135.1 Second quarter: - The issue, on April 7, of 101,045,614 new ordinary shares of EUR 0.5 nominal value each and an issue premium of EUR 3.41 for each one, fully subscribed and disbursed by 38,921,776 shares of Banco Totta. - The issue, on June 8, of 6,736,590 new ordinary shares of EUR 0.5 nominal value each and an issue premium of EUR 1.79 for each one, in order to meet the special remuneration agreed within the Protocol Employment Agreement with trade unions on March 3, 1999. Third quarter: - The issue, on July 11, of 300,000,000 new ordinary shares of EUR 0.5 nominal value each, of which 240 million had an issue premium of EUR 10.5 each and the rest (60 million) an issue premium of EUR 10.75 each. - The issue, on July 20, of 63,450,006 new ordinary shares of EUR 0.5 nominal value each and an issue premium of EUR 1.75 for each one, fully subscribed and disbursed by 88,830,009 shares of Banco Rio de la Plata. - The issue, on August 10, of 45,000,000 new shares of EUR 0.5 nominal value each and an issue premium of EUR 10.75 for each one, in order to meet the option exercised by the banks that participated in the placement of the aforementioned 300 million shares (green shoe). These operations increased share capital by 23% in the first nine months to EUR 423.8 million (Pta. 70,522 million). The issue premium reserves rose by EUR 4,718 million (Pta. 784,971 million), to which must be added EUR 3,796 million of 'voluntary anticipated reserves'. In addition, and as part of the policy of active capital accounts management, the Group launched three subordinated debt issues in the first nine months amounting to EUR 1,723 million (the last in the third quarter of US$ 1,000 million maturing in 2010). Also during the period, outstanding issues amounting to EUR 209 million were redeemed and a further EUR 2,321 million (Pta. 386,099 million) was eliminated from the balance sheet through the securitization of mortgage and non-mortgage assets. At the end of September, eligible capital, in accordance with Bank of International Settlements (BIS) criteria, amounted to EUR 23,916 million (Pta. 4.0 trillion). The surplus over the minimum requirement amounted to EUR 8,719 million (Pta. 1.5 trillion). The BIS ratio was 12.6%, in line with the Group's target, and the Tier 1 ratio was 9.2%. Lastly, in October, US$ 300 million of perpetual preference shares were issued in the US market. Rating agencies During the first quarter 2000, Moody's improved from stable to positive the outlook on the long-term deposit and financial strength ratings of Banco Santander Central Hispano and the subsidiaries Banesto and Banco Financiero (HBF). During the second quarter, Standard & Poor's confirmed its ratings of Banco Santander Central Hispano and its subsidiaries, improving the outlook for negative to stable. Ratings Rating agency Long term Short term Financial strength Moody's Aa3 P1 B Standard & Poor's A+ A1 Fitch-I8CA AA- F1+ B Bankwatch AA TBW-1 The complete Financial Results report for the First Nine Months 2000 is also available at our web site: http://www.bsch.es/ir.html BSCH Investor Relations Department Isabel Garcia e-mail: igarcia@bsch.es Tlf: (+34) 91 558 1031 Alex de Laiglesia e-mail: alh1@bsch.es Tlf: (+34) 91 558 1365 Ana Wang e-mail: anawang@bsch.es Tlf: (+34) 91 558 2040 Ubaldo Sanchez Santiago e-mail: uss1@bsch.es Tlf: (+34) 91 558 1370
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