Standard form for notification of major holdings
NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS (to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the Central Bank of Ireland)
1. Identity oftheissuer orthe underlyingissuerof existingsharestowhichvotingrightsareattached : Bank of Ireland Group PLC, IE00BD1RP616
2.Reasonforthenotification (please tick theappropriateboxorboxes):
[X]Anacquisition or disposalofvotingrights []Anacquisition or disposaloffinancial instruments[]Aneventchanging thebreakdownofvotingrights[] Other (pleasespecify): |
3. Detailsof personsubjecttothenotificationobligation: |
Norges Bank |
City and country of registeredoffice (ifapplicable):
Oslo, Norway |
4. Full nameof shareholder(s) (if different from3.):
5. Dateonwhichthe thresholdwascrossed orreached: 28/05/2020 |
6.Dateonwhichissuer notified: 01/06/2020 |
7.Threshold(s) that is/arecrossedorreached: Above 3% |
8. Total positions of person(s) subject tothe notificationobligation: |
%ofvotingrightsattachedtoshares(totalof9.A) |
%ofvotingrightsthroughfinancialinstruments (total of9.B.1+9.B.2) |
Totalofbothin%(9.A+9.B) |
Totalnumberofvotingrightsofissuer |
Resulting situationonthedateonwhichthresholdwascrossedorreached |
2.88 % |
0.14 % |
3.02 % |
1,078,822,872 |
Position ofpreviousnotification(ifapplicable) |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
9. Notified details of theresultingsituationonthedateonwhichthethresholdwascrossedorreached: |
A: Voting rightsattached toshares |
Class/typeof shares ISIN code (if possible) |
Numberofvotingrights |
%ofvotingrights |
Direct |
Indirect |
Direct |
Indirect |
IE00BD1RP616 |
31,102,052 |
2.88% |
31,102,052 |
2.88% |
B 1:Financial InstrumentsaccordingtoRegulation17(1)(a)ofthe Regulations |
Type of financial instrument |
Expiration date |
Exercise/ Conversion Period |
Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised/converted. |
% of voting rights |
Shares on Loan (Right to Recall) |
At any time |
1,500,000 |
0.14% |
1,500,000 |
0.14% |
B 2:Financial Instrumentswith similareconomiceffect accordingtoRegulation17(1)(b) oftheRegulations |
Type of financial instrument |
Expiration date |
Exercise/ Conversion Period |
Physical or cash settlement |
Number of voting rights |
% of voting rights |
10. Information inrelation tothepersonsubjecttothenotificationobligation (please tick theapplicablebox):
[X] Personsubject tothenotificationobligation isnot controlled byanynaturalpersonor legalentityanddoesnotcontrol anyotherundertaking(s)holdingdirectlyorindirectlyan interest inthe(underlying) issuer.
[] Fullchainof controlledundertakingsthroughwhichthe votingrightsand/orthe financial instruments are effectively held starting withthe ultimate controllingnatural person orlegalentity: |
Name |
%ofvotingrightsifitequalsorishigherthanthenotifiablethreshold |
%ofvotingrightsthroughfinancialinstrumentsifitequalsorishigherthanthenotifiablethreshold |
Totalofbothifitequalsorishigherthanthenotifiablethreshold |
11. In caseof proxyvoting: [nameofthe proxyholder]willceasetohold[% andnumber] votingrightsas of [date] |
12. Additional information: |
Done at Dublin on 2 June 2020
Contact: Sarah McLaughlin, Group Secretary
Telephone: +353 (0) 76 624 8577