Final Results - Replacement

Baring Emerging Europe Trust PLC 28 June 2001 The Issuer advises that the following replaces the 'Final Results' announcement released on 26 June 2001, at 17.02, under RNS number 9199F. The figures relating to the section Summary of Net Assets as previously shown were included in error and have been removed. The Directors' Report and Statement of Accounts will be posted on the 12 July 2001, not 11th July as previously stated in the Notes Section. All other details remain unchanged. The full amended text appears below. THE BARING EMERGING EUROPE TRUST PLC Preliminary announcement in respect of the year ended 30 April 2001. STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2001 Revenue Capital Total US$000 US$000 US$000 Losses on investments --- (100,345) (100,345) Gains on foreign exchange --- 462 462 Income 3,812 --- 3,812 Investment management fee (4,458) --- (4,458) Other expenses (1,956) --- (1,956) Net return before interest payable and (2,602) (99,883) (102,485) taxation Interest payable (226) --- (226) Return on ordinary activities before taxation (2,828) (99,883) (102,711) Taxation (438) --- (438) Return attributable to ordinary shareholders (3,266) (99,883) (103,149) Dividend per share --- --- --- Transfers to reserves (3,266) (99,883) (103,149) Revenue Capital Total Return per ordinary share: basic (2.68)c (81.99)c (84.67)c Return per ordinary share: fully diluted (2.44)c (74.75)c (77.19)c THE BARING EMERGING EUROPE TRUST PLC STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2000 Revenue Capital Total US$000 US$000 US$000 Gains on investments --- 143,252 143,252 Gains on foreign exchange --- 12 12 Income 3,613 --- 3,613 Investment management fee (5,024) --- (5,024) Other expenses (2,048) --- (2,048) Net return before interest payable and (3,459) 143,264 139,805 taxation Interest payable (201) --- (201) Return on ordinary activities before taxation (3,660) 143,264 139,604 Taxation (293) --- (293) Return attributable to ordinary shareholders (3,953) 143,264 139,311 Dividend per share --- --- --- Transfers to reserves (3,953) 143,264 139,311 Earnings Capital Total Return per ordinary share: basic (3.19)c 115.73c 112.54c Return per ordinary share: fully diluted (2.90)c 105.09c 102.19c THE BARING EMERGING EUROPE TRUST PLC BALANCE SHEET At 30 April 2001 2000 US$000 US$000 Fixed assets Investments 296,037 409,140 Current assets 1,888 22,260 Debtors 1,121 89 Cash at bank and in hand 3,009 22,349 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (3,661) (21,037) Net (current liabilities)/current assets (652) 1,312 Total assets less current liabilities 295,385 410,452 Capital and reserves 11,840 12,399 Called-up share capital 94,357 94,293 Share premium account 12,835 13,263 Warrant premium account Other reserves 599 35 Redemption reserve 184,127 204,178 Capital reserve-realised 2,794 94,185 Capital reserve-unrealised (11,167) (7,901) Revenue reserve Total shareholders' funds 295,385 410,452 Net asset value per share: basic 249.88c 331.54c fully diluted 224.71c 293.10c THE BARING EMERGING EUROPE TRUST PLC CASHFLOW STATEMENT Year Ended 30 April 2001 2000 US$000 US$000 Operating activities Investment income received 2,915 3,215 Interest received 459 105 Investment management fees paid (3,590) (4,806) Other cash payments (1,827) (1,923) Net cash outflow from operating activities (2,043) (3,409) Returns on investments and servicing of finance (201) Interest paid (189) Financial Investment (203,000) (381,593) Purchases of investments 237,789 364,455 Sales of investments Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment 34,789 (17,138) Financing - 23 Exercise of warrants 45 -- Buyback of warrants (601) (930) Buyback of ordinary shares (11,361) Net cash outflow from financing (11,917) (907) Increase(decrease) in cash 20,640 (21,655) NOTES: The abridged figures for 2001 are an extract from the latest Accounts. These Accounts have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, nor have the Auditors yet reported on them. The Directors' Report and Statement of Accounts will be posted on 12 July 2001. The Annual General Meeting will be held at 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2, on Friday 21 September 2001 at 11.30 a.m. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Company Performance The Company's undiluted net asset value per share declined by 25% during the year ended 30 April 2001. This compares with an increase of 51% in the preceding financial year. Since inception in January 1994, the Company's undiluted net asset value per share has grown at a compound annual rate of growth of 14 per cent. All the markets of the region suffered declines during the period. This was due mainly to weak international investor sentiment and declining global markets despite the fact that, except for Turkey, economic fundamentals in the region remained relatively strong. However, relative performance has continued to be strong, with the Company continuing to outperform its benchmark, the BEMI Emerging Europe Index and its peer group of comparable funds. The 'converging' economies of Central Europe continue their path towards integration with Western Europe. Although some teething problems can be expected along the way, the political and economic momentum seems unstoppable. The economies of the main 'emerging' countries, namely Russia and Turkey, suffered widely differing fortunes during the last 12 months. Russia maintained the structural reform process under the continued strong leadership of Vladimir Putin while the high oil price offered positive support to the economy. In Turkey, however, the IMF - initiated disinflation programme and reform process collapsed dramatically under currency and liquidity pressures and the Lira was devalued by around 40%. We continue to monitor the discount to Net Asset Value at which the Company's shares trade. During the year the Company repurchased a further 5,635,000 of its ordinary shares and 750,000 of its warrants for cancellation. Resolution number 5 at the forthcoming AGM is being proposed as a special resolution to renew the share buyback facility. Review of Investment Manager As I reported in my interim statement, both Rory Landman and Martin Taylor resigned from Baring Asset Management ('BAM'), the Company's investment manager, during the first half of the year. Klaus Bockstaller was subsequently appointed by BAM as a replacement for Martin Taylor and he is supported in his role by BAM's Emerging Europe investment team. In light of these personnel changes at BAM, your Board concluded that it was appropriate to review the position of BAM as the Company's investment manager and sought proposals from a number of companies with emerging market expertise. Following careful consideration of these submissions and presentations and detailed discussions with a short-list, we announced on 12 February 2001 that Baring Asset Management had been confirmed as investment manager. An amended management contract is in the process of being concluded which inter alia will result in the creation of a performance element in the investment managers' fee. This will be capped at a level which will result, at its maximum, in no increase in costs to the Company. Board Sadly, I have to report that on 7 May 2001 Massimo Camilletti, who had been a director of the Company since its inception until his retirement at the AGM in 1999, lost his battle against Motor Neurone Disease. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT (cont'd) As mentioned in the interim report, Preston Rabl resigned from the Board on 30 November 2000 and I would again like to record my thanks for the service that he rendered to the Company. On 2 April 2001 Iain Saunders, who had spent 30 years with the Fleming group until his retirement in 2001, was appointed as a director. AITC The Company made a contribution towards the Association of Investment Trust Companies ('AITC') marketing campaign. The AITC is presently consulting with its members on the next phase of its initiative and we expect to maintain our existing level of support. Annual General Meeting This year's Annual General Meeting is being held on Friday 21 September 2001 at 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2 commencing at 11.30 a.m. The formal business will be followed by a short presentation from the investment manager after which there will be an opportunity for you to raise any specific issues with them or any member of the Board. We are also proposing a number of amendments to the Company's Articles of Association at an Extraordinary General Meeting immediately following this year's AGM. Full details will be contained in a separate letter to shareholders. Outlook Our view of the longer term outlook in the region remains positive, but, as always, shareholders should be aware of the political, economic, market and stock-specific risks inherent in the Company's investments in this particular region. Sir William Ryrie 26 June, 2001 THE BARING EMERGING EUROPE TRUST PLC M J Nokes Company Secretary 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3XY Tel: 020 7628 6000
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