28 June 2010
BATM Advanced Communications Limited ("BATM" or "the Company")
Announcement of New Directors
Further to the Company's announcement on 22 June 2010, BATM is pleased to announce the appointments of Roger Lacey, Professor Gideon Chitayat and Amos Shani as non-executive directors of BATM, with effect from 22 June 2010.
Pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.13(1):
· Roger Lacey currently serves as a director of Communication Systems Inc
· Gideon Chitayat was a director of Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd until 2005, Bank Hapoalim Ltd until 2006 and currently serves as Chairman of Delta Galil Industries Ltd as well as a director of Milissron Ltd, Paz Oil Company Ltd and Machteshim Agan Industries Ltd.
There is no further information required to be disclosed in relation to any of the three directors pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.13 and they do not have any beneficial interest in BATM's ordinary shares.
BATM Advanced Communications Dr Zvi Marom, Chief Executive
+972 9866 2525 |
Threadneedle Communications Josh Royston / Graham Herring
020 7653 9850 |
Singer Capital Markets Ltd Shaun Dobson
020 3205 7620
Shore Capital Graham Shore / Pascal Keane
020 7408 4090