Final Results - Part 2
Berkeley Group Holdings (The) PLC
29 June 2007
Consolidated Income Statement
Year ended Year ended
30 April 2007 30 April 2006
Unaudited Audited
Notes £'000 £'000
Continuing operations
Revenue 2(a) 918,410 917,926
Cost of sales (649,549) (686,166)
Gross profit 268,861 231,760
Net operating expenses (91,789) (70,885)
Operating profit 2(b) 177,072 160,875
Finance income 3 10,121 19,968
Finance costs 3 (5,941) (27,304)
Share of post tax results of joint ventures
using the equity method 2(c) 6,798 11,562
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 188,050 165,101
Taxation 4 (52,505) (43,736)
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 135,545 121,365
Discontinued operations
Profit from discontinued operations 5 - 80,782
Profit for the financial year attributable to
equity shareholders 135,545 202,147
Dividends per Ordinary Share - -
Earnings per Ordinary Share
- Basic 6 112.6p 168.4p
|- Continuing operations 112.6p 101.1p |
|- Discontinued operations - 67.3p |
- Diluted 6 112.3p 167.4p
|- Continuing operations 112.3p 100.5p |
|- Discontinued operations - 66.9p |
Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense
Year ended Year ended
30 April 2007 30 April 2006
Unaudited Audited
£'000 £'000
Profit for the financial year 135,545 202,147
Actuarial gain recognised in the pension scheme 961 1,925
Deferred tax on actuarial gain recognised in the
pension scheme (288) (578)
Deferred tax in respect of employee share schemes 23,850 6,440
Total recognised income for the financial year 160,068 209,934
Consolidated Balance Sheet
At 30 April At 30 April
2007 2006
Unaudited Audited
Notes £'000 £'000
Non-current assets
Intangible assets 19,686 -
Property, plant and equipment 2,368 2,252
Investments accounted for using equity
method 1,729 68,995
Deferred tax assets 34,594 18,285
58,377 89,532
Current assets
Inventories 1,057,994 763,873
Trade and other receivables 27,601 23,692
Cash and cash equivalents 140,330 220,670
1,225,925 1,008,235
Current liabilities
Borrowings (59,368) (85)
Trade and other payables (341,860) (202,267)
Current tax liabilities (38,680) (32,589)
(439,908) (234,941)
Net current assets 786,017 773,294
Total assets less current liabilities 844,394 862,826
Non-current liabilities
Retirement benefit obligation - (10,342)
Other non-current liabilities (62,819) (15,294)
(62,819) (25,636)
Net assets 781,575 837,190
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 18,123 24,164
Share premium 264 264
Capital redemption reserve 12,132 6,091
Other reserve (961,299) (961,299)
Revaluation reserve 17,725 -
Retained profit 1,694,299 1,735,475
Joint ventures' reserves 331 32,495
Total equity 7 781,575 837,190
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Year ended Year ended
30 April 2007 30 April 2006
Unaudited Audited
Notes £'000 £'000
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 199,053 276,435
Dividends from joint ventures 6,016 5,396
Interest received 10,121 19,968
Interest paid (2,716) (37,384)
Tax paid (51,540) (35,413)
Net cash flow from operating activities 8 160,934 229,002
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (1,183) (1,419)
Sale of property, plant and equipment 345 467
Purchase of shares in joint ventures (5) (10)
Sale of shares in joint ventures 10 -
Movements in loans with joint ventures 6,528 (858)
Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking 9 (97,457) -
Cash balance in subsidiary acquired 34,658 -
Expenses relating to acquisition of
subsidiary 9 (1,812) -
Disposal of subsidiary undertaking - 250,736
Overdraft balance of subsidiary disposed - 572
Expenses relating to disposal of subsidiary - (2,765)
Net cash flow from investing activities (58,916) 246,723
Cash flows from financing activities
Redemption of shares (241,641) -
Repayment of loan stock - (3)
Increase in short-term borrowings 59,283 -
Repayment of bank loan - (600,000)
Net cash flow from financing activities (182,358) (600,003)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (80,340) (124,278)
Cash and cash equivalents at start of the
financial year 220,670 344,948
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the
financial year 140,330 220,670
1 Basis of preparation
The unaudited financial information for the year ended 30 April 2007 and the
comparative audited information for the year ended 30 April 2006 does not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985. This information was approved by the Board on 29 June 2007, and has
been extracted from the Group's statutory accounts which have not yet been
signed, nor have the auditors yet reported on them.
This information, including the comparative information for the year ended 30
April 2006, has been prepared in accordance with EU endorsed International
Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'), International Financial Reporting
Interpretations Committee ('IFRIC') interpretations and in accordance with the
listing rules of the Financial Services Authority and consistently in accordance
with the accounting policies set out in the 2006 Annual Report. The statutory
accounts for the year ended 30 April 2006 have been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies. The report of the auditors on these financial statements was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985.
2 Analysis by Activity
Year ended Year ended
30 April 2007 30 April 2006
Unaudited Audited
Continuing operations £'000 £'000
(a) Revenue
Residential housebuilding 867,944 890,539
Commercial property and other activities 50,466 27,387
918,410 917,926
(b) Operating profit
Residential housebuilding 170,097 156,846
Commercial property and other activities 6,975 4,029
177,072 160,875
(c) Share of post tax results of joint ventures
Residential housebuilding 6,765 11,469
Commercial property and other activities 33 93
6,798 11,562
All revenue and profit disclosed in the table above relate to continuing
activities of the Group and are derived from activities performed in the United
Kingdom. Included in Group residential housebuilding revenue and operating
profit are £43,997,000 and £9,245,000 in respect of land sales (2006: £1,142,000
and £889,000).
3 Net finance income / (costs)
Year ended Year ended
30 April 2007 30 April 2006
Unaudited Audited
Continuing operations £'000 £'000
Finance income 10,121 19,968
Finance costs
Interest payable on bank loans and overdrafts (3,000) (26,153)
Other finance costs (2,941) (1,151)
(5,941) (27,304)
Net finance income / (costs) 4,180 (7,336)
4 Taxation
Year ended Year ended
30 April 2007 30 April 2006
Unaudited Audited
Continuing operations £'000 £'000
Current tax
UK corporation tax payable (63,106) (35,158)
Adjustments in respect of previous periods 4,610 469
(58,496) (34,689)
Deferred tax 5,991 (9,047)
(52,505) (43,736)
5 Profit from discontinued operations
The Group completed the sale of The Crosby Group plc ('Crosby') to Lend Lease
Corporation Limited on 8 July 2005 for consideration of £250,736,000 which
included the settlement of £151,306,000 of intercompany balances. The profit
from discontinued operations which was included within the consolidated income
statement for the year ended 30 April 2006 was £80,782,000.
6 Earnings per Ordinary Share
Earnings per Ordinary Share is calculated as the profit for the financial year
of £135,545,000 (2006: £202,147,000) divided by the weighted average number of
Ordinary Shares in issue during the year of 120,335,736 (2006: 120,067,044). For
diluted earnings per Ordinary Share, the weighted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue is adjusted to assume the conversion of all dilutive potential
Ordinary Shares. The dilutive potential Ordinary Shares relate to shares granted
under employee share schemes where the exercise price is less than the average
market price of the Ordinary Shares during the year. The effect of the dilutive
potential Ordinary Shares is 388,267 shares (2006: 681,083), which gives a
diluted weighted average number of Ordinary Shares of 120,724,003 (2006:
7 Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
Year ended Year ended 30
30 April 2007 April 2006
Unaudited Audited
£'000 £'000
Profit for the financial year 135,545 202,147
Actuarial gain recognised in the pension scheme 961 1,925
Deferred tax on actuarial gain recognised in the
pension scheme (288) (578)
Revaluation of 50% of net assets of subsidiaries
owned prior to acquisition of remaining 50% of net
assets in the year 20,297 -
Redemption of shares (241,641) -
Credit in respect of employee share schemes 5,661 6,347
Deferred tax in respect of employee share schemes 23,850 6,440
Net movement on shareholders' equity (55,615) 216,281
Opening shareholders' equity 837,190 620,909
Closing shareholders' equity 781,575 837,190
8 Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Year ended Year ended
30 April 2007 30 April 2006
Unaudited Audited
£'000 £'000
Net cash flows from operating activities
Continuing operations
Profit for the financial year 135,545 121,365
Adjustments for:
- Taxation 52,505 43,736
- Depreciation 1,278 1,648
- Amortisation of intangible assets 746 -
- Profit on sale of property, plant and equipment (34) (114)
- Finance income (10,121) (19,968)
- Finance costs 5,941 27,304
- Share of results of joint ventures after tax (6,798) (11,562)
- Non-cash charge in respect of share awards 5,661 6,347
Changes in working capital:
- Decrease in inventories 18,385 154,672
- Decrease in receivables 5,354 13,292
- Increase / (decrease) in payables 216 (41,242)
- Decrease in employee benefit obligations (9,625) (301)
Cash generated from continuing operating
activities 199,053 295,177
Dividends from joint ventures 6,016 5,396
Interest received 10,121 19,968
Interest paid (2,716) (37,254)
Taxation (51,540) (35,413)
Net cash from continuing operating activities 160,934 247,874
Discontinued operations
Profit for the financial year - 80,782
Adjustments for:
- Taxation - 348
- Depreciation - 58
- Finance costs - 130
- Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertaking - (79,746)
- Non-cash movement in profit on disposal of
subsidiary - 707
Changes in working capital:
- Increase in inventories - (15,785)
- Decrease in receivables - 5,925
- Decrease in payables - (11,161)
Cash used in discontinued operating activities - (18,742)
Interest paid - (130)
Net cash used in discontinued operating activities - (18,872)
Net cash from operating activities 160,934 229,002
Other net cash flows from discontinued operations
Net cash from investing activities - 248,556
Year ended Year ended
30 April 2007 30 April 2006
Unaudited Audited
£'000 £'000
Reconciliation of net cash flow to net cash /
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (80,340) (124,278)
Cash (inflow) / outflow from (increase) / decrease
in debt (59,283) 600,003
Movement in net cash / (debt) in the financial
year (139,623) 475,725
Opening net cash / (debt) 220,585 (255,140)
Closing net cash 80,962 220,585
At 30 April At 30 April
2007 2006
Unaudited Audited
£'000 £'000
Net cash
Cash and cash equivalents 140,330 220,670
Borrowings (59,368) (85)
Net cash 80,962 220,585
9 Acquisition of subsidiary
On 6 November 2006 at an Extraordinary General Meeting, the shareholders of The
Berkeley Group Holdings plc approved the offer by its wholly-owned subsidiary,
The Berkeley Group plc, to acquire from RWE Thames Water plc the 50 per cent of
the ordinary share capital of St James Group Limited that it did not already
own. Following completion of the acquisition on 7 November 2006, The Berkeley
Group plc held 100 per cent of the ordinary share capital of St James Group
Limited. The Berkeley Group plc made payments to RWE Thames Water plc to
complete the acquisition of £97,457,000. Of this:
• £68,600,000 related to the purchase of the ordinary share capital of St
James Group Limited owned by RWE Thames Water plc; and
• £28,857,000 related to the settlement and refinancing of shareholder
loans owed by St James to RWE Thames Water plc.
Transaction expenses were £1,812,000.
In the six months ended 31 October 2006, the Group accounted for the results of
St James Group Limited using the equity method of accounting for its 50 per cent
interest in the joint venture. Following completion on 7 November 2006 of its
acquisition of the 50 per cent interest in St James Group Limited that it did
not already own, the Group has consolidated the results of St James Group
Limited as a wholly owned subsidiary from this date forward.
From the date of acquisition to 30 April 2007 St James Group Limited contributed
£129,531,000 to revenue, £23,708,000 to operating profit and £20,039,000 to
profit before tax. St James Group Limited contributed a net outflow of
£76,683,000 to the Group's net operating cash flows, paid £2,113,000 in respect
of interest, and utilised £66,000 for capital expenditure.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange