BH Macro Limited (the "Company")
(a closed-ended investment scheme established as a company with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 46235)
28 July 2011
Following the publication on 22 July 2011 of the final month-end net asset values for 30 June 2011, the following share conversion ratios have been determined in accordance with the articles of association of the Company for the purposes of the 30 June 2011 share conversion date:
0.604448 |
Sterling shares for each US Dollar share |
0.684831 |
Euro shares for each US Dollar share |
1.654403 |
US Dollar shares for each Sterling share |
1.132776 |
Euro shares for each Sterling share |
1.460214 |
US Dollar shares for each Euro share |
0.882787 |
Sterling shares for each Euro share |
On the basis of aggregate applications received and using the conversion ratios listed above, the following shares will be issued:
- 84,712 new Sterling shares of no par value
and the following shares will be cancelled:
- 5,510 US Dollar shares of no par value; and
- 92,188 Euro shares of no par value
all with effect from 22 June 2011.
Application has been made to the Financial Services Authority ("FSA") for the new shares to be admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed securities.
Admission is expected to occur on 2 August 2011. Shareholder CREST accounts for converting shareholders are expected to be updated by 5.00pm on 29 July 2011.
Following issue and cancellation of the relevant shares, the total number of shares in issue in each class will be as follows:
- 12,675,497 Euro Shares
- 1,222,013 Euro Treasury Shares
- 31,250,176 US Dollar Shares
- 3,438,476 US Dollar Treasury Shares
- 36,415,307 Sterling Shares; and
- 877,595 Sterling Treasury Shares
The number of votes each share in the Company is entitled to on a poll at any general meeting of the Company was published by the Company on 9 March 2007 and will not change as a result of the conversions. These are:
Euro Share 1
US Dollar Share 0.7606
Sterling Share 1.4710
From 28 July 2011, the total number of voting rights in the Company (rounded down to the whole number) is 90,011,297.
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Rose Toussaint +44 (0)1481 745381