Final Results

Throgmorton Trust PLC 30 January 2003 THE THROGMORTON TRUST PLC PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 NOVEMBER 2002 • Continued outperformance in difficult markets • Net Asset Value per ordinary share 77.5p (2001:103.2p) see table below • Final dividend 1.0p (2001:1.0p) making a total of 1.5p (2001:1.5p) NET ASSET VALUE 30.11.2002 30.11.2001 Year on year % change The Throgmorton Trust PLC 77.5p 103.2p -24.9 (loan stock not converted) FTSE SmallCap (ex Inv. Cos.) 1,914.5 2,600.2 -26.4 FTSE All-Share 2,003.0 2,514.1 -20.3 THE CHAIRMAN, LORD STEWARTBY, COMMENTED: After a very disappointing stock market performance in the two previous years, 2002 turned out even worse, and deterioration has continued in the current year. The cumulative effect of accounting scandals, disappointing profits, anxiety about international security and deferment of hopes of economic recovery led to further sharp falls in stock markets. Although the small companies sector suffered badly in these conditions, I can again report that, during the period under review, both the portfolio and the net asset value of the Trust performed better than the SmallCap Index. The policy of concentrating on companies with good management and a strong balance sheet has again contributed to the relative performance of the portfolio, in exceptionally difficult conditions. Net asset value At 30 November 2002 the net asset value was 77.5p per share against 103.2p at the end of the previous November. The decline in the Trust's net asset value per share over the twelve months of 24.9 per cent compares with a fall of 26.4 per cent in the FTSE SmallCap Index (excluding Investment Companies). Over the same period the FTSE All Share Index declined by 20.3 per cent, as increasing aversion to risk on the part of investors, combined with the greater illiquidity of shares in smaller companies, resulted in a worse performance by the Small Cap sector than by the market overall. The net asset value of the Trust suffered, in a falling market, from the relatively high level of gearing. Thus, although the portfolio itself outperformed the SmallCap Index by as much as 6.5 per cent, outperformance in terms of net asset value was limited to 1.5 per cent. When market levels recover, the gearing should, of course, have a favourable impact on net asset value. Revenue and Dividend The net revenue of the Trust, after tax, was £3.1 million, compared with £3.4 million in 2001. As I explained a year ago, lower income was to be expected following the maturity of the Munder loan notes and conversion of the Halladale preference shares, both of which had provided a significant contribution to the revenue account. Nevertheless, the directors recommend a final dividend of 1.0p per share, making a total of 1.5p for the year, both unchanged from 2001. Although the decline in revenue this year leaves the dividend uncovered by current earnings, the Trust and its financing subsidiaries have a total of more than £6 million in distributable reserves going forward. The directors accordingly do not anticipate any need for a reduction in the dividend for the current year. The board Mr Peter Courtney, who has been a director since 1990, is not seeking re-election at the Annual General Meeting in March. The Trust had entered the 1990s with a material number of unquoted holdings, including trading subsidiaries and associates, and in difficult economic conditions Mr Courtney, as Finance Director, played a key role in helping to restore the company to its original purpose as an orthodox investment trust specialising in quoted smaller companies. On behalf of the board I would like to take this opportunity to record our gratitude to him for the very significant contribution that he has made to our affairs. We are pleased to welcome to the board Mr Harry Westropp who has long experience of the small company sector. After beginning his career at Lazard Brothers in the 1960s Mr Westropp, who is currently chairman of Abacus Group plc, has served on the boards of several small to mid-sized companies, both private and quoted. Outlook In recent weeks the mood among investors has become exceptionally nervous and this has resulted in a renewed bout of weakness in the markets. There has rarely been a time when economic prospects have been so difficult to fathom. In the United Kingdom, which has so far avoided some of the worst pitfalls, there needs to be more constraint on the rate of growth of personal indebtedness, and calmer conditions in the housing market. Abroad, the possibility of war in Iraq, fears of more terrorist activity and other tensions elsewhere have created a lack of confidence and an uncertain background for business, as the main trading nations hesitantly look forward to economic recovery. After three very difficult years, during which much retrenchment and reconstruction has had to be undertaken by companies, it may seem optimistic to suggest that by the end of 2003 some modest improvement in economic activity should at last become more evident, particularly in the United States on which the rest of the world remains heavily dependent. A year ago I said that smaller companies should be well placed to benefit from recovery in the domestic economy. That view still holds good, although the timescale is proving to be considerably more extended than many had hoped. Lord Stewartby Chairman 30 January 2003 The Throgmorton Trust PLC Preliminary statement for the year ended 30 November 2002 Revenue Account for the year ended 30 November 2002 2001 £000s (unaudited) £000s (audited) £000s £000s Income from fixed asset investments Franked income 5,741 6,476 Unfranked income 1,056 806 6,797 7,282 Other income Interest receivable 281 675 Fees and commissions 99 135 380 810 Gross Income 7,177 8,092 Expenses and interest Management fee 1,181 1,604 Administration expenses 291 322 Interest payable 2,582 2,611 4,054 4,537 Net revenue from ordinary activities before 3,123 3,555 taxation Tax on net revenue from ordinary activities 58 196 Net revenue from ordinary activities after 3,065 3,359 taxation Dividends Ordinary shares: Interim 1,186 1,192 Final 2,373 2,355 3,559 3,547 Transfer from reserves (494) (188) Earnings per share - basic 1.29p 1.40p - diluted 1.41p 1.51p The revenue account is the profit and loss account of the company. All revenue is derived from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued during the year. The Throgmorton Trust PLC Preliminary statement for the year ended 30 November 2002 Balance Sheet as at 30 November 2002 2001 £000s (unaudited) £000s (audited) £000s £000s Fixed asset investments Listed United Kingdom 220,396 276,984 Overseas 41 40 Subsidiary undertakings 3,186 3,743 223,623 280,767 Current assets Debtors 1,357 1,680 Cash at bank 8,572 13,354 9,929 15,034 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year Amounts owed to subsidiary undertakings 1,512 1,907 Sundry creditors 714 1,189 Proposed dividend on ordinary shares 2,373 2,373 4,599 5,469 Net current assets 5,330 9,565 Total assets less current liabilities 228,953 290,332 Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year Debentures, convertible debt and loans (45,126) (45,126) Net assets 183,827 245,206 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 11,863 11,886 Share premium account 35,272 35,272 Capital reserves Capital redemption reserve 3,327 3,304 Revaluation reserve (43,514) 8,062 Realised capital profits 173,259 133,072 182,568 193,934 Revenue reserve 3,620 4,114 Total equity shareholders' funds 183,827 245,206 Net asset value per share 77.48p 103.15p Approved by the board of directors and signed on their behalf by Lord Stewartby 30 January 2003 The Throgmorton Trust PLC Preliminary statement for the year ended 30 November 2002 Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses Year to 30 November 2002 (unaudited) Revenue Capital Total £000s £000s £000s Realised gains and losses - (5,569) (5,569) Unrealised gains and losses - (51,576) (51,576) Income 7,177 - 7,177 Management fee (1,181) (1,181) (2,362) Other expenses (291) - (291) Net return before finance costs and taxation 5,705 (58,326) (52,621) Interest payable and similar charges (2,582) (2,425) (5,007) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 3,123 (60,751) (57,628) Tax on ordinary activities (58) 58 - Return on ordinary activities after taxation attributable to equity shareholders 3,065 (60,693) (57,628) Dividends in respect of equity shares (3,559) - (3,559) Transfer from reserves (494) (60,693) (61,187) Return per ordinary share - basic 1.29p (25.58p) (24.29p) - assuming conversion of loan stock 1.41p (24.51p) (23.10p) The revenue column of this statement is the summary profit and loss account of the company. All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. The Throgmorton Trust PLC Preliminary statement for the year ended 30 November 2002 Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses (Continued) Year to 30 November 2001 (audited) Revenue Capital Total £000s £000s £000s Realised gains and losses - 20,427 20,427 Unrealised gains and losses - (44,777) (44,777) Income 8,092 - 8,092 Management fee (1,604) (1,604) (3,208) Other expenses (322) - (322) Net return before finance costs and taxation 6,166 (25,954) (19,788) Interest payable and similar charges (2,611) (2,424) (5,035) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 3,555 (28,378) (24,823) Tax on ordinary activities (196) 196 - Return on ordinary activities after taxation attributable to equity shareholders 3,359 (28,182) (24,823) Dividends in respect of equity shares (3,547) - (3,547) Transfer from reserves (188) (28,182) (28,370) Return per ordinary share - basic 1.40p (11.74p) (10.34p) - assuming conversion of loan stock 1.51p (11.17p) (9.66p) The Revenue column of this statement is the summary profit and loss account of the company. All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. The Throgmorton Trust PLC Preliminary statement for the year ended 30 November 2002 Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds for the year ended 30 November 2002 2001 (unaudited) (audited) £000s £000s Net surplus revenue for distribution 3,065 3,359 Dividends (3,559) (3,547) Net transferred from reserves (494) (188) Conversion of loan stock - 5 Non distributable capital deficit (60,693) (28,182) Repurchase of ordinary shares (369) (10,146) Release of provision for previous subsidiary undertaking 177 - Net reduction to shareholders' funds (61,379) (38,511) Opening shareholders' funds 245,206 283,717 Closing shareholders' funds 183,827 245,206 The Throgmorton Trust PLC Preliminary statement for the year ended 30 November 2002 Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 November 2002 2001 (unaudited) (audited) £000s £000s Operating activities Cash received from investments 6,722 7,095 Interest received 281 675 Underwriting commission 89 146 Management fee (1,312) (1,626) Cash paid to and on behalf of the directors (98) (99) Other cash payments (222) (251) Net cash inflow from operating activities 5,460 5,940 Servicing of finance Interest paid - revenue (2,582) (2,611) Taxation - (302) Taxation paid Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of investments (77,614) (164,869) Sale of investments 77,690 184,658 Capital management fee (1,312) (1,626) Interest charged to capital (2,424) (2,425) Net payments to subsidiaries (72) (738) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities (3,732) 15,000 Dividends Dividends paid - equity shares (3,559) (3,646) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (4,413) 14,381 Financing Repurchase of ordinary shares (369) (10,156) Net cash outflow from financing (369) (10,156) (Decrease)/increase in cash (4,782) 4,225 The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 November 2002 or 2001. The financial information for the year ended 30 November 2001 is derived from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 November 2002 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the company's annual general meeting. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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