Interim Results

Throgmorton Trust PLC 4 July 2002 THE THROGMORTON TRUST PLC INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTH PERIOD TO 31 MAY 2002 KEY POINTS • Portfolio Outperformed SmallCap and All-Share Indices • Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share at 31 May 2002, 106.4p • Interim Dividend 0.5p (2001 - 0.5p) NET ASSET VALUE 30.11.01 31.05.02 Change The Throgmorton Trust PLC 103.15p 106.41p +3.2% FTSE SmallCap (ex IC) 2,600.18 2,569.60 -1.2% FTSE All-Share 2,514.07 2,475.57 -1.5% THE CHAIRMAN, LORD STEWARTBY, COMMENTED: The six months to 31 May 2002 saw a continuation of the outperformance by the Trust's portfolio of smaller companies that had been achieved during the previous year. The approach to sector and stock selection described in the Investment Manager's Report which follows has enabled the Trust to perform well during a period of continuing volatility in stock markets. At 31 May 2002 the net asset value of the Trust was 106.4p per share, compared with 103.2p at 30 November 2001, an increase of 3.2 per cent over the six months. This compares with decreases in the FTSE SmallCap (excluding Investment Companies) Index of 1.2 per cent and in the FTSE All-Share Index of 1.5 per cent over the same period. The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 0.5p per share, the same as last year. All investments are currently subject not only to fragile sentiment in the face of continuing uncertainties about the strength of world economic recovery, but also since the Enron scandal to anxieties about corporate governance and accounting. Against this background stock markets are likely to remain short of confidence in the coming months, although in relative terms the outlook for small companies in the United Kingdom remains favourable. INVESTMENT MANAGER'S REPORT Review During the six month period to 31 May 2002 the Trust's net asset value increased by 3.2% compared to a fall of 1.2% in the FTSE SmallCap ex investment companies index. This was highly creditable bearing in mind the market's turbulent conditions. The repercussions of the world economic slowdown and heightened political instability led to huge swings in sentiment and combated hopes of a domestic recovery. The Trust took advantage of this volatility, buying into high reward stocks on market falls and taking profits from fully valued companies on rises. Stock picking remained key. The stated strategy of backing companies with a good asset base and superior quality of management continued to bear fruit over the period. The scandal surrounding Enron illustrated the need for such a focus. Significant interest rate cuts by central banks following the events of 11 September led initially to expectations of a strong economic recovery. These expectations rose or fell following each new economic release or political incident, with market sentiment reacting accordingly, often to the Trust's benefit. Low valuations and progress in exploration provided a sound footing for a rise in oil exploration and production stocks, particularly given the background of a rising oil price. Companies held such as Dana, Paladin and Expro posted significant gains. They should continue to support the portfolio if political tension in the Middle or the Far East escalates further. Expectations that the weak economic conditions would take their toll on consumer spending left car retail and housebuilding stocks on low ratings. However, the Trust benefited from maintaining good investments in these sectors as these fears were slow to materialise. The consumer continued to spend and both industries enjoyed strong profits growth following a number of years of restructuring. The holdings in Countryside, Crest Nicholson and Redrow performed well amongst the housebuilders, while amongst the car retailers Vardy and CD Bramall were strong and Sytner received a bid at a 50% premium. The Government's continued emphasis on spending to improve public services and infrastructure helped the Trust's investments in construction and the private finance initiative. Mowlem, Amec, Interserve and Galliford Try all improved on the back of increased spending on schools, hospitals and transport. Findel's education supplies business also performed strongly. The abolition of betting tax and the deregulation of casinos led to a strong performance from the holding in Stanley Leisure. The barrage of bad news from technology stocks heightened investor risk aversion leaving the sector weak in February and March which provided the opportunity to buy the stronger companies on lower valuations. The biotechnology and healthcare sectors performed poorly although disciplined stock selection helped mitigate some of the losses. This risk/reward looks favourable for Gyrus, a non-invasive surgical device company, Axis Shield, a diagnostics company and Acambis, a leader in vaccines. A pick-up in corporate activity highlighted the attractive valuations of many small companies over the period. The Trust benefited from the takeovers of Sytner, Lynx and T J Hughes. In addition, takeover approaches were made for Alphameric and Comino, both in the technology sector, as well as for Budgens, the food retailer. Outlook Despite current nervous stockmarket conditions caused by accounting issues in the US, political instability in the Middle and Far East and global economic uncertainty, the UK domestic economy remains fairly robust. Inflation remains low and interest rates are unlikely to rise significantly. On this basis the return from the UK smaller companies sector could be good. Increased risk aversion over the last year has blinded investors to strong fundamentals in many areas of the smaller company market. As sentiment in the economy and stockmarket recovers, investors should return to higher risk reward areas which should benefit the smaller company arena. Government spending is sustaining job prospects in an economy with already fairly full employment. This should continue to buoy the consumer and benefit domestic companies. It is currently evident in the strong trading from housebuilders, car and clothes retailers, construction, leisure, transport and property companies - all sectors with a good representation in the Trust. In addition, we believe sectors where UK companies remain globally competitive will benefit further from the accelerated economic growth. These include sectors such as health and biotechnology, media, information technology, aerospace and oil exploration. In conclusion, we believe the Trust is strategically placed to benefit from domestic and international recovery themes and by maintaining the discipline of a well diversified portfolio spread, the Trust should continue to benefit against an improving smaller company background. Framlington Investment Management Limited 4 July 2002 Contacts: Paul Branigan - 020 7330 6544 Roger Whiteoak - 020 7330 6551 Six months to Six months to Full year to 31 May 2002 31 May 2001 30 Nov 2001 £000s £000s £000s Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Income from fixed asset investments Franked income 2,935 3,098 6,476 Unfranked income 27 379 648 2,962 3,477 7,124 Other income Dividends from subsidiary undertakings 110 8 158 Interest receivable 189 264 675 Sundry income 89 40 135 388 312 968 Total income 3,350 3,789 8,092 Management fee (638) (825) (1,604) Administration expenses (155) (160) (322) Interest payable (1,293) (1,308) (2,611) Net revenue from ordinary activities before taxation 1,264 1,496 3,555 Tax on net revenue from ordinary activities (36) (96) (196) Net revenue from ordinary activities after taxation 1,228 1,400 3,359 Dividends 4 Ordinary shares -Interim 0.50p (0.50p) (1,186) (1,192) (1,192) - Final - (1.00p) - 18 (2,355) (1,186) (1,174) (3,547) Net revenue retained 42 226 (188) Revenue reserve brought forward 4,114 4,302 4,302 Revenue reserve carried forward 4,156 4,528 4,114 Earnings per share - basic 0.52p 0.58p 1.40p Earnings per share - fully diluted 0.58p 0.64p 1.52p The Throgmorton Trust PLC Summarised Balance Sheet 31 May 2002 31 May 2001 30 Nov 2001 £000s £000s £000s Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Fixed asset investments Portfolio investments 291,928 313,288 277,024 Subsidiary undertakings 3,743 3,285 3,743 295,671 316,573 280,767 Current assets Debtors 2,197 2,428 1,680 Cash at bank 4,617 19,727 13,354 6,814 22,155 15,034 Creditors - due within 1 year (4,885) (7,457) (5,469) Total assets less current liabilities 297,600 331,271 290,332 Creditors - due after 1 year: Debenture stock (19,119) (19,119) (19,119) Convertible loan (11,007) (11,008) (11,007) Loan from group company (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (45,126) (45,127) (45,126) 252,474 286,144 245,206 Capital and reserves Share capital 11,863 11,919 11,886 Share premium 35,272 35,267 35,272 Revenue reserves 4,156 4,528 4,114 Other reserves 201,183 234,430 193,934 Total shareholders' funds 252,474 286,144 245,206 5 Net Asset Value per ordinary share 106.41p 120.03p 103.15p Number of ordinary shares in issue 237,258,869 238,388,869 237,713,869 The Throgmorton Trust PLC Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses Six Months to 31 May 2002 Revenue Capital Total £000s £000s £000s (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) Realised gains and losses - 1,748 1,748 Unrealised gains and losses - 7,661 7,661 Income 3,350 - 3,350 Investment management fee (638) (638) (1,276) Other expenses (155) - (155) Net return before finance costs and taxation 2,557 8,771 11,328 Interest payable and similar charges (1,293) (1,212) (2,505) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,264 7,559 8,823 Tax on ordinary activities (36) 36 - Return on ordinary activities after taxation 1,228 7,595 8,823 attributable to equity shareholders Dividends in respect of equity shares (1,186) - (1,186) Transfer to reserves 42 7,595 7,637 Return per ordinary share - basic 0.52p 3.20p 3.72p - assuming conversion of loan stock 0.58p 3.17p 3.75p The Throgmorton Trust PLC Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses - continued Six Months to 31 May 2001 Revenue Capital Total £000s £000s £000s (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) Realised gains and losses - 17,303 17,303 Unrealised gains and losses - (3,513) (3,513) Income 3,789 - 3,789 Investment management fee (825) (825) (1,650) Other expenses (160) - (160) Net return before finance costs and taxation 2,804 12,965 15,769 Interest payable and similar charges (1,308) (1,212) (2,520) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,496 11,753 13,249 Tax on ordinary activities (96) 96 - Return on ordinary activities after taxation 1,400 11,849 13,249 attributable to equity shareholders Dividends in respect of equity shares (1,174) - (1,174) Transfer to reserves 226 11,849 12,075 Return per ordinary share - basic 0.58p 4.90p 5.48p - assuming conversion of loan stock 0.64p 4.81p 5.45p The Throgmorton Trust PLC Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses - continued Full Year to 30 November 2001 Revenue Capital Total £000s £000s £000s (audited) (audited) (audited) Realised gains and losses - 20,427 20,427 Unrealised gains and losses - (44,777) (44,777) Income 8,092 - 8,092 Investment management fee (1,604) (1,604) (3,208) Other expenses (322) - (322) Net return before finance costs and taxation 6,166 (25,954) (19,788) Interest payable and similar charges (2,611) (2,424) (5,035) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 3,555 (28,378) (24,823) Tax on ordinary activities (196) 196 - Return on ordinary activities after taxation 3,359 (28,182) (24,823) attributable to equity shareholders Dividends in respect of equity shares (3,547) - (3,547) Transfer from reserves (188) (28,182) (28,370) Return per ordinary share - basic 1.40p (11.74p) (10.34p) - assuming conversion of loan stock 1.51p (11.17p) (9.66p) The Throgmorton Trust PLC Cash Flow Statement Six months to Six months to Full year to 31 May 2002 31 May 2001 At 30 Nov 2001 £000s £000s £000s (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Operating activities Cash received from investments 2,394 2,448 7,095 Interest received 268 365 675 Underwriting commission 46 18 146 Management fee (703) (822) (1,626) Cash paid to and on behalf of directors (44) (52) (99) Other cash payments (130) (139) (251) Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,831 1,818 5,940 Servicing of finance Interest paid - revenue (1,293) (1,308) (2,611) Taxation Taxation recovered/(paid) - 6 (302) Capital expenditure and financial investment Net (purchases)/sales of investments (4,618) 24,216 19,789 Capital management fee (703) (822) (1,626) Interest charged to capital (1,212) (1,212) (2,425) Net payments to subsidiaries - - (738) Dividends Dividends paid (2,373) (2,454) (3,646) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing (8,368) 20,244 14,381 Financing Repurchase of ordinary shares (369) (9,647) (10,156) Net cash outflow from financing (369) (9,647) (10,156) (Decrease)/increase in cash (8,737) 10,597 4,225 The Throgmorton Trust PLC Notes 1. The Trust's figures to 31 May 2002 and the comparative figures for the corresponding period are unaudited; those for the year to 30 November 2001 are based on the Trust's accounts for that period, which carry an unqualified report from the auditors and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2. In accordance with financial reporting standard 16 Current Taxation, UK dividend income has been shown net of its attributable tax credits. 3. Management fees payable and finance costs of debt are each currently allocated 50% to capital and 50% to revenue. 4. The directors have declared and interim dividend of 0.5p per share (2001 - 0.5p) payable on 8 August 2002 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 12 July 2002. 5. The net asset value per ordinary share of 5p (loan stock not converted and prior charges at par value) is based on the shares in issue, the market value of listed investments and other net assets and liabilities. Unlisted investments are carried at directors' valuations. There have been no additions to unlisted investments since 30 November 2001. 6. Copies of the 2001 annual report and further copies of these interim results are available from the Trust's registered office, 155 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3XJ. 7. The Trust's balance sheets as at 31 May 2002 and 30 November 2001 are shown in summary form and have been extracted from unaudited and audited accounts respectively as described in Note 1. 8. Group accounts have not been prepared, as in the opinion of the directors, the inclusion of the remaining subsidiary undertakings, taken together, is not material for the purpose of giving a true and fair view. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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