Final Results

BLUE PLANET FINANCIALS GROWTH & INCOME INVESTMENT TRUSTS PLC Preliminary Announcement of Results for the year ended 31st March 2003 Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 1 plc (Registered Number 162796) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 2 plc (Registered Number 162797) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 3 plc (Registered Number 162798) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 4 plc (Registered Number 162799) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 5 plc (Registered Number 162800) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 6 plc (Registered Number 162801) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 7 plc (Registered Number 162802) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 8 plc (Registered Number 162803) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 9 plc (Registered Number 162804) Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust No 10 plc (Registered Number 162805) Each of the above named investment trusts is a separate limited company registered in Scotland, but otherwise they are to all intents and purposes identical. Unless otherwise stated, the information contained in this Preliminary Announcement (including the Notes) applies equally to each of the ten Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts (the "Trusts") and reference to the "Company" shall be deemed to be a reference to each of them Financial Record As at 31 March 2003 2002 2001 2000 Shareholders' funds (£'000) 1,346 1,942 1,947 1,848 Net asset value per share (p) 98.72 139.94 139.43 128.27 Share price (p) 80.65 107.25 99.75 72.50 Discount 18.3% 23.4% 28.5% 43.5% Year to 31 March 2003 2002 2001 2000 Revenue available for shareholders (£'000) 50 66 55 71 Return per share (p) 3.65 4.72 3.87 4.93 Dividends per share (net) (p) 3.60 4.00 4.30 4.60 Dividend A final dividend of 2.25p net has been proposed, payable on 27 June 2003 to shareholders on the register on 13 June 2003. The ex-dividend date is 11 June 2003. This dividend, together with the interim dividend of 1.35p net paid during the year, makes a total of 3.60p net (2002 4.0p net) per ordinary share costing £49,082 (2002 - £55,659). This gives rise to a transfer of £1,052 (2002 - £10,302) to revenue reserve. Portfolio Information At 31 March 2003 Top 10 Holdings % of % of Equities Valuation Portfolio Portfolio £ 2003 2002 16,000 Alliance & Leicester Ordinary 50p Shares 124,080 8.1 6.2 3,166 BNP Paribas 80,144 5.2 4.7 10,600 Irish Life & Permanent 69,271 4.5 4.0 2,000 Societe Generale Eur 1.25 65,278 4.3 - Other holdings 483,801 31.5 34.2 822,574 53.6 49.1 Debt Securities 80,000 First Active 11.75% Subord Bonds 129,944 8.5 5.2 80,000 BUPA Finance 10 *% Subord Guar Bonds 2018 95,955 6.2 5.2 70,000 Scottish Life 9% Subordinated Bond 77,070 5.0 3.4 43,000 Skipton Building Society 75,888 4.9 5.3 45,500 Coventry Building Society 12 1/8% PIBS 74,760 4.9 5.4 70,000 NPI 9 5/8% Subordinated Bonds 68,110 4.4 3.9 Other holdings 191,005 12.5 22.5 712,732 46.4 50.9 1,535,306 100.0 100.0 Classification of Investments At 31 March 2003 Life Investment Fixed Total Total Banks Assurance Companies Other Interest 2003 2002 % % % % % % % Austria - - - - - - 6.9 Belgium 3.4 - - - - 3.4 France 9.5 - - - - 9.5 4.7 Germany 2.8 - - - - 2.8 5.3 Eire - 4.5 - - 8.5 13.0 9.2 United Kingdom 23.3 9.3 0.7 0.1 37.9 71.3 73.9 Totals 2003 39.0 13.8 0.7 0.1 46.4 100.0 Totals 2002 43.9 5.2 - - 50.9 100.0 Chairman's Statement Stockmarket Overview & Performance of the Trust. I have pleasure in announcing a relatively good set of results when compared to the background of disappointing stock markets. Shareholders will be all too aware of the impact that the war with Iraq had on markets. Falling stock markets also placed significant challenges on insurance companies to maintain solvency requirements in the face of declining equity values. In the UK this impacted the FTSE 100 Index, which fell 31% for the year to March 31, 2003. The UK was not alone in experiencing significant falls. The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index in the United States fell 31% over the same period. As a result of the challenges mentioned above, the insurance sector was a notable under performer in this period. In the UK the FTSE 350 Life Assurance Sector fell 53% whilst the Eurotop Insurance Index in sterling terms fell 61.6%. The unit price of Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trust fell 24.8%, which was less than the reduction in its net asset value per share of 29.4%. These movements allowed the discount of the share price to the net asset value at the year end to improve to 18% from 23% last year. Despite difficult equity markets, I am delighted to tell shareholders that your Trust continues to be the best performing fund in its sector and has received two awards from Standard and Poor's in 2003. It was awarded first place out of all of the funds in the Financials sector over 1 year and 3 years. Furthermore, its outstanding performance was also recognised by Trustnet who ranked it third out of forty-one investment trusts in the Growth and Income sector over one year and third out of thirty-seven over three years. Trustnet ( is an independent company which measures the performance of individual investment trusts. In addition, the performance of your Trust when measured against the performance of all other investment trusts listed on the London Stock Exchange also continues to be very good. Figures from Trustnet, shows that your Trust was twelfth out of two hundred and forty-three investment trusts listed on the London Stock Exchange over three years. This puts it in the top decile of all investment trusts. Outlook The outlook for stock markets and, in particular the financial sector, has improved in recent weeks following the cessation of hostilities in Iraq. In our view, the stock market was materially oversold and we expect further recovery from these levels. This will be assisted by steps taken by regulatory authorities to reduce the solvency requirements of insurance companies and the high levels of liquidity currently being held in low interest bearing money market accounts some of which will be switched into equities over the coming months. We have started the new year well and as we anticipated, our net asset value has risen by 14% in the month to 30 April 2003 as compared to an 9% rise in the FTSE 100 index. The outlook for the financial sector and your Trust is excellent. We expect continuing dividend growth; appreciating share prices; improved efficiencies and more takeovers and consolidation. We have a good portfolio of high quality stocks, a record of outperformance and a market that is seriously undervalued on a historical basis. We are therefore very confident that we will do very well over the next 12 to 24 months. Dividend The Company increased the equity element of the portfolio from 49% to 54% in anticipation of a recovery in equity markets. The recovery in equity markets has since materialised and we are benefiting from this. As I have mentioned in my previous Annual Statements, this switch is aimed at obtaining higher capital gains and total returns in the long term, but will reduce income in the short term. This has resulted in a modest reduction in the dividend for the current year. Operating Efficiency The Board regularly reviews with the Investment Manager the operating efficiency of the Company to see if costs can be reduced in order to pass any savings on to shareholders. This review of costs has resulted in the decision to change custodians and consolidate the information published in newspapers so that the share price is only published in The Times. Shareholders can view the share price on the Blue Planet website ( and the London Stock Exchange website ( The Companys' custodian was changed to Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and their contact details are in the Trusts Report and Accounts that will be sent to shareholders shortly. Shareholder Services I would again take the opportunity to remind shareholders of the services available to them which include a full range of ISA facilities and a low cost stock market dealing facility. Full details of these services can be reviewed on our Investment Managers website at or by contacting them on 0131 466 6666. We constantly review the value for money of services to shareholders. A review of the costs of the Company has resulted in two initiatives to reduce expenses. The Company has recently changed custodians and has already consolidated the information published in newspapers so that the share price is only published in The Times. Shareholders can also view the share price on the Blue Planet website ( and the London Stock Exchange website ( Authority to Purchase Shares Share buy back powers approved at last year's AGM have been used during the period when 25,000 shares were bought back. These purchases have been beneficial to the share price and the net asset value per share. A resolution will be submitted at the Annual General Meeting which would permit the Directors to make share repurchases where appropriate. The Directors recommend that the authority for share buy backs be renewed. Philip Court Chairman 30 May 2003 Investment Manager's Report Investment Policy and Objective The objective of the ten Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts is to provide investors with a high level of income combined with capital growth and the opportunity to profit from the ongoing rationalisation of the Financial Services sector. Investments The Trusts invest in UK and European equities and bonds issued by quoted financial companies (including former mutuals), and PIBS and bonds issued by building societies and life assurance companies or their subsidiaries with the objective of obtaining both capital growth and a dividend yield in excess of the FTSE All-Share Index. Portfolio Performance Analysis As noted in the Chairman's report, this has been a relatively good period for the Trust against the major equity indices, as the table below clearly illustrates: Index name Change year to Change 31 March 2003 31 March 2003 to 30 April 2003 BP Financials G&I Investment Trusts plc NAV -29% +14% FTSE 100 -31% +9% Eurotop 100 -34% +12% Eurotop Financials -39% +18% Dow Jones Industrial -31% +5% FT Fixed Interest +4% 0% as at May 14 2003 Returns are expressed in Sterling Terms Source: Data from Bloomberg, Table by Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd. Over the period, the Net Asset Value has fallen 29% and the share price 25%. In the period March 2003 to April 2003, the Net Asset Value has increased 14% and the share price is unchanged. It is encouraging to note that despite such a disappointing environment, the Trust had a number of outstanding successes. Notable amongst them were: * Credit Lyonnais which rose 35.1% from last year end until the holding was sold. The holding benefited from the agreed merger with Credit Agricole of France. * Erste Bank which rose 21.1%. This holding has performed very well in the previous year and was sold following the announcement of a rights issue. * First Active subordinated bonds rose 6% slightly outperforming the trend in other corporate bonds. It is therefore reassuring to see that despite the difficult markets the majority of banks have continued to see growth both in earnings and dividends. The Trust has performed extremely well both relative to the major stockmarket indices and against other similar investment trusts. This record of outperformance has been steadily built up over a number of years and has now been recognised by Standards & Poor's and Trustnet, to which the Chairman has already referred. Transactions As you are aware, the Board, advised by the Investment Manager, believe that long term returns will be maximised by building up the equity element of the portfolio and reducing the fixed interest element. This is because your Board believes that we are now at or near the bottom of the interest rate cycle and that equities are undervalued and are well placed to show appreciation over the coming years. Holdings of fixed interest securities were reduced over the period and holdings of equities increased. Transactions during the period reflect this policy. Gearing Blue Planet Financials Growth and Income Investment Trusts employ gearing in anticipation that returns from stock markets over the medium term will exceed the cost of borrowing money. When portfolio values fall as they have done in the last year the gearing acts to amplify the reduction in value. The total portfolio fell 22.1% before the impact of gearing is taken into account. With the gearing adjustment the net value of the portfolio fell 30.7%. Outlook Your Investment Manager feels very positive about the outlook for stock markets and, in particular, the financial sector. The UK equity market has reacted positively to the end of military action in Iraq, bouncing significantly from its oversold mid-March position. Valuations, however, remain undemanding by any conventional yardstick, with many Blue Chip financial stocks yielding in excess of cash deposits and government bonds. To exploit this opportunity, we will continue to increase the overall equity component of the Trusts over the coming months. We anticipate that the financial sector will be in the vanguard of a steady equity market re-rating, which augurs well for the performance of the Trusts over the coming years. We believe that the prospects for steady medium term performance by the Trusts are exceptional. Blue Planet Investment Management Ltd 30 May 2003 Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account) for the year ended 31 March 2003 2003 2002 Notes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) (£) Capital gains /(losses) on investments Net realised gains - 288,424 288,424 - 78,664 78,664 Unrealised (losses) - (833,002) (833,002) - (56,511) (56,511) Exchange gain - 2,013 2,013 Net capital (losses) /gains on investments - (542,565) (542,565) - 22,153 22,153 Income from investments 122,845 - 122,845 141,280 - 141,280 Bank interest receivable 6,905 - 6,905 4,594 - 4,594 Gross revenue and capital gains/(losses) 129,750 (542,565) (412,815) 145,874 22,153 168,027 Administrative expenses (49,079) (14,252) (63,331) (45,059) (16,013) (61,072) Net return before interest payable and taxation 80,671 (556,817) (476,146) 100,815 6,140 106,955 Interest payable (22,446) (22,446) (44,892) (21,028) (21,028) (42,056) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 58,225 (579,263) (521,038) 79,787 (14,888) 64,899 Taxation on return on ordinary activities (8,091) 6,535 (1,556) (13,826) 8,789 (5,037) Return on ordinary activities after Taxation 50,134 (572,728) (522,594) 65,961 (6,099) 59,862 Dividends Interim dividend of 1.35p paid (2002 - 1.5p) (18,406) - (18,406) (20,961) - (20,961) Final dividend of 2.25p (2002 - 2.5p) (30,676) - (30,676) (34,698) - (34,698) (49,082) - (49,082) (55,659) - (55,659) Transfer to/(from) reserves 1,052 (572,728) (571,676) 10,302 (6,099) 4,203 Return per ordinary share - basic 2 3.65 (41.72) (38.07) 4.72 (0.44) 4.28 Return per ordinary share - diluted 2 3.65 (41.72) (38.07) 4.71 (0.44) 4.27 The Revenue column of this statement represents the Profit & Loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. Balance Sheet at 31 March 2003 2003 2002 (£) (£) (£) (£) Fixed assets Equity investments 822,574 1,136,405 Non - equity investments 712,732 1,178,414 1,535,306 2,314,819 Current assets Debtors 32,834 44,741 Cash at bank 571,933 402,262 604,767 447,003 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (44,185) (69,600) Net current assets 560,582 377,403 Total assets less current liabilities 2,095,888 2,692,222 Creditors: amounts due after more than one year 750,000 750,000 Net assets 1,345,888 1,942,222 Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 136,338 138,790 Share premium account 1,168,609 1,168,062 Other reserves Capital reserve - realised 414,012 180,889 Capital reserve - unrealised (475,595) 355,395 Capital redemption reserve 7,950 5,450 Warrant reserve 63,403 63,517 Revenue reserve 31,171 30,119 Equity shareholders' funds 1,345,888 1,942,222 Net asset value per ordinary share - basic 98.72 139.94 Net asset value per ordinary share - diluted n/a 133.50 Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2003 2003 2002 (£) (£) (£) (£) Operating activities Investment income received 125,859 138,369 Interest received 7,440 3,419 Investment management and secretarial fees paid (32,280) (31,826) Cash paid to and on behalf of directors (2,733) (2,700) Other cash payments (32,853) (27,698) Net cash inflow from operating activities 65,433 79,564 Servicing of finance Interest paid (44,891) (47,315) Taxation Taxation recovered - 17,090 Corporation tax paid (10,057) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of investments (696,720) (42,775) Sale of investments 931,654 331,291 Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment 234,934 288,516 Equity dividends paid (53,103) (60,057) Financing Purchase of own shares for cancellation (25,138) (2,538) Proceeds from share issue 480 1,120 Net cash outflow from financing (24,658) (1,418) Increase in cash 167,658 276,380 NOTES: 1. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2003 or 2002, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2002 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2003 will be delivered following the Company's annual general meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act 1985. 2. Return per ordinary share 2003 2002 The return per ordinary share is based upon the following figures: Revenue return 50,134 65,961 Capital return (572,728) (6,099) Weighted average of ordinary shares in issue during year - basic 1,372,946 1,396,787 Weighted average of ordinary shares in issue during year - diluted 1,372,946 1,399,157 The difference between the basic and diluted number of ordinary shares is derived from the total number of warrants in issue multiplied by a factor based on the average price of the ordinary shares in the year and the exercise price of the warrants, as required by FRS 14. No dilution occurred in the current year as the warrant exercise price exceeded the average market price of one share during the year. The net asset value per ordinary share is calculated on 1,363,380 being the number of ordinary shares in issue at the year end. Net asset dilution occurs from the potential exercise of outstanding warrants and is assumed only to take place if the net assets per share exceeds the exercise price of £1. [END]
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