1st Quarter Results Part 2
30 April 2002
BP p.l.c. and Subsidiaries
Summarized Group Results
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
Exploration and Production 1,928 1,641 4,666
Gas, Power and Renewables 111 102 100
Refining and Marketing 68 379 740
Chemicals 76 (67) 81
Other businesses and corporate (125) (175) (115)
Total replacement cost operating profit 2,058 1,880 5,472
Profit (loss) on sale of fixed assets and
businesses or termination of operations (Note 4) (109) (38) 218
Replacement cost profit before interest and tax 1,949 1,842 5,690
Stock holding gains (losses)(Note 6) 473 (1,297) (238)
Historical cost profit before interest and tax 2,422 545 5,452
Interest expense (Note 7) 333 414 446
Profit before taxation 2,089 131 5,006
Taxation (Note 8) 753 711 2,168
Profit (loss) after taxation 1,336 (580) 2,838
Minority shareholders' interest 40 23 8
Profit (loss) for the period 1,296 (603) 2,830
Distribution to shareholders 1,290 1,289 1,178
Earnings per ordinary share - cents
Basic 5.78 (2.67) 12.59
Diluted 5.75 (2.64) 12.51
Replacement Cost Results
Historical cost profit (loss) for the period 1,296 (603) 2,830
Stock holding (gains) losses net of
minority shareholders' interest (442) 1,297 238
Replacement cost profit for the period 854 694 3,068
Exceptional items, net of tax 70 12 (67)
Replacement cost profit before exceptional items 924 706 3,001
Earnings per ordinary share - cents
On replacement cost profit before exceptional items 4.12 3.16 13.35
Summarized Group Balance Sheet
31 March 31 December
2002 2001
$ million
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 16,089 16,489
Tangible assets 81,944 77,410
Investments 12,000 11,963
110,033 105,862
Current assets
Business held for resale 2,090 -
Stocks 8,698 7,631
Debtors 28,784 26,669
Investments 286 450
Cash at bank and in hand 1,379 1,358
41,237 36,108
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year
Finance debt 11,063 9,090
Other creditors 31,648 28,524
Net current liabilities (1,474) (1,506)
Total assets less current liabilities 108,559 104,356
Creditors - amounts falling due
after more than one year
Finance debt 13,468 12,327
Other creditors 3,137 3,086
Provisions for liabilities and charges
Deferred taxation 12,021 11,702
Other provisions 12,452 11,482
Net assets 67,481 65,759
Minority shareholders' interest 2,579 598
BP shareholders' interest 64,902 65,161
Movement in BP shareholders' interest: $ million
At 31 December 2001 74,367
Prior year adjustment - change in accounting policy (See Note 1) (9,206)
As restated 65,161
Profit for the period 1,296
Distribution to shareholders (1,290)
Currency translation differences (356)
Employee share schemes 91
At 31 March 2002 64,902
Summarized Group Cash Flow Statement
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
Net cash inflow from operating activities (a) 3,636 5,547 6,740
Dividends from joint ventures 83 12 12
Dividends from associated undertakings 53 104 110
Servicing of finance and returns on investments
Interest received 48 83 91
Interest paid (309) (229) (361)
Dividends received 2 35 8
Dividends paid to minority shareholders (13) (38) -
Net cash outflow from servicing of
finance and returns on investments (272) (149) (262)
UK corporation tax (187) (454) (204)
Overseas tax (258) (968) 65
Tax paid (445) (1,422) (139)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments for fixed assets (2,799) (3,688) (2,577)
Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets 317 615 694
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and
financial investment (2,482) (3,073) (1,883)
Acquisitions and disposals
Investments in associated undertakings (143) (179) (120)
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (1,550) (602) -
Net investment in joint ventures (46) (220) (61)
Proceeds from the sale of businesses 31 231 -
Net cash outflow for acquisitions and disposals (1,708) (770) (181)
Equity dividends paid (1,288) (1,232) (1,181)
Net cash (outflow) inflow (2,423) (983) 3,216
Financing (b) (2,283) (855) 2,866
Management of liquid resources (165) (65) 302
Increase (decrease) in cash 25 (63) 48
(2,423) (983) 3,216
Analysis of Cash Flow
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
(a) Reconciliation of historical cost profit
before interest and tax to net cash inflow
from operating activities
Historical cost profit before
interest and tax 2,422 545 5,452
Depreciation and amounts provided 2,153 2,457 2,167
Exploration expenditure written off 59 85 108
Share of profits of joint ventures
and associated undertakings (256) (303) (331)
Interest and other income (63) (132) (103)
(Profit) loss on sale of fixed
assets and businesses 109 36 (218)
Charge for provisions 169 187 165
Utilization of provisions (238) (221) (306)
(Increase) decrease in stocks (496) 1,368 358
(Increase) decrease in debtors (410) 1,241 (1,069)
Increase in creditors 187 284 517
Net cash inflow from operating activities 3,636 5,547 6,740
(b) Financing
Long-term borrowing (1,746) (267) (517)
Repayments of long-term borrowing 234 434 146
Short-term borrowing (3,499) (2,764) (161)
Repayments of short-term borrowing 2,819 1,656 2,955
(2,192) (941) 2,423
Issue of ordinary share capital (91) (13) (56)
Repurchase of ordinary share capital - 99 499
Net cash (inflow) outflow from financing (2,283) (855) 2,866
Capital Expenditure and Acquisitions
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
By business
Exploration and Production
UK 261 312 168
Rest of Europe 71 99 65
USA 1,167 862 927
Rest of World 814 880 706
2,313 2,153 1,866
Gas, Power and Renewables
UK 16 51 8
Rest of Europe 4 107 11
USA 16 83 17
Rest of World 10 60 -
46 301 36
Refining and Marketing
UK 76 127 111
Rest of Europe(a) 2,732 209 47
USA 303 623 180
Rest of World 26 157 32
3,137 1,116 370
UK 8 26 66
Rest of Europe(b) 45 294 16
USA 42 167 78
Rest of World 93 107 56
188 594 216
Other businesses and corporate 52 264 49
5,736 4,428 2,537
By geographical area
UK 409 745 394
Rest of Europe 2,852 709 139
USA 1,531 1,758 1,210
Rest of World 944 1,216 794
5,736 4,428 2,537
(a) 1Q 2002 included the acquisition of 51% of Veba.
(b) 4Q 2001 included the formation of the joint venture with Solvay.
US dollar/Sterling exchange rates
Average rate for the period 1.43 1.44 1.46
Period-end rate 1.42 1.45 1.44
Analysis of Replacement Cost Operating Profit
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
By business
Exploration and Production
UK 727 571 1,154
Rest of Europe 152 144 226
USA 322 426 2,111
Rest of World 727 500 1,175
1,928 1,641 4,666
Gas, Power and Renewables
UK 2 (29) 10
Rest of Europe 47 64 63
USA (25) 36 25
Rest of World 87 31 2
111 102 100
Refining and Marketing
UK (124) (197) (111)
Rest of Europe 139 227 136
USA (79) 46 594
Rest of World 132 303 121
68 379 740
UK (31) (75) (50)
Rest of Europe 47 (1) 80
USA 23 (9) 13
Rest of World 37 18 38
76 (67) 81
Other businesses and corporate (125) (175) (115)
2,058 1,880 5,472
By geographical area
UK 530 375 927
Rest of Europe 386 388 485
USA 158 216 2,685
Rest of World 984 901 1,375
2,058 1,880 5,472
Included above:
Share of profits of joint ventures 70 91 102
Share of profits of associated undertakings 188 219 229
258 310 331
1. Restatement of comparative information
Comparative information for 2001 has been restated to reflect the
changes described below.
(a) Transfer of solar, renewables and alternative fuels activities
With effect from 1 January 2002, the solar, renewables and
alternative fuels activities have been transferred from Other
businesses and corporate to Gas and Power. To reflect this
transfer Gas and Power has been renamed Gas, Power and Renewables
from the same date.
(b) New accounting standard for deferred tax
With effect from 1 January 2002 BP has adopted Financial Reporting
Standard No.19 'Deferred Tax' (FRS 19). This standard generally
requires that deferred tax should be provided on a full liability
basis rather than on a restricted liability basis as required by
Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No.15 'Accounting for
Deferred Tax'. The adoption of FRS 19 has been treated as a
change in accounting policy.
Under FRS 19 deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing
differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance
sheet date where transactions or events have occurred at that date
that will result in an obligation to pay more, or right to pay
less tax in the future. In particular:
o Provision is made for tax on gains arising from the disposal of
fixed assets that have been rolled over into replacement
assets, only to the extent that, at the balance sheet date,
there is a binding agreement to dispose of the replacement
assets concerned. However, no provision is made where, on the
basis of all available evidence at the balance sheet date, it
is more likely than not that the taxable gain will be rolled
over into replacement assets and charged to tax only where the
replacement assets are sold.
o Provision is made for deferred tax that would arise on
remittance of the retained earnings of overseas subsidiaries,
joint ventures and associated undertakings only to the extent
that, at the balance sheet date, dividends have been accrued as
Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that it is
considered more likely than not that there will be suitable
taxable profits from which the underlying timing differences can
be deducted.
Deferred tax is measured on an undiscounted basis at the tax rates
that are expected to apply in the periods in which timing
differences reverse, based on tax rates and laws enacted or
substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.
As a consequence of adopting FRS 19 acquisitions have been
restated as if the new standard applied at that time. This leads
to the creation of higher deferred tax liabilities and greater
amounts of goodwill on those acquisitions.
Balance sheet at 31 December 2001 Restated Reported
$ million
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 16,489 15,593
Tangible assets 77,410 77,410
Investments 11,963 12,047
105,862 105,050
Current assets 36,108 36,108
Creditors - amounts falling due
within one year 37,614 37,614
Net current liabilities (1,506) (1,506)
Total assets less current liabilities 104,356 103,544
Creditors - amounts falling due
after more than one year 15,413 15,413
Provisions for liabilities and charges
Deferred taxation 11,702 1,655
Other provisions 11,482 11,482
Net assets 65,759 74,994
Minority shareholders' interest 598 627
BP shareholders' interest 65,161 74,367
Income statements Restated Reported
---------------- ----------------
First Fourth First Fourth
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
2001 2001 2001 2001
$ million
Exploration and Production 4,666 1,641 4,680 1,655
Gas, Power and Renewables 100 102 112 106
Refining and Marketing 740 379 753 392
Chemicals 81 (67) 81 (67)
Other businesses and corporate (115) (175) (127) (179)
Total replacement cost operating profit 5,472 1,880 5,499 1,907
Profit (loss) on sale of fixed assets
and businesses and termination
of operations 218 (38) 218 (38)
Replacement cost profit before
interest and tax 5,690 1,842 5,717 1,869
Stock holding gains (losses) (238) (1,297) (238) (1,297)
Historical cost profit before
interest and tax 5,452 545 5,479 572
Interest expense 446 414 446 414
Profit before taxation 5,006 131 5,033 158
Taxation 2,168 711 1,718 537
Profit (loss) after taxation 2,838 (580) 3,315 (379)
Minority shareholders' interest 8 23 11 26
Profit (loss) for the period 2,830 (603) 3,304 (405)
Distribution to shareholders 1,178 1,289 1,178 1,289
Earnings per ordinary share - cents
Basic 12.59 (2.67) 14.70 (1.78)
Diluted 12.51 (2.64) 14.61 (1.76)
2. Turnover
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
By business
Exploration and Production 5,638 5,336 9,117
Gas, Power and Renewables 7,768 7,522 12,122
Refining and Marketing 24,889 26,528 28,523
Chemicals 2,642 2,481 2,689
Other businesses and corporate 135 146 127
41,072 42,013 52,578
Less: sales between businesses 4,782 5,196 7,166
Group excluding JVs 36,290 36,817 45,412
Sales of joint ventures 279 297 288
36,569 37,114 45,700
By geographical area
Group excluding JVs
UK 10,995 11,432 11,940
Rest of Europe 9,119 8,657 8,975
USA 15,265 16,039 22,491
Rest of World 6,984 7,285 9,691
42,363 43,413 53,097
Less: sales between areas 6,073 6,596 7,685
36,290 36,817 45,412
3. Operating profits are after charging:
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
Exploration expense
UK 6 9 4
Rest of Europe 23 7 2
USA 42 82 93
Rest of World 53 46 70
124 144 169
Production taxes (i)
UK petroleum revenue tax 63 147 238
Overseas production taxes 184 189 345
247 336 583
(i) Production taxes are charged against Exploration and Production's
operating profit and are not included in the charge for taxation in
Note 8.
4. Analysis of exceptional items
Exploration and Production 5 (85) (42)
Gas, Power and Renewables - 1 (1)
Refining and Marketing (45) 18 265
Chemicals (60) (130) (6)
Other businesses and corporate (9) 158 2
Profit (loss) on sale of fixed assets and
businesses or termination of operations (109) (38) 218
Taxation credit (charge) 39 26 (151)
Exceptional items after taxation (70) (12) 67
5. Replacement cost profit
Replacement cost profits reflect the current cost of supplies. The
replacement cost profit for the period is arrived at by excluding from
the historical cost profit stock holding gains and losses.
6. Stock holding gains (losses)
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
Exploration and Production 3 (5) 9
Gas, Power and Renewables 4 (20) (11)
Refining and Marketing 495 (1,138) (243)
Chemicals (29) (134) 7
473 (1,297) (238)
Minority shareholders' interest 31 - -
442 (1,297) (238)
7. Interest expense
Group interest payable(a) 267 286 367
Capitalized (15) (7) (34)
252 279 333
Joint ventures 14 21 20
Associated undertakings 24 26 40
Unwinding of discount on provisions 43 46 53
Change in discount rate for provisions - 42 -
333 414 446
(a) Includes charges relating to the
early redemption of debt. - - 10
8. Charge for taxation
Current 533 550 1,735
Deferred 220 161 433
753 711 2,168
UK 189 174 272
Overseas 564 537 1,896
753 711 2,168
9. Analysis of changes in net debt
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
Opening balance
Finance debt 21,417 20,474 21,190
Less: Cash 1,358 1,438 1,170
Current asset investments 450 519 661
Opening net debt 19,609 18,517 19,359
Closing balance
Finance debt 24,531 21,417 18,788
Less: Cash 1,379 1,358 1,188
Current asset investments 286 450 959
Closing net debt 22,866 19,609 16,641
(Increase) decrease in net debt (3,257) (1,092) 2,718
Movement in cash/bank overdrafts 25 (63) 48
Increase(decrease) in current asset investments (165) (65) 302
Net cash outflow (inflow) from financing
(excluding share capital) (2,192) (941) 2,423
Other movements 25 (17) 31
Debt acquired (999) (8) -
Movement in net debt before exchange effects (3,306) (1,094) 2,804
Exchange adjustments 49 2 (86)
(Increase) decrease in net debt (3,257) (1,092) 2,718
10. Consolidated statement of cash flows presented on a US GAAP format
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
Operating activities
Profit (loss) after taxation 1,336 (580) 2,838
Adjustments to reconcile profits (losses)
after tax to net cash provided by
operating activities:
Depreciation and amounts provided 2,153 2,457 2,167
Exploration expenditure written off 59 85 108
Share of profit of joint ventures
and associates less dividends received (17) (52) (63)
(Profit) loss on sale of
businesses and fixed assets 109 36 (218)
Working capital movement (see analysis below) (669) 2,087 1,354
Deferred taxation 220 161 433
Other (108) (58) (124)
Net cash provided by operating activities 3,083 4,136 6,495
Investing activities
Capital expenditures (2,814) (3,695) (2,611)
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (1,550) (602) -
Investment in associated undertakings (143) (179) (120)
Net investment in joint ventures (46) (220) (61)
Proceeds from disposal of assets 348 846 694
Net cash used in investing activities (4,205) (3,850) (2,098)
10. Consolidated statement of cash flows presented on a US GAAP format
First Fourth First
Quarter Quarter Quarter
2002 2001 2001
$ million
Financing activities
Proceeds from shares issued (repurchased) 91 (86) (443)
Proceeds from long-term financing 1,746 267 517
Repayments of long-term financing (234) (434) (146)
Net increase (decrease) in short-term debt 680 1,108 (2,794)
Dividends paid - BP shareholders (1,288) (1,232) (1,181)
- Minority shareholders (13) (38) -
Net cash used in financing activities 982 (415) (4,047)
Currency translation differences
relating to cash and cash equivalents (3) (20) (34)
Increase (decrease) in cash
and cash equivalents (143) (149) 316
Cash and cash equivalents
at beginning of period 1,808 1,957 1,831
Cash and cash equivalents
at end of period 1,665 1,808 2,147
Analysis of working capital movement
(Increase) decrease in stocks (496) 1,368 358
(Increase) decrease in debtors (443) 1,202 (1,044)
Increase (decrease) in creditors 270 (483) 2,040
Total working capital movement (669) 2,087 1,354
11. Ordinary shares
Shares in issue at 31 March 2002 = 22,456.5 million.
Average number of shares outstanding during January-March 2002 =
22,402.9 million (this excludes shares held by the Employee Share
Ownership Plans). Each BP ADS represents six BP ordinary shares.
12. Statutory accounts
The financial information shown in this publication is unaudited and
does not constitute statutory accounts. The 2001 statutory accounts
have been delivered to the UK Registrar of Companies; the report of the
auditors on those accounts was unqualified.
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