3rd Quarter Results Pt 1of2

BP PLC 26 October 2004 BP p.l.c. Group Results 3rd Quarter 2004 London 26 October 2004 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RECORD NINE-MONTHS RESULT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Second Third Quarter Quarter Quarter Nine Months 2003 2004 2004 $ million 2004 2003 % ======================= ==================== Replacement cost profit 2,260 3,434 3,456 for the period (a) 11,060 8,216 498 474 481 Acquisition amortization(b) 1,502 1,755 ----------------------- -------------------- 2,758 3,908 3,937 Pro forma result 12,562 9,971 26 ======================= ==================== 7.76 9.93 9.99 - per ordinary share (pence) 31.53 27.90 13 12.50 17.85 18.17 - per ordinary share (cents) 57.38 44.92 28 0.75 1.07 1.09 - per ADS (dollars) 3.44 2.70 ======================= ==================== o BP's third quarter pro forma result was $3,937 million, compared with $2,758 million a year ago, an increase of 43%. For the nine months the result was $12,562 million compared with $9,971 million, up 26%. Replacement cost profit for the third quarter and nine months was $3,456 million and $11,060 million respectively, compared with $2,260 million and $8,216 million a year ago. o The third quarter result includes net exceptional and non-operating charges of $401 million compared with a net charge of $217 million in the third quarter of 2003. o The third quarter trading environment was generally stronger than a year ago, with higher oil and gas realizations and higher refining and chemicals margins. o Net cash inflow for the quarter was $1.7 billion and net cash inflow for the nine months was $7.0 billion, compared with an outflow of $2.4 billion and an inflow of $3.2 billion a year ago. Net cash inflow from operating activities for the quarter and nine months was $6.9 billion and $21.5 billion respectively, compared with $4.9 billion and $18.2 billion a year ago. o The pro forma ratio of net debt to net debt plus equity was 22% at the end of the quarter. o Return on average capital employed for the quarter and nine months respectively, on a pro forma basis, was 19.5% and 20.8%, compared with 15.8% and 19.2% a year ago. The cash return for the quarter was 36% compared with 31% a year ago, and for the nine months was 34% the same as a year ago. o The quarterly dividend was 7.10 cents per share ($0.426 per ADS). This compares with 6.50 cents per share a year ago. For the nine months the dividend showed an increase of 8.8%. In sterling terms, the quarterly dividend is 3.910 pence per share compared with 3.857 pence a year ago; for the nine months the dividend showed a decrease of 2.2%. During the first nine months, the company repurchased for cancellation 621 million of its own shares, at a cost of $5.5 billion. The increase in the dividend per share reflects the reduction in the number of shares outstanding due to the share buyback programme which allows the company's dividend payments to be allocated across a smaller equity base. BP Group Chief Executive, Lord Browne, said: 'This has been another strong performance against the backdrop of strong global demand. We are on track against our targets of controlled investment for growth and using additional free cash flow to fund a significant level of share buybacks. The plans to prepare the Olefins and Derivatives business for disposal are on track.' The pro forma result has been derived from the group's reported UK GAAP accounting information but is not in itself a recognized UK or US GAAP measure. This financial performance information and measures derived therefrom, shown above and elsewhere in the document, are provided in order to enable investors to evaluate better BP's performance against that of its competitors. (a) Replacement cost profit for the period includes the net profit or loss on the sale of fixed assets and businesses or termination of operations. (b) Acquisition amortization is depreciation and amortization relating to the fixed asset revaluation adjustments and goodwill consequent upon the ARCO and Burmah Castrol acquisitions. The results for the first nine months of 2003 and 2004 include accelerated depreciation of the revaluation adjustment in respect of the impairment of former ARCO assets. Summary Third Quarter Results Exploration and Production's record third quarter result was up 30% on a year ago, reflecting higher liquids and gas realizations combined with increased volumes and the changing composition of production primarily resulting from the TNK-BP acquisition. The Refining and Marketing result increased 89% compared with a year ago, reflecting stronger realized refining margins, supported by strong product demand and the impact of industry-wide refinery maintenance. The Petrochemicals result decreased by 10% compared with the second quarter. This reflects higher margins and lower fixed costs more than offset by higher non-operating and exceptional charges. In Gas, Power and Renewables, the result increased compared with a year ago. This reflects improved margins in the NGL and Solar businesses and higher exceptional gains, offset partly by weaker gas marketing and trading margins. Interest and other finance expense for the quarter was $235 million compared with $221 million for the prior quarter. The increase relates primarily to a rise in interest rates. The pro forma effective tax rate on replacement cost profit was 34.6%. Capital expenditure was $3.4 billion for the quarter and there were no significant acquisitions. Disposal proceeds for the quarter were $0.58 billion. Net debt at the end of the quarter was $18.6 billion. The pro forma ratio of net debt to net debt plus equity was 22% at the end of the quarter compared with 23% at the end of the second quarter. During the third quarter, shares to the value of $1.25 billion were issued to Alfa Group and Access Renova (AAR) as the first instalment of the deferred consideration for our investment in TNK-BP. The company also repurchased for cancellation 241.5 million of its own shares, at a cost of $2.25 billion. --------- The commentaries above and following are based on the pro forma replacement cost results. TNK-BP operational and financial information has been estimated. The financial information for 2003 has been restated to reflect (a) the transfer of natural gas liquids (NGLs) operations from the Exploration and Production segment to Gas, Power and Renewables on 1 January 2004; (b) the adoption by the group of Financial Reporting Standard No. 17 'Retirement Benefits' (FRS 17) with effect from 1 January 2004; and (c) the adoption by the group of Urgent Issues Task Force Abstract No. 38 'Accounting for ESOP Trusts' with effect from 1 January 2004. For further information see Note 1. Exceptional and Non-Operating Items 3Q 2004 ------------------------------ Exceptional Non-Operating $ million Items Items and UPIS(a) ------------------------------ Exploration and Production 23 (137) Refining and Marketing (17) (206) Petrochemicals (38) (58) Gas, Power and Renewables 16 - Other businesses and corporate 1 (244) ------------------------------ (15) (645) Taxation 33 226(b) ------------------------------ 18 (419) ============================== (a) Charges for environmental and other provisions have been classified as non-operating items and prior periods restated to conform with this treatment. (b) Tax on non-operating items and Unrealized Profit in Stock (UPIS) is calculated using the pro forma effective tax rate on replacement cost profit, excluding exceptional items, of 35%. Reconciliation of Reported Results to Pro Forma Results Pro Forma Result ----- 3Q 2004 ----- Pro Forma Result ------------------- 3Q 2Q 3Q Acq. Reported Nine Months 2003 2004 2004 Amort+ Earnings* $ million 2004 2003 ======================================= ============== Exploration and 3,959 4,558 5,144 261 4,883 Production 14,270 12,958 Refining and 687 1,562 1,301 220 1,081 Marketing 3,804 2,613 84 208 188 - 188 Petrochemicals 371 527 Gas, Power 127 216 130 - 130 and Renewables 544 484 Other businesses (330) (164) (424) - (424) and corporate 541 (649) --------------------------------------- -------------- RC profit before 4,527 6,380 6,339 481 5,858 interest and tax 19,530 15,933 ---------------------------------------- -------------- Interest and Other (298) (221) (235) - (235) finance expense (684) (879) (1,428)(2,199)(2,109) - (2,109) Taxation (6,130) (4,954) (43) (52) (58) - (58) MSI (154) (129) ---------------------------------------- -------------- 2,758 3,908 3,937 481 3,456 RC profit 12,562 9,971 ---------------------------------------- -------------- 1,027 Stock holding gains (losses) ----- 4,483 HC profit ===== * Replacement cost profit for the period includes the net profit or loss on the sale of fixed assets and businesses or termination of operations. + Acquisition amortization is depreciation and amortization relating to the fixed asset revaluation adjustments and goodwill consequent upon the ARCO and Burmah Castrol acquisitions. The results for the first nine months of 2003 and 2004 include accelerated depreciation of the revaluation adjustment in respect of the impairment of former ARCO assets. Operating Results and Per Share Amounts Third Second Third Quarter Quarter Quarter Nine Months 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 ================================ ===================== Replacement cost Profit before 4,029 5,906 5,858 interest and tax ($m) 18,028 14,178 -------------------------------- --------------------- Results for the period ($m) 2,758 3,908 3,937 Pro forma result 12,562 9,971 2,260 3,434 3,456 Replacement cost profit 11,060 8,216 2,344 3,896 4,483 Historical cost profit 13,197 8,148 -------------------------------- --------------------- Shares in issue at 22,107,715 21,789,115 21,713,966 period end (thousand)21,713,966 22,107,715 - ADS equivalent 3,684,619 3,631,519 3,618,994 (thousand) 3,618,994 3,684,619 Average number of shares outstanding 22,092,365 21,906,318 21,683,963 (thousand) 21,891,936 22,193,403 - ADS equivalent 3,682,061 3,651,053 3,613,994 (thousand) 3,648,656 3,698,901 Per ordinary share (cents) 12.50 17.85 18.17 Pro forma result 57.38 44.92 RC profit 10.25 15.68 15.96 for the period 50.52 37.02 HC profit 10.62 17.80 20.67 for the period 60.28 36.71 Per ADS (cents) 75.00 107.10 109.02 Pro forma result 344.28 269.52 RC profit 61.50 94.08 95.76 for the period 303.12 222.12 HC profit 63.72 106.80 124.02 for the period 361.68 220.26 -------------------------------- --------------------- Exploration and Production 3Q 2Q 3Q Nine Months 2003 2004 2004 $ million 2004 2003 ================= ============== Replacement cost profit 3,666 4,302 4,883 before interest and tax 13,427 11,818 293 256 261 Acquisition amortization 843 1,140 ----------------- -------------- Pro forma replacement cost result 3,959 4,558 5,144 before interest and tax 14,270 12,958 ================= ============== Results include: - (160) (7) Asset write-downs/impairment (290) (49) - - - Environmental and other provisions - - Restructuring, integration and - - - rationalization costs - (102) - - (35) Other (35) - 15 (87) (95) Unrealized profit in stock (UPIS) (248) (4) ----------------- -------------- 15 (247) (137) Total non-operating items and UPIS (573) (155) 196 (114) 23 Exceptional items 120 962 ================= ============== Total non-operating items, UPIS 211 (361) (114) and exceptional items (453) 807 ================= ============== 136 108 135 Exploration expense 379 349 Of which: 75 22 34 Exploration expenditure written off 123 168 ----------------- -------------- Production (Net of Royalties) 1,852 2,321 2,298 Crude oil (mb/d) 2,320 1,798 202 197 181 Natural gas liquids (mb/d) 190 211 2,054 2,518 2,479 Total liquids (mb/d)(a) 2,510 2,009 8,401 8,425 8,275 Natural gas (mmcf/d) 8,433 8,617 3,502 3,971 3,906 Total hydrocarbons (mboe/d)(b) 3,964 3,495 ================= ============== Average realizations 27.72 34.47 39.43 Crude oil ($/bbl) 34.93 28.25 19.39 23.71 28.77 Natural gas liquids ($/bbl) 25.13 18.96 26.79 33.27 38.29 Total liquids ($/bbl) 33.89 27.24 3.08 3.68 3.66 Natural gas ($/mcf) 3.71 3.46 22.58 27.66 30.08 Total hydrocarbons ($/bbl) 28.03 23.88 ================= ============== Average oil marker prices ($/bbl) 28.38 35.32 41.54 Brent 36.31 28.64 30.19 38.28 43.88 West Texas Intermediate 39.18 31.08 28.83 36.99 41.82 Alaska North Slope US West Coast 37.70 29.69 ================= ============== Average natural gas marker prices 4.97 6.00 5.75 Henry Hub gas price ($/mmbtu)(c) 5.81 5.65 UK Gas - National 15.08 20.70 23.63 Balancing Point (p/therm) 22.98 17.92 ================= ============== (a) Crude oil and natural gas liquids. (b) Natural gas is converted to oil equivalent at 5.8 billion cubic feet = 1 million barrels. (c) Henry Hub First of the Month Index. Exploration and Production The pro forma replacement cost result before interest and tax for the third quarter was $5,144 million, a record result, up 30% from the third quarter of 2003. The primary drivers for the change are the higher realizations in both liquids and gas combined with increased volumes and the changing composition of production primarily resulting from the TNK-BP acquisition. This quarter further benefited from an exceptional gain of $23 million. The corresponding quarter in 2003 contained exceptional gains of $196 million. Included in the results for the quarter was a non-operating charge totalling $42 million. This charge results from impairments associated with the write-off of the partner operated Temsah platform in Egypt following the blow-out, revisions to impairment estimates made in the prior quarter and a charge taken for Alaskan tankers no longer required. The third quarter result also included a charge of $95 million, reflecting an increase in the provision for Unrealized Profit in Stock (UPIS), which removes the upstream margin from downstream inventories. This compares with a credit of $15 million in the equivalent quarter of last year. The nine months result of $14,270 million is a record, up $1,312 million on a year ago, reflecting the higher realizations combined with increased volumes and the changing composition of production primarily resulting from the TNK-BP acquisition. Production for the quarter was up over 11% to 3,906 mboe/d compared with a year ago. This reflects the inclusion of TNK-BP and the continuing ramp-up of production in the New Profit Centres, partly offset by planned maintenance in the North Sea and Alaska, the operational impact of Hurricane Ivan in the Gulf of Mexico and the blow-out at partner operated Temsah in Egypt. Projects in the New Profit Centres remain on track. In the quarter Kizomba A started up in Angola, and in Australia, the North West Shelf Train 4 LNG plant was brought on line and first liftings have taken place. In the third quarter, we had further exploration success with the Pela Lache-1 prospect offshore Sakhalin Island in Russia. During the quarter, we completed our divestments of various properties in the Gulf of Mexico Shelf and of our interests in Offshore North Sinai in Egypt, resulting in total exceptional gains in the quarter of $23 million. Customer Facing Segments Refining and Marketing 3Q 2Q 3Q Nine Months 2003 2004 2004 $ million 2004 2003 ======================= ============= Replacement cost profit 482 1,344 1,081 before interest and tax 3,145 1,998 205 218 220 Acquisition amortization 659 615 ----------------------- ------------- Pro forma replacement cost result 687 1,562 1,301 before interest and tax 3,804 2,613 ======================= ============= Results include: - - - Asset write-downs/impairment - - (369) - (206) Environmental and other provisions (206) (369) Restructuring, integration and (72) - - rationalization costs - (131) - - - Other - - ----------------------- ------------- (441) - (206) Total non-operating items (206) (500) (21) (18) (17) Exceptional items (175) (122) ======================= ============= Total non-operating and (462) (18) (223) exceptional items (381) (622) ======================= ============= Refinery throughputs (mb/d) 405 404 410 UK 403 399 909 871 882 Rest of Europe 879 951 1,406 1,370 1,417 USA 1,350 1,391 366 377 296 Rest of World 358 383 ----------------------- ------------- 3,086 3,022 3,005 Total throughput 2,990 3,124 ======================= ============= 96.2 95.1 94.9 Refining availability 95.0 95.7 ======================= ============= Oil sales volumes (mb/d) Refined products 270 318 333 UK 315 276 1,293 1,344 1,313 Rest of Europe 1,327 1,323 1,828 1,724 1,758 USA 1,736 1,800 657 665 677 Rest of World 674 636 ----------------------- -------------- 4,048 4,051 4,081 Total marketing sales 4,052 4,035 2,647 2,087 2,624 Trading/supply sales 2,542 2,805 ----------------------- -------------- 6,695 6,138 6,705 Total refined product sales 6,594 6,840 5,316 5,339 3,572 Crude oil 4,672 5,175 ----------------------- -------------- 12,011 11,477 10,277 Total oil sales 11,266 12,015 ======================= ============== Global Indicator Refining Margin(a) ($/bbl) 2.47 5.29 4.37 NWE 4.15 2.77 5.61 9.18 6.99 USGC 7.72 5.11 6.39 9.01 5.01 Midwest 6.25 5.09 9.04 15.41 11.28 USWC 11.62 7.39 1.27 2.80 5.48 Singapore 3.92 1.63 4.59 7.89 6.20 BP Average 6.26 4.13 ======================= ============== (a) The Global Indicator Refining Margin (GIM) is the average of six regional indicator margins weighted for BP's crude refining capacity in each region. Each regional indicator margin is based on a single representative crude with product yields characteristic of the typical level of upgrading complexity. The regional indicator margins may not be representative of the margins achieved by BP in any period because of BP's particular refinery configurations and crude and product slate. Customer Facing Segments Refining and Marketing The pro forma replacement cost result before interest and tax for the third quarter was $1,301 million. This compares with $687 million for the same period last year. The nine months result was $3,804 million, a year-on-year increase of $1,191 million, or 46%. The improvement in the result is due primarily to refining margins in the third quarter being significantly higher than in the equivalent quarter a year ago. The margins continued to be supported by strong product demand and the impact of industry-wide planned and unplanned refinery maintenance. The refining result for the quarter was stronger than that suggested by the Global Indicator Margin (GIM) because of upgrading capacity in our refining portfolio and the benefits from supply optimization. Marketing margins decreased relative to the previous quarter and the equivalent quarter a year ago because rises in crude and product prices more than offset the increase in selling prices. Included in the result for the quarter was a non-operating charge of $206 million in relation to new, and revisions to existing, environmental and other provisions. The equivalent charge in the third quarter of 2003 was $369 million. In addition, in the third quarter of 2003 there was a non-operating charge of $72 million in relation to Veba integration costs. Also included in the result is an exceptional charge of $17 million. The corresponding quarter in 2003 contained an exceptional charge of $21 million. The improvement in the nine months result compared with a year ago was attributable to the stronger refining margins, with overall marketing margins lower due to factors outlined above. Refining throughputs for the quarter were 3,005 mb/d, some 81 mb/d lower than in the third quarter of 2003, due principally to the disposal of BP's interests in the Singapore Refining Company Private Limited and the closure of refining operations at the ATAS Refinery in Mersin, south eastern Turkey. The throughputs were similar to those in the previous quarter with the impacts described above being offset by relatively lower turnaround activity. The quarter's refining availability was 94.9%. Marketing sales were 4,081 mb/d, a similar level to both the previous quarter and the equivalent quarter a year ago. During the quarter BP Japan and Petrolub International announced an agreement to merge their automotive lubricant businesses and create a new company called BP Castrol KK. The disposal of BP's Retail and LPG Business in the Singapore retail network and related assets was completed on 30 September. Customer Facing Segments Petrochemicals 3Q 2Q 3Q Nine Months 2003 2004 2004 $ million 2004 2003 ======================= ============= Replacement cost profit 84 208 188 before interest and tax 371 527 - - - Acquisition amortization - - ----------------------- ------------- Pro forma replacement cost result 84 208 188 before interest and tax 371 527 ======================= ============= Results include: - - - Asset write-downs/impairment - - (20) - (58) Environmental and other provisions (58) (20) Restructuring, integration and - - - rationalization costs - 5 (36) - - Other - (36) ----------------------- ------------- (56) - (58) Total non-operating items (58) (51) 13 6 (38) Exceptional items (186) 22 ======================= ============= Total non-operating and (43) 6 (96) exceptional items (244) (29) ======================= ============= 109 129 139(b)Chemicals Indicator Margin(a)($/te) 131(b) 113 ======================= ============= Petrochemicals production (kte) 771 856 728 UK 2,424 2,354 2,724 2,726 2,724 Rest of Europe 8,178 8,168 2,507 2,514 2,600 USA 7,657 7,399 1,038 1,075 1,097 Rest of World 3,304 2,869 ----------------------- -------------- 7,040 7,171 7,149 Total production 21,563 20,790 ======================= ============== (a) The Chemicals Indicator Margin (CIM) is a weighted average of externally-based product margins. It is based on market data collected by Nexant in their quarterly market analyses, then weighted based on BP's product portfolio. It does not cover our entire portfolio of products, and consequently is only indicative of the margins achieved by BP in any particular period. (b) Provisional. The data for the third quarter is based on two months' actuals and one month of provisional data. Petrochemicals' pro forma replacement cost result before interest and tax for the third quarter was $188 million, an increase of $104 million compared with the third quarter last year as higher margins more than offset higher net non-operating and exceptional charges. The result for the nine months was 30% lower than a year ago reflecting higher non-operating costs and exceptional charges. The third quarter result was down from $208 million in the second quarter, due to higher margins and lower fixed costs being more than offset by revisions to environmental and other provisions of $58 million and an exceptional charge of $38 million arising from the sale of our Fabrics and Fibres business. Production of 7,149 thousand tonnes in the third quarter was 109 thousand tonnes higher than the third quarter last year due primarily to higher asset utilization. Year-to-date production was 773 thousand tonnes higher than a year ago due to new Asian PTA capacity and higher asset utilization. Production in the third quarter was down 22 thousand tonnes compared with the second quarter due to UK maintenance activity, which more than offset increased volumes in other regions. During the quarter we have progressed with plans to consolidate the Olefins and Derivatives (O&D) business into a stand-alone entity able to operate separately from the BP Group. Shortly after the quarter we reached agreement to sell the Fabrics and Fibres business, for which completion is expected during the fourth quarter. Customer Facing Segments Gas, Power and Renewables 3Q 2Q 3Q Nine Months 2003 2004 2004 $ million 2004 2003 ====================== ============== Replacement cost profit 127 216 130 before interest and tax 544 484 - - - Acquisition amortization - - ---------------------- -------------- Pro forma replacement cost result 127 216 130 before interest and tax 544 484 ====================== ============== Results include: - - - Asset write-downs/impairment - - - - - Environmental and other provisions - - Restructuring, integration and - - - rationalization costs - - - - - Other - - ---------------------- -------------- - - - Total non-operating items - - (2) - 16 Exceptional items 16 4 ====================== ============== Total non-operating and (2) - 16 exceptional items 16 4 ====================== ============== Gas sales volumes (mmcf/d) 2,174 2,495 1,893 UK 2,471 2,653 362 266 485 Rest of Europe 398 418 11,808 12,470 13,585 USA 13,228 11,328 11,133 12,070 13,250 Rest of World 13,078 11,173 ---------------------- -------------- 25,477 27,301 29,213 Total gas sales volumes 29,175 25,572 ======================= ============== NGL sales volumes (mb/d) 3 8 9 UK 7 3 - 3 7 Rest of Europe 4 - 346 334 358 USA 384 305 187 166 161 Rest of World 190 195 ----------------------- -------------- 536 511 535 Total NGL sales volumes 585 503 ======================= ============== The pro forma replacement cost result before interest and tax for the third quarter and nine months was $130 million and $544 million, respectively, compared with $127 million and $484 million a year ago. The increase in the third quarter result reflects improved margins in the NGL and Solar businesses and higher exceptional gains from the disposal of BP's interest in an NGL plant in Canada, offset partly by weaker gas marketing and trading margins. The result for the nine months is higher than a year ago due principally to higher contributions from the NGL and Solar businesses and a higher exceptional gain more than offsetting the weaker margins seen in gas marketing and trading. During the quarter, the Tangguh LNG project (BP share 37.16%) signed a sale and purchase agreement with K Power of South Korea to supply up to 0.8 million tonnes of LNG per annum for 20 years starting in 2006. BP Shipping announced an order for four new LNG carriers from Hyundai Heavy Industries of South Korea for delivery in 2007 and 2008. Since the end of the third quarter, the Tangguh LNG project has signed a sale and purchase agreement with Sempra Energy LNG to supply up to 3.7 million tonnes of LNG per annum from Indonesia to markets in Mexico and the US for 20 years, beginning in 2008. Other Businesses and Corporate 3Q 2Q 3Q Nine Months 2003 2004 2004 $ million 2004 2003 ====================== ============= Replacement cost profit (loss) (330) (164) (424) before interest and tax 541 (649) - - - Acquisition amortization - - ---------------------- ------------- Pro forma replacement cost result (330) (164) (424) before interest and tax 541 (649) ====================== ============= Results include: - - - Asset write-downs/impairment - - (112) - (225) Environmental and other provisions (225) (112) Restructuring, integration and - - (19) rationalization costs (19) - - - - Other - - ---------------------- -------------- (112) - (244) Total non-operating items (244) (112) (14) (1) 1 Exceptional items 1,313 (20) ====================== ============== Total non-operating (126) (1) (243) and exceptional items 1,069 (132) ====================== ============== Other businesses and corporate comprises Finance, the group's aluminium asset, interest income and costs relating to corporate activities. The third quarter result includes a charge of $225 million in respect of new, and revisions to existing, environmental and other provisions and a charge of $19 million in respect of the separation of the Olefins and Derivatives business. In the first quarter, BP sold its interest in PetroChina for $1.65 billion and its interest in Sinopec for $0.7 billion. These interests were previously included in other businesses and corporate. Dividends 3Q 2Q 3Q Nine Months 2003 2004 2004 2004 2003 ====================== ============== Dividends per ordinary share 6.50 7.10 7.10 cents 20.95 19.25 3.857 3.860 3.910 pence 11.577 11.843 39.0 42.6 42.6 Dividends per ADS (cents) 125.7 115.5 ----------------------- -------------- BP today announced a third quarterly dividend for 2004 of 7.10 cents per ordinary share. Holders of ordinary shares will receive 3.910 pence per share and holders of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) $0.426 per ADS share. The dividend is payable on 6 December to shareholders on the register on 12 November. Participants in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) or the DRIP facility in the US Direct Access Plan will receive the dividend in the form of shares, also on 6 December. The fourth quarter 2004 results and dividend will be announced on 8 February 2005. Outlook BP Group Chief Executive, Lord Browne, concluded: 'The world economy's expansion has continued, despite patches of softer growth in the US and Europe. Activity in the US appears to have strengthened in the third quarter although the recovery across the major European economies remains below trend on average and growth in parts of Asia, including China, appears to have moderated. Continued growth is expected across the world economy at around trend rates. 'Oil prices averaged $41.54 per barrel (Dated Brent) in the third quarter - over $6 per barrel higher than second quarter prices. Loss of US production following Hurricane Ivan, along with low inventories and limited spare capacity, propelled prices to record nominal highs in October, averaging almost $50 per barrel to date. Price spreads between light, sweet and heavier, sourer crudes also touched record highs recently. The outlook for the rest of 2004 will depend upon the rate of US production recovery after Hurricane Ivan and the strength of oil demand growth. Medium term oil price prospects will principally depend on the future strength of supply, demand growth, OPEC politics and perceptions of risks to political stability in certain of those nations. Oil prices are considered to have an approximate support level of $30 per barrel for at least the medium term, with chances of spiking above this level. 'US natural gas prices averaged $5.75/mmbtu (Henry Hub first of month index) in the third quarter, despite the oil price surge, down around $0.25/mmbtu versus the second quarter. Following a cool summer, working gas inventories are at record highs going into the winter heating season. However, the 12-month futures strip (NYMEX Henry Hub) is trading currently at almost $8/mmbtu, reflecting oil price strength. 'Refining margins in the third quarter slipped from the second quarter's record levels but remained high by historical standards. Strong demand growth, record refinery throughputs and low aggregate OECD product inventories continued to underpin the refining environment. Margins began the fourth quarter strongly amid concerns over winter heating oil supplies in Europe and lost refinery production due to Hurricane Ivan. The premium for light crude over heavy crude has been driven to exceptional levels, favouring upgraded refineries over less complex sites. The refining system should adjust, but this will take time. Marketing margins compressed in the third quarter due to increasing crude prices, product cost volatility and competitive pressure. 'Petrochemical margins held during the third quarter as product prices continued to strengthen, enabling the businesses to offset rapidly rising feedstock and energy costs. Current margins appear sustainable, although energy price volatility and foreign exchange rates are expected to influence future margins. Demand remained robust during the quarter, with sales volumes stable compared with the previous quarter. 'Capital expenditure, excluding acquisitions, for the nine months was $9.8 billion, and is expected to be slightly above $14 billion for the year. 2005 capital spending is expected to be around $14 billion, above our previous forecast primarily due to the weak US dollar and the assumption that recent sector specific inflationary pressure in the market price of capital goods is sustained through 2005. The share buyback programme is continuing, reducing the number of shares outstanding thus increasing our ability to accelerate per share dividend growth.' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The foregoing discussion, in particular the statements under 'Outlook', contains forward looking statements particularly those regarding BP's asset portfolio and changes in it, capital expenditure, costs, demand, divestments, future performance, growth and other trend projections, impact of foreign exchange rates, maintenance, margins, prices, production, share repurchases and the timing of projects and pending transactions. Forward looking statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties and actual results may differ from those expressed in such statements depending on a variety of factors including the following: the timing of bringing new fields on stream; industry product supply; demand and pricing; currency exchange rates; operational problems; general economic conditions including inflationary pressures; political stability and economic growth in relevant areas of the world; changes in governmental regulations; exchange rate fluctuations; development and use of new technology and successful commercial relationships; the actions of competitors; natural disasters and other changes in business conditions; prolonged adverse weather conditions; wars and acts of terrorism or sabotage; and other factors discussed in this Announcement. For more information you should refer to our Annual Report and Accounts 2003 and our 2003 Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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