14 October 2021
Braveheart Investment Group plc
("Braveheart" or "the Company")
Grant of Share Options
Notification of transactions by directors
At the Annual General Meeting held on 8 September 2020, shareholders approved the creation of a share option scheme in order to provide a long term incentive plan for Directors, employees and consultants of the Group, including those Strategic Investments where Braveheart owns 50% or more of the issued share capital ("the Share Option Plan").
Braveheart announces that, pursuant to the Share Option Plan, Trevor Brown and Vivian Hallam, both executive directors of Braveheart and persons discharging managerial responsibilities ("PDMR") of the Company have been granted options over 1,500,000 and 2,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 2 pence each in the Group ("Ordinary Shares"), respectively, at an exercise price of 31.5p per share, being the closing mid-market price on 13 October 2021. The options vest on 14 October 2022 and are exercisable up to 14 October 2031. The options are also subject to performance criteria under which the options can only be exercised if the average share price over a 30 consecutive calendar day period has been 20 per cent. higher than the option exercise price.
Details of the transactions can be found in the Notification of Dealing Forms below.
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