TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings
NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS (to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the FCA in MicrosoftWordformatif possible) i |
1a.Identityoftheissuerortheunderlyingissuerof existing shares to which voting rights are at-tached ii : |
Breedon Group PlcSedolB2419D8 |
1b.Pleaseindicateif theissuerisanon-UKissuer (pleasemarkwithan"X" ifappropriate) |
Non-UKissuer |
X |
2.Reasonforthenotification (pleasemarktheappropriateboxorboxes withan "X") |
Anacquisitionordisposalofvoting rights |
X |
Anacquisitionordisposaloffinancialinstruments |
Anevent changingthebreakdownof votingrights |
Other(please specify) iii : |
3. Detailsofperson subjectto thenotification obligation iv |
Name |
1 LansdownePartners International Limited 2 LansdownePartners Limited 3 LansdownePartners (UK)LLP |
Cityand countryof registeredoffice (ifapplicable) |
London,UnitedKingdom |
4. Fullname ofshareholder(s) (if different from3.) v Morgan StanleyClientSecuritiesNominees Ltd,Morstan NomineesLimited,State StreetNominees Ltd,Aurora NomineesLtd,Harewood Nominees Ltd,Chase Nominees Ltd, Nortrust Nominees Ltd, Chetwynd Nominees Ltd, CGML PB CLIENT LANSDOWNE DM LO KY M and GoldmanSachsSecurities (Nominees) Limited. |
Name |
n/a |
Cityand countryof registeredoffice (ifapplicable) |
n/a |
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed orreached vi : |
14/07/2021 |
6.Dateonwhichissuernotified(DD/MM/YYYY): |
16/07/2021 |
7.Totalpositions ofperson(s)subjecttothenotificationobligation |
% of voting rights at-tached to shares (to-talof8.A) |
% of voting rightsthrough financial instru-ments (totalof8.B1+8.B2) |
Total of both in %(8.A+ 8.B) |
Total number ofvoting rights of is-suer vii |
Resulting situationonthedateonwhich |
8.99% |
8.99% |
1,688,589,751 |
threshold wascrossedorreached |
Position of previousnotification (ifapplicable) |
9.02% |
9.02% |
8.Notifieddetailsoftheresultingsituation onthedateonwhichthethresholdwascrossedorreached v iii |
A:Votingrightsattachedtoshares |
Class/type ofshares ISINcode (ifpossible) |
Numberofvotingrights ix |
%ofvotingrights |
Direct (Art 9 of Directive2004/109/EC)(DTR5.1) |
Indirect (Art 10 of Directive2004/109/EC)(DTR5.2.1) |
Direct (Art 9 of Directive2004/109/EC)(DTR5.1) |
Indirect (Art 10 of Directive2004/109/EC)(DTR5.2.1) |
JE00B2419D89 |
151,766,823 |
8.99% |
151,766,823 |
8.99% |
B1:FinancialInstrumentsaccordingtoArt. 13(1)(a)ofDirective2004/109/EC (DTR5.3.1.1(a)) |
Type of financial in-strument |
Expirationdate x |
Exercise/ConversionPeriod xi |
Number of voting rightsthat may be acquired iftheinstrument is exercised/converted. |
%ofvotingrights |
B2:FinancialInstruments withsimilareconomiceffectaccordingtoArt.13(1)(b)ofDirective2004/109/EC(DTR5.3.1.1 (b)) |
Type of financialinstrument |
Expirationdate x |
Exercise/ConversionPe- riod xi |
Physical orcash settlement xii |
Number ofvotingrights |
%ofvotingrights |
9. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please mark theapplicableboxwith an"X") |
Personsubject to the notificationobligationis notcontrolled byanynaturalperson or legal entityand does notcontrolanyother undertaking(s) holdingdirectlyor indirectlyaninterest inthe(underlying) issuerxiii |
Full chain ofcontrolled undertakingsthroughwhichthe votingrights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entityxiv(pleaseadd additional rowsas necessary) |
X |
Name xv |
% of voting rights if itequals or is higherthan the notifiablethreshold |
% of voting rightsthrough financial in-strumentsifitequals orishigherthanthenotifiablethreshold |
Total of both if itequals or is higherthan the notifiablethreshold |
LansdownePartners International Limited |
8.99% |
8.99% |
Lansdowne PartnersLimited |
Lansdowne Partners (UK)LLP |
8.99% |
8.99% |
10.Incaseofproxyvoting,pleaseidentify: |
Nameoftheproxyholder |
Thenumberand%ofvotingrightsheld |
Thedateuntilwhichthevotingrightswillbe held |
11. Additional information xvi |
Placeofcompletion |
London |
Dateofcompletion |
16July2021 |