IFRS Accounts

British Land Co PLC 14 July 2005 14th July 2005 INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS British Land is presenting its unaudited accounts for the year ended 31st March 2005 restated under International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'). The change to the accounting basis arises from legislation requiring all EU listed companies to apply IFRS in their financial statements. The disclosures include guidance as to the effect of IFRS on the Group's reported results and balance sheet and the comparative figures expected to be used in the interim statement and final accounts for the 6 months to 30th September 2005 and 31st March 2006 respectively. There are no changes in interpretation or methodology from the advance guidance given by the Company in its presentation on 25th January 2005. In adopting IFRS no adjustments have been necessary in respect of the refinancing of Broadgate carried out in March 2005, nor for expensing share-based incentives, which were already expensed on the basis of their fair values under the Company's previous accounting policies. Good progress is being made with other European companies through the industry body EPRA to define industry standard reporting measures for net assets and earnings. Contacts: The British Land Company PLC Graham Roberts 020 7467 2948 Lucinda Bell 020 7467 2888 The British Land Company PLC ('British Land') Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') Results for the year ended 31 March 2005 presented under IFRS Introduction On 25 May 2005 British Land reported its financial results for the year ended 31 March 2005, prepared for the last time under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ('UK GAAP'). Going forward the Group will prepare its consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS as required for all European Union listed companies. British Land's first IFRS results will be for the six months to 30 September 2005 and the Group's first annual report under IFRS will be for the year to 31 March 2006. The following unaudited IFRS results include comparative information for the half year to 30 September 2004 and the year ended 31 March 2005. This announcement describes for investors: • the key impacts of the conversion from UK GAAP to IFRS on the Group's results for the year to 31 March 2005; • the key judgements in making the transition to IFRS; and • the restated results under IFRS for the half year to 30 September 2004 and the year to 31 March 2005, which are expected to form the comparative figures for both the interim six months to 30 September 2005 and the year to 31 March 2006 statements. Although the impact on the reporting of our results is significant, the underlying performance of the business and its cash flows remain unaffected. The principal changes to British Land's previously reported UK GAAP financial information are: • to recognise investment property and other investment revaluation surpluses in the income statement; • to provide for deferred tax on property and investment revaluations; • to recognise certain financial instruments at fair value; and • to reflect on a single line within income, the Group's share of joint venture income after revaluation surpluses and current and deferred taxes. No adjustment is required on transition to IFRS for the accounting of share-based incentives or pension costs as the Group took advantage of the option to adopt similar UK GAAP standards early and has reported its results for the year to 31 March 2004 and 31 March 2005 in accordance with these standards. No adjustment is required to the accounting treatment of the Broadgate refinancing carried out in March 2005. To assist an understanding of the results, we include on pages 29 and 30 summary financial statements which consolidate on a proportional basis the Group's share of joint venture income, assets and liabilities. Key financial highlights The key financial highlights of adopting IFRS for our 31 March 2005 results are: IFRS Impact on results previously disclosed under UK GAAP £m Group and share of joint ventures Net rental income 584.7 Increased by £12.9m Profit before tax 779.2 Increased by £757.4m Underlying profits before tax* 180.9 Increased by £6.1m Balance sheet net assets 4,782.6 Decreased by £796.7m - principally due to recognition of deferred taxation Adjusted diluted net assets** 5,913.2 Increased by £89.6m Net debt 6,563.1 Increased by £26.9m Weighted average debt maturity 13.5 yrs Unchanged Loan to value (debt /property & investments) 52% Unchanged Weighted average interest rate 6% Unchanged * Underlying profits are profits adjusted in line with the industry proposed earnings measure and adjusted for the exceptional refinancing of Broadgate. The industry proposed adjusted earnings measure excludes gains on asset revaluations and disposals and related taxation and the capital allowance effects of IAS 12 where applicable. ** Adjusted Net Asset Value (NAV) is based on the industry proposed net asset performance measure. It includes the external valuation surplus on trading and finance lease properties but excludes the contingent taxation provision, any related goodwill, the fair value adjustments for debt and derivatives and capital allowance effects of IAS12. Contents Page Overview of impact for the year ended 31 March 2005 3 - 4 Key accounting judgements 5 - 6 Consolidated Income Statement 7 Consolidated Balance Sheet 8 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 9 Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense 10 Notes to the accounts 10 - 28 Summary Income Statement and Balance Sheet(Proportionally Consolidated) 29 - 30 Reconciliations of UK GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards 31 - 33 Overview of impact Income statement Under the industry proposed adjusted earnings measure (earnings before gains on asset revaluations and disposals), our IFRS diluted earnings per share are 35.5p, as compared with an underlying 34.3p as previously reported under UK GAAP. Reconciliation of profit before tax and underlying profit before tax - 31 March 2005 Underlying PBT PBT* £m £m As previously reported - UK GAAP 31 March 2005 21.8 174.8 Revaluations on property and investments included in income 753.2 Deferred and current taxation of joint ventures now recognised in pre tax profits (41.6) Recognition of fair value adjustments on financial instruments (5.9) (5.9) Adjustment for timing differences on recognition of lease incentives 11.0 11.0 Other movements (0.9) 1.0 As restated - IFRS 31 March 2005 737.6 180.9 *Underlying profits are profits adjusted in line with the industry proposed earnings measure and adjusted for the exceptional refinancing of Broadgate. The industry proposed adjusted earnings measure excludes gains on asset revaluations and disposals and related taxation and the capital allowance effects of IAS 12 where applicable. Diluted earnings per share Diluted earnings per share and underlying diluted earning per share, which is calculated after taking account of taxation, is as follows: EPS Underlying EPS pence pence ------- ------- UK GAAP 11.3 34.3 IFRS 125.9 35.5 Overview of impact (continued) Balance Sheet On an adjusted diluted basis the NAV per share of 1128p (industry proposed performance measure) is slightly higher than the 1111p that was previously reported under UK GAAP. Reconciliation of diluted net assets - 31 March 2005 Adjusted NAV NAV £m £m ------- ------- As previously reported - UK GAAP 31 March 2005 5,693.4 5,823.6 Recognition of contingent taxation on revaluation gains (963.5) Goodwill adjustments* 108.0 33.0 Recognition of financial instruments at fair value net of deferred taxation (16.6) Deferred taxation on external surplus on trading & finance lease properties (17.0) Final dividend only recognised on approval 56.5 56.5 Other movements (2.2) 0.1 As restated - IFRS 31 March 2005 4,858.6 5,913.2 Diluted NAV per share pence pence ------- ------- UK GAAP 1087 1111 IFRS 927 1128 Adjusted Net Asset Value (Adjusted NAV) is the industry proposed net asset performance measure. It includes the external valuation surplus on trading and finance lease properties but excludes the contingent taxation provision, any related goodwill, the fair value adjustments for debt and derivatives and capital allowance effects of IAS12 (see note 17). * The goodwill adjustment primarily relates to some £75 million of deferred taxation recognised on corporate acquisitions and £33 million of negative goodwill written back on transition to IFRS. Key accounting judgements As the understanding of the application of IFRS is still evolving it is possible that the treatment of items may change. The following key accounting judgements have been made as part of the transition to IFRS. Deferred taxation - basis of calculation IFRS requires that deferred tax is recognised where assets are held at values greater than their tax base cost (usually historical cost). This deferred tax provision is reversed for the industry proposed performance measures of Adjusted Net Asset Value and underlying earnings per share. The basis of calculating this provision varies depending on whether value is expected to be achieved through sales or retention in the business. As British Land has a proven record of portfolio recycling through sales and a committed strategy to recycle its capital the deferred tax provision is calculated on the basis that assets will be sold and takes account of available loss relief including indexation, but does not assume any mitigation that could be achieved through tax structuring. Deferred taxation and goodwill Under IFRS corporate acquisitions are treated as either business combinations or asset acquisitions. Under business combinations the purchase consideration is compared to the fair value of the assets and liabilities of the company acquired and any excess is recognised as goodwill. In property acquisitions it is from time to time common for less than a full deduction to be made in the purchase price for contingent CGT, in recognition that contingent CGT may not be crystallised for some time, if at all. IFRS prohibits any revision of the deferred tax to its fair value and therefore goodwill may arise on acquisition accounting, equal to the amount of deferred tax provided and not discounted in the purchase price. Asset acquisitions arise when an asset, or a group of assets, that does not constitute a business is acquired. Under the asset acquisition method the assets and liabilities are treated as though acquired individually even if acquired in a corporate entity. There is no deferred tax relating to revaluations as the assets are treated as acquired at cost. Under this method there is no goodwill. All corporate acquisitions in prior years and in the year to 31 March 2005 have been treated as business combinations. Properties - classification as operating leases or finance leases Under IFRS, we are required to distinguish between properties let under operating leases and those let under finance leases. This distinction is made at the inception of the lease and is not re-assessed over the life of the lease unless the lease terms are varied significantly. Operating leases continue to be shown as a property interest in the balance sheet, but where a finance lease has been identified, IFRS requires the value of the cash flows related to the buildings to be shown as a debtor and the land as a property interest. Income is shown on the building element on a financial rather than a rental basis. British Land has worked closely with the British Property Federation ('BPF') on guidance notes for the application of IFRS in a UK context (see www.bpf.org.uk/ files/resdoc110494339418914-1.pdf). A comprehensive review of the terms of each of our leases has been undertaken using the approach recommeded by the BPF, this review has identified only one material finance lease within one joint venture. British Land uses derivatives to manage its interest rate risk. Under IFRS all derivatives, including hedges, are held on the balance sheet at fair value. The default treatment under this standard is for movements in the fair value to be recognised in the income statement, where they will impact reported profits. However, if an entity can demonstrate that its derivatives are effective hedges of specific risks it can choose to adopt hedge accounting. The Group has chosen to adopt hedge accounting. Under the transitional rules for IFRS, companies may elect to commence application of IAS 39 with effect from 1 April 2005. British Land has chosen to apply IAS 39 in full retrospectively and not use this election. Derivatives which hedge the Group's floating rate bank debt are classified as cash flow hedges and movements in their fair value are recognised in the hedging reserve, which is part of equity reserves. The mark to market adjustment on financial instruments and related taxation effects are reversed in calculating Adjusted Net Asset Value. Consolidated income statement (unaudited) IFRS Restated Note Year Six months ended ended 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m ------- ------- Gross rental income - 2 557.5 256.7 Group Service charge income 2 2.8 2.1 less expenses Property operating 2 (43.3) (21.4) expenses ------- ------- Net rent and related 517.0 237.4 income Administrative expenses (48.8) (22.4) Other income 7.9 2.9 ------- ------- Profit from operations 476.1 217.9 Share of net profit of 10 157.9 82.6 joint ventures after ------- ------- tax Profit from operations including share 634.0 300.5 of joint ventures Net financing costs ------- ------- financing 26.7 6.8 income financing (352.4) (167.5) expenses ------- ------- 3 (325.7) (160.7) Net valuation gains on 4 609.3 306.5 property and investments Exceptional item refinancing 5 (180.0) of Broadgate ------- ------- Profit on ordinary 737.6 446.3 activities before tax Taxation credit (expense) ------- ------- current 45.5 (5.7) deferred (129.6) (68.9) ------- ------- 6 (84.1) (74.6) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit for the year 653.5 371.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attributable to: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shareholders of the 653.5 371.7 Company --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic earnings per 7 128.3 p 74.3 p share ------- ------- Diluted earnings per 7 125.9 p 71.6 p share ------- ------- The results stated above relate to the continuing activities of the Group. Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited) IFRS Restated ----------------- Note 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m --------- --------- ASSETS Properties Investment properties 8 10,876.7 9,578.5 Development properties 8 212.4 196.2 Trading properties (at cost, valuation: £92.6m; Sep 2004: £91.6m) 8 35.9 36.0 --------- --------- 11,125.0 9,810.7 Non-current assets Investments in joint ventures 10 700.0 671.6 Other investments 9 153.1 113.9 Goodwill 72.7 --------- --------- 12,050.8 10,596.2 --------- --------- Current assets Trade and other debtors 12 76.5 54.8 Cash and short-term deposits 15 150.8 128.3 --------- --------- 227.3 183.1 --------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets 12,278.1 10,779.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIABILITIES Current liabilities Short-term borrowings and overdrafts 15 (407.7) (152.8) Trade and other creditors 13 (351.5) (382.8) --------- --------- (759.2) (535.6) --------- --------- Non-current liabilities Debentures and loans 15 (5,753.7) (4,881.5) Other non-current liabilities 14 (37.0) (21.7) Deferred tax liabilities 18 (945.6) (816.7) --------- --------- (6,736.3) (5,719.9) --------- --------- Total liabilities (7,495.5) (6,255.5) --------- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net Assets 4,782.6 4,523.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUITY Share capital 20 129.6 129.5 Share premium 20 1,249.3 1,248.8 Other reserves 21 12.2 8.7 Retained earnings 21 3,391.5 3,136.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company 4,782.6 4,523.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted NAV per share: Basic 17 1135 p 1065 p --------- --------- Fully 17 1128 p 1060 p diluted --------- --------- The Adjusted Net Asset Value (Adjusted NAV) per share includes the external valuation surplus on trading and finance lease properties but excludes the contingent taxation provision, any related goodwill, the fair value adjustments for debt and derivatives and capital allowance effects of IAS12. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (unaudited) IFRS Restated ---------------- Note Year Six months ended ended 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m Cash generated from operations 19 479.7 230.1 Interest paid (350.7) (160.7) Interest received 9.8 2.8 UK Corporation tax paid (10.0) (5.1) Foreign tax paid (3.6) (1.9) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 125.2 65.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of investment properties and (508.9) (136.0) development expenditure Purchase of investments (97.9) (97.4) Sale of investment properties 81.3 16.4 Sale of investments 3.7 Investment in and loans to joint ventures (23.4) (3.1) Sale of shares in and loans repaid by 54.8 joint ventures Purchase of subsidiary companies (net of cash acquired (note 11)) (36.1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash outflow from investing activities (526.5) (220.1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from financing activities Issue of ordinary shares 1.2 0.6 Purchase of ESOP shares (10.9) (7.6) Dividends paid (76.6) (51.7) Issue of Broadgate Estate securitised 2,080.7 debt Redemption of Broadgate Funding PLC securitised debt (1,439.7) Redemption of 135 Bishopsgate Financing (138.4) Ltd securitised debt Repayment of debt acquired with subsidiary companies (648.6) Increase in bank and other 614.3 175.4 borrowings --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash inflow from financing activities 382.0 116.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (19.3) (38.2) Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April 2004 166.4 166.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March 2005 147.1 128.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents consists of: Cash and short-term deposits 150.8 128.3 Overdrafts (3.7) (0.1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 147.1 128.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense (unaudited) IFRS Restated ------------- Year Six months ended ended 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m ---------- ---------- Profit for the year after taxation 653.5 371.7 ---------- ---------- Exchange movements on translation of foreign subsidiary (0.4) (0.4) Valuation movements: - on development 12.5 3.0 properties - attributable 2.9 5.3 to joint ventures - on foreign (14.6) (0.4) currency derivatives - on cash flow (9.9) (3.5) hedges Actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit pension schemes (3.9) Tax on items taken directly to equity 5.7 (0.5) ---------- ---------- Net gain (loss) recognised directly in equity (7.7) 3.5 Transferred to the income statement: - foreign 4.6 (2.5) currency derivatives - cash flow 10.1 5.1 hedges ---------- ---------- Transfers 14.7 2.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total recognised income and expense for the year 660.5 377.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes to the accounts (unaudited) 1 Basis of preparation The financial information presented in this document is unaudited and has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and International Accounting Standards ('IFRS' or as applicable 'IAS') and interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (the 'IASB'). IFRS continues to evolve through the development and adoption of new Standards and Interpretations as well as through the practical experience gained from the application of IFRS by companies and their auditors. As a result, the financial information contained in this release may be amended before it is finally presented as comparative figures in the IFRS accounts to be issued by the Group for the six months ending 30 September 2005 as well as for the year ending 31 March 2006. Furthermore, the financial information contained in these accounts does not constitute a complete set of financial statements (including comparative figures and all relevant and required notes) and therefore does not purport to show a true and fair view of the Group's financial position and results of operations in accordance with IFRS for the year to 31 March 2005. On 19 November 2004, the European Commission endorsed an amended version of IAS 39, "Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement" rather than the full version as previously published by the IASB. In accordance with guidance issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board, the full version of IAS 39, as issued by the IASB, has been adopted in the preparation of this financial information. The financial information has been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for the revaluation of investment and development properties, fixed asset investments, certain financial instruments and deferred tax thereon. The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below. Consolidation of subsidiaries and joint ventures The consolidated accounts include the accounts of The British Land Company PLC and all subsidiaries (entities controlled by British Land). Control is assumed where British Land has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to gain benefits from its activities. The results of subsidiaries or joint ventures acquired or disposed of during the year are included from the effective date of acquisition or to the effective date of disposal. Accounting practices of subsidiaries and joint ventures which differ from Group accounting policies are adjusted on consolidation. Business combinations are accounted for under the acquisition method. Any excess of the purchase price of business combinations over the fair value of the assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired and resulting deferred tax thereon is recognised as goodwill. Any discount received is credited to the income statement in the period of acquisition. All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. Joint ventures are accounted for under the equity method, whereby the consolidated Balance Sheet incorporates the Group's share of the net assets of its joint ventures. The consolidated income statement incorporates the Group's share of joint venture profits after tax. Their profits include revaluation movements on investment properties. Other investments Other investments are shown at fair value. Any surplus or deficit arising on revaluation is recognised directly in the income statement. Properties Investment Properties Investment properties, including freehold and long leasehold properties, are independently valued each year on an open market basis. Any surplus or deficit arising is recognised in the income statement for the period. Development properties Development properties which were not previously investment properties are independently valued each year on an open market basis. A valuation in excess of a property's historic cost is credited directly to equity within the revaluation reserve. Where the value of a property falls below its historic cost, the surplus or deficit on valuation is recognised in the income statement. Where an investment property is being redeveloped the property is accounted for as if it were an investment property and any movement in valuation is recognised in the income statement. The cost of properties in the course of development includes attributable interest and other associated outgoings. Interest is calculated on the development expenditure by reference to specific borrowings where relevant and otherwise on the average rate applicable to short-term loans. Interest is not capitalised where no development activity is taking place. A property ceases to be treated as a development property on practical completion. Trading properties Trading properties are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Property disposals and transfers Disposals are recognised on completion: profits and losses arising are recognised through the income statement, the profit on disposal is determined as the difference between the sales proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset. Head leases Where an investment property is held under a head lease it is initially recognised as an asset as the sum of the premium paid on acquisition and the present value of minimum ground rent payments. The corresponding rent liability to the head leaseholder is included in the Balance Sheet as a finance lease obligation. Financial instruments Trade debtors and creditors Trade debtors and creditors are stated at their nominal value. Trade debtors are reduced by appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts. Financial Obligations Debt instruments are stated at their net proceeds on issue. Finance charges including premiums payable on settlement or redemption and direct issue costs are spread over the period to redemption, using the effective interest method. Hedging instruments As defined by IAS39, cash flow hedges are carried at fair value in the Balance Sheet. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as effective cash flow hedges are recognised directly in the hedging reserve and any ineffective portion is recognised in the income statement. Fair value hedges are carried at fair value in the Balance Sheet. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as effective fair value hedges, are recorded in the income statement, along with any changes in the fair value of the hedged item that is attributable to the hedged risk. Any ineffective portion is also recognised in the income statement. The Group's use of financial derivatives is governed by the Group's financing policies, details of which are included in the Financing Policy and Risk Management section of the Annual Report and Accounts. Net rental income Rental income is recognised on an accruals basis, exclusive of service charge recoveries. Rental income from fixed and minimum guaranteed rent reviews is recognised on a straight line basis over the shorter of the entire lease term or the period to the first break option. Where rental income is recognised ahead of the related cash flow, an adjustment is made to ensure the carrying value of the related property including the accrued rent does not exceed the external valuation. Initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging a new lease are amortised on a straight-line basis over the period from the date of lease commencement to the earliest termination date . Where a lease incentive payment does not enhance the property, it is amortised on a straight-line basis over the period from the date of lease commencement to the earliest termination date. Where a rent free period is included in a lease, the rental income forgone is allocated evenly over the period from the date of lease commencement to the earliest termination date . Service charges and other recoveries are credited directly against relevant expenditure. Taxation The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently arising and deferred tax for the period. The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from net profit as reported in the income statement because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years, most notably revaluation movements, and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The liability is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities arise from differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet and their tax bases (known as 'temporary differences'), principally due to revaluation movements on properties held for the long term. Deferred tax is provided in respect of all taxable temporary differences at the balance sheet date that may give rise to an obligation to pay more or less tax in the future. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis. A deferred tax asset is regarded as recoverable and therefore recognised only when, on the basis of all available evidence, it can be regarded as more likely than not that there will be suitable taxable profits from which the future reversal of the underlying temporary differences can be deducted. On business combinations, the deferred tax effect of fair value adjustments is incorporated in the consolidated balance sheet. Employee costs Defined benefit pension scheme assets are measured using fair values; pension scheme liabilities are measured using the projected unit credit method and discounted at the rate of return of a high quality corporate bond of equivalent term to the scheme liabilities. The net surplus or deficit is recognised in full in the consolidated balance sheet. Any asset resulting from the calculation is limited to past service costs plus the present value of available refunds and reductions in future contributions to the plan. The current service cost and gains and losses on settlement and curtailments are charged to operating profit. Past service costs are recognised in the income statement if the benefits have vested or, if they have not vested, are amortised on a straight line basis over the period until vesting occurs. Actuarial gains and losses are recognised in full in the period in which they occur and are presented in the statement of recognised income and expense. Contributions to the Group's defined contribution schemes are expensed on the basis of the contracted annual contribution. Share-based incentives The fair value of equity-settled share-based payments to employees is determined at the date of grant and is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period based on the Group's estimate of shares or options that will eventually vest. In the case of options granted, fair value is measured by a Black-Scholes pricing model. IFRS transitional arrangements When preparing the Group's IFRS balance sheet at 1 April 2004, the date of transition, the following material optional exemptions from full retrospective application of IFRS accounting policies have been adopted: (i) Business combinations - the provisions of IFRS 3 'Business combinations' have been applied prospectively from 1 April 2004. The Group has chosen to not restate business combinations that took place before the date of transition; and (ii) Employee benefits - the accumulated actuarial gains and losses in respect of employee defined benefit plans have been recognised in full through reserves. Financial Instruments - the Group has applied IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation' and IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement' for all periods presented and has therefore not taken advantage of the option that would enable the Group to only apply these standards from 1 April 2005. 2. Revenue and property expenses IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m ---------- ---------- Gross rental income - Group 557.5 256.7 Service charge income 47.1 21.1 Other 7.9 2.9 income Interest receivable 12.6 3.0 Proceeds on sale of trading properties 6.6 6.6 Gains on investment property sales 15.7 1.7 Share of net profit of joint ventures after tax 157.9 82.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Revenue 805.3 374.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service charge expense (44.3) (19.0) Property operating expenses (43.3) (21.4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service charge expense and property operating expenses (87.6) (40.4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Net financing costs IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m ---------- ---------- Interest payable on: bank loans and overdrafts 83.6 35.2 other loans 261.0 130.2 obligations under finance leases 1.7 0.9 ---------- ---------- 346.3 166.3 Deduct development cost element (7.8) (2.5) ---------- ---------- 338.5 163.8 ---------- ---------- Interest receivable on: deposits and securities (9.4) (2.7) loans to joint ventures (3.2) (0.3) ---------- ---------- (12.6) (3.0) ---------- ---------- Other finance (income) costs: Pension scheme: Expected return on pension scheme (2.7) (1.3) assets Interest on pension scheme 2.5 1.2 liabilities ---------- ---------- (0.2) (0.1) Fair value hedges: Valuation movements on fair value 6.8 debt Valuation movements on fair value (6.8) derivatives ---------- ---------- Foreign currency hedges: Valuation movements on translation (4.6) 2.5 of foreign currency debt Hedging reserve recycling 4.6 (2.5) ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net financing costs 325.7 160.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Net revaluation gains on property and investments IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m ---------- ---------- Revaluation of investments (note 9) 43.1 (0.2) Revaluation of properties (note 8) 549.9 304.3 Gains on property disposals 16.3 2.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 609.3 306.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Exceptional financing item On 2 March 2005 the Group incurred an exceptional charge of £180m whilst redeeming the securitised debt of Broadgate (Funding) PLC and 135 Bishopsgate Financing Limited. On the same day Broadgate Financing PLC issued £2,080m of new securitised debt in respect of the Broadgate Estate (see note 15). The pre tax exceptional item of £180m (post tax: £126m, after £54m tax credit) relates mainly to the difference between the redemption value and the carrying value of the redeemed debt. 6. Income tax expense IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m ---------- ---------- Current tax UK corporation tax (30%) (2.5) 10.0 Foreign tax 2.1 1.3 ---------- ---------- (0.4) 11.3 Adjustments in respect of prior years (45.1) (5.6) ---------- ---------- Total current tax (credit) charge (45.5) 5.7 ---------- ---------- Deferred tax Origination and reversal of timing differences 129.8 68.9 Tax associated with pension movements (0.2) ---------- ---------- Total deferred tax charge 129.6 68.9 ---------- ---------- Group total taxation (net) 84.1 74.6 Tax reconciliation Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 737.6 446.3 Less - Share of profit of joint ventures (157.9) (82.6) ---------- ---------- Group profit on ordinary activities before taxation 579.7 363.7 ---------- ---------- Tax on group profit on ordinary activities at UK corporation tax rate of 30% (2004: 30%) 173.9 109.1 Effects of: Valuation gains on investment properties (177.9) (91.2) Capital allowances (9.3) (3.4) Tax losses and other timing differences 11.0 (5.4) Expenses not deductible for tax purposes 1.9 2.2 Adjustments in respect of prior years (45.1) (5.6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group current tax (credit) charge (45.5) 5.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Basic and diluted earnings per share IFRS Restated ------------- Weighted Underlying average number earnings per Earnings per of shares share* share m £m £m -------------- -------------- -------------- Basic earnings per share Profit for the year as shown on income statement 509.2 653.5 653.5 Exceptional item 180.0 Share of joint ventures: Valuation gains (160.2) Property disposals (8.8) ----------- (169.0) Net valuation gains on: Investments (43.1) Property (549.9) Property disposals (16.3) ----------- (609.3) Taxation on the above: Current (32.6) Deferred 161.5 ----------- 128.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings attributable to ordinary shares 184.1 653.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 36.2 p 128.3 p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diluted earnings per share Earnings attributable to ordinary shares 509.2 184.1 653.5 Adjust to diluted on exercise of share options 10.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings attributable to ordinary shares 519.2 184.1 653.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 35.5 p 125.9 p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Underlying profits are profits adjusted in line with the industry proposed earnings measure and adjusted for the exceptional refinancing of Broadgate. The industry proposed adjusted earnings measure excludes gains on asset revaluations and disposals and related taxation and the capital allowance effects of IAS 12 where applicable. 8. Investment, development and trading properties Investment, development and trading properties were valued, at the relevant companies year end, by external valuers on the basis of open market value, supported by market evidence, in accordance with the Appraisal and Valuation Manual published by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors: IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m ---------- ---------- United Kingdom: ATIS REAL 10,801.7 9,547.1 Weatheralls FPD Savills 282.6 246.5 Republic of Ireland: Jones Lang 68.6 49.8 LaSalle Netherlands: CB Richard 1.0 1.0 Ellis B.V. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Group property portfolio valuation 11,153.9 9,844.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Represented by: Investment properties 10,876.7 9,578.5 Development properties 212.4 196.2 Trading properties at cost 35.9 36.0 ---------- ---------- Carrying value of properties on Balance Sheet 11,125.0 9,810.7 External valuation surplus on trading properties 56.7 55.6 Head lease liabilities (27.8) (21.9) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Group property portfolio valuation 11,153.9 9,844.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Properties valued at £7,051.9m (September 2004: £6,513.3m) were subject to a security interest and other properties of non-recourse companies amounted to £41.9m (September 2004: £40.4m). Total property valuations including share of joint ventures £m £m --------- --------- British Land Group As disclosed 11,153.9 9,844.4 above Share of joint ventures Investment 1,321.3 1,191.9 properties Development 3.6 0.3 properties Trading 25.3 26.5 properties at cost Finance lease 7.6 7.6 properties External valuation surplus on 2.4 2.7 trading properties External valuation surplus on 3.5 3.2 finance lease properties Head lease (10.7) (10.7) liabilities --------- --------- 1,353.0 1,221.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total property portfolio valuation 12,506.9 11,065.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Investment, development and trading properties (continued) IFRS Restated ------------- Freehold Leasehold * Total £m £m £m --------- --------- --------- Investment properties (including properties being redeveloped) Carrying value 1 April 2004 8,765.8 416.4 9,182.2 Additions - corporate 655.9 52.2 708.1 acquisitions - purchases 278.4 94.6 373.0 - capital 78.3 11.8 90.1 expenditure Disposals (69.0) 0.1 (68.9) Reallocation (21.7) 21.7 Transfer from 1.5 1.5 development properties Exchange 1.0 1.0 fluctuations Revaluations 528.8 21.1 549.9 Lease incentive and minimum 39.8 39.8 guaranteed rent review debtor movement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment properties - carrying value 31 March 2005 10,258.8 617.9 10,876.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Development properties Valuation 1 April 2004 156.3 156.3 Additions 45.1 45.1 Transfer to (1.5) (1.5) investment properties Revaluations 12.5 12.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valuation 31 March 2005 212.4 212.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trading properties At lower of cost and net realisable value 31 March 2005 27.2 8.7 35.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,125.0 External valuation surplus on trading properties 56.7 Head lease liabilities (27.8) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Group property portfolio valuation 11,153.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Includes short leasehold properties (1 April 2004 7.7m; 31 March 2005: £8.8m). 9. Other investments IFRS Restated £m -------- At 1 April 2004 17.2 Additions 97.9 Disposals/depr eciation/write down in value (5.1) Revaluations 43.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 153.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listed investments are held at market value. British Land's investment in Songbird Estates PLC was valued by a major, independent firm of Chartered Accountants on the basis of open market value at £140m as at 31 March 2005. 10. Joint ventures British Land's share of profits of joint ventures IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m Gross rental income 73.1 35.6 -------- --------- Net rental income 67.7 33.3 Other expenditure (3.5) (1.5) Other income 1.0 0.6 -------- --------- Operating profit 65.2 32.4 Net financing costs (34.7) (16.6) -------- --------- Net underlying profit before tax 30.5 15.8 Profits on property trading and disposal of fixed asset investments 8.8 3.9 Net valuation gains on investment property 160.2 85.6 -------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 199.5 105.3 Taxation (current and deferred) (41.6) (22.7) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit for the year after tax 157.9 82.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The movement for the period: Equity Loans Total £m £m £m -------- -------- -------- At 1 April 2004 515.8 71.6 587.4 Additions 23.4 23.4 Disposals (54.8) (54.8) Share of profit after taxation attributable to joint ventures 157.9 157.9 Dividends received from joint ventures (15.8) (15.8) Hedging reserve movements 2.0 2.0 Revaluation of development properties (0.1) (0.1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 659.8 40.2 700.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of British Land's share in joint ventures Net rental Profit for Gross Gross Net income the period assets liabilities investment £m £m £m £m £m --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- BL Fraser Limited 7.1 11.8 147.0 (101.3) 45.7 BLT Properties Limited 7.3 10.7 154.9 (112.9) 42.0 The Tesco British Land Property Partnership 4.7 8.9 80.9 (58.7) 22.2 Tesco BL Holdings Limited 12.7 29.6 256.2 (186.7) 69.5 BL Davidson Limited 12.5 49.4 319.3 (179.1) 140.2 BL West 8.1 11.8 106.0 (57.8) 48.2 The Scottish Retail Property Limited Partnership 14.8 32.1 320.6 (35.9) 284.7 BL Rosemound 0.0 (0.3) 19.1 (11.7) 7.4 Other joint ventures 0.5 3.9 46.2 (6.1) 40.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 67.7 157.9 1,450.2 (750.2) 700.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings - IFRS Restated On 15 October 2004, the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Spirit Wisley Limited, which owned 65 public houses; the fair value of the consideration was £14.5m. On 22 February 2005 the Group subscribed for 100% of the 'B' ordinary shares in BF Properties (No. 4) Limited and gained control over the company and its subsidiaries, which owned 23 Debenhams department stores; the fair value of the consideration was £1.8m. On 22 February 2005 the Group subscribed for 100% of the issued share capital of the Tweed Premier group of companies, which owned a residential property portfolio; the fair value of the consideration was £32.3m. Book value acquired ------------------- Tweed Spirit BF Premier Accounting Wisley Properties group of policy Fair value Limited (No.4) Limited companies alignment adjustment £m £m £m £m £m £m -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Properties 174.0 499.2 28.0 0.8 6.1 708.1 Other 0.1 6.8 6.9 assets Cash 4.9 4.9 Creditors (2.1) (9.9) (1.1) (13.1) Shareholder loans (125.1) (125.1) Bank loans (158.1) (365.4) (523.5) Minority interest (5.0) (5.0) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 13.8 (1.2) 33.7 0.8 6.1 53.2 Deferred taxation (27.0) (43.2) (2.7) (0.2) (1.9) (75.0) Goodwill 72.7 Negative goodwill - recognised in income statement (2.3) -------- 48.6 -------- Satisfied by: Cash paid 14.5 0.5 26.0 41.0 Non cash consideration 5.8 5.8 Acquisition accruals 1.3 0.5 1.8 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total consideration 14.5 1.8 32.3 48.6 Repayment of shareholder loans 125.1 125.1 Repayment of bank loans 158.1 365.4 523.5 -------- -------- -------- -------- Total amounts payable 172.6 492.3 32.3 697.2 -------- -------- -------- -------- The accounting policy alignment reverses the depreciation previously charged in BF Properties (No. 4) Limited. The fair value adjustment is required to show the properties at fair value (BF Properties (No. 4) Limited: £0.9m; Tweed Premier group: £5.2m), with the related deferred tax adjustment. The fair values of the assets and liabilities acquired have been determined on a provisional basis as the Group is currently in the process of finalising the balance sheets as at the acquisition date. Deferred taxation is calculated on the difference between the accounting and tax base costs of assets and liabilities and is not adjusted to reflect the fair value of contingent tax liabilities in entities acquired. As a result of this accounting requirement goodwill arises. 12. Trade and other debtors IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m -------- -------- Trade debtors 39.4 40.8 Prepayments and accrued income 4.8 5.3 Corporation tax 22.3 Interest rate derivatives* 10.0 8.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76.5 54.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Trade and other creditors IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m -------- -------- Trade creditors 38.3 53.3 Amounts owed to joint ventures 27.9 38.5 Corporation tax 35.4 Other taxation and social security 13.5 6.3 Accruals and deferred income 211.7 200.3 Interest rate derivatives* 60.0 48.9 Obligations under finance leases (note 16) 0.1 0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 351.5 382.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Other non-current creditors IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m -------- -------- Obligations under finance leases (note 16) 27.7 21.8 Minority interest 5.0 Retirement benefit obligations 4.3 (0.1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37.0 21.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Includes amounts due with a maturity greater than one year. 15. Net Debt IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 Secured on the assets of the Group Footnote £m £m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Class A4 4.821% Bonds 2036 1.1, 2 395.9 6.5055% Secured Notes 2038 1.2, 3 97.4 5.920% Secured Notes 2035 1.3 59.1 57.9 Class C2 5.098% Bonds 2035 1.1, 2 215.0 Class B 4.999% Bonds 2033 1.1, 2 364.6 Class A3 4.851% Bonds 2033 1.1, 2 174.4 Class A1 Floating Rate Bonds 2032 1.1, 2 224.3 Class A2 4.949% Bonds 2031 1.1, 2 314.0 Class D Floating Rate Bonds 2025 1.1, 2 149.5 7.743% Secured Notes 2025 1.4 19.7 19.7 Class C1 Floating Rate Bonds 2022 1.1, 2 234.2 5.66% 135 Bishopsgate Securitisation 2018 1.5, 3 1.9 8.49% 135 Bishopsgate Securitisation 2018 1.5, 3 7.1 8% First Mortgage Debenture Bonds 2035 246.7 246.7 9% First Mortgage Debenture Stock 2028 197.3 197.3 101/2% First Mortgage Debenture Stock 2019/24 12.6 12.6 11% First Mortgage Debenture Stock 2019/24 20.4 20.4 63/4% First Mortgage Debenture Bonds 2020 1.6 205.6 205.9 63/4% First Mortgage Debenture Bonds 2011 1.6 103.0 103.2 Bank loan 1.7 44.7 44.9 -------- --------- 2,981.0 1,015.0 -------- --------- Unsecured --------- Class A1 5.260% Unsecured Notes 2035 1.3 572.5 567.9 Class B 5.793% Unsecured Notes 2035 1.3 99.2 99.1 Class C Fixed Rate Unsecured Notes 2035 1.3 84.2 83.4 Class C2 6.4515% Unsecured Notes 2032 1.2, 3 73.5 Class B 6.0875% Unsecured Notes 2031 1.2, 3 220.3 Class A3 5.7125% Unsecured Notes 2031 1.2, 3 146.8 Class A2 5.67% Unsecured Notes 2029 1.2, 3 281.1 Class A2 (C) 6.457% Unsecured Notes 2025 1.4 212.2 212.3 Class B2 6.998% Unsecured Notes 2025 1.4 206.0 205.8 Class B3 7.243% Unsecured Notes 2025 1.4 20.6 20.5 Class A1 Fixed Rate Unsecured Notes 2024 1.2, 3 321.5 5.66% 135 Bishopsgate Securitisation 2018 1.5, 3 21.7 8.49% 135 Bishopsgate Securitisation 2018 1.5, 3 86.7 Class A1 6.389% Unsecured Notes 2016 1.4 79.8 82.2 Class B1 7.017% Unsecured Notes 2016 1.4 79.6 82.9 Class C1 6.7446% Unsecured Notes 2014 1.2, 3 140.3 Class A2 5.555% Unsecured Notes 2013 1.3 39.7 42.2 -------- --------- 1,393.8 2,688.2 6.30% Senior US Dollar Notes 2015 4 81.1 84.6 101/4% Bonds 2012 1.7 1.7 7.35% Senior US Dollar Notes 2007 4 84.8 88.4 Guaranteed Floating Rate Unsecured Loan Notes 2005 0.3 0.5 Bank loans and overdrafts 1,618.7 1,155.9 -------- --------- 3,180.4 4,019.3 -------- --------- Gross Debt 5 6,161.4 5,034.3 -------- --------- Interest rate derivatives (liabilities) 60.0 48.9 Interest rate derivatives (assets) (10.0) (8.7) -------- --------- 6,211.4 5,074.5 Cash and short-term deposits 6 (150.8) (128.3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net debt 6,060.6 4,946.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 These borrowings are obligations of ringfenced, special purpose companies, with no recourse to other companies or assets in the Group. 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m -------- -------- 1.1 Broadgate Financing PLC 2,071.9 1.2 Broadgate (Funding) PLC 1,280.9 1.3 MSC (Funding) PLC 854.7 850.5 1.4 BLSSP (Funding) PLC 617.9 623.4 1.5 135 Bishopsgate Financing Ltd 117.4 1.6 BL Universal PLC 308.6 309.1 1.7 BLU Nybil Ltd 44.7 44.9 2 A total of £2,080m Bonds were issued by Broadgate Financing PLC on 2 March 2005. 3 All the outstanding Notes of Broadgate (Funding) PLC and external loans of 135 Bishopsgate Financing Ltd were redeemed on 2 March 2005. 4 Principal and interest on these borrowings were fully hedged into Sterling at the time of issue. 5 The principal amount of gross debt at 31 March 2005 was £6,208.8m (Sept 2004:£5,096.1m). Included in this, the principal amount of secured borrowings and other borrowings of non-recourse companies was £4,392.5m (Sept 2004: £3,742.3m). 6 Cash and short-term deposits not subject to a security interest amount to £54.4m (Sept 2004: £42.3m). Comparison of market values and book values at 31 March 2005 Market Book Value Value Difference £m £m £m -------- -------- -------- Securitisations 3,581.1 3,544.5 36.6 Debentures and unsecured bonds 1,190.5 953.2 237.3 Bank debt and other floating rate debt 1,663.7 1,663.7 Cash and short-term deposits (150.8) (150.8) -------- -------- -------- 6,284.5 6,010.6 273.9 -------- -------- -------- Other financial (assets) liabilities - interest rate derivative assets (10.0) (10.0) - interest rate derivative liabilities 60.0 60.0 -------- -------- -------- 50.0 50.0 -------- -------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 6,334.5 6,060.6 273.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The differences are shown before any tax relief. Maturity analysis of net debt - excluding finance lease liabilities IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m -------- --------- Repayable: within one year and on 407.7 152.8 demand -------- --------- between: one and two years 259.0 382.3 two and five years 1,327.6 1,023.5 five and ten years 532.6 539.1 ten and fifteen years 795.2 545.8 fifteen and twenty years 580.5 753.1 twenty and twenty five years 948.1 752.0 twenty five and thirty years 1,000.7 579.0 thirty and thirty five years 310.0 306.7 -------- --------- 5,753.7 4,881.5 -------- --------- Gross debt 6,161.4 5,034.3 -------- --------- Interest rate derivatives 50.0 40.2 Cash and short-term deposits (150.8) (128.3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net debt 6,060.6 4,946.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maturity of committed undrawn borrowing facilities IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m -------- --------- Expiring: within one year 114.0 32.3 between: one and two years 95.0 20.4 two and three years 10.0 25.0 three and four years 441.9 286.0 four and five years 132.1 672.1 over five years 25.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 818.0 1,035.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Interest rate profile - including effect of derivatives IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m -------- --------- Fixed rate 5,359.4 4,053.7 Capped rate 100.0 100.0 Variable rate (net of cash) 601.2 792.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net debt 6,060.6 4,946.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Finance lease liabilities Finance lease liabilities are payable as follows, no contingent rents are payable in either period: IFRS Restated IFRS Restated 31 March 2005 30 September 2004 ------------- ----------------- Minimum Minimum lease lease payments Interest Principal payments Interest Principal £m £m £m £m £m £m -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- Less than one year (note 13) 2.2 2.1 0.1 1.8 1.7 0.1 Between one and five years 8.8 8.2 0.6 7.3 6.7 0.6 More than five years 158.8 131.7 27.1 135.8 114.6 21.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 169.8 142.0 27.8 144.9 123.0 21.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Net Asset Value per share IFRS Restated ------------- Adjusted Net Net Shares Assets Assets m £m £m ------- ------- ------- Net Asset Value (undiluted) Shareholders' funds as shown on balance sheet 518.3 4,782.6 4,782.6 IAS12 capital allowance effects: British Land Group 123.2 Share of joint ventures 7.0 -------- 130.2 Contingent taxes on revaluation gains: British Land Group 851.3 Share of joint ventures 112.2 -------- 963.5 Goodwill (72.7) Fair value adjustments for debt and derivatives, net of deferred tax: British Land Group 11.6 Share of joint ventures 5.0 -------- 16.6 Total external valuation surplus on trading & finance lease properties 62.6 62.6 Deferred taxation on external surplus on trading & finance lease properties (17.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net assets attributable to ordinary shares 5,882.8 4,828.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 1135 p 932 p -------- -------- Fully diluted Net Asset Value Net assets attributable to ordinary shares 518.3 5,882.8 4,828.2 Adjust to fully diluted on exercise of share options 5.7 30.4 30.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net assets attributable to fully diluted ordinary shares 524.0 5,913.2 4,858.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 1128 p 927 p -------- -------- The adjusted NAV includes the external valuation surplus on trading and finance lease properties but excludes the contingent taxation provision, any related goodwill, the fair value adjustments for debt and derivatives and capital allowance effects of IAS12. 18. Deferred tax liabilities IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m -------- -------- Capital allowances 123.2 106.4 Other timing differences (28.9) (0.3) Property and investment revaluations 851.3 710.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 945.6 816.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. Notes to the cash flow statement Reconciliation of profit on ordinary activities before tax to cash generated from operations IFRS Restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 £m £m -------- -------- Profit on ordinary activities before tax 737.6 446.3 Depreciation 0.9 0.5 Negative goodwill (2.3) Net valuation gains on investment (549.9) (304.3) property Net valuation loss on investments (43.1) 0.2 Gain on disposal of fixed assets (15.7) (1.7) Share of profits after tax of joint (157.9) (82.6) ventures Dividends received from joint ventures 15.8 6.8 Share options, share awards and pension 8.0 3.7 funding Net financing costs (including valuation 325.7 160.7 movements on debt & derivatives) Exceptional item (as disclosed in note 5) 180.0 Decrease in trading properties 5.7 5.6 Increase in debtors (36.3) (11.8) Increase in creditors 11.2 6.7 -------- --------- (257.9) (216.2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash generated from operations 479.7 230.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash acquired with interest in subsidiary companies amounted to £4.9m (September 2004: £Nil). 20. Share Capital Number of Ordinary Share shares shares premium Total £m £m £m -------- -------- -------- -------- At 1 April 2004 487,999,692 122.0 1,109.3 1,231.3 Shares issued 30,307,328 7.6 140.0 147.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 518,307,020 129.6 1,249.3 1,378.9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The total authorised number of ordinary shares is 799,200,000 with a par value of 25p per share. All issued shares are fully paid. 21. Reserves - IFRS Restated Other Equity Retained reserves reserve earnings Total £m £m £m £m At 1 April 2004 2.6 46.3 2,820.8 2,869.7 Total recognised income and expense 9.6 650.9 660.5 Adjustment for share and share option awards 7.3 7.3 Purchase of ESOP shares (10.9) (10.9) Dividends paid (76.7) (76.7) Shares issued - conversion of Convertible Bonds (46.3) 0.1 (46.2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 31 March 2005 12.2 3,391.5 3,403.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retained earnings Retained earnings includes revaluation surpluses in the current and prior years that are recognised as income under IFRS. Equity reserve The equity reserve represented the equity component of the irredeemable convertible bonds which converted during the year, net of the related deferred tax asset. Other reserves Other reserves comprises the following reserve accounts: (i) Hedging reserve The hedging reserve comprises the effective portion of the cumulative net change in the fair value of cash flow and foreign currency hedging instruments. (ii) Translation reserve The translation reserve comprises all foreign exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign operations as well as the translation of the liabilities that hedge the Company's net investment in a foreign subsidiary. (iii) Revaluation reserve The revaluation reserve relates to development properties and other investments. 22. Contingent Liabilities Contingent liabilities of the Parent for guarantees to third parties amounted to £Nil (30 September 2004: £Nil). TPP Investments Limited, a wholly owned ringfenced special purpose subsidiary, is a partner in The Tesco British Land Property Partnership and, in that capacity, has entered into a secured bank loan under which its liability is limited to £43.6m (30 September 2004: £43.6m) and recourse is only to the partnership assets. 23. Post balance sheet events - IFRS Restated On 18 April 2005 the Group obtained 100% ownership of the BLWest joint venture companies by buying for £50m the equity owned by the other joint shareholders. Immediately following the acquisition, the £108m debt was repaid. On 22 April 2005 the Scottish Retail Property Limited Partnership joint venture raised £430m by way of a seven year securitisation. The majority of the funds raised were returned to the joint venture partners. On 23 May 2005 the Group and Pillar Property PLC announced the terms of recommended proposals under which the Group would acquire the entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of Pillar Property at a valuation of approximately £811m. On 25 May 2005 a final dividend of 10.9 pence per ordinary share (£56.5m) was proposed by the directors and is subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 15 July 2005. (Under IFRS proposed dividends are not recognised as liabilities until approved). The final dividend will be paid on 19 August 2005 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 22 July 2005. Summary income statement based on proportional consolidation The following pro forma information does not form part of the consolidated primary statements or the notes thereto. It shows the results of the group, with joint ventures consolidated on a proportional basis. IFRS restated ------------- Year Six months ended ended 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 Unaudited Unaudited £m £m --------- --------- Gross rental income 630.6 292.3 Service charge income less expenses 3.2 1.7 Property operating expenses (49.1) (23.3) --------- --------- Net rent and related income 584.7 270.7 Administrative expenses (52.3) (23.9) Other income 8.9 3.5 --------- --------- Profit from operations 541.3 250.3 Net financing costs (360.4) (177.3) Net valuation gains on property and investments 778.3 396.0 Exceptional item - Refinancing of Broadgate (180.0) --------- --------- Profit on ordinary activities before 779.2 469.0 tax Taxation expense - Current 35.8 (10.3) - Deferred (161.5) (87.0) Profit for the year 653.5 371.7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings per share - Basic 128.3 p 74.3 p ---------- ---------- - Diluted 125.9 p 71.6 p ---------- ---------- Underlying earnings per share* - Basic 36.2 p 12.1 p ---------- ---------- - Diluted 35.5 p 11.7 p ---------- ---------- * Underlying profits are profits adjusted in line with the industry proposed earnings measure and adjusted for the exceptional refinancing of Broadgate. The industry proposed adjusted earnings measure excludes gains on asset revaluations and disposals and related taxation and the capital allowance effects of IAS 12 where applicable. Summary balance sheet based on proportional consolidation The following pro forma information does not form part of the consolidated primary statements or the notes thereto. It shows the results of the group, with joint ventures consolidated on a proportional basis with trading and finance lease properties shown at valuation. IFRS restated ------------- 31 March 30 September 2005 2004 Unaudited Unaudited £m £m ASSETS --------- --------- Properties Investment properties 12,159.5 10,737.8 Development properties 216.0 196.5 Trading and finance lease properties at valuation 131.4 131.6 ASSETS --------- --------- 12,506.9 11,065.9 Non-current assets Other investments 153.1 113.9 Goodwill 72.7 ASSETS --------- --------- 12,732.7 11,179.8 ASSETS --------- --------- Current assets Trade and other debtors 114.0 107.6 Cash and short-term deposits 207.2 182.4 ASSETS --------- --------- 321.2 290.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets 13,053.9 11,469.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIABILITIES Current liabilities Short-term borrowings and overdrafts (488.9) (171.0) Trade and other creditors (424.2) (437.3) ---------- ---------- (913.1) (608.3) Non-current liabilities Debentures and loans (6,223.6) (5,354.7) Other non-current liabilities (9.3) 0.1 Deferred tax liabilities (1,062.7) (921.5) ---------- ---------- (7,295.6) (6,276.1) Total liabilities (8,208.7) (6,884.4) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net assets 4,845.2 4,585.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company 4,845.2 4,585.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted NAV per share: Basic 1135 p 1065 p ---------- ---------- Fully diluted 1128 p 1060 p ---------- ---------- Adjusted Net Asset Value (Adjusted NAV) is the industry proposed net asset performance measure. It includes the external valuation surplus on trading and finance lease properties but excludes the contingent taxation provision, any related goodwill, the fair value adjustments for debt and derivatives and capital allowance effects of IAS12 (see note 17). The British Land Company PLC Reconciliations of UK GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards Income Statement for the year ended 31 March 2005 UK Property GAAP Plant Results and Operating in Income Equip- Investment Leases - Financial IFRS Taxes ment Leases Property Incentives Instruments Format IAS 12 IAS 16 IAS 17 IAS 40 SIC 15 IAS32/39 Other IFRS £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m Gross rental income - Group 546.5 11.0 557.5 Service charge income less expenses 2.8 2.8 Property operating expenses (45.0) 1.7 (43.3) ------- ------ ------- ------- -------- -------- --------- ------ ------ Net rental and related income 504.3 1.7 11.0 517.0 Administrative expenses (48.8) (48.8) Other income 6.2 1.7 7.9 ------- ------ ------- ------- -------- -------- --------- ------ ------ Profit from operations 461.7 1.7 11.0 1.7 476.1 Share of net profit of Joint Ventures 31.7 (33.0) 159.7 1.6 (2.1) 157.9 ------- ------ ------- ------- -------- -------- --------- ------ ------ Profit from operations including share of joint ventures 493.4 (33.0) 1.7 159.7 11.0 1.6 (0.4) 634.0 Net financing costs (316.5) (1.7) (7.5) (325.7) Net valuation gains on property and investment 16.3 (0.1) 604.0 (10.9) 609.3 Exceptional item - Refinancing of Broadgate (180.0) (180.0) ------- ------ ------- ------- -------- -------- --------- ------ ------- Profit on ordinary activities before tax 13.2 (33.0) (0.1) 763.7 0.1 (5.9) (0.4) 737.6 Taxation expense 45.5 (129.6) (84.1) ------------- ------- ------ ------- ------- -------- -------- --------- ------ ------- Profit for the year 58.7 (162.6) (0.1) 763.7 0.1 (5.9) (0.4) 653.5 ------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- -------- --------- ------ ------- The British Land Company PLC Reconciliations of UK GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards Opening Balance Sheet as at 1 April 2004 Prop- Events UK erty, After GAAP Plant the Balances and Invest- Business Balance Financial in Equip- ment Comb- Sheet Instr- Income IFRS ment Property inations Leases Date* uments Taxes Format IAS 16 IAS 40 IFRS 3 IAS 17 IAS 10 IAS32/39 IAS 12 Other IFRS £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m ASSETS Properties Investment properties 9,278.8 (138.1) 19.8 21.7 9,182.2 Development properties 156.3 156.3 Trading properties 41.6 41.6 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------ ------ ------- 9,320.4 18.2 19.8 21.7 9,380.1 Non-current assets Investments in joint ventures 658.2 0.2 19.2 (11.7) (76.3) (2.1) 587.5 Other investments 3.1 14.1 17.2 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------ ------ ------- 9,981.7 18.2 20.0 33.3 21.7 (11.7) (76.3) (2.1) 9,984.8 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------ ------ ------- Current assets Trade and other debtors 40.2 40.2 Cash and short-term deposits 173.7 173.7 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------ ------ ------- 213.9 213.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets 10,195.6 18.2 20.0 33.3 21.7 (11.7) (76.3) (2.1) 10,198.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIABILITIES Current liabilities Short term borrowings and overdrafts (485.2) (485.2) Trade and other creditors (384.7) 49.2 1.4 (334.1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (869.9) 49.2 1.4 (819.3) Non-current liabilities Debentures and loans (4,406.3) (3.0) (4,409.3) Convertible Bonds (149.0) 68.7 (80.3) Other non-current liabilities 0.1 (21.7) (21.6) Deferred tax liabilities (101.1) (666.1) (767.2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4,656.3) (21.7) 65.7 (666.1) (5,278.4) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total liabilities (5,526.2) (21.7) 49.2 67.1 (666.1) (6,097.7) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net assets 4,669.4 18.2 20.0 33.3 49.2 55.4 (742.4) (2.1) 4,101.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUITY Share capital 122.0 122.0 Share premium account 1,109.3 1,109.3 Other reserves 2,617.2 71.3 (2,667.7) 49.2 (20.6) (0.5) 48.9 Retained earnings 820.9 (53.1) 2,687.7 33.3 49.2 6.2 (721.8) (1.6) 2,820.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total equity shareholders' funds 4,669.4 18.2 20.0 33.3 49.2 55.4 (742.4) (2.1) 4,101.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * proposed dividend recognised when approved The British Land Company PLC Reconciliations of UK GAAP to International Financial Reporting Standards Closing Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2005 Prop- UK Opening erties GAAP balance Plant Balances sheet and Financial Invest- Business in adjust- Income Equip- Instru- ment combin- IFRS ment taxes ment Leases ments property ations Format IAS 12 IAS 16 IAS 17 IAS 32/39 IAS 40 IFRS 3 Other* IFRS £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m ASSETS Properties Investment properties 11,036.7 (96.6) (53.0) 6.1 (16.5) 10,876.7 Development properties 156.3 56.1 212.4 Trading properties 35.9 35.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11,072.6 59.7 3.1 6.1 (16.5) 11,125.0 Non-current assets Investments in joint ventures 804.0 (70.7) (33.9) (1.4) 4.5 (0.5) (2.0) 700.0 Other investments 153.1 153.1 Goodwill (18.1) 14.1 76.7 72.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12,011.6 3.1 (33.9) 3.1 4.7 4.5 (17.0) 74.7 12,050.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Current assets Trade and other debtors 66.5 10.0 76.5 Cash and short-term deposits 150.8 150.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 217.3 10.0 227.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total assets 12,228.9 3.1 (33.9) 3.1 4.7 14.5 (17.0) 74.7 12,278.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIABILITIES Current liabilities Short term borrowings and overdrafts (407.7) (407.7) Trade and other creditors (348.9) 50.6 (0.1) (60.4) 7.3 (351.5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (756.6) 50.6 (0.1) (60.4) 7.3 (759.2) Non-current liabilities Debentures and loans (5,783.7) (3.0) 33.0 (5,753.7) Convertible Bonds 68.7 (68.7) Other non-current liabilities (8.0) (21.7) (6.0) (1.3) (37.0) Deferred tax liabilities (101.3) (666.1) (104.5) (75.0) 1.3 (945.6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (5,893.0) (622.1) (104.5) (6.0) 33.0 (75.0) (68.7)(6,736.3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total liabilities (6,649.6) (571.5) (104.5) (6.1) (27.4) (75.0) (61.4)(7,495.5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Net assets 5,579.3 (568.4) (138.4) 3.1 (1.4) (12.9) (17.0) (0.3) (61.4) 4,782.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EQUITY Share capital 129.6 129.6 Share premium account 1,251.9 (2.6) 1,249.3 Other reserves 3,395.3 (2,568.4) 24.3 3.0 (1.4) (5.3) (768.5) (2.1) (64.7) 12.2 Retained earnings 802.5 2,000.0 (162.7) 0.1 (7.6) 751.5 1.8 5.9 3,391.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total equity shareholders' funds 5,579.3 (568.4) (138.4) 3.1 (1.4) (12.9) (17.0) (0.3) (61.4) 4,782.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Other includes the incremental adjustment for dividends not recognised until approved This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
UK 100

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