Interim Results - Part 3
British Land Co PLC
29 November 2001
Notes to the accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2001 (unaudited)
1. Basis of preparation
The interim accounts are prepared on the basis of the accounting policies
set out in the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 March
2001, consistently applied in all material respects, save for the adoption
of Financial Reporting Standard 19 'Deferred Tax' (FRS 19) and Urgent
Issues Task Force Abstract 28 'Operating Lease Incentives' (UITF 28), which
now have effect.
The figures for the year ended 31 March 2001 have been extracted from the
statutory accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain
any statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985; the
comparatives for the year ended 31 March 2001 and six months ended 30
September 2000 have been restated to comply with FRS 19 and UITF 28.
Deferred Tax
Deferred tax assets and liabilities arise from timing differences between
the recognition of gains and losses in the financial statements and their
recognition in a tax computation. Previously, the Group's accounting policy
was only to provide for deferred tax to the extent that liabilities or
assets were expected to be payable or receivable in the forseeable future.
In accordance with FRS 19, deferred tax is now provided in respect of all
timing differences that have originated, but not reversed, at the balance
sheet date that may give rise to an obligation to pay more or less tax in
the future. Deferred tax is not recognised when fixed assets are revalued
unless by the balance sheet date there is a binding agreement to sell the
revalued assets and the gain or loss expected to arise on sale has been
recognised in the financial statements. Deferred tax is measured on a
non-discounted basis.
Comparatives have been restated to comply with FRS 19 and the effects of
the change in policy are summarised below:
Year ended
31 March
2001 2001 2000
£m £m £m
Profit and loss account
(15.3) Increase in deferred tax (3.1) (6.8)
Balance sheet
(91.7) Increase in deferred (94.8) (83.2)
tax liability
Notes to the accounts for the six months ended 30 September 2001 (unaudited)
1. Basis of preparation (continued)
Operating Lease Incentives
Operating lease incentives include rent free periods and other incentives
(such as contributions towards fitting out costs) given to lessees on
entering into lease agreements. Previously, the Group's accounting policy
was to recognise income as the rent fell due and to capitalise appropriate
In accordance with UITF 28 rent receivable in the period from lease
commencement to the earlier of the first rent review to the prevailing
market rate and the lease end date, is now spread evenly over that period.
The cost of other incentives is spread on a straight-line basis over a
similar period.
This has been applied to all lease incentives for leases commencing on or
after 1 April 2000.
Comparatives have been restated to comply with UITF 28 and the effects of
the change in policy are summarised below:
Year ended
31 March
2001 2001 2000
£m £m £m
Profit and loss account
1.3 Increase in rental income 0.1 0.6
0.7 Increase in joint venture 0.5 0.4
operating profit
(0.8) Increase in corporation (0.3) (0.4)
tax charge
1.2 Increase in profit on 0.3 0.6
ordinary activities after
Balance sheet
(4.5) Decrease in investment (5.3) (2.4)
0.5 Increase in net joint 0.9 0.3
venture assets
5.8 Increase in prepayments 6.7 3.0
and accrued income
(0.6) Increase in corporation (0.8) (0.3)
tax payable
1.2 Increase in net assets 1.5 0.6
The combined effect of complying with FRS 19 and UITF 28 is summarised
Year ended
31 March
2001 2001 2000
£m £m £m
Profit and loss account
(14.1) Decrease in profit after (2.8) (6.2)
Balance sheet
(90.5) Decrease in net assets (93.3) (82.6)
2. Other income
Other income in the six months ended 30 September 2000 included £15.3
million capital profit, net of costs, received from Standard Bank of South
Africa when Standard Bank bought out the Group's rights to acquire a 29.7%
stake in Liberty International PLC.
3. Disposal of fixed assets
The profit for the year ended 31 March 2001 included £14.6
million arising on the disposal of Selfridges shares.
4. Net interest payable
Year ended
31 March
2001 2001 2000
£m £m £m
British Land Group
52.9 Payable on: bank loans and 28.7 26.3
222.4 other loans 108.5 110.3
275.3 137.2 136.6
(4.0) Deduct: development cost (2.0)
271.3 135.2 136.6
(5.7) Receivable on: deposits and (3.1) (2.9)
(16.0) loans to joint (7.9) (7.4)
249.6 Total British 124.2 126.3
Land Group
Share of joint
16.0 Interest payable 7.9 7.4
on shareholder
45.7 Other interest 25.3 21.1
payable (net)
61.7 Total share of 33.2 28.5
joint ventures
(note 9)
311.3 Net interest payable 157.4 154.8
83.6 Exceptional item (see below)
On 30 March 2001 the company announced the decision to repurchase the £150m
12.5% Bonds 2016 and the £150m 8.875% Bonds 2023, which was completed on 1
May 2001. Inclusive of costs, the pre-tax exceptional charge was £83.6m
(post tax charge: £74.6m).
5. Taxation
Year ended
31 March
2001 2001 2000
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
Profit on
before taxation
14.5 British Land Corporation tax 4.5 15.6
6.5 Deferred tax 9.3 6.8
4.3 Share of joint Corporation tax 4.4 1.4
ventures (note
1.0 Deferred tax (1.5) 0.4
26.3 16.7 24.2
6. Interim dividend
The interim dividend of 3.8 pence will be paid on 20 February 2002 to
shareholders on the register at the close of business on 25 January 2002.
7. Earnings per share
Basic and diluted earnings per share are calculated on the profit on
ordinary activities after taxation of £63.3m (March 2001 restated £61.2m;
September 2000 restated £60.3m) and on the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the period of 518.3m (March 2001 - 518.2m; September
2000 - 518.0m).
Adjusted earnings per share are calculated by excluding the post tax profit
adjustment of £2.8m (March 2001 - £14.1m; September 2000 - £6.2m) which is
the combined effect of adopting both FRS 19 and UITF 28, as described in
Note 1.
8. Investment, development and trading properties
Freehold Long Short Total
£m £m £m £m
and development
Valuation 6,965.9 184.5 7,150.4
and cost
1 April 2000
Adjustment for (4.5) (4.5)
Restated 6,961.4 184.5 7,145.9
and cost
1 April 2000
Additions 283.7 80.5 364.2
Disposals (140.8) (140.8)
Exchange (0.4) (0.4)
Revaluations 35.3 (1.1) 34.2
Valuation 7,139.2 263.9 7,403.1
and cost
30 September 2001
At lower of
cost and net
30 September 2001 43.3 8.0 2.0 53.3
External valuation surplus 127.7
on development and trading
Total investment, 7,584.1
development and trading
Investment, development and trading properties were valued by external
valuers on the basis of open market value in accordance with the Appraisal
and Valuation Manual published by The Royal Institution of Chartered
On an open
market basis -
United ATIS Real Weatheralls 7,524.3
Republic Jones Lang LaSalle 63.9
of Ireland:
Netherlands CB Richard Ellis B.V. 1.2
Adjustment for (5.3)
UITF 28 (see
Note 1)
Total 7,584.1
development and
trading properties
Total external valuation
surplus on development and
trading properties
British Land Group 127.7
Share of joint ventures 2.7
9. Joint ventures
British Land's share of profits of joint
Year ended
31 March
2001 2001 2000
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
85.5 Gross rental income 46.9 38.6
79.5 Net rental income 43.4 36.1
Profit on property trading 0.5
(3.0) Administrative expenses (1.1) (1.0)
76.5 Operating profit 42.8 35.1
3.7 Disposal of fixed assets (1.3) 1.0
80.2 41.5 36.1
(45.7) Net interest payable to third (25.3) (21.1)
(16.0) Interest payable to British (7.9) (7.4)
(61.7) Net interest payable (note 4) (33.2) (28.5)
18.5 Profit before taxation 8.3 7.6
(5.3) Taxation (2.9) (1.8)
13.2 Profit after taxation 5.4 5.8
The amounts relating to captions shown in bold are recognised at the
relevant point in the consolidated profit and loss account.
The movement for the period:
Equity Loans Total
£m £m £m
At 1 April 390.8 321.9 712.7
Prior year adjustment (12.6) (12.6)
Restated at 1 April 2001 378.2 321.9 700.1
Additions 67.3 92.1 159.4
Purchase of remaining (30.3) (30.3)
partnership interest
Repayment of loans (26.3) (26.3)
Share of profit 6.2 6.2
attributable to joint
ventures (net of dividend)
Revaluations 13.6 13.6
Adjustments for UITF 28 and (0.9) (0.9)
FRS 19
At 30 September 2001 434.1 387.7 821.8
9. Joint ventures (continued)
Summary of British
Land's share in joint
Operating Gross Gross Net
profits assets liabilities investment
£m £m £m £m
The Public House 3.3 98.3 (43.6) 54.7
Company Ltd
BL Universal PLC 13.4 464.1 (229.4) 234.7
BL Rank Properties Ltd 2.6 66.9 (49.3) 17.6
Cherrywood Properties 0.9 40.8 (12.9) 27.9
Ltd (Republic of
BL Fraser Ltd 3.5 101.6 (73.7) 27.9
BLT Properties Ltd 3.7 117.7 (72.8) 44.9
Tesco BL Holdings Ltd 5.2 167.9 (109.2) 58.7
BL West 5.7 194.2 (139.2) 55.0
London & Henley 1.7 92.0 (61.8) 30.2
Holdings Ltd
BL Davidson Ltd 0.0 248.4 (100.5) 147.9
Other joint ventures 2.8 145.6 (23.3) 122.3
Total 42.8 1,737.5 (915.7) 821.8
The Group's share of joint venture external net debt is £741.7m (31 March
2001 - £735.5 m). The amount guaranteed by British Land is £33.0m (31 March
2001 - £33.0m).
The Group's share of the market value of the debt and derivatives as at 30
September 2001 was £18.0m more than the Group's share of the book value (31
March 2001 - £18.4m).
The Group's share of joint venture properties as at 30 September 2001 was
£1,648.8m (31 March 2001 - £1,506.8m).
All companies are property investment companies registered in England and
Wales unless otherwise stated.
10. Other investments £m
At 1 April 73.7
Additions 4.4
Disposals (0.9)
Revaluations (4.0)
At 30 September 2001 73.2
11. Debtors
31 March
2001 2001 2000
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
97.1 Trade debtors 52.8 35.5
20.0 Amounts owed by 27.6 15.6
joint ventures
31.2 Prepayments and 12.4 7.4
accrued income
148.3 92.8 58.5
12. Creditors due within one year
31 March
2001 2001 2000
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
35.8 Debentures and loans 42.1 35.0
(note 15)
6.0 Overdrafts (note 15) 2.6 4.6
248.0 Bank loans (note 15) 292.5 230.0
57.1 Trade creditors 65.9 61.8
36.7 Corporation tax 49.2 52.2
12.7 Other taxation and 12.8 6.4
social security
268.8 Accruals and deferred 184.4 168.4
40.9 Proposed dividend 19.7 18.7
706.0 669.2 577.1
13. Creditors due after one year
31 March
2001 2001 2000
£m £m £m
2,417.1 Debentures and loans 2,661.3 2,435.4
(note 15)
640.2 Bank loans (note 15) 716.3 795.4
3,057.3 3,377.6 3,230.8
14. Provisions for liabilities and charges
31 March
2001 2001 2000
(restated) (restated)
£m £m £m
73.8 Deferred tax 83.1 74.1
The deferred tax liability relates primarily to capital allowances claimed
on plant and machinery within investment properties. When a property is
sold and the agreed disposal value for this plant and machinery is less
than original cost, there is a release of the excess provision.