Issue & Restructuring of Debt

British Land Co PLC 21 July 2006 THE BRITISH LAND COMPANY PLC 21 July 2006 BRITISH LAND ANNOUNCES £1 BILLION DEBENTURE RESTRUCTURING The British Land Company PLC (the "Group" or "British Land") today announces its plans for a restructuring of its existing Group debentures to create a market leading, multi-tranche £1 billion debenture (1) with a common security pool and covenants. The proposed transaction (the "Proposed Transaction") will deliver benefits to both British Land and its debentureholders. For debentureholders this restructuring will create the largest individual UK debenture security pool and is expected to improve the liquidity of the debentures given the overall enlarged size, improved covenants and enhanced transparency. In addition holders of BL Universal PLC ("BLU") debentures will benefit from an upgrade of the obligor to British Land. Shareholders will benefit from re-couponing to give a lower average interest cost on the new debentures and as such British Land will have increased dividend cover and distribution flexibility. In addition British Land will benefit from the creation of a simplified, uniform secured debt structure for the non-securitised part of the Group. Highlights • The Existing 2028 Debentures and Existing 2019/24 Debentures will be redeemed by the issue of New 2028 Debentures and the Existing 2035 Debentures will be redeemed by the issue of New 2035 Debentures, both with current market coupons (2) • Debentureholders will benefit from one common and enlarged security pool initially valued at approximately £1.8 billion • The New Debentures will benefit from a new information and a new change of control covenant • The current obligor under the Existing BLU Debentures will be upgraded to British Land and benefit from the same common security pool and same covenant package • British Land will make a pre-tax exceptional charge of £256 million (3) mainly due to the difference between the redemption value and book/nominal value of the existing debentures • EPRA adjusted NAV will be reduced by 34 pence per share; there will be virtually no effect on NNNAV • The Group's annual interest costs will be reduced by approximately £11 million • The Group's weighted average cost of debt will be reduced from 5.71% to 5.39% Commenting on the Proposed Transaction, Graham Roberts, Finance Director of The British Land Company PLC, said: "Following on from the successful BL Superstores and Broadgate restructurings, these proposals again reflect British Land's commitment to finding optimal long-term structures to benefit both lenders and shareholders. These proposals will give the debentures the benefits of a common security pool and improved covenants while allowing shareholders to benefit from a reduced annual interest cost. We recommend our debentureholders to vote in favour in line with the endorsement given by the Special Committee of the ABI". Enquiries: The British Land Company PLC Graham Roberts, Finance Director Tel.: +44 20 7467 2948 Peter Clarke, Executive Officer Tel.: +44 20 7467 2886 The Royal Bank of Scotland Robert St. John, Managing Director Tel.: +44 20 7085 3205 Andrew Burton, Head of Liability Management Tel.: +44 20 7085 8056 UBS Investment Bank Andrew Dennis, Executive Director Tel.: +44 20 7568 2902 Duane Hebert, Executive Director Tel.: +44 20 7567 7480 Finsbury Faeth Birch Tel.: +44 20 7521 3801 1 Throughout this announcement, calculations are based on current pricing and assume all investors choose to redeem, rather than retain the Existing 2028 Debentures and Existing 2035 Debentures. 2 Holders of the Existing 2028 Debentures and the Existing 2035 Debentures will also be given, to a limited extent, the option to retain their existing debenture holdings at the current 9.375% and 8.875% respective coupons, whilst the terms of such existing debentures will be amended to benefit from the new common security pool and the new covenants. 3 Throughout this announcement, the financial effects of the Proposed Transaction on British Land are stated on a pro forma basis as though it were completed on 31 March 2006. Background British Land continually seeks to optimise its debt portfolio for the benefit of both its shareholders and its lenders. As part of this policy the Group has decided to restructure its debenture issues. British Land and BLU have, between them, six outstanding debentures with an aggregate nominal value of £783m and coupons ranging from 6.75% to 11.375%. The British Land Debentures (the "Existing BL Debentures") • £200m 9.375% First Mortgage Debenture Stock due March 2028 (the "Existing 2028 Debentures") • £250m 8.875% First Mortgage Debenture Bonds due September 2035 (the "Existing 2035 Debentures") • £12.6m 10.5% First Mortgage Debenture Stock due September 2019/24 (the "Existing First 2019/24 Debentures") • £20.4m 11.375% First Mortgage Debenture Stock due September 2019/24 (the "Existing Second 2019/24 Debentures", and together with the Existing First 2019/24 Debentures the "Existing BL 2019/24 Debentures") The BLU Debentures (the "Existing BLU Debentures") • £100m 6.75% First Mortgage Debenture Bonds due March 2011 (the " Existing 2011 BLU Debentures") • £200m 6.75% First Mortgage Debenture Bonds due March 2020 (the " Existing 2020 BLU Debentures") The Proposed Transaction Under the Proposed Transaction, British Land will create a market-leading debenture structure, with all debentures issued by British Land, secured on an increased common security pool initially valued at approximately £1.8 billion, which will benefit from a new change of control clause and a new detailed information covenant. British Land is offering holders of the Existing 2028 Debentures, Existing 2035 Debentures and Existing 2019/24 Debentures new current coupon debentures totalling approximately £728 million by way of redemption of their Existing BL Debentures. At the same time, British Land proposes to the holders of the Existing BLU Debentures to substitute The British Land Company PLC for BLU as the obligor under the Existing BLU Debentures through a consent solicitation. The new tranches following the restructuring (the "New Debentures") will be as follows: • £100 million 6.75% 2011 debentures • £200 million 6.75% 2020 debentures • Approximately £349 million 5.440% 2028 debentures (the "New 2028 Debentures") • Approximately £379 million 5.348% 2035 debentures (the "New 2035 Debentures") Full details of this transaction are contained in the Consent Solicitation Document (containing a Preliminary Prospectus in respect of the 2011 Debentures, 2020 Debentures, New 2028 Debentures and New 2035 Debentures) published by British Land and BLU today, setting out proposals to the debentureholders (the " Proposals") and setting out terms for the New Debentures. Approval will be sought by way of Extraordinary Resolutions to be considered and if thought fit approved in meetings of holders of each series of the Existing BL Debentures and Existing BLU Debentures through a consent solicitation. The Proposals The 2028 Debentures and 2035 Debentures British Land offers each eligible holder of the Existing 2028 Debentures and Existing 2035 Debentures by way of redemption of their current debentures two new current coupon (expected to be approximately 5.440% and 5.348% respectively but to be determined at the time of the pricing) debentures with the same nominal amounts and the same maturities as previously held. In addition, British Land proposes to pay holders of the Existing 2028 Debentures and Existing 2035 Debentures a cash payment to compensate for the value of the mark-to-market premium of those current debentures above their nominal amount. The cash amount will be financed by a tap issuance of additional New 2028 Debentures and New 2035 Debentures to be purchased by The Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS Limited. British Land will also give holders of the Existing 2028 Debentures and the Existing 2035 Debentures the option to retain their existing debenture holdings with their existing respective 9.375% and 8.875% coupons. The terms of their current debentures will be amended so that they benefit from the new common security pool and the new covenants, but their existing debentures will not be redeemed, reissued or otherwise reconstituted and there will be no change to their coupon (and hence no cash payment in respect of the mark-to-market premium) or nominal value of the debenture. Under the Proposals, a minimum of £2m and a maximum of £30m of the Existing 2028 Debentures and a minimum of £2m and maximum of £50m of the Existing 2035 Debentures can opt for the alternative, although this condition might be waived. Debentureholders taking this option will, however, receive a lower level of incentive fees. The 2019/24 Debentures British Land offers each eligible holder of the Existing 2019/24 Debentures the opportunity to redeem their existing holdings and receive in return New 2028 Debentures. This will be structured as a redemption of the existing debentures at market value, with the redemption price being settled by delivery, to eligible holders, of the New 2028 Debentures in a principal amount equal to the market value price, so that holders will be compensated for the premium value of the Existing 2019/24 Debentures by the delivery of additional New 2028 Debentures. The BLU Debentures The nominal amounts, coupons, and maturity dates of the Existing BLU Debentures will remain unchanged. However, under the Proposed Transaction, British Land would assume all of the obligations of BLU under the Existing BLU Debentures (and BLU will be released from its obligations). The New 2011 Debentures and New 2020 Debentures will benefit from the common security pool and improved covenant package. Following the Proposed Transaction, it is expected that the total nominal value of outstanding debentures will be approximately £1,028 million. Indicative terms of the Proposals Under the Proposals, the yield at which the Existing 2028 Debentures, Existing 2035 Debentures and Existing 2019/24 Debentures will be redeemed will be equal to the sum of the relevant Mid-Market Benchmark Security Rate on the Pricing Date and the applicable fixed spread as stated in the table below. Subject to certain exceptions, the redemption price will be settled, by delivery to the holders of Existing BL Debentures, of the New 2028 Debentures and New 2035 Debentures and a cash payment to compensate for the premium value of the Existing 2028 Debentures and Existing 2035 Debentures above the nominal amount. The cash amount will be financed by additional issuance of New 2028 Debentures and New 2035 Debentures. Indicative terms of the Proposals to Existing BL Debentureholders are summarised in the table below, assuming all debentureholders choose to re-coupon: Existing Securities New Securities Cash New Securities Government Security Size Spread Price Issue Size Issue Coupon Maturity (%) (£m) Benchmark (£m) over (%) Price (%) (£m) Spread (%) Benchmark UKT 6% 9.375% due 200.0 G + 105 149.62 100.00 200.0 G +105 5.440 Mar 28 49.62 99.2 Dec-28 Mar 2028 UKT 8.875% due 250.0 G + 110 151.72 100.00 250.0 G +110 5.348 Sep 35 51.72 129.3 4.25% Sep 2035 Mar-36 UKT 10.500% 12.6 G + 100 145.36 100.00 18.3 G +105 5.440 Mar 28 0.00 0.00 4.75% due Sep Mar-20 2019/24 UKT 11.375% 20.4 G + 100 153.42 100.00 31.3 4.75% due Sep Mar-20 2019/24 Incentive Fees Holders consenting to redeem their Existing BL Debentures and receive New Debentures will be paid incentive fees as set out in the table below if they submit voting instructions before the relevant Deadlines, subject to the Extraordinary Resolutions being approved. Holders of the Existing 2028 Debentures and Existing 2035 Debentures choosing to retain their existing holdings at the existing coupon will only be entitled to an Early Submission Fee and will not be entitled to an Amendment Fee (see below): Existing BL Debentures Early Submission Fee BL Amendment Fee Approx. bps Expressed as % of Approx. bps Expressed as % of running yield nominal amount running yield nominal amount 2028 Debentures 1.0 0.17% 4.0 0.68% 2035 Debentures 1.0 0.20% 4.0 0.82% First 2019/24 Debentures 1.0 0.12% 4.0 0.48% Second 2019/24 Debentures 1.0 0.12% 4.0 0.49% Holders of the Existing BLU Debentures will be paid the following incentive fee if they submit voting instructions before the relevant Deadlines, subject to the Extraordinary Resolutions held at two separate meetings and at the joint meeting of holders of the Existing BLU Debentures being approved: • The holders of the two Existing BLU Debentures will vote at a joint meeting on the main amendments. • The holders of the two Existing BLU Debentures will also vote at two separate meetings of each series thereof to provide solely for the modification of the early redemption provision such that it is to be calculated with reference to their respective European Investment Bank benchmark securities rather than their respective UK gilt-edged securities. Existing BLU Debentures Early Submission Fee BLU Amendment Fee Approx. bps Expressed as % of Approx. bps Expressed as % of running yield nominal amount running yield nominal amount 2011 Debentures 1.0 0.04% 1.5 0.06% 2020 Debentures 1.0 0.10% 1.5 0.15% Expected timetable Date Event 21 July 2006 (Fri.) Announcement / launch of transaction Notice of meetings sent to Debentureholders 11 August 2006 (Fri.) Early Submission Deadline and Revocation Deadline (12 noon UK) 17 August 2006 (Thu.) Expiration Date (3 p.m. UK) 21 August 2006 (Mon.) Meetings 22 August 2006 (Tue.) Confirmation Date and Pricing Date 29 August 2006 (Tue.) Settlement Date The Consent Solicitation Document The Consent Solicitation Document contains notices convening meetings of the holders of each class of the Existing BL Debentures and Existing BLU Debentures to be held on or around 21 August 2006 to consider and, if thought fit, approve Extraordinary Resolutions to effect the Proposals. Subject to the Proposals being approved, and the conditions specified in the Consent Solicitation Document being satisfied or (if capable of being waived) waived, holders of the Existing BL Debentures and Existing BLU Debentures who deliver valid voting instructions as required by the Consent Solicitation Document (which, subject as provided in the Consent Solicitation Document, are not subsequently revoked or withdrawn) before 12 noon on 11 August 2006 (the "Early Submission Deadline") will be entitled to receive a fee payable in cash (the "Early Submission Fee"). The Expiration Date for the holders of the Existing BL Debentures and Existing BLU Debentures to submit completed voting instructions in order to vote at the meetings and receive the Amendment Fee is 17 August 2006. The Proposed Transaction is expected to close on 29 August 2006. Effects on holders of Existing BL Debentures Holders of the Existing BL Debentures will benefit from an enlarged, more diverse security pool initially valued at approximately £1.8 billion, expected to provide an improvement in liquidity through additional transparency and increased tranche sizes in most cases. The re-couponing of the Existing BL Debentures will mark-to-market the premium value above par and gives investors current coupon debentures; the increase in the nominal outstanding value requires British Land to provide initially an additional £165m of collateral as security to cover investors' current mark-to-market premium. Holders will enjoy an improved covenant package including a new information covenant and a new change of control clause. An Amendment Fee will be paid to all voting holders of the Existing BL Debentures assuming a successful conclusion. In addition, holders of the Existing 2028 Debentures and the Existing 2035 Debentures have the option to retain their existing holdings with their existing respective 8.875% and 9.375% coupons, with the terms of their current debentures amended so that they benefit from the new common security pool and the new covenants, albeit whilst only being eligible to receive the Early Submission Fee, subject to the Extraordinary Resolutions being approved. Effects on holders of Existing BLU Debentures The holders of the Existing BLU Debentures will benefit from the upgrade of obligor to British Land, being a more substantial entity, whilst maintaining identical nominal amounts, coupons and maturity dates. In addition, they will be able to enjoy the benefits of an enlarged security pool initially valued at approximately £1.8 billion, providing additional diversity and expected improvements in liquidity due to the transparency of a single British Land asset pool and the same improved covenant package applicable to the Existing BL Debentures. An Amendment Fee will be paid to all voting holders of the Existing BLU Debentures assuming a successful conclusion. The Special Committee of the ABI A Special Committee of the Association of British Insurers, consisting of five members, representing approximately 48% of the principal amount outstanding of the Existing BL Debentures and 55% of the principal amount outstanding of the Existing BLU Debentures, has considered the Proposals. The members of the Special Committee have indicated that they find the Proposals acceptable, that they intend to vote in favour of the Proposals in respect of their holdings and that they will be inviting other ABI members to consider a similar course of action. Impact on The British Land Company PLC The financial impact on the Group of the Proposed Transaction will depend on the nominal amount of Existing BL Debentures held by debentureholders who decide to receive the New 2028 Debentures and New 2035 Debentures and market interest rates at the date the proposed transaction completes. The financial impacts shown below assume all debentureholders chose to re-coupon their Existing 2028 Debentures and Existing 2035 Debentures. As a result of the Proposed Transaction, the Group could incur a pre-tax exceptional charge of £256 million, mainly due to the difference between the redemption value and book/nominal value of the Existing BL Debentures. However, the Proposed Transaction is expected to result in a recurring annual positive impact on pre-tax profits of £11 million (£8 million after tax) and to reduce the weighted average cost of all debt secured on the portfolio from the current 8.28% to approximately 5.79%. British Land's ongoing headline cost of debt will decrease overall on a pro forma basis from 5.71% to 5.39%. The impact of the exceptional charge will be to reduce EPRA adjusted net asset value ("NAV") by £179 million, equivalent to 34 pence per fully diluted share. However, there will be virtually no effect on the Group's NNNAV, 'triple net' asset value, that is, broadly, adjusted net asset value less the post-tax mark to market of debt and derivatives and less contingent capital gains tax. The common security pool will lower the debt management and administration costs as well as creating a uniform secured debt structure outside the securitised financing of the Group. Important Notice The contents of this press release, which have been prepared by and are the sole responsibility of British Land, have been approved by UBS Limited, a subsidiary of UBS AG ("UBS") solely for the purposes of section 21(2)(b) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. UBS, together with The Royal Bank of Scotland plc ("RBS"), are acting for British Land and BLU in connection with the Proposed Transaction and no one else, and will not be responsible to anyone other than British Land and BLU for providing the protections offered to clients of UBS and/or RBS nor for providing advice in relation to the Proposed Transaction. The address of UBS is 1 Finsbury Avenue, London, EC2M 2PP. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities of British Land or BLU. Nothing in this press release constitutes advice on the merits of buying or selling a particular investment or exercising any right conferred by the securities described herein. Any investment decision as to any purchase of securities referred to herein must be made solely on the basis of information contained in the final form of the Prospectus of The British Land Company PLC and no reliance may be placed on the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this press release. Securities are not suitable for everyone. The value of securities can go down as well as up. You should not deal in securities unless you understand their nature and the extent of your exposure to risk. You should be satisfied that they are suitable for you in the light of your circumstances and financial position. If you are in any doubt you should consult an appropriately qualified financial advisor. Notes to editors: The British Land Company PLC is one of the UK's biggest property companies with £18 billion of gross property assets owned and managed. It is based in London and listed on the London Stock Exchange, investing in prime, modern properties. The Group's portfolio is valued at £14.4 billion: the majority is directly owned and managed; the balance is held in joint ventures, partnerships and funds, of which the Group's share is valued at £2.6 billion. Of the total Group portfolio, approximately £1.8 billion will be secured against the New Debentures and any retained Existing 2028 Debentures and Existing 2035 Debentures, assuming the Proposals are approved. Additional Group properties are held within securitisations, including the Broadgate, Meadowhall and BL Superstores portfolios. The £200 million 9.375% 2028 First Mortgage Debenture Stock were launched in April 1993; the £250 million 8.875% 2035 First Mortgage Debenture Bonds in September 1995; the £100 million 6.75% 2011 and £200 million 6.75% 2020 First Mortgage Debenture Bonds in March 1998; the £12.6 million 10.5% 2019/24 First Mortgage Debenture Stock in March 1986; and the £20.4 million 11.375% 2019/24 First Mortgage Debenture Stock in August 1991. UBS Limited is acting as Lead Manager in connection with the Proposed Transaction, and together with the Royal Bank of Scotland plc, both parties are acting as Joint Solicitation Agents and Joint Bookrunners in connection with the Proposed Transaction. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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