Offer for Pillar Property

British Land Co PLC 23 May 2005 NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IN OR INTO OR FROM CANADA, AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 23 May 2005 RECOMMENDED ACQUISITION by THE BRITISH LAND COMPANY PLC for all the issued and to be issued share capital of PILLAR PROPERTY PLC to be effected by means of a Scheme of Arrangement under section 425 of the Companies Act 1985 Summary • The boards of The British Land Company PLC ("British Land") and Pillar Property PLC ("Pillar") are pleased to announce the terms of recommended Proposals under which British Land will acquire the entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of Pillar. The Proposals • It is intended that the Acquisition is to be implemented by way of a Court sanctioned Scheme of Arrangement under section 425 of the Companies Act. • The terms of the Acquisition will enable all Pillar Shareholders to receive 855 pence in cash in respect of each Pillar Share held by them, valuing the entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of Pillar at approximately £811.0 million. There will be no final dividend paid. • The Acquisition price represents a premium of: - 9.6 per cent. to the fully diluted net asset value of 780 pence per Pillar share as at 31 March 2005; - 7.5 per cent. to the closing price of 795 pence per Pillar Share as of 19 May 2005, the day prior to announcement that Pillar was in discussions with a possible offeror. • The Pillar Directors, who have been so advised by Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove, consider the terms of the Acquisition to be fair and reasonable. In providing advice to the Pillar Directors, Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove have taken into account the commercial assessments of the Pillar Directors. The Pillar Directors are unanimously recommending Pillar Shareholders to vote in favour of the Scheme as they intend to do in respect of their own holdings of Pillar Shares. • The Acquisition of Pillar is consistent with British Land's strategic evolution, to be more fully presented with its preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2005 on Wednesday, 25 May. This builds on the bedrock of British Land's existing focus on UK real estate offering growth, quality and security. The aim is to further intensify British Land's asset management and its portfolio management, as well as to build and renew its talent base. The principal benefits of the transaction include: The transaction, together with existing assets, gives British Land a unique and distinctive leadership position in the highest performing retail asset class. Pillar (directly and indirectly) owns approximately £1.3 billion of high quality property assets and manages an attractive portfolio of some of the largest out of town retail parks in the UK valued at approximately £2.7 billion. Retail warehousing has been and is expected to remain one of the most attractive asset classes with strong prospects. Following the Acquisition, British Land will own or manage in excess of £10 billion of retail assets. This is expected to create management synergies and further strategic options if UK REITs are successfully implemented. The acquisition of Pillar's fund management operations creates an additional revenue stream which is expected to grow. This is a logical and attractive extension of British Land's distinctive track record in property partnerships with third parties. Additionally, this fund management expertise may be useful in considering future options around British Land's existing assets. British Land will also welcome Pillar's high quality management team, which has a track record of generating growth from active property management with a strong performance orientation. They will intensify and add to the property management skills of British Land's existing team. • British Land has today acquired from GE Pension Trust its holding of 19,335,710 Pillar shares representing approximately 21.5 per cent. of the existing issued ordinary share capital of Pillar. • Irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the Scheme have been received from the Pillar Directors in respect of a total of 4,093,617 Pillar Shares representing approximately 4.5 per cent. of the existing issued ordinary share capital of Pillar. These irrevocable undertakings will only cease to be binding in the event that the Scheme lapses or is withdrawn. • An irrevocable undertaking has also been received from the trustee of the Employee Share Option Trust (ESOT) in respect of a total of 1,166,762 Pillar Shares representing approximately 1.3 per cent. of the existing issued ordinary share capital of Pillar. This irrevocable undertaking will only cease to be binding in the event that the Scheme lapses or is withdrawn. Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited and UBS Investment Bank are acting as joint financial advisers and corporate brokers to British Land in relation to the Acquisition. Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove are acting as joint financial advisers to Pillar and JPMorgan Cazenove is acting as sole corporate broker to Pillar. Commenting on the Acquisition, Stephen Hester, Chief Executive of British Land, said: "The acquisition of Pillar provides British Land with an attractive opportunity to accelerate our stated strategy. We are reshaping the portfolio towards growth assets and intensifying property asset management activity. By adding over £3 billion of fund assets under management, a valuable new avenue of income growth also opens up." Commenting on the Acquisition, Raymond Mould, Chairman of Pillar, said: "Since its flotation, Pillar has generated high returns for its shareholders. The Board of Pillar believes that British Land will be a good steward for the preservation and development of the existing funds and that the total Acquisition value of 855 pence per share provides ordinary shareholders with an attractive exit price." This summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of the attached announcement. British Land will be holding an analysts' presentation today, Monday 23 May 2005 at 11am at the Conference Centre of UBS, 1 Finsbury Avenue, London EC2M 2PP. A live conference call will be available through the following dial-ins: +44 800 018 0769 and +44 20 7950 1252. Passcode: British Land The details will be on the company's website An archive copy will then be available at the same address later today. ENQUIRIES: The British Land Company PLC Stephen Hester +44 20 7467 3503 John Weston Smith +44 20 7467 2899 UBS Investment Bank-Joint Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to British Land Simon Warshaw +44 20 7568 1000 Tim Guest +44 20 7568 1000 Mihiri Jayaweera +44 20 7568 1000 Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited-Joint Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to British Land Jonathan Lane +44 20 7425 5000 Mark Warham +44 20 7425 5000 Paul Baker +44 20 7425 5000 Finsbury-Public relations adviser to British Land Edward Orlebar +44 20 7251 3801 Pillar Property PLC Raymond Mould +44 20 7915 8000 Patrick Vaughan +44 20 7915 8000 Credit Suisse First Boston-Financial Adviser to Pillar Andrew Christie +44 20 7888 8888 Ian Marcus +44 20 7888 8888 Ian Brown +44 20 7888 8888 JPMorgan Cazenove-Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to Pillar Richard Cotton +44 20 7588 2828 Bronson Albery +44 20 7588 2828 Roger Clarke +44 20 7588 2828 Gavin Anderson-Public relations adviser to Pillar Charlotte Stone +44 20 7554 1400 Richard Constant +44 20 7554 1400 Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited and UBS Investment Bank are acting for British Land and no one else in relation to the Acquisition and the matters referred to in this announcement and will not be responsible to any person other than British Land for providing the protections afforded to clients of Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited and UBS Investment Bank nor for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or any other matters referred to in this announcement. Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove are acting for Pillar and no one else in connection with the Acquisition and the matters referred to herein and will not be responsible to any other person for providing the protections offered to clients of Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove or for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or any other matters referred to in this announcement. The distribution of this announcement in jurisdictions other than the UK may be restricted by law and therefore any persons who are subject to the laws of any jurisdiction other than the UK should inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable requirements. This announcement has been prepared for the purpose of complying with English law and the City Code and the information disclosed may not be the same as that which would have been disclosed if this announcement had been prepared in accordance with the laws of jurisdictions outside the UK. The Proposals will not be made, directly or indirectly, in, into or from or by the use of mail or any means or instrumentality (including, without limitation, telephone, facsimile or other forms of electronic transmission) of interstate or foreign commerce of, or any facility of a national, state or other securities exchange of Canada, Australia or Japan. Accordingly, neither this announcement nor the Scheme Document or accompanying documents (or any copy thereof) is being, and must not be, mailed or otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in, into or from Canada, Australia or Japan. All Shareholders or other persons (including nominees, trustees and custodians) who would otherwise intend to, or may have a contractual or legal obligation to, forward this announcement or the Scheme Document and accompanying documents to any jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom should refrain from doing so and seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action. The Loan Notes to be issued pursuant to the Loan Note Alternative have not been, and will not be, registered under the Securities Act 1933 or under any relevant securities laws of any states or other jurisdiction of the United States, nor have the relevant clearances been, nor will they be, obtained from the securities law of any province or territory of Canada, nor has a prospectus in relation to the Loan Notes been, nor will one be, lodged with or registered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission nor have any steps been taken, nor will any steps be taken, to enable the Loan Notes to be offered in compliance with applicable securities law of Japan. Accordingly, unless an exception under the Securities Act 1933 or such securities laws is available, the Loan Note Alternative is not being made available in, and the Loan Notes may not be offered, sold, resold or delivered, directly or indirectly, in, into or from, the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan, or any other jurisdiction in which an offer of Loan Notes would constitute a violation of relevant laws or require registration thereof, or to or for the account or benefit of any US Person or resident of Canada, Australia or Japan. The Directors of British Land accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement, other than that relating to Pillar, the Pillar Group, the Directors of Pillar and members of their immediate families, related trusts and persons connected with them (within the meaning of Section 346 of the Companies Act) and information relating to the recommendation of voting in favour of the Proposals and the recommendation itself. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors of British Land (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this announcement for which they are responsible is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. The Directors of Pillar accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement relating to Pillar, the Pillar Group, the Directors of Pillar and members of their immediate families, related trusts and persons connected with them (within the meaning of Section 346 of the Companies Act) and information relating to the recommendation of voting in favour of the Proposals and the recommendation itself. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors of Pillar (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this announcement for which they are responsible is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or buy any security, nor a solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of the securities referred to in this announcement in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law. Any person who, alone or acting together with any other person(s) pursuant to an agreement or understanding (whether formal or informal) to acquire or control securities of Pillar, owns or controls, or becomes the owner or controller, directly or indirectly, of one per cent. or more of any class of securities of Pillar is generally required under the provisions of Rule 8 of the City Code to notify a Regulatory Information Service and the Panel by not later than 12.00 noon (London time) on the business day following the date of the relevant transaction in such securities during the period from the date of this announcement to the date of the Meetings. Please consult your independent financial adviser authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 immediately if you believe this Rule may be applicable to you or consult the Panel's website at or contact the Panel on +44 (0)20 7638 0129. NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IN OR INTO OR FROM CANADA, AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 23 May 2005 RECOMMENDED ACQUISITION by THE BRITISH LAND COMPANY PLC for all the issued and to be issued share capital of PILLAR PROPERTY PLC to be effected by means of a Scheme of Arrangement under section 425 of the Companies Act 1985 1. Introduction The boards of British Land and Pillar are pleased to announce they have reached agreement on the terms of the recommended Proposals under which British Land will acquire the entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of Pillar. The Pillar Directors, who have been so advised by Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove, consider the terms of the Acquisition to be fair and reasonable. In providing advice to the Pillar Directors, Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove have taken into account the commercial assessments of the Pillar Directors. 2. The Acquisition It is intended that the Acquisition is to be implemented by way of a Court sanctioned Scheme of Arrangement under section 425 of the Companies Act, which will be subject to the conditions and further terms set out in Appendix I to this announcement and to the further terms to be set out in the Scheme Document. Pillar Shareholders other than those who validly elect for the Loan Note Alternative will receive: for each Pillar Share 855 pence in cash The Acquisition values the entire issued and to be issued ordinary share capital of Pillar at approximately £811.0 million. • The Acquisition price represents a premium of: - 9.6 per cent. to the fully diluted net asset value of 780 pence per Pillar share as at 31 March 2005; - 7.5 per cent. to the closing price of 795 pence per Pillar Share as of 19 May 2005, the day prior to announcement that Pillar was in discussions with a possible offeror. The Acquisition will be made by British Land or, at its option, a wholly owned subsidiary of British Land. Definitions of certain expressions used in this announcement are contained in Appendix III. 3. Loan Note Alternative Pillar Shareholders (other than certain Overseas Persons) may elect to receive Loan Notes to be issued by British Land (or a wholly owned subsidiary of British Land) as an alternative to receiving any or all of the cash consideration which they would otherwise receive under the Acquisition on the following basis: For every £1 of cash consideration under the Scheme, £1 nominal value of Loan Notes. The Loan Notes will be unsecured obligations of British Land (or, if relevant, the wholly owned subsidiary of British Land) and will be issued, credited as fully paid, in amounts and integral multiples of £1 in nominal value. The obligation to pay the principal sum under the Loan Notes will be irrevocably and unconditionally guaranteed for three years from the date of the instrument creating the Loan Notes. The Loan Notes will not be transferable other than in certain limited circumstances. All fractional entitlements will be disregarded and not paid. The Loan Notes will be governed by English Law. The Loan Notes will bear interest (from the date of issue) payable to the relevant holder of Loan Notes (subject to any requirement to deduct tax thereon) semi-annually in arrears on 31 December and 30 June at the rate of 0.55 per cent. below LIBOR. The first interest payment will be made on 31 December 2005 in respect of the period from and including the date of issue of the relevant Loan Notes up to (but excluding) that date. The Loan Note Alternative will be conditional upon the Scheme becoming effective and valid elections having been received by such time for at least £5 million in nominal value of Loan Notes. The Loan Notes will have a term of 10 years and holders of Loan Notes will have the opportunity to redeem them on each interest payment date falling on or after 30 September 2006, provided that any Loan Notes issued after 30 September 2005 will be redeemable only from the first interest payment date falling after the first anniversary of the issue of such Loan Notes. British Land will be entitled to redeem all outstanding Loan Notes if the aggregate nominal value of outstanding Loan Notes is below £5 million at any time during their term. The aggregate principal amount of the Loan Note is limited to £200 million. If valid elections are received from holders of Scheme Shares in excess of this amount, elections will be scaled back on a pro-rata basis so that the aggregate principal amount of Loan Notes issued shall not exceed £200 million. Further details of the Loan Note Alternative will be set out in the Scheme Document. 4. Recommendation, irrevocable undertakings and share purchase The Pillar Directors, who have been so advised by Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove, consider the terms of the Proposals to be fair and reasonable. In providing advice to the Pillar Directors, Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove have taken into account the commercial assessments of the Pillar Directors. The Pillar Directors are unanimously recommending Pillar Shareholders to vote in favour of the Scheme. The Directors of Pillar have irrevocably undertaken to vote in favour of the Proposals in respect of a total of 4,093,617 Pillar Shares representing, approximately 4.5 per cent. of the existing issued ordinary share capital of Pillar. These irrevocable undertakings will only cease to be binding in the event that the Scheme lapses or is withdrawn. An irrevocable undertaking has also been received from the trustee of the Employee Share Option Trust (ESOT) in respect of a total of 1,166,762 Pillar Shares representing approximately 1.3 per cent. of the existing issued ordinary share capital of Pillar. This irrevocable undertaking will only cease to be binding in the event that the Scheme lapses or is withdrawn. British Land has today acquired from GE Pension Trust its holding of 19,335,710 Pillar shares representing approximately 21.5 per cent. of the existing issued ordinary share capital of Pillar. 5. Background to and reasons for the Acquisition The Acquisition of Pillar is consistent with British Land's strategic evolution, to be more fully presented with its preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2005 on Wednesday, 25 May 2005. This builds on the bedrock of British Land's existing focus on UK real estate offering growth, quality and security. The aim is to further intensify British Land's asset management and its portfolio management, as well as to build and renew its talent base. The principal benefits of the transaction include: The transaction, together with existing assets, gives British Land a unique and distinctive leadership position in the highest performing retail asset class. Pillar (directly and indirectly) owns approximately £1.3 billion of high quality property assets and manages an attractive portfolio of some of the largest out of town retail parks in the UK valued at approximately £2.7 billion. Retail warehousing has been and is expected to remain one of the most attractive asset classes with strong prospects. British Land believes that retail warehousing continues to be an attractive asset class and British Land expects demand to continue to grow, while restrictions on planning consents are expected to limit further supply of this asset class. With approximately 77 per cent. of the Hercules Unit Trust ("HUT") portfolio consisting of retail parks with open A1 consent, Pillar offers a unique opportunity to obtain exposure to such a high quality portfolio of this type and of such a large size. Through a 36.4 per cent. ownership in PREF, this transaction will also give British Land exposure to a high quality growth market in Continental Europe-which fits well with the core UK competencies of the combined company following the Acquisition. Following the Acquisition, British Land will own or manage in excess of £10 billion in retail assets. This is expected to create management synergies and further strategic options if UK REITs are successfully implemented. The acquisition of Pillar's fund management operation creates an additional revenue stream which is expected to grow. This is a logical and attractive extension of British Land's distinctive track record in property partnerships with third parties. Additionally, this fund management expertise may be useful in considering future options around British Land's existing assets. British Land will also welcome Pillar's high quality management team which has a track record of generating growth from active property management with a strong performance orientation. They will intensify and add to the property management skills of British Land's existing team. 6. Financial effects of the Acquisition From an earnings and total return perspective, Pillar will primarily be reflected in British Land's accounts from the second half of the 2005/6 financial year. British Land expects attractive growth in total returns from Pillar to make the acquisition value enhancing for British Land. Inter alia, Pillar's profits are expected to benefit from strong rental reversions, ongoing rental increases, significant interest and administration cost savings on integration and the revised fee arrangements expected to be agreed with HUT unit holders at the HUT EGM. Additionally there remain attractive prospective development profits in the Pillar portfolio for realisation over the next three years. The timing of these effects will determine whether or not there will be any modest initial cash earnings dilution. British Land also believes that there may be additional attractive synergies in the Group as a whole from management of the combined retail portfolio and performance of the enlarged property management team. On a pro-forma basis, the acquisition of Pillar would have increased British Land's Loan to Value Ratio by approximately 5 percentage points. British Land's financial position remains strong with interest payments well covered by income. The enlarged asset portfolio enjoys a unique and substantial level of income security (long leases, low voids) and a secure debt structure. 7. Information on British Land British Land is the largest UK property investment company by assets and a prominent constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. The company invests in, manages and develops prime, modern properties principally in the Retail and London Office Sectors. Properties under management at 30 September 2004 totalled £12.3 billion: the majority is directly owned; the balance is held in joint ventures and partnerships, of which British Land's share was valued at £1.2 billion. British Land's investment approach is biased towards high quality, long lease assets with strong long-term income growth in prospect. A key criterion is a property's enduring attraction to occupiers because of its business suitability, location and efficiency. The portfolio focuses on areas where the trends of supply and demand are favourable over the long term. Approximately 55 per cent. is invested in retail properties (37 per cent. out-of-town), including Meadowhall Shopping Centre (one of only six regional centres in the UK), 71 superstores, 40 retail warehouse parks and 39 prime department stores. A further 37 per cent. is invested in Central London offices, including Broadgate, the premier City office estate. The company blends its leasing, development, asset and liability management skills in a single integrated approach. Efficient capital structures and strong risk management disciplines are an integral part of that approach. British Land's management of its high quality properties, balanced portfolio and efficient capital structure has produced total returns of 10.1 per cent. per annum for shareholders over the 10 years to 31 March 2004 plus 9.1 per cent. during the 6 months to the last reported results at 30 September 2004. British Land generated profit before tax of £80.1 million for the six months ended 30 September 2004 (£186.0 million for the year ended 31 March 2004), Group gross rental income of £252.1 million for the six months ended 30 September 2004 (£486.7m for the year ended 31 March 2004). Net assets were £5,265.0 million at 30 September 2004 (£4,669.4 million at 31 March 2004) and adjusted diluted net asset value per share was 1,049 pence at 30 September 2004 (966 pence at 31 March 2004). Net debt was £4,936.4 million at 30 September 2004 (£4,866.8 million at 31 March 2004) with a Loan to Value ratio of 46 per cent. (48 per cent. at 31 March 2004). British Land aims to manage its business and assets to achieve a Loan to Value range of 45-55 per cent. This process also underlines British Land's commitment to improving shareholder returns through active portfolio management. 8. Information on Pillar Pillar is a listed property company active in both UK and European commercial property markets. Its principal investments are focussed on UK retail parks and City of London offices. In addition as property adviser to both HUT, the largest retail park unit trust investing in the UK, and City of London Office Unit Trust ("CLOUT"), which specialises in City of London offices, Pillar Retail Europark Fund ("PREF"), a European retail park fund and Hercules Income Fund ("HIF"), a UK smaller retail parks fund, Pillar manages property with a gross value of over £3 billion. Pillar receives management fees on the trust portfolios and performance fees dependent upon trust investment performance exceeding certain benchmarks. In addition, Pillar develops retail schemes which will be offered to HUT. New fee arrangements have recently been put to the unit holders of HUT which would, if approved, provide an increase in base management fees and a revised HUT performance fee for the future. The majority of Pillar's investments are in the form of units in HUT and CLOUT. As at 28 April 2005, HUT had a gross property value of £2.5 billion of which Pillar owned 34.4 per cent. and CLOUT had a gross property value of £582 million of which Pillar owned 35.9 per cent. HUT was created in September 2000 as a closed-ended Jersey property unit trust to invest in properties in major warehouse or shopping park locations in the United Kingdom. The objective of HUT is to creatively and actively manage the retail park assets to achieve rental and capital growth above benchmarked targets whilst not exposing itself to speculative risk. Pillar had Net Assets of £720.9 million at 31 March 2005 compared with £655.6 million as at 31 March 2004. Pillar generated profit before tax of £21.7million for the year ended 31 March 2005 compared with £20.9 million for the year ended 31 March 2004. 9. The Structure of the Acquisition The Proposals will be effected by means of a Scheme of Arrangement between Pillar and Scheme Shareholders under section 425 of the Companies Act. The Acquisition by British Land of the whole of the issued and to be issued share capital of Pillar is to be achieved by the cancellation of the Cancellation Shares and the application of the reserve arising from such cancellation in paying up in full a number of New Pillar Shares (which is equal to the number of Cancellation Shares) and issuing the same to British Land and/or its nominees in consideration for which holders of Cancellation Shares will receive consideration on the basis set out in the introduction and in paragraph 2 of this announcement. Scheme Shares acquired under the Loan Note Alternative will be transferred to British Land in exchange for the issue of the Loan Notes to holders of Scheme Shares who elect for the Loan Note Alternative. It is expected that the Scheme Document will be posted in June and that the Scheme will become effective in August 2005, subject to the satisfaction or waiver of all the Conditions set out in Appendix I to this announcement. The Scheme requires approval of the Pillar Shareholders (other than the British Land Shareholder) by passing a resolution at the Court Meeting. In order to become effective, the Scheme must be approved by a majority in number representing at least 75 per cent. in value of the Pillar Shares that are voted at the Court Meeting. In addition, a special resolution approving any alteration of Pillar's articles of association and sanctioning the related Capital Reduction must be passed by Pillar Shareholders representing 75 per cent. of the votes cast at the Extraordinary General Meeting. Following the Meetings, the Scheme and the related Capital Reduction must be sanctioned and confirmed by the Court and will only become effective on delivery to and registration by the Registrar of Companies of: (i) a copy of the Court Order sanctioning the Scheme and approving the Capital Reduction ; and (ii) a copy of the Scheme Document. The British Land Shareholder will give an undertaking to the Court to be bound by the Scheme. If the Scheme becomes effective, it will be binding on all Pillar Shareholders, irrespective of whether or not they attended or voted at the Court Meeting or the Extraordinary General Meeting. The Scheme will (subject to the passing of the resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting) extend to any Pillar Shares issued under the Pillar Share Schemes or otherwise before the record date for the Scheme. The Scheme will not extend to Pillar Shares issued after that date. Further details of the Scheme will be contained in the Scheme Document. 10. Implementation Agreement Pillar and British Land have entered into the Implementation Agreement which governs their relationship during the period until the Scheme becomes effective or the Proposals lapse. Amongst other things, the parties have agreed to cooperate with regard to the process to implement the Scheme and Pillar has undertaken to conduct the business in the ordinary course prior to the date the Scheme becomes effective. Under the Implementation Agreement British Land has reserved the right to effect the Acquisition by way of a takeover offer for Pillar. Pillar has agreed to pay an inducement fee to British Land of £3.1 million if: (a) the Acquisition subsequently lapses or is withdrawn or (with the consent of the Panel) is not made and before this time an Independent Competing Offer for Pillar is announced (whether or not on a pre-conditional basis), and that Independent Competing Offer or other Independent Competing Offer subsequently becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects or is otherwise completed; or (b) the Pillar Directors (or any committee of the board) withdraw or adversely modify for whatever reason their recommendation of the Proposals or agree to resolve to recommend an Independent Competing Offer. (c) the Panel allows British Land to withdraw its support for the Scheme by reason of a breach of any of the conditions (other than those set out in paragraphs 2(a)-(e) and 2(g) where such breach arose as a result of an act or omission of Pillar) or because the Implementation Agreement is terminated for breach of certain covenants relating to the conduct of Pillar's business prior to the Effective Date of the Acquisition and obligations to be performed by Pillar if the circumstances are of such material significance to British Land that the Panel permits the Scheme to be withdrawn, provided that (if the breach is remediable within the timeframe contemplated for effecting the Scheme) Pillar has been given such period as is reasonable in the light of that timetable (not exceeding 15 days) to remedy the same and has not so remedied it within such time. Pillar has further agreed that it shall not (i) solicit, initiate or otherwise seek to procure any Independent Competing Offer or (ii) enter into or continue any discussions, negotiations, correspondence or arrangement relating to any Independent Competing Offer other than in accordance with obligations imposed under the terms of the City Code and (save to the extent that the Pillar Directors (having taken appropriate legal advice) reasonably consider that they would be in breach of their fiduciary duties not to do so). Pillar has also agreed to notify British Land if it receives a serious approach from a third party and an Independent Competing Offer is capable of being implemented. Save insofar as is not consistent with Pillar's Directors fiduciary duties or duties owed to the Court with regard to the process relating to the Scheme, if an Independent Competing Offer is announced for Pillar, Pillar has undertaken that it will not withdraw the Scheme for a period of 72 hours from the time of that announcement and if, within that time, British Land communicates to Pillar a revision to the terms of the Acquisition, so that the terms of the Acquisition, as so revised, provide for a price in cash per Pillar Share at not less than 5 per cent. more than the price per Pillar Share offered under the Independent Competing Offer, the Pillar Directors will continue to recommend the Scheme and withdraw any recommendation of the Independent Competing Offer. 11. Financing of the Acquisition The cash consideration payable by British Land to Pillar Shareholders under the terms of the Scheme will be provided by British Land from existing resources. 12. Management and employees The British Land Directors have given assurances to Pillar that, if the Scheme becomes effective, the existing employment rights, including pension rights, of all Pillar management and employees will be fully safeguarded. If the Scheme becomes effective, British Land will be pleased to welcome key members of Pillar's executive management team to important roles in the combined company at closing. It is intended that Patrick Vaughan will join British Land as an Executive Director for a transitional period expected to be around one year to oversee the smooth integration of Pillar and the successful continuance of the fund management business. Andrew Jones will join British Land's Executive Committee as Co-Head of Asset Management, together with Tim Roberts, currently Joint Head of Asset Management at British Land, who is being promoted into the same role. The two of them represent the talented younger generation of property managers that British Land is committed to promoting. The other key senior members of Pillar's property team will continue in their existing roles. British Land is committed to the expansion of Pillar's fund management business to the benefit of all unit holders. Additionally as a sign of its commitment, British Land expects to remain the largest unit holder overall. To ensure continuity of management, it is anticipated that the fund management business within the combined group will appoint Andrew Jones as its managing director. Stephen Hester, Chief Executive of British Land, will chair the fund management board and its other Directors will include Valentine Beresford and Mark Stirling. 13. Pillar Employee Share Schemes Appropriate proposals will be made to participants in the Pillar Employee Share Schemes in due course. Details of these proposals will be set out in the Scheme Document. 14. Delisting and Cancellation of trading It is intended that application will be made to the UK Listing Authority for the listing of the Pillar Shares to be cancelled and to the London Stock Exchange for them to cease to be admitted to trading with effect from the Effective Date. 15. General The Acquisition will be subject to the applicable requirements of the City Code. The Scheme Document containing the full terms and conditions of the Acquisition will be posted to Pillar Shareholders (other than to any Pillar Shareholders with addresses in Canada, Australia or Japan) in due course. In deciding whether or not to vote in favour of the Scheme in respect of their Pillar Shares, Pillar Shareholders should rely on the information contained in, and follow the procedures described in, the Scheme Document and accompanying documents. Save in respect of the irrevocable undertakings and the purchase of the GE stake referred to in paragraph 4 above neither British Land nor any of the British Land Directors, nor, so far as British Land is aware, any party acting in concert with it, owns or controls any Pillar Shares or holds any options to purchase Pillar Shares or has entered into any derivative referenced to securities of Pillar which remain outstanding. British Land reserves the right to change the structure of making the Acquisition to a takeover offer. ENQUIRIES: The British Land Company PLC Stephen Hester +44 20 7467 3503 John Weston Smith +44 20 7467 2899 UBS Investment Bank-Joint Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to British Land Simon Warshaw +44 20 7568 1000 Tim Guest +44 20 7568 1000 Mihiri Jayaweera +44 20 7568 1000 Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited-Joint Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to British Land Jonathan Lane +44 20 7425 5000 Mark Warham +44 20 7425 5000 Paul Baker +44 20 7425 5000 Finsbury-Public relations adviser to British Land Edward Orlebar +44 20 7251 3801 Pillar Property PLC Raymond Mould +44 20 7915 8000 Patrick Vaughan +44 20 7915 8000 Credit Suisse First Boston-Financial Adviser to Pillar Andrew Christie +44 20 7888 8888 Ian Marcus +44 20 7888 8888 Ian Brown +44 20 7888 8888 JPMorgan Cazenove-Financial Adviser and Corporate Broker to Pillar Richard Cotton +44 20 7588 2828 Bronson Albery +44 20 7588 2828 Roger Clarke +44 20 7588 2828 Gavin Anderson-Public relations adviser to Pillar Charlotte Stone +44 20 7554 1400 Richard Constant +44 20 7554 1400 UBS Investment Bank and Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited are acting for British Land and no one else in relation to the Acquisition and the matters referred to in this announcement and will not be responsible to any person other than British Land for providing the protections afforded to customers of UBS Investment Bank and Morgan Stanley & Co. Limited nor for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or any other matters referred to in this announcement. Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan are acting for Pillar and no one else in connection with the Acquisition and the matters referred to herein and will not be responsible to any other person for providing the protections offered to clients of Credit Suisse First Boston and JPMorgan Cazenove or for providing advice in relation to the Acquisition or any other matters referred to in this announcement. The distribution of this announcement in jurisdictions other than the UK may be restricted by law and therefore any persons who are subject to the laws of any jurisdiction other than the UK should inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable requirements. This announcement has been prepared for the purpose of complying with English law and the City Code and the information disclosed may not be the same as that which would have been disclosed if this announcement had been prepared in accordance with the laws of jurisdictions outside the UK. The Proposals will not be made, directly or indirectly, in, into or from or by the use of mail or any means or instrumentality (including, without limitation, telephone, facsimile or other forms of electronic transmission) of interstate or foreign commerce of, or any facility of a national, state or other securities exchange of Canada, Australia or Japan. Accordingly, neither this announcement nor the Scheme Document or accompanying documents (or any copy thereof) is being, and must not be, mailed or otherwise forwarded, distributed or sent in, into or from Canada, Australia or Japan. All Shareholders or other persons (including nominees, trustees and custodians) who would otherwise intend to, or may have a contractual or legal obligation to, forward this announcement or the Scheme Document and accompanying documents to any jurisdiction outside the United Kingdom should refrain from doing so and seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action. The Loan Notes to be issued pursuant to the Loan Note Alternative have not been, and will not be, registered under the Securities Act 1933 or under any relevant securities laws of any states or other jurisdiction of the United States, nor have the relevant clearances been, nor will they be, obtained from the securities law of any province or territory of Canada, nor has a prospectus in relation to the Loan Notes been, nor will one be, lodged with or registered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission nor have any steps been taken, nor will any steps be taken, to enable the Loan Notes to be offered in compliance with applicable securities law of Japan. Accordingly, unless an exception under the Securities Act 1933 or such securities laws is available, the Loan Note Alternative is not being made available in, and the Loan Notes may not be offered, sold, resold or delivered, directly or indirectly, in, into or from, the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan, or any other jurisdiction in which an offer of Loan Notes would constitute a violation of relevant laws or require registration thereof, or to or for the account or benefit of any US Person or resident of Canada, Australia or Japan. The Directors of British Land accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement, other than that relating to Pillar, the Pillar Group, the Directors of Pillar and members of their immediate families, related trusts and persons connected with them (within the meaning of Section 346 of the Companies Act) and information relating to the recommendation of voting in favour of the Proposals and the recommendation itself. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors of British Land (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this announcement for which they are responsible is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. The Directors of Pillar accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement relating to Pillar, the Pillar Group, the Directors of Pillar and members of their immediate families, related trusts and persons connected with them (within the meaning of Section 346 of the Companies Act) and information relating to the recommendation of voting in favour of the Proposals and the recommendation itself. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors of Pillar (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this announcement for which they are responsible is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or buy any security, nor a solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of the securities referred to in this announcement in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law. Any person who, alone or acting together with any other person(s) pursuant to an agreement or understanding (whether formal or informal) to acquire or control securities of Pillar, owns or controls, or becomes the owner or controller, directly or indirectly, of one per cent. or more of any class of securities of Pillar is generally required under the provisions of Rule 8 of the City Code to notify a Regulatory Information Service and the Panel by not later than 12.00 noon (London time) on the business day following the date of the relevant transaction in such securities during the period from the date of this announcement to the date of the Meetings. Please consult your independent financial adviser authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 immediately if you believe this Rule may be applicable to you or consult the Panel's website at or contact the Panel on +44 (0) 20 7638 0129. Appendix I CONDITIONS OF THE SCHEME The Scheme will comply with the rules and regulations of the UK Listing Authority, the London Stock Exchange and the City Code. The Scheme will be governed by English law and will be subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts and to the terms and conditions set out below and to the further terms set out in the Scheme Document. (1) The Proposals will be conditional upon the Scheme becoming unconditional and becoming effective by no later than 31 October 2005 or such later date (if any) as British Land and Pillar may agree and (if required) the Court shall approve. (2) The Scheme is conditional upon: (a) approval of the Scheme by a majority in number representing 75 per cent. or more in value of Pillar Shareholders (other than the British Land Shareholder) present and voting, either in person or by proxy, at the Court Meeting or at any adjournment of that meeting; (b) the resolution(s) in connection with or required to approve and implement the Scheme being duly passed by the requisite majority at the Extraordinary General Meeting or at any adjournment of that meeting; (c) the sanction of the Scheme and the confirmation of the Capital Reduction involved therein by the Court (in either case, with or without modifications on terms acceptable to Pillar and British Land) and the delivery of an office copy of the Court Order and the minute of such reduction attached thereto to the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales and the registration, in relation to the Capital Reduction, of such Court Order by him. (d) the earlier of: i. the Financial Services Authority (FSA) notifying British Land of its approval, being given on terms reasonably satisfactory to British Land, of the proposed acquisition by British Land of control of each Pillar entity regulated by it; or ii. the expiry of a period of three months beginning with the date on which the FSA received the notice of control (as defined in section 178(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA)) relating to the proposed acquisition by British Land of control of each Pillar entity regulated by it, in circumstances where the FSA has neither: (i) approved the acquisition by British Land of such control; nor (ii) served a warning notice on British Land pursuant to sub-sections 183(3) or 185(3) of FSMA, (e) the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier notifying British Land of its approval, being given on terms reasonably satisfactory to British Land, of the proposed acquisition by British Land of control of Pillar and each Pillar entity regulated by it; (f) no Third Party having intervened and there not continuing to be outstanding any statute, regulation or order of any Third Party in each case which is or is likely to be material in the context of the Pillar Group and which would or might reasonably be expected to: (i) make the Scheme, its implementation or the acquisition or proposed acquisition by British Land or any member of the Wider British Land Group of any shares or other securities in, or control or management of, Pillar or any member of the Wider Pillar Group void, illegal or unenforceable in any relevant jurisdiction, or otherwise directly or indirectly restrain, prevent, prohibit, restrict or delay the same or impose additional adverse conditions or obligations with respect to the Scheme or such acquisition, or otherwise impede, challenge or interfere with the Scheme or such acquisition, or require material amendment to the terms of the Scheme or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any Pillar Shares or the acquisition of control or management of Pillar or the Wider Pillar Group by British Land or any member of the British Land Group; (ii) impose any material limitations on, or result in a material delay in the ability of any member of the British Land Group or any member of the Wider Pillar Group to acquire or to hold or to exercise effectively, directly or indirectly, all or any rights of ownership in respect of shares or other securities in, or to exercise voting or management control over, any member of the Wider Pillar Group or any member of the British Land Group; (iii) require, prevent or delay the divestiture or alter the terms envisaged for any proposed divestiture by any member of the Wider British Land Group or by any member of the Wider Pillar Group of all or any portion of their respective businesses, assets or properties or limit the ability of any of them to conduct any of their respective businesses or to own or control any of their respective assets or properties or any part thereof; (iv) require any member of the British Land Group or of the Wider Pillar Group to acquire, or offer to acquire, any shares or other securities (or the equivalent) in any member of either Group owned by any third party (other than in the implementation of the Proposals); (v) impose any material limitation on the ability of any member of the Wider British Land Group or of the Wider Pillar Group to conduct or integrate or co-ordinate its business, or any part of it, with the businesses or any part of the businesses of any other member of the Wider British Land Group or of the Wider Pillar Group; (vi) result in any member of the Wider Pillar Group or the Wider British Land Group ceasing to be able to carry on business under any name under which it presently does so; or (vii) otherwise adversely affect any or all of the business, assets, profits, financial or trading position of any member of the Wider Pillar Group, and all applicable waiting and other time periods during which any Third Party could intervene under the laws of any relevant jurisdiction having expired, lapsed or been terminated; (g) without limitation to condition (f) above: (i) the Office of Fair Trading having indicated, in terms satisfactory to British Land, that the Office of Fair Trading does not intend to refer the proposed acquisition of Pillar by British Land, or any matters arising from that proposed acquisition, to the Competition Commission; and (ii) all appropriate time periods (including any extensions of such time periods) for any person to apply for a review of any decision taken by the Office of Fair Trading under paragraph (g) (i) having expired or lapsed (as appropriate) without any such application for review having been made; (h) all notifications and filings which are necessary or are reasonably considered appropriate by British Land having been made, all appropriate waiting and other time periods (including any extensions of such waiting and other periods) under any applicable legislation or regulation of any relevant jurisdiction having expired, lapsed or been terminated (as appropriate) and all necessary statutory or regulatory obligations in any relevant jurisdiction having been complied with in each case in connection with the Scheme or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any shares or other securities in, or control or management of, Pillar or any other member of the Wider Pillar Group by any member of the Wider British Land Group or the carrying on by any member of the Wider Pillar Group of its business; (i) all Authorisations which are necessary or are reasonably considered necessary or appropriate by British Land in any relevant jurisdiction for or in respect of the Scheme or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any shares or other securities in, or control or management of, Pillar or any other member of the Wider Pillar Group by any member of the Wider British Land Group or the carrying on by any member of the Wider Pillar Group of its business having been obtained, in terms and in a form reasonably satisfactory to British Land, from all appropriate Third Parties or from any persons or bodies with whom any member of the Wider Pillar Group has entered into contractual arrangements in each case where the absence of such Authorisation would have a material adverse effect on the Pillar Group taken as a whole and all such Authorisations remaining in full force and effect and there being no notice or intimation of any intention to revoke, suspend, restrict, modify or not to renew any of the same; (j) since 31 March 2004 and except as disclosed in Pillar's annual report and accounts for the year then ended or Pillar's interim results for the period ending 30 September 2004 or Pillar's preliminary results for the year ending 31 March 2005 or as publicly announced by Pillar prior to 23 May 2005 (by the delivery of an announcement to a Regulatory Information Service) or as fairly disclosed prior to 23 May 2005 in writing to British Land by or on behalf of Pillar in the course of negotiations, there being no provision of any arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise or other instrument to which any member of the Wider Pillar Group is a party, or by or to which any such member or any of its assets is or are or may be bound, entitled or subject or any circumstance, which, in each case as a consequence of the Scheme or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of any shares or other securities in, or control of, Pillar or any other member of the Wider Pillar Group by any member of the Wider British Land Group or otherwise, could or might reasonably be expected to result in, (in any case to an extent which is or would be material in the context of the Wider Pillar Group taken as a whole): (i) any monies borrowed by or any other indebtedness or liabilities (actual or contingent) of, or any grant available to, any member of the Wider Pillar Group being or becoming repayable or capable of being declared repayable immediately or prior to its stated repayment date or the ability of any member of the Wider Pillar Group to borrow monies or incur any indebtedness being withdrawn or inhibited or becoming capable of being withdrawn or inhibited; (ii) the creation or enforcement of any mortgage, charge or other security interest over the whole or any part of the business, property, assets or interests of any member of the Wider Pillar Group or any such mortgage, charge or other security interest (wherever created, arising or having arisen) becoming enforceable; (iii) any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise or instrument, or the rights, liabilities, obligations or interests of any member of the Wider Pillar Group thereunder, being, or becoming capable of being, terminated or adversely modified or affected or any adverse action being taken or any obligation or liability arising thereunder; (iv) any asset or interest of any member of the Wider Pillar Group being or falling to be disposed of or ceasing to be available to any member of the Wider Pillar Group or any right arising under which any such asset or interest could be required to be disposed of or could cease to be available to any member of the Wider Pillar Group otherwise than in the ordinary course of business; (v) any member of the Wider Pillar Group ceasing to be able to carry on business under any name under which it presently does so; (vi) the creation of material liabilities (actual or contingent) by any member of the Wider Pillar Group other than in the ordinary course of business; (vii) the rights, liabilities, obligations or interests of any member of the Wider Pillar Group under any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise or other instrument or the interests or business of any such member in or with any other person, firm, company or body (or any arrangement or arrangements relating to any such interests or business) being terminated or adversely modified or affected; or (viii) the financial or trading position or the prospects or the value of any member of the Wider Pillar Group being prejudiced or adversely affected, and no event having occurred which, under any provision of any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit or other instrument, could result in/would be reasonably likely to result in any of the events or circumstances which are referred to in paragraphs (i) to (vii) of this condition (j) in any case to an extent which is or would be material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (k) since 31 March 2004 and except as disclosed in Pillar's annual report and accounts for the year then ended or Pillar's interim results for the period ending 30 September 2004 or Pillar's preliminary results for the year ending 31 March 2005 or as otherwise publicly announced by Pillar prior to 23 May 2005 (by the delivery of an announcement to a Regulatory Information Service) or as otherwise fairly disclosed prior to 23 May 2005 in writing to British Land by or on behalf of Pillar in the course of negotiations no member of the Wider Pillar Group having: (i) issued or agreed to issue, or authorised the issue of, additional shares of any class, or securities convertible into or exchangeable for, or rights, warrants or options to subscribe for or acquire, any such shares or convertible securities, other than as between Pillar and wholly-owned subsidiaries of Pillar; (ii) purchased or redeemed or repaid any of its own shares or other securities or reduced or made any other change to any part of its share capital to an extent which (other than in the case of Pillar) is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (iii) recommended, declared, paid or made any dividend or other distribution whether payable in cash or otherwise or made any bonus issue (other than to Pillar or a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pillar); (iv) except as between Pillar and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or between such wholly-owned subsidiaries made or authorised any change in its loan capital; (v) (other than any acquisition or disposal in the ordinary course of business or a transaction between Pillar and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pillar or between such wholly-owned subsidiaries) merged with, demerged or acquired any body corporate, partnership or business or acquired or disposed of or transferred, mortgaged, charged or created any security interest over any assets or any right, title or interest in any assets (including shares in any undertaking and trade investments) or authorised the same in each case to an extent which is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (vi) issued or authorised the issue of, or made any change in or to, any debentures or (except in the ordinary course of business and save as between Pillar and any wholly-owned subsidiary) incurred or increased any indebtedness or liability (actual or contingent) which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (vii) entered into, varied, or authorised any agreement, transaction, arrangement or commitment (whether in respect of capital expenditure or otherwise) which: A. is of a long term, onerous or unusual nature or magnitude or which is reasonably likely to involve an obligation of such nature or magnitude; or B. is reasonably likely to restrict the business of any member of the Pillar Group; or C. is other than in the ordinary course of business, and which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (viii) except as between Pillar and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or between such wholly-owned subsidiaries entered into, implemented, effected or authorised any merger, demerger, reconstruction, amalgamation, scheme, commitment or other transaction or arrangement in respect of itself or another member of the Wider Pillar Group otherwise than in the ordinary course of business which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (ix) entered into or varied the terms of, any contract, agreement or arrangement with any of the directors or senior executives of any member of the Wider Pillar Group; (x) taken any corporate action or had any legal proceedings instituted or threatened against it or petition presented or order made for its winding-up (voluntarily or otherwise), dissolution or reorganisation or for the appointment of a receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer of all or any material part of its assets and revenues or any analogous proceedings in any jurisdiction or appointed any analogous person in any jurisdiction which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (xi) been unable, or admitted in writing that it is unable, to pay its debts or having stopped or suspended (or threatened to stop or suspend) payment of its debts generally or ceased or threatened to cease carrying on all or a substantial part of its business in any case which has a material adverse effect on the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (xii) waived or compromised any claim (otherwise than is the ordinary course of business) which is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (xiii) made any alteration to its memorandum or articles of association which is material in the context of the Scheme; (xiv) made or agreed or consented to: A. any material change: (I) to the terms of the trust deeds constituting the pension scheme(s) established for its directors, employees or their dependants; or (II) the benefits which accrue or to the pensions which are payable thereunder; or (III) the basis on which qualification for, or accrual or entitlement to such benefits or pensions are calculated or determined; or (IIII) the basis upon which the liabilities (including pensions) or such pension schemes are funded or made, in each case, which has an effect that is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole, or B. any change to the trustees including the appointment of a trust corporation; (xv) proposed, agreed to provide or modified the terms of any share option scheme, incentive scheme or other benefit relating to the employment or termination of employment of any person employed by the Wider Pillar Group in a manner which is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; or (xvi) entered into any agreement, commitment or arrangement or passed any resolution or made any offer (which remains open for acceptance) or proposed or announced any intention with respect to any of the transactions, matters or events referred to in this condition (k). (l) since 31 March 2004 and except as disclosed in Pillar's annual report and accounts for the year then ended or Pillar's interim results for the period ending 30 September 2004 or Pillar's preliminary results for the year ending 31 March 2005 or as otherwise publicly announced by Pillar prior to 23 May 2005 (by the delivery of an announcement to a Regulatory Information Service) or as otherwise fairly disclosed prior to 23 May 2005 in writing to British Land in the course of negotiations: (i) there having been no adverse change or deterioration in the business, assets, financial or trading positions or profit or prospects of any member of the Wider Pillar Group which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (ii) no contingent or other liability of any member of the Wider Pillar Group having arisen or become apparent or increased which in any case would be reasonably likely to adversely affect any member of the Wider Pillar Group to an extent which is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (iii) no litigation, arbitration proceedings, prosecution or other legal proceedings to which any member of the Wider Pillar Group is or may become a party (whether as plaintiff, defendant or otherwise) having been threatened, announced, implemented or instituted by or against or remaining outstanding against or in respect of any member of the Wider Pillar Group which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; and (iv) (other than as a result of the Scheme) no enquiry or investigation by, or complaint or reference to, any Third Party having been threatened, announced, implemented, instituted by or against or remaining outstanding against or in respect of any member of the Wider Pillar Group which in any case would be reasonably likely to adversely affect any member of the Wider Pillar Group to an extent which is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (m) British Land not having discovered: (i) that any financial or business or other information concerning the Wider Pillar Group publicly disclosed or disclosed at any time by or on behalf of any member of the Wider Pillar Group to any member of the Wider British Land Group is misleading or contains any misrepresentation of fact or omits to state a fact necessary to make any information contained therein not misleading and which was not subsequently corrected before the Preliminary Results dated 23 May 2005 by disclosure either publicly or otherwise to British Land or to its professional advisers to an extent which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (ii) that any member of the Wider Pillar Group is subject to any liability (actual or contingent) which is not disclosed in Pillar's annual report and accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2004 and which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; or (iii) any information which adversely affects the import of any information disclosed at any time by or on behalf of any member of the Wider Pillar Group to an extent which is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole. (n) British Land not having discovered other than to the extent fairly disclosed in writing to British Land by or on behalf of Pillar or as publicly announced prior to 23 May 2005: (i) that any past or present member of the Wider Pillar Group has not complied with any applicable legislation or regulations of any jurisdiction with regard to the use, treatment, handling, storage, transport, release, disposal, discharge, spillage, leak or emission of any waste or hazardous substance or any substance likely to impair the environment or harm human health, or otherwise relating to environmental matters or the health and safety of any person, or that there has otherwise been any such use, treatment, handling, storage, transport, release, disposal, discharge, spillage, leak or emission (whether or not this constituted a non-compliance by any person with any legislation or regulations and wherever the same may have taken place) which, in any case, would be likely to give rise to any liability (whether actual or contingent) or cost on the part of any member of the Wider Pillar Group which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; (ii) that there is, or is likely to be, any material liability, whether actual or contingent, to make good, repair, reinstate or clean up any property now or previously owned, occupied or made use of by any past or present member of the Wider Pillar Group under any environmental legislation, regulation, notice, circular, order or other lawful requirement of any relevant authority or third party or otherwise which in any case is material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole; or (iii) that circumstances exist whereby a person or class of persons would be likely to have a claim in respect of any product or process of manufacture or materials used therein now or previously manufactured, sold or carried out by any past or present member of the Wider Pillar Group which is or would be material in the context of the Pillar Group taken as a whole. (3) For the purpose of these conditions the definitions in appendix III shall apply and in addition: (a) "Third Party" means any central bank, government, government department or governmental, quasi-governmental, supranational, statutory, regulatory or investigative body, authority (including any national anti-trust or merger control authority), court, trade agency, association, institution or professional or environmental body or any other person or body whatsoever in any relevant jurisdiction; (b) a Third Party shall be regarded as having "intervened" if it has decided to take, institute, implement or threaten any action, proceeding, suit, investigation, enquiry or reference or made, proposed or enacted any statute, regulation, decision or order or taken any measures or other steps or required any action to be taken or information to be provided or otherwise having done anything and "intervene" shall be construed accordingly; (c) "Authorisations" means authorisations, orders, grants, recognitions, determinations, certificates, confirmations, consents, licences, clearances, provisions and approvals; (d) "Wider Pillar Group" means Pillar and its subsidiaries, subsidiary undertakings, associated undertakings (including any joint venture, partnership, firm, unit trust or company in which any member of the Pillar Group is interested or any undertaking in which Pillar and such undertakings (aggregating their interests) have a substantial interest; (e) "Wider British Land Group" means British Land and its subsidiaries, subsidiary undertakings, associated undertakings (including any joint venture, partnership, firm or company in which any member of the British Land Group is interested or any undertaking in which British Land and such undertakings (aggregating their interests) have a substantial interest; and (f) "substantial interest" means a direct or indirect interest in 20 per cent. or more of the equity capital (as defined in the Companies Act) of an undertaking or the relevant units. Subject to the requirements of the Panel, British Land reserves the right to waive all or any of the above conditions, in whole or in part, except conditions 2(a) to (e) and 2 (g). Except with the Panel's consent, British Land will not invoke any of the above conditions (except conditions 2(a) to (c)) so as to cause the Scheme not to proceed, to lapse or to be withdrawn unless the circumstances which give rise to the right to invoke the relevant condition are of material significance to British Land in the context of the Scheme. If the Panel requires British Land to make an offer for Pillar Shares under the provisions of Rule 9 of the City Code, British Land may make such alterations to any of the terms and conditions of the offer as are necessary to comply with the provisions of that Rule. Appendix II Bases, sources and other information (a) Unless otherwise stated, the information concerning British Land is extracted without material adjustment from British Land's Interim Report and Accounts for the 6 months ended 30 September, 2004. (b) Unless otherwise stated, the information concerning Pillar is extracted without material adjustment from Pillar's Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2005 and Accounts for the 6 months ended 30 September, 2004. (c) The value of the Acquisition is based on 90,048,875 issued Pillar shares and 4,800,000 underlying options, which have exercise prices of 384.7 pence at the date of this announcement. The Acquisition value of £811 million for the entire issued and to be issued Share Capital has been calculated as follows: 855 pence multiplied by the total number of Pillar Shares in issue plus the number of Pillar Shares underlying options with exercise prices of 384.7 pence. (d) The closing middle market prices of Pillar Shares are derived from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the relevant dates: Closing price on Price (pence) 20 May 2005 845 19 May 2005 795 The International Securities Identification Number for Pillar Shares is GB00B01HL065. Appendix III DEFINITIONS The following words and expressions have the following meanings in this announcement, unless the context requires otherwise: Acquisition the proposed acquisition by British Land of the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Pillar by means of the Scheme as described in this announcement Act or Companies Act the Companies Act 1985 (as amended) acting in concert has the meaning given by the City Code British Land The British Land Company PLC a company incorporated in England and Wales, or as the context requires a wholly owned subsidiary of The British Land Company PLC (which subsidiary shall be incorporated with limited liability under the laws of England and Wales) which is designated by The British Land Company PLC to make the Acquisition British Land Board or British the board of directors of British Land Land Directors British Land Shareholder British Land, members of its group and persons acting in concert with it holding Pillar Shares Business Day any day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday or bank holiday, on which banks are open for business in the City of London British Land Group British Land and its subsidiary undertakings or where the context permits, each of them Cancellation Shares the Scheme Shares other than the Loan Note Shares and the Shares held by the British Land Shareholder Capital Reduction the reduction of Pillar's share capital associated with the cancellation and extinguishing of the Scheme Shares provided for by the Scheme under section 137 of the Companies Act City Code the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers CLOUT the City of London Office Unit Trust Conditions the conditions to the Scheme and the Acquisition which are set out in Appendix I of this announcement Court the High Court of Justice in England and Wales Court Meeting the meeting of the Scheme Shareholders convened by order of the Court pursuant to section 425 of the Act to consider and, if thought fit, approve the Scheme (without or without amendment) and any adjournment thereof Court Order the Court Order sanctioning the scheme of arrangement and authorising the reduction of capital Credit Suisse First Boston Credit Suisse First Boston (Europe) Limited Effective Date the day on which the Scheme becomes effective in accordance with its terms Extraordinary General Meeting the extraordinary general meeting of Pillar Shareholders expected to be held immediately after the Court Meeting and any adjournment thereof HUT Hercules Unit Trust Implementation Agreement the agreement executed by Pillar and British Land which governs their relationship during the period until the Effective Date or the Proposals lapse Independent Competing Offer an offer or scheme of arrangement, merger or business or combination, or similar transaction which is announced or entered into by a third party which is not acting in concert with British Land to acquire all of the share capital of Pillar, or all of its undertaking, assets and/ or business JPMorgan Cazenove JPMorgan Cazenove Limited Listing Rules the listing rules of the UK Listing Authority, as amended Loan Note the floating rate guaranteed unsecured loan notes to be issued by a member of the British Land Group pursuant to the Loan Note Alternative, particulars of which will be the Scheme Document Loan Note Alternative the alternative whereby holders of Scheme Shares (other than certain Overseas Persons) may elect to receive, subject to certain terms and conditions, Loan Notes in exchange for all or some only of their Scheme Shares instead of receiving the consideration to which they would otherwise be entitled upon the cancellation of their Scheme Shares under the Scheme Loan Note Shares Scheme Shares (if any) in respect of which (a) valid elections have been made under the Loan Note Alternative and (b) Loan Notes are to be issued under the Loan Note Alternative Loan to Value ratio the ratio of Group net debt to the aggregate value of the Group's properties (including the surplus of the open market value over the book value of both development and trading properties), investments in joint ventures and other investments London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange PLC Meetings the Court Meeting and the Extraordinary General Meeting New Pillar Shares the new ordinary shares of 10 pence each in the capital of Pillar to be issued in accordance with the Scheme Overseas Persons Scheme Shareholders who are resident in, ordinarily resident in, or citizens of, jurisdictions outside the UK Panel the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers Pillar Pillar Property PLC a company incorporated in England and Wales Pillar Board or Pillar Directors the board of directors of Pillar Pillar Employee Share Schemes the Pillar Management Incentive Plan and the Pillar Capital Reward Incentive Share Plan Pillar Group Pillar and its subsidiary undertakings any holding company of Pillar and any such holding company and, where the context permits, each of them. Pillar Shareholders holders of Pillar Shares from time to time Pillar Share(s) the ordinary shares of 10 pence each in the capital of Pillar Pounds or £ UK pounds sterling, the lawful currency of the UK PREF Pillar Retail Europark Fund Proposals the Scheme and other matters to be considered at the Meetings Scheme of Arrangement the scheme of arrangement proposed to be made under section 425 of the Act between Pillar and the holders of Scheme Shares, with or subject to any modification, addition or condition approved or imposed by the Court and agreed to by Pillar Scheme Document the document containing the formal proposals, expected to be published and sent to Pillar Shareholders Scheme Shares (i) the Pillar Shares in issue at the date of the Scheme; and (ii) any Pillar Shares issued after the date of this Scheme and before the voting record time in connection with the scheme; other than any Pillar Shares held by the British Land Shareholder Scheme Shareholders holders of Scheme Shares Subsidiary or subsidiary have the meanings given by the Companies Act undertaking UK Listing Authority the Financial Services Authority acting in its capacity as the competent authority for the purposes of Part VI of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 United Kingdom or UK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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