British Land Co PLC
11 July 2008
The Board of British Land announces the results of the polls taken at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held earlier today. Votes (including votes withheld) were cast for a total of 303,023,017 ordinary shares of the Company, representing 59.28 per cent. of the total number of votes capable of being cast at the meeting.
Full details of the results of the poll are set out in the Appendix to this announcement.
Media enquiries:
British Land: Laura De Vere - Laura De Vere - Tel: +44 (0)20 7467 2920 Mobile: +44 (0)7739 292920
Finsbury: Ed Simpkins - Tel: +44 (0)207 251 3801 Mobile: +44 (0)7947740551
For Against
Shares As % of Shares As % of Shares
votes votes
cast (1) cast (1)
1 To receive the Report of
the Directors and audited
Accounts for the year ended
31 March 2008 302,161,379 99.88 357,879 0.12 503,759
2 To declare a Final
Dividend for
the year ended
31 March 2008 302,999,913 99.99 22,622 0.01 482
3 To re-elect
S Hester as a
Director 300,884,045 99.30 2,116,465 0.70 22,507
4 To re-elect
G Roberts as
a Director 302,084,672 99.70 918,583 0.30 19,762
5 To re-appoint
Deloitte &
Touche LLP as
Auditors 298,340,796 99.58 1,254,513 0.42 3,427,708
6 To authorise the
Directors to fix the
remuneration of the
Auditors 301,815,666 99.61 1,189,552 0.39 17,799
7 To approve the
Report and
policy set out
therein 290,783,838 96.91 9,267,224 3.09 2,971,955
8 To renew by Ordinary
Resolution the
directors' authority to
allot unissued
share capital
or convertible securities
(Section 80
Companies Act 1985) (2) 295,991,172 97.72 6,914,963 2.28 116,882
9 To renew by Special
Resolution the
limited waiver
of pre-emption
rights attaching to
future issues
of equity
securities for cash.
(Section 89
Companies Act1985) (2) 302,576,879 99.89 324,939 0.11 121,199
10 To grant by Special
authority to
the Company to
exercise its power to
purchase its
own shares (2) 302,969,164 99.99 37,491 0.01 16,362
11 To approve
by Special
amendments to
the Company's
Articles of
Association (2) 301,283,172 99.57 1,307,225 0.43 432,620
12 To approve by Special
Resolution amendments to
the Company's
Articles of Association
Adopted pursuant to
Resolution 11 (2) 301,927,920 99.78 652,663 0.22 442,434
13 To approve by Ordinary
Resolution an
amendment to
The British Land Fund
Performance Plan (2) 295,034,829 99.76 699,744 0.24 7,288,444
14 To approve by Ordinary
Resolution an
amendment to
The British Land Fund
Managers' Performance
Plan, to Commence from
1 April 2007 (2) 290,210,317 98.13 5,522,928 1.87 7,289,772
Note (1): A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the
calculation of the proportion of the votes for and against each resolution.
Note (2): These resolutions were proposed as Special Business.