Interim Results

Foreign & Colonial U.S.Smllr.Co PLC 13 March 2002 Date: Embargoed for 7.00am Wednesday 13 March 2002 Contact: Robert Siddles, F&C Management, Tel: 0207 454 1417/Emma Chilvers, Lansons Communications, Tel: 0207 294 3606 FOREIGN & COLONIAL U.S. SMALLER COMPANIES PLC Unaudited Interim Statement of Results for the half year ended 31 December 2001 Highlights • Diluted net assets fell 2.1% in six months to 31 December 2001 compared to a fall of 8.0% in the benchmark, the sterling-adjusted value of the Russell 2000 Index. • The company took advantage of improved prices to take profits in banks and insurance stocks. • The discount narrowed from 10.7% to 9.0% in the six months to 31 December 2001 and as at 8 March the discount was 5.45%. 6 months ended 6 months ended Year ended 31 December 31 December 30 June 2001 2000 2001 Net Assets £83.56m £81.49m £86.74m Net Asset value per share 254.41p 250.94p 267.11p Diluted Net Asset value per 244.04p 235.12p 249.22p share Share price 222.00p 206.50p 222.50p Warrant price 122.00p 105.00p 120.00p Extracts from Chairman's Statement In a poor stock market environment your Company outperformed its benchmark, the Russell 2000 Index, in the six months to 31 December 2001, the first half of the Company's financial year to 30 June 2002. Diluted net assets per share fell 2.1% in the same period, compared to a drop of 8.0% in our benchmark, the sterling-adjusted value of the Russell 2000 Index. With the negative impact of a warrant repurchase during the period, undiluted net assets per share fell by 4.8%. Market Review The fall in stock markets was particularly marked in the first three months of the period and this was followed by a partial recovery. The weakness was caused by a further slump in technology shares, weakening of the US economy over the summer and the economic and psychological impact resulting from the terrorist attacks on 11 September. In the six-month period small companies performed relatively well: in dollar terms the Russell 2000 Index fell by 4.7% compared to falls of 6.2% for the S&P 500 Index of large companies and 9.8% for the technology-dominated Nasdaq Composite Index. The superior performance of smaller stocks reflects the dual attractions of lower valuation and better profits performance. This trend has been in place for three years. Portfolio Review Overweight positions in economically sensitive areas such as the auto & transportation and consumer discretionary sectors helped performance, as did an underweight position in technology. The overweight position in the energy sector detracted from performance. The broad disposition of the portfolio remains unchanged. Within the financial sector your managers took advantage of improved prices to take profits in banks and insurance stocks. Falling interest rates helped bank stocks while insurance stocks are reflecting the optimism about a further improvement in industry pricing. Buy backs and discount The Board is committed to buying back shares and warrants at appropriate times to boost asset value per share. During the period under review no shares were re-purchased but 1,327,213 warrants were re-purchased for cancellation at a market price of 96 pence. During the same period the discount narrowed from 10.7% to 9.0% and as at 8 March 2002 the discount was 5.45%. Shareholder vote I mentioned in my last report the vote to offer shareholders an exit at a price which fairly reflects the then net asset value. Your Board is examining the alternatives with our financial advisers and will be writing to you in due course. Outlook Your managers believe the outlook is bright for the US smaller company sector: its valuation is cheap compared to large companies and historically it has performed well following interest rate cuts. The Russell 2000 Index of small companies has outperformed the S&P 500 for three years and past cycles of small company outperformance have typically lasted seven years. Although technology stocks have bounced from their September lows, your managers are concerned about the sustainability of the recovery, and remain cautious about the prospects for this sector. Gordon Grender March 2002 Statement of Total Return (incorporating the Revenue Account*) for the half year ended 31 December 2001 31 December 2000 Revenue Capital £' Total Revenue £'000's Capital Total 000's £'000's £'000s £'000's £'000s (Losses)/gains on - (2,115) (2,115) - 2,391 2,391 Investments Exchange gains/ (losses on - (2) (2) - 73 73 currency balances) Income 249 - 249 263 - 263 Management fee (303) - (303) (332) - (332) Loss on warrants purchased for - (837) (837) - - - cancellation Other expenses (71) (2) (73) (73) (2) (75) Net return before finance Costs and taxation (125) (2,956) (3,081) (142) 2,462 2,320 Interest payable and similar - - - (3) - (3) charges Return on ordinary activities before taxation (125) (2,956) (3,081) (145) 2,462 2,317 Taxation on ordinary (35) - (35) (24) - (24) activities Return attributable to equity (160) (2,956) (3,116) (169) 2,462 2,293 shareholders Dividend on ordinary shares - - - - - - Amount transferred (160) (2,956) (3,116) (169) 2,462 2,293 (from) / to reserves Return per ordinary share - (0.49) (9.08) (9.57) (0.51) 7.49 6.98 pence Diluted Return per ordinary share -pence + + + + 7.02 6.54 *The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. + Not applicable All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. BALANCE SHEET 31 December 2001 31 December 2000 30 June £'000s £'000s 2001 £'000s Fixed assets Investments 81,851 80,381 86,028 Current assets Debtors 22 159 37 Taxation recoverable 5 9 5 Cash at bank 1,865 1,436 932 1,892 1,604 974 Current liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due within one year: (185) (496) (259) Net current assets 1,707 1,108 715 Net assets 83,558 81,489 86,743 Capital and reserves Called up equity share capital 8,211 8,119 8,119 Capital redemption reserve 4,507 4,507 4,507 Share premium 566 165 165 Warrant reserve 841 1,403 1,403 Special reserve 26,088 26,088 26,088 Capital reserve 44,578 42,092 47,534 Revenue reserve (1,233) (885) (1,073) Total equity shareholders' funds 83,558 81,489 86,743 Net asset value per ordinary share - pence 254.41 250.94 267.11 Diluted Net asset value per ordinary share -pence 244.04 235.12 249.22 *Geographical distribution of the investments at 31 December 2001 was: United States 100% Cash Flow Statement for the year half ended 31 December 2001 31 December 31 December 2001 2000 £'000s £'000s Net cash outflow from operating activities (127) (129) Total tax (paid)/recovered (37) 11 Net cash inflow from financial investment 2,005 836 Net cash inflow before use of liquid resources and 1,841 718 financing Increase in short-term deposits - (1,004) Net cash outflow from financing (906) (1,750) Decrease in cash 935 (2,036) Notes No dividend is recommended for payment on the ordinary shares. The Interim Report will be posted to all shareholders on or around 22 March 2002. Copies may be obtained during normal office hours from the Company's Registered Office, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY, thereafter. By order of the Board F&C Management Limited Secretary 12 March 2002 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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