Interim Results

F&C U.S. Smaller Companies PLC 07 February 2008 Date: 7 February 2008 Contact: Robert Siddles F&C Management Limited 020 7628 8000 F&C US SMALLER COMPANIES PLC Unaudited Statement of Results for the half-year ended 31 December 2007 SUMMARY OF UNAUDITED RESULTS FOR THE HALF-YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 31 December 2007 30 June 2007 % Change Net assets £61.59m £73.18m -15.8 Net asset value per share 288.06p 336.06p -14.3 Russell 2000 Index (sterling adjusted) 384.82 415.53 -7.4 Share price 267.25p 300.50p -11.1 Increase in net asset value per share since inception on 8 March 1993 +198.5 Increase in the Russell 2000 Index (sterling adjusted) since 8 March 1993 +144.0 The Chairman, commenting on the results, said: The six months to the end of December 2007 was a difficult period for the US equity market. The net asset value per share of your Company fell 14.3% in the six month period to 31 December 2007 compared with a fall in the Company's benchmark, the sterling-adjusted Russell 2000 Index of 7.4%. It has been a period of very poor returns for the value style of investing, which is employed by your Company. In the six month period, the Russell 2000 Value Index* performed badly compared to the Russell 2000, falling 13.3% in sterling terms. This was also the case for 2007 as a whole where the Russell 2000 Value Index dropped 13.0% in sterling terms but the sterling adjusted Russell 2000 Index fell only 4.4%; by comparison the Company's net asset value per share declined by 9.5% in the year. Market Review During the six month period, the Russell 2000 Index declined by 8.1% in dollar terms, more than the Standard & Poors Composite Index, which lost 2.3% and in contrast to the more technology-orientated NASDAQ Composite Index, which advanced 1.9%. Smaller companies initially rallied, reaching new highs for the Russell 2000 Index in July before succumbing to a series of sell-offs interrupted by attempts at rallying. The Russell 2000 Index ended December above the lows seen in November but fell further after the end of the year. Earlier in the year the housing crisis was just seen as a severe recession in one industry and a problem for mortgage lenders. By July, however the perception grew that it was becoming a general threat to the provision of credit throughout the economy. The risk was therefore of a sharp recession. The Federal Reserve cut the Federal Funds rate three times in the period under review but to little avail as investors' fears led to actual rises in a number of other market rates notwithstanding the Fed's actions. Towards the end of the period, the first signs of a slowdown began to appear in the industrial economy, which up till then had seemed insulated from the crisis, and these were given further credence by economic statistics released in January. An additional drag on growth was the increase of roughly one third in the price of crude oil over the six month period. As already mentioned, value shares performed poorly, a trend which began in mid 2006. In dollar terms, the Russell 2000 Value Index fell 14.0% in the six months. This index lagged as investor confidence in the outlook for US economic growth faded. Investors instead favoured stocks where growth seemed more certain, and they appeared willing to pay a high price for this impression of security. The best performing sectors were other (a sector containing mostly diversified companies), healthcare and other energy, whereas the laggards were other financials, consumer discretionary, and autos and transportation. These moves reflected fears about the economy and higher oil prices. Portfolio Review The overall portfolio positioning has changed since 30 June 2007: exposure is greater in other energy, producer durables, and technology but lower in consumer discretionary. The market sell-off in July produced new opportunities that we took advantage of, for example in coal mining, mining equipment and defence IT outsourcing. Sales were made of shares that became expensive, for example waste collection and car part recycling. The Company had avoided holding banks, mortgage lenders and housing stocks for some time. The Manager recently began to buy regional banks that operate in growing parts of the country, have limited consumer exposure but whose shares appear to have been overly punished. *The Russell 2000 Value Index is an index of stocks within the Russell 2000 that have below average valuation. Whilst the market seemed to be ignoring value stocks, it was pleasing that others did not: two bids were received for portfolio holdings, one from a strategic buyer and the other from private equity. The Midland Company, the leading insurer of manufactured homes, agreed to an offer from Munich Re Group while Radiation Therapy Services, an operator of cancer treatment centres announced a leveraged buy-out. The biggest contributions to performance came from Denbury Resources, a tertiary oil recovery company, which benefited from higher oil prices, Bucyrus International, a producer of mining equipment and Foundation Coal, a coal producer, which were helped by a recovery in US coal prices. The main detractors from performance were Jarden, a producer of niche consumer products, Beacon Roofing Supply, a distributor and Conn's, a Texas regional retailer of home appliances and consumer electronics. All three were affected by fears about consumer spending. We believe their shares are very inexpensive and have good recovery prospects. Looking forward, the stocks in the portfolio offer excellent value, with more than a third trading on price earnings ratios of 10 or under and many on free cash flow yields approaching 10% or more. Buy-backs and Discount The Company bought back 393,188 of its own shares in the six-month period at an average discount of 10.8%. The Board will continue to apply its policy of buying back shares at appropriate times with a view to limiting the discount in the longer term to around 10%. The discount narrowed from 10.6% at 29 June 2007 to 7.2% at 31 December 2007. As at 6 February 2008, the discount was 8.2%. Outlook Since the end of December, the economy appears to have weakened further and the market was unsettled by additional large write-offs by leading financial institutions. In response to weakening demand, the Fed has taken more aggressive action to stave off the worst effects of recession and the credit crunch, cutting the Fed Funds rate by three quarters of one percent. The response of the market has been to begin to move back into value stocks, a move which if sustained will benefit shareholders. Gordon Grender February 2008 UNAUDITED INCOME STATEMENT Half-year ended 31 December 2007 Half-year ended 31 December 2006 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Losses on investments - (10,551) (10,551) - (504) (504) Exchange gains/(losses) on currency balances - 10 10 - (111) (111) Income 431 - 431 616 - 616 Management fee (259) - (259) (293) - (293) Other expenses (109) (5) (114) (107) (2) (109) Net return before finance costs and taxation 63 (10,546) (10,483) 216 (617) (401) Interest payable and similar charges - - - - - - Return on ordinary activities before taxation 63 (10,546) (10,483) 216 (617) (401) Taxation on ordinary activities (59) - (59) (88) - (88) Return attributable to equity shareholders 4 (10,546) (10,542) 128 (617) (489) Return per ordinary share - pence 0.02 (48.57) (48.55) 0.55 (2.67) (2.12) The total column is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. A statement of total recognised gains and losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. UNAUDITED RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Called-up Share Non- Capital Total share premium distributable redemption Special Capital Revenue shareholders' capital account reserve reserve reserve reserves reserve funds £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Balance brought forward at 1 July 2007 5,444 2,468 841 7,908 - 57,635 (1,119) 73,177 Shares purchased by the Company (98) - - 98 - (1,042) - (1,042) Return attributable to equity - - - - - (10,546) 4 (10,542) shareholders Balance carried forward at 31 December 2007 5,346 2,468 841 8,006 - 46,047 (1,115) 61,593 Balance brought forward at 1 July 2006 5,923 2,468 841 7,429 4,235 55,781 (1,213) 75,464 Shares purchased by the Company (296) - - 296 (3,244) - - (3,244) Return attributable to equity - - - - - (617) 128 (489) shareholders Balance carried forward at 31 December 2006 5,627 2,468 841 7,725 991 55,164 (1,085) 71,731 Balance brought forward at 1 July 2006 5,923 2,468 841 7,429 4,235 55,781 (1,213) 75,464 Shares purchased by the Company (479) - - 479 (4,235) (1,175) - (5,410) Return attributable to equity - - - - - 3,029 94 3,123 shareholders Balance carried forward at 30 June 2007 5,444 2,468 841 7,908 - 57,635 (1,119) 73,177 UNAUDITED BALANCE SHEET 31 Dec 2007 31 Dec 2006 30 June 2007 £'000s £'000s £'000s Fixed assets Listed investments 61,109 69,810 71,472 Current assets Debtors 67 81 52 Cash at bank and short-term deposits 716 2,039 2,128 783 2,120 2,180 Current liabilities (299) (199) (475) Net current assets 484 1,921 1,705 Net assets 61,593 71,731 73,177 Shareholders' equity Called-up share capital 5,346 5,627 5,444 Share premium account 2,468 2,468 2,468 Non-distributable reserve 841 841 841 Capital redemption reserve 8,006 7,725 7,908 Special reserve - 991 - Capital reserves 46,047 55,164 57,635 Revenue reserve (1,115) (1,085) (1,119) Total equity shareholders' funds 61,593 71,731 73,177 Net asset value per ordinary share - pence 288.06 318.70 336.06 UNAUDITED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Half-year ended Half-year ended 31 December 2007 31 December 2006 £'000s £'000s Net cash inflow from operating activities 51 198 Total tax paid (58) (89) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from purchases and sales of investments (421) 2,621 Net cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and financing (428) 2,730 Net cash outflow from financing (994) (3,244) Decrease in cash during the period (1,422) (514) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds Decrease in cash during the period (1,422) (514) Exchange movement 10 (111) Movement in net funds in the period (1,412) (625) Net funds at the beginning of the period 2,128 2,664 Net funds at the end of the period 716 2,039 Notes 1 ACCOUNTING POLICIES The half-yearly financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's financial statements at 30 June 2007. 2 DIVIDEND The directors do not propose to pay an interim dividend. 3 RETURN PER ORDINARY SHARE Returns per ordinary share attributable to ordinary shareholders reflect the overall performance of the Company in the period. Net revenue recognised in the first six months is not indicative of the total likely to be received in the full accounting year. Half-year ended Half-year ended Year ended 31 Dec 07 31 Dec 06 30 June 07 £'000s £'000s £'000s Revenue return 4 128 94 Capital return (10,546) (617) 3,029 Total return (10,542) (489) 3,123 Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue 21,713,699 23,079,953 22,666,157 4 RESULTS The results for the half-year ended 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2006, which are unaudited, constitute non-statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The latest published accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies are for the year ended 30 June 2007; the report of the auditors thereon was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. The abridged financial statements shown above for the year ended 30 June 2007 are an extract from those accounts. By order of the Board F&C Management Limited, Secretary Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2NY 7 February 2008 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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