Proposed change of name / Posting of circular to shareholders
The board of F&C US Smaller Companies PLC (the "Company") announces that it has today posted a circular to shareholders containing notice of a general meeting convened for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing an ordinary resolution that the name of the Company be changed from 'F&C US Smaller Companies PLC' to 'Jupiter US Smaller Companies PLC'.
The general meeting will take place at the Company's registered office at 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ at 3.00pm on Tuesday, 8 April 2014.
The Company's EPIC code will be changed to JUS.L shortly after the general meeting.
A copy of the circular has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM. It is also available for download from www.jupiteronline.com or on request from investmentcompanies@jupiter-group.co.uk.
For further information, please contact:
Richard Pavry
Head of Investment Trusts
Jupiter Asset Management Limited, Company Secretary
020 7314 4822
21 March 2014