Final Results

Brunner Investment Trust PLC 1 February 2001 For immediate release 1st February 2001 THE BRUNNER INVESTMENT TRUST PLC ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRELIMINARY RESULTS For the year ended 30th November 2000 RESULTS The Board is pleased to announce the results for the year ended 30th November 2000. The net asset value per Ordinary Share at 30th November 2000 was 540.2p compared with 560.7p at 30th November 1999, a decrease of 3.7%. This compares with an increase over the same period of 0.41% in the benchmark index (60% FTSE All-Share Index, and 40% FT/S&P Actuaries World Index, ex UK in sterling). DIVIDEND The Board recommends a final distribution of 4.00p payable on 3rd April 2001 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 2nd March 2001, making a total distribution of 7.10p per share for the year ended 30th November 2000, an increase of 2.9%. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The seventy-third Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 20 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3P 3DB on Wednesday 28th March 2001 at 12.45pm. SHARE BUY BACK The Board will recommend to shareholders that the Company take renewed powers to buy back its Ordinary Shares. Full details will be sent to shareholders with the forthcoming Annual Report and Accounts. By Order of the Board 10 Fenchurch Street K J Salt London, EC3M 3LB Company Secretary - 2 - Unaudited preliminary results for the year ended 30th November 2000 were approved for immediate release as undernoted: RESULTS STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN for the year ended 30th November 2000 2000 (£) (£) (£) Revenue Capital Total (Note 3) Net losses on investments - (9,465,055) (9,465,055) Exchange rate differences on borrowings - - - Investment Income 6,615,849 - 6,615,849 Other Income 638,014 - 638,014 Investment management fee (504,939)(1,178,191) (1,683,130) Marketing and administration (252,358) - (252,358) Net return before finance costs and taxation 6,496,566(10,643,246) (4,146,680) Finance costs of borrowings (1,263,243)(2,913,969) (4,177,212) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 5,233,323(13,557,215) (8,323,892) Taxation Overseas taxation (119,100) - (119,100) UK taxation (235,122) 235,122 - (354,222) 235,122 (119,100) Return on ordinary activities after taxation 4,879,101(13,322,093) (8,442,992) for the financial year Dividends on Preference Stock (22,500) - (22,500) Total Return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders 4,856,601(13,322,093) (8,465,492) Dividends on Ordinary Shares Interim 3.10p (1,880,460) - (1,880,460) Final Proposed 4.00p (2,411,337) - (2,411,337) (4,291,797) - (4,291,797) Transfer to (from) reserves 564,804(13,322,093)(12,757,289) Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1) 8.01p (21.98p) (13.97p) NET ASSET STATEMENT as at 30th November 2000 2000 (£) Valuation of investments 357,895,841 Net Current Assets 20,222,159 Total Assets less Current Liabilities 378,118,000 Amounts falling due after more than one year (52,015,817) Total Net Assets 326,102,183 Called up Share Capital: Ordinary 15,070,854 Preference 450,000 Capital Redemption Reserve 929,146 Other Capital Reserves 303,908,272 Revenue Reserve 5,743,911 Shareholders' Funds 326,102,183 Net asset value per Ordinary Share (Note 2) 540.2p - 3 - RESULTS STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN for the year ended 30th November 1999 1999 (£) (£) (£) Revenue Capital Total (Note 4) Net gains on investments - 106,157,374 106,157,374 Exchange rate differences on borrowings - - - Investment Income 6,074,425 - 6,074,425 Other Income 604,640 - 604,640 Investment management fee (433,107) (1,010,583) (1,443,690) Marketing and administration (125,595) - (125,595) Net return before finance costs and taxation 6,120,363 105,146,791 111,267,154 Finance costs of borrowings (1,309,299) (3,026,663) (4,335,962) Return on ordinary activities before taxation 4,811,064 102,120,128 106,931,192 Taxation Overseas taxation (121,334) - (121,334) UK taxation (271,910) 299,419 27,509 (393,244) 299,419 93,825 Return on ordinary activities after taxation for 4,417,820 102,419,547 106,837,367 the financial year Dividends on Preference Stock (22,500) - (22,500) Total Return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders 4,395,320 102,419,547 106,814,867 Dividends on Ordinary Shares Interim 3.10p (1,976,467) - (1,976,467) Final 3.80p (2,315,891) - (2,315,891) (4,292,358) - (4,292,358) Transfer to reserves 102,962 102,419,547 102,522,509 Return per Ordinary Share (Note 2) 6.91p 160.96p 167.87p NET ASSET STATEMENT as at 30th November 1999 1999 (£) Valuation of investments 378,067,808 Net Current Assets 16,156,994 Total Assets less Current Liabilities 394,224,802 Amounts falling due after more than one year (52,076,609) Total Net Assets 342,148,193 Called up Share Capital: Ordinary 15,236,125 Preference 450,000 Capital Redemption Reserve 763,875 Other Capital Reserves 320,529,897 Revenue Reserve 5,168,296 Shareholders' Funds 342,148,193 Net asset value per Ordinary Share (Note 3) 560.7p - 4 - CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 30th November 2000 2000 2000 1999 (£) (£) (£) Net cash inflow from operating activities 5,072,292 5,220,957 Servicing of Finance Interest paid (4,405,275) (4,228,975) Dividends paid on preference stock (22,500) (19,125) Net cash outflow on servicing of finance (4,427,775) (4,248,100) Taxation ACT repaid (paid) 1,175 (10,388) Taxation credits repaid - 87,261 UK income tax repaid 103,106 28,385 Net tax repaid 104,281 105,258 Financial Investment Purchase of fixed asset investments (379,158,755) (390,035,400) Sale of investments 394,676,719 398,670,137 Net cash inflow from financial activities 15,517,964 8,634,737 Equity dividends paid (4,185,540) (4,344,467) Net cash inflow before financing 12,081,222 5,368,385 Financing Purchase of Ordinary Shares for (3,265,262) (12,610,453) cancellation Expenses associated with share buy backs (34,270) (70,996) (Increase) decrease in short term loan 973,280 (437,800) Net cash outflow from financing (2,326,252) (13,119,249) Increase (decrease) in cash 9,754,970 (7,750,864) - 5 - Note 1 The Returns per Ordinary Share have been calculated using a weighted average number of shares in issue during the year of 60,611,585 shares (1999 - 63,631,492). Note 2 The net asset value is based on 60,283,416 Ordinary Shares of 25p in issue at the year end (1999 - 60,944,500). Note 3 The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. Note 4 The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 November 2000 or 30 November 1999. The financial information for the year ended 30 November 1999 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 November 2000 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. Note 5 The increase in the Trust's benchmark index of 0.41% over the year to 30th November 2000 is composed as follows: 60% FTSE All-Share Index -4.59% 40% FT/S&P Actuaries Index, ex UK in Sterling +8.22% For further information, please contact: Dresdner RCM Global Investors (UK) Limited Simon White Tel: 020 7475 2700 or Lansons Communications Henrietta Guthrie or Amy Fisher Tel: 020 7490 8828
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