Interim Results
Camellia PLC
26 September 2002
Camellia Plc
Interim Statement
Pre-tax profits of £2,221,000 for the six months to the 30th June 2002 compared
with £6,084,000 for the same period last year. The decline is mainly
attributable to the exceptional results from Lumley Cazalet Limited in 2001 not
being repeated, the poor situation of tea production and prices in India and
Bangladesh and other one-off profits earned on the disposal of investment and
subsidiary undertakings in 2001.
The Board has declared an interim dividend of 20p per ordinary share payable on
the 7th November 2002 to shareholders on the register on the 11th October 2002.
Currently the tea industry in India is suffering from a crisis that is severely
affecting prices and the viability of some estates. The reasons for this include
the failure of the domestic market to develop as anticipated, increased
competition from other beverages, a general lack of interest from importers and
increasing supplies of tea from small bought leaf factories. These factors
coupled with lower than anticipated crops have led to the most difficult
conditions seen by the industry for several decades. The Group is fortunate in
having estates spread between West Bengal and Assam and, to some extent, will be
cushioned from these problems. However, if there is no upward movement in prices
in the near future, the Group's profitability will be impaired. All possible
steps to economise and control costs continue to be stringently applied.
The instant tea plant has received some useful orders and the outlook is more
encouraging than in previous years.
Whilst crops from the Longbourne tea estates are almost 13% behind last year,
prices are on par with 2001 and prospects are, therefore, reasonably
satisfactory. The export position is also promising with an anticipated
substantial Government sponsored order from Pakistan.
Tea production in both Kenya and Malawi was below that of the previous year and
tea prices in Kenya have also been lower, although there is some evidence of a
modest increase over the last few weeks. Production on our newly acquired
estates in South Africa was above that of the same period last year, but
slightly below our expectations.
In Kenya the impact of the uncertainties in the international coffee markets
continue and recent prices for the early coffee crop at Kakuzi have been
disappointing and below cost of production. Kakuzi continue to implement cost
saving measures, but the prospects for this crop are not encouraging.
The citrus operations in Australia have experienced a heavy crop of small fruit
resulting in marketing difficulties. New citrus developments in California,
Chile and South Africa are progressing in accordance with our expectations.
Edible Nuts
Macadamia production in Malawi and South Africa has been satisfactory and
current price levels are in excess of the previous year. The pistachio harvest
in California is anticipated to be favourable, although the almonds are in
decline due to the age of the trees.
Other Horticulture
Climatic conditions in both South Africa and Chile had a detrimental effect on
the production of table grapes although prices in local currency terms were
Wine grape production in both Australia and South Africa was satisfactory
although the significant surplus of wine on World markets also leads to
difficult market conditions.
Rubber crops in Bangladesh increase in line with budget and prices have recently
Food Storage and Distribution
Associated Cold Stores & Transport is suffering from escalating costs and very
competitive pricing due to over capacity in the market. Increases in insurance
premiums are of particular concern. W.G. White has seen a marked decline in
caviar volumes and is also incurring additional costs as it expands its wine
distribution business.
Several of our UK engineering operations are experiencing difficult trading
conditions and the recently imposed additional corporation tax burden on oil
companies has resulted in a reduction in drilling activity in the North Sea
which seems to have affected the workload of AJT Engineering and AKD
Other parts of the UK engineering businesses are performing satisfactorily.
Results for the UK engineering operations for the year are expected to be well
below those of the previous year.
Fine Art Trading
As anticipated, the operations of Lumley Cazalet are being wound down during the
present year. The realisation of the stock is going to plan and is expected to
be fully disposed of by November 2002.
Duncan Lawrie Limited is experiencing another difficult year in 2002. The
problems of the financial services industry are well documented and Duncan
Lawrie is certainly not immune to the problems of lower margins and lack of
investment activity.
Our associated company, Siegfried AG, produced very satisfactory half-year
results and has strengthened its position as a leading supplier of active
pharmaceutical ingredients. In particular, its custom manufacturing and generic
production businesses continue to develop positively and the prospects for the
year are encouraging.
Other Associated Undertakings and Investments
United Leasing Company Limited is having a good year and it is anticipated that
their profit may exceed last year. United Insurance Company Limited is also
operating satisfactorily.
The overall prospects for the Group are difficult to predict. The full impact of
the current El Nino weather pattern has yet to be fully assessed, but drought or
any disruption to the normal late rains will obviously reduce earnings
26th September 2002
Camellia Plc
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the six months ended 30th June 2002
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
Restated Restated
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover - continuing operations 81,283 85,597 180,172
- discontinued operations - 23,174 23,175
1 81,283 108,771 203,347
Operating (loss)/profit
- continuing operations 1 (1,914) 2,460 11,656
- discontinued operations - 248 248
(1,914) 2,708 11,904
Share of results of associates 5,447 1,622 5,349
3,533 4,330 17,253
Investment income 792 659 1,453
Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments 182 716 573
Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertaking 3 - 424 424
Goodwill transferred upon part disposal of subsidiary - 704 704
Share of associates profit on disposal of subsidiaries - 1,800 2,065
Profit on disposal of fixed assets - - 24
4,507 8,633 22,496
Net interest payable and similar charges 4 2,286 2,549 4,940
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 2,221 6,084 17,556
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities 5 2,505 3,798 4,183
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation (284) 2,286 13,373
Interest of minority shareholders 1,045 963 3,146
Attributable (loss)/profit for the period (1,329) 1,323 10,227
Dividends 6 532 544 2,303
Earnings per share 7 (49.95)p 48.40p 374.48p
Camellia Plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 30th June 2002
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
Restated Restated
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Positive 1,183 1,255 1,219
Negative (3,874) (4,036) (4,074)
(2,691) (2,781) (2,855)
Tangible assets 244,269 247,635 244,793
241,578 244,854 241,938
Current assets
Stocks 31,203 36,161 34,100
Debtors 55,305 62,682 55,514
Cash at banks and in hand (note 8) 172,178 165,487 164,493
258,686 264,330 254,107
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (223,553) (220,117) (212,562)
Net Current Assets 35,133 44,213 41,545
Total assets less current liabilities 276,711 289,067 283,483
Creditors: amounts falling due after
more than one year (41,357) (41,622) (39,587)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (7,122) (9,402) (7,595)
228,232 238,043 236,301
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 266 272 271
Reserves 168,134 173,754 174,242
Equity shareholders' funds 168,400 174,026 174,513
Minority shareholders' interest 59,832 64,017 61,788
228,232 238,043 236,301
Camellia Plc
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30th June 2002
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st
2002 2001 2001
Notes £'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash flow from operating activities 9 3,243 6,388 22,033
Dividends received from associates 158 546 629
Returns on investments and servicing
of finance (2,953) (2,029) (4,080)
Taxation paid (1,330) (1,964) (4,916)
Capital expenditure and financial
Investment (4,742) (6,636) (12,520)
Acquisitions and disposals 412 1,056 308
Equity dividends paid - - (2,267)
Cash outflow before financing (5,212) (2,639) (813)
New loans 5,873 8,256 9,862
Loan and finance lease payments (3,155) (3,616) (7,893)
Purchase of own shares (1,514) (1,817) (1,693)
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period 10 (4,008) 184 (537)
Camellia Plc
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
for the six months ended 30th June 2002
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
Restated Restated
£'000 £'000 £'000
Attributable (loss)/profit for the period (1,329) 1,323 10,227
Release of goodwill on disposal of
subsidiary undertaking - 515 515
Release of goodwill on part disposal of
subsidiary undertaking - (704) (704)
Impairment on previously revalued
tangible assets - - (384)
Share of associates fixed asset revaluation - - 539
Exchange differences (2,738) 3,455 (3,008)
Total recognised gains and losses for the period (4,067) 4,589 7,185
Prior period adjustment (4,515)
Total gains and losses since last annual report (8,582)
Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds
for the six months ended 30th June 2002
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
Restated Restated
£'000 £'000 £'000
Attributable (loss)/profit for the period (1,329) 1,323 10,227
Dividends (532) (544) (2,303)
Exchange differences (2,738) 3,455 (3,008)
Purchase of own shares (1,514) (1,510) (1,860)
Release of goodwill on disposal of
subsidiary undertaking - 515 515
Release of goodwill on part disposal of
subsidiary undertaking - (704) (704)
Impairment of previously revalued
tangible assets - - (384)
Share of associates fixed asset revaluation - - 539
Net movement in shareholders' funds (6,113) 2,535 3,022
Opening shareholders' funds 174,513 177,091 177,091
Prior period adjustment - (5,600) (5,600)
Opening shareholders' funds restated 174,513 171,491 171,491
Closing shareholders' funds 168,400 174,026 174,513
The prior period adjustment is the additional deferred tax provision attributable to equity shareholders arising from
the adoption of FRS 19 - 'Deferred Tax'.
Notes to the Accounts
1 Segmental analysis of turnover and operating profit/(loss)
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
By activity
Agriculture and horticulture 48,496 49,495 108,955
Trading and agency 3,621 3,368 6,509
Food storage and distribution 21,200 22,559 45,215
Engineering 6,743 7,583 14,478
Fine art trading and philately 170 1,461 2,812
Property leasing 972 1,084 2,177
Central management and miscellaneous 81 47 26
81,283 85,597 180,172
Discontinued - Trading and agency - 23,174 23,175
81,283 108,771 203,347
By country of origin
United Kingdom 27,399 30,283 59,748
Continental Europe 4,959 5,368 10,628
India 11,092 11,956 34,593
Kenya 10,025 13,148 25,184
Malawi 7,232 8,452 11,664
Bangladesh 3,648 3,344 8,243
North America 146 162 403
South America and Bermuda 1,471 1,545 2,255
Australia 7,869 7,518 20,587
South Africa 7,442 3,821 6,867
81,283 85,597 180,172
Discontinued - United Kingdom - 23,174 23,175
81,283 108,771 203,347
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating Profit
By activity
Agriculture and horticulture (714) 629 9,557
Trading and agency 725 830 573
Food storage and distribution 282 1,822 3,076
Engineering 478 1,214 1,287
Fine art trading and philately (122) 311 411
Property leasing 942 1,018 2,088
Central management and miscellaneous (3,221) (3,482) (5,501)
(1,630) 2,342 11,491
Discontinued - Trading and agency - 248 248
(1,630) 2,590 11,739
Banking (287) 118 152
Net interest from group companies 3 - 13
(1,914) 2,708 11,904
Associated undertakings
Agriculture and horticulture (116) (91) (34)
Pharmaceutical 5,108 1,188 4,218
Insurance and leasing 455 525 1,165
3,533 4,330 17,253
By country of origin
United Kingdom (1,000) 1,923 2,751
Continental Europe 2 108 223
India (4,070) (3,704) 902
Kenya 1,043 1,985 3,601
Malawi 2,303 3,063 2,109
Bangladesh (943) (919) 1,034
North America (160) (60) (681)
South America and Bermuda (81) (187) (460)
Australia 89 269 2,148
South Africa 903 (18) 29
(1,914) 2,460 11,656
Discontinued - United Kingdom - 248 248
(1,914) 2,708 11,904
Continuing operations include turnover of £6,477,000 for the six months (2001 six months: £2,366,000 - year: £5,726,000)
and operating profit of £952,000 for the six months (2001 six months: £58,000 loss - year: £72,000 loss) relating to an
acquisition on 30th April 2001 and were by activity - agriculture and horticulture and by country of origin - South
2 Business interruption insurance proceeds of £415,000 (2001 six months: £910,000 - year: £1,272,000) have been
credited to operating profit.
3 Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertakings comprises:
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit on disposal of subsidiary - 802 802
Positive goodwill transferred from reserves - (515) (515)
Negative goodwill transferred from fixed assets - 137 137
- 424 424
4 Net interest payable includes £363,000 (2001 six months: £359,000 - year: £590,000) in respect of the Group's
share of associated undertakings' net interest.
5 Taxation includes overseas taxation of £1,339,000 (2001 six months: £2,076,000 - year: £3,400,000) and share of
associated undertakings' taxation charge of £1,306,000 (2001 six months: £1,545,000 - year: £2,348,000). Overseas
taxation for the year ended 31st December 2001 includes a credit of £1,303,000 arising from the recognition of a
deferred tax asset related to losses which had not been previously recognised. Effective tax rates at the
half-year are high due to losses recorded in overseas companies for which no offset can be recognised.
6 Dividends
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Interim of 20p per share (2001: 20p) 532 544 544
Final for 2001 of 65p per share - - 1,759
532 544 2,303
7 The calculation of earnings per share is based on attributable (loss)/profit divided by the weighted average of
ordinary shares in issue which was 2,660,540 (2001 six months: 2,733,257 - year: 2,731,019).
8 Included in cash at banks and in hand of £172,178,000 (2001 six months: £165,487,000 - year: £164,493,000) are
cash and short-term funds, time deposits with banks and building societies and certificates of deposit amounting
to £160,033,000 (2001 six months: £147,321,000 - year: £147,689,000), which are held by banking subsidiaries and
which are an integral part of the banking operations of the Group.
9 Reconciliation of operating (loss)/profit to net cash flow from operating activities
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating (loss)/profit (1,914) 2,708 11,904
Depreciation 4,372 4,486 8,731
Amortisation of goodwill (190) (55) (342)
Profit on sale of fixed assets (95) (102) (120)
Decrease in working capital 12,203 4,766 10,022
Net increase in funds of banking
Subsidiaries (12,344) (5,798) (6,166)
Currency adjustment 1,211 383 (1,996)
Net cash flow from operating activities 3,243 6,388 22,033
10 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movements in net debt
Six months Six months Year
ended ended ended
30th June 30th June 31st December
2002 2001 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (4,008) 184 (537)
Cash inflow from changes in debt
and financing (2,718) (4,640) (1,969)
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (6,726) (4,456) (2,506)
Businesses acquired and sold 666 (385) 407
New finance leases - - (498)
Translation differences (944) 188 987
Change in net debt in the period (7,004) (4,653) (1,610)
Net debt at beginning of period (49,038) (47,428) (47,428)
Net debt at end of period (56,042) (52,081) (49,038)
11. Preparation of interim results
The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the report and accounts for the year ended 31st December
2001, except that Financial Reporting Standard 19 'Deferred Tax' has been
adopted. The new accounting policy for deferred tax is as follows:
Deferred tax is recognised as an asset or liability, at appropriate rates,
in respect of transactions and events recognised in the financial statements
of the current and previous periods which gives a right to pay less, or an
obligation to pay more, in future tax periods.
Deferred tax assets are only recognised to the extent it is probable that
there will be suitable taxable profits from which they can be recovered. No
provision is made for any taxation that could arise from the future disposal
of any fixed assets shown in the accounts at valuation.
Long-term deferred tax balances are not discounted.
In order to conform with the requirements of FRS19 'Deferred Tax' the net
assets at 30th June 2001 and 31st December 2001 have been adjusted to
include an additional provision of £7,688,000 and £5,971,000 respectively.
The tax charge has been reduced in the six months ended 30th June 2001 and
the year ended 31st December 2001 by £296,000 and £2,139,000 respectively
and the minority interests share of profit after tax has been increased in
the six months ended 30th June 2001 and the year ended 31st December 2001 by
£126,000 and £863,000 respectively.
The six months figures are unaudited and have not been reviewed by the
company's auditors. The figures for the year ended 31st December 2001 are an
abridged statement from the Group accounts at that date which have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' Report on these
accounts was unqualified.
The Interim Report will be posted to shareholders on 27th September 2002 on
which date copies can be obtained from the Company's Registrars:-
Capita IRG Plc,
Balfour House,
390/398 High Road
Essex IG1 1NQ
or from the company's registered office:-
Wrotham Place
Kent TN15 7AE
Press enquiries to:
Mr. M.C. Perkins
Telephone No. 01622 746655
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange