Interim Results - NAV Rises 3.8%

Capital Gearing Trust PLC 19 November 1999 CHAIRMAN'S INTERIM STATEMENT The figures for the half year to 5 October 1999 show an increase in NAV per share of 3.8% to 945p (951p including income) compared to a rise of 8.1% in the FT Investment Trust index and a fall of 2.0% in the FTSE All Share Index. Higher short-term interest rates together with an increased supply of split capital investment trust paper have deferred rather than altered the growth anticipated from this important section of the portfolio. Earnings are ahead of budget due to timing differences. An expected dividend of 6.5p for the year ending 5 April 2000 should be covered by earnings. I am pleased to report that decisions have now been taken on future administrative arrangements and these are expected to be in place for the year-end. Mark Cornwall-Jones 17 November 1999 DISTRIBUTION OF INVESTED FUNDS Percentage of underlying assets As at As at 5/10/99 5/4/99 North Other Elsewhere UK America Europe Japan Asia Overseas Total Total % % % % % % % % Investment Trust Ordinary Shares 10.0 1.3 2.6 0.3 1.9 12.0 28.1 25.9 Investment Trust Capital Shares 7.1 - - - - - 7.1 8.6 Investment Trust Stepped and Zero Dividend Preference Shares 41.8 - 10.5 - - - 52.3 51.1 Fixed interest stocks - 4.4 5.5 - - 2.6 12.5 14.4 58.9 5.7 18.6 0.3 1.9 14.6 100.0 100.0 MAJOR INVESTMENTS OF THE COMPANY AT 5 OCTOBER 1999 INVESTMENT TRUST PREFERENCE SHARES £ Fleming Income and Growth Trust - Stepped 1,509,750 Fleming Income and Capital Investment Trust - Zero Dividend 1,241,000 M&G Income Investment Trust - Zero Dividend 1,071,000 Johnson Fry Utilities Investment Trust - Zero Dividend 1,039,123 Jos Holdings - Zero Dividend 974,938 Gartmore Shared Equity Trust - Zero Dividend 751,500 Jupiter Split Trust - Zero Dividend 746,966 Johnson Fry European Utilities - Zero Dividend 741,000 INVESTMENT TRUST ORDINARY SHARES Value Realisation 1,448,016 Scottish Value Trust 815,000 London & St Lawrence 708,975 Murray Emerging Economies 447,500 INVESTMENT TRUST CAPITAL SHARES Tor Investment Trust 936,000 INDEX LINKED SECURITIES AND FIXED INTEREST USA Treasury Notes 3.625% inflation indexed 970,544 Germany (Federal Republic) 5.625% Bonds 2028 866,823 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RETURN (UNAUDITED) FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 5 OCTOBER 1999 5 October 99 5 October 98 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains(losses) on investments - 859 859 - (1,229) (1,229) Released gains on life assurance policies - - - - 11 11 Income from investments 201 - 201 88 - 88 Other income - interest 14 - 14 37 - 37 GROSS RETURN 215 859 1,074 125 (1,218) (1,093) Reconstruction expenses - - - - (85) (85) Management expenses (18) (73) (91) (24) (35) (59) Other administrative expenses (52) - (52) (19) - (19) (70) (73) (143) (43) (120) (163) RETURN ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAX 145 786 931 82 (1,338) (1,256) Tax on return on ordinary activities (3) - (3) (18) - (18) RETURN ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAX 142 786 928 64 (1,338) (1,274) Transfer to capital reserve - - - 2 (2) - TOTAL ATTRIBUTABLE TO ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS 142 786 928 66 (1,340) (1,274) RETURN PER ORDINARY SHARE 6.09p 33.72p 39.81p 2.96p (60.06)p (57.10)p CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (UNAUDITED) AS AT 5 OCTOBER 1999 5 October 5 October 5 April 1999 1998 1999 £'000 £'000 £'000 FIXED ASSETS Investments 21,976 17,843 20,044 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 603 532 880 Bank 56 48 948 659 580 1,828 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year (476) (175) (641) NET CURRENT ASSETS 183 405 1,187 NET ASSETS 22,159 18,248 21,231 CAPITAL EMPLOYED Called up share capital 583 558 583 Share premium account 991 96 991 Capital reserve 20,354 17,419 19,568 Revenue reserve 231 175 89 TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 22,159 18,248 21,231 NET ASSETS PER ORDINARY SHARE 951p 815p 911p
UK 100