Interim Results
Carclo PLC
4 December 2000
Carclo plc
Interim Results for the Six Months ended 30 September 2000
* Sales from continuing operations increased by 7.5% to
£83.1m (1999: £77.3m).
* Underlying operating profits from continuing operations
rose by 16% to £7.0m (1999: £6.0m).
* Strong profits recovery in the Specialist Wire Division.
* Carclo Technical Plastics made good progress with growth
in products for mobile phones.
* Underlying earnings per share increased by 4% to 7.1p
(1999: 6.8p).
* Exit from commodity wire products completed.
* Acquisition of Alan Group provides further global
opportunities for the Technical Plastics Division.
Commenting on the results, George Kennedy, Chairman,
'We remain confident that the group is well placed to deliver
underlying growth.'
For further information please contact:
Carclo plc
Ian Williamson, Chief Executive On 4 December: 020 7475 2112
Chris Mawe, Finance Director Thereafter: 01924 330500
Golin/Harris Ludgate
Richard Hews 020 7253 2252
Trish Featherstone
Chairman's Statement
Sales in the six months to 30 September 2000 from our
continuing operations increased by 7.5% to £83.1million
compared to the equivalent period last year. Underlying
operating profits on the same basis increased by over 16%,
with both divisions making progress.
The technical plastics division, which benefited from
increased sales of telecommunication components, contributed
all of the revenue growth. Operating profits increased by 7.6%
and, despite continuing pressure on selling prices and
increased polymer prices, operating margins were broadly
The specialist wire division reported sales of £21.0million in
the half year, in line with the same period last year.
Operating profits were, however, 25.5% ahead and margins have
increased reflecting the continuing recovery in card clothing
and the successful withdrawal from lower margin commodity wire
Profit before tax of £4.5million is stated after exceptional
charges totalling £0.9million relating to the closure of Lee
Smith Wires and the sale of our wire rope businesses. Basic
earnings per share were down slightly from 5.9p last year to
5.4p this year due to the one off charges noted above. The
progress of the group is better measured by underlying
earnings per share, eliminating one off charges and goodwill.
This shows an increase of 4.4% to 7.1p reflecting underlying
growth in technical plastics and recovery in specialist wire
which has compensated for the overall dilutive effect of the
Lee Steel Strip disposal in November 1999.
Financial Position
Net debt at 30 September 2000 was £35.9million, an increase
of £7.8million since 31 March 2000. This represents a gearing
level of 49% with underlying interest cover of 5.9 times. Core
debt within Carclo traditionally peaks in September due to the
payment of both an interim and final dividend totalling
£6.0million in the first half.
The group has continued to invest in growth opportunities and
capital expenditure in the period was 1.4 times depreciation.
In total £6.0million was expended on capital of which £1.9
million related to new production facilities within the
technical plastics division. An earn out payment totalling
£3.8million was paid in the period to the former owners of CTP
Carrera. This was matched by the proceeds from the sale of the
wire rope businesses.
At 30 September 2000 cash and unutilised assured medium term
facilities totalled £65million, sufficient to fund further
acquisitions and the significant organic growth opportunities
in the technical plastics division.
Your board has declared an interim dividend of 3.44p per
ordinary share, unchanged on the same period last year.
Dividend warrants will be posted on 6 April 2001 to
shareholders on the register on 2 March 2001.
Operating Review
Technical plastics benefited from its exposure to growth
markets, especially mobile phones and data communications.
Growth in these markets more than compensated for the
continuing difficult trading environment for UK based
The teletronics operations performed well, benefiting from
high mobile phone sales. However, this sector has shown some
volatility in recent months and accordingly the strong growth
experienced in the first half will not continue into the
second half of the current financial year.
The automotive operations experienced pricing pressures
resulting in reduced profits despite modestly increased
volumes. With new products scheduled to come on stream in the
second half, we remain confident that the automotive companies
will deliver a creditable performance for the full year.
The optical-medical operations reported an improved
performance. Our optical business returned to profit in the
first half but the second half will be affected by the planned
move to a new facility. Our medical products operations
performed extremely well.
CTP Carrera again delivered excellent results with operating
margins over 15%. A new production facility has been
commissioned in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
The specialist wire division reported a substantial
improvement in profitability in the period. The card clothing
operations continued the positive trend which began during the
second half of last year and have benefited from improvements
in productivity.
The other specialist wire companies performed at similar
levels to last year with the exception of the Lee Smith Wires
business which slipped back into losses during the first half.
Regrettably, with no return to profitability in sight, we will
close this low margin business during the second half of the
current year. The charge arising in respect of this closure
will be up to £1.2million of which £0.9million has been
charged in the first half due to the write down of the assets
of that business and associated redundancy costs.
The Alan Group
We have today announced the acquisition of the Alan Group, a
leader in precision toolmaking and moulding for the
teletronics connector industry. The consideration is £8.4
million including debt assumed. The business has three
operations in the UK and a new state of the art facility in
Shanghai, China. The Alan Group had sales of £7.7million and
earnings before interest of £1.6million in the year to 31
March 2000.
The acquisition is an excellent strategic fit with Carclo,
opening up synergistic opportunities via its existing customer
base, its excellent reputation as a leading precision
toolmaker and its world class manufacturing capability in
China. This acquisition is the next step in our strategy
of building a global technical plastics group. We plan to
make further acquisitions to build upon the strong technical
capability of our group and to enhance our global coverage.
The trading performance in the first half of the current year
has been in line with our expectations. We benefited from
significant growth in mobile phone products. In the last few
weeks it has become clear that mobile phone manufacturers have
entered a turbulent period and we have experienced both new
product cancellations and early termination of some
established programmes. This will have a modest impact on our
second half. However, whilst volatile, the telecom market
remains high growth and our involvement in new programmes for
next year underpins our confidence in this market.
New automotive product developments are set to come on stream
in the second half and additional technical plastics capacity in
the US and UK will enable us to exploit organic growth
The specialist wire division is continuing on the path to
recovery and further improvements are being seen as we enter
the second half.
We remain confident that the group is well placed to deliver
underlying growth.
George Kennedy
4 December 2000
Consolidated profit and loss account (unaudited)
Half year ended Half year ended Year ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Continuing operations
- ongoing 83,101 77,330 159,772
Discontinued 5,567 21,491 31,521
------- ------- -------
88,668 98,821 191,293
------- ------- -------
Operating profit
Continuing operations
- ongoing - before
costs 7,022 6,042 13,243
- rationalisation
costs (190) (139) (1,101)
------- ------- -------
- after
costs 6,832 5,903 12,142
Discontinued 172 1,335 2,026
------- ------- -------
7,004 7,238 14,168
Goodwill amortisation (472) (363) (748)
------- ------- -------
Operating profit 6,532 6,875 13,420
Disposal of subsidiary
undertaking (46) - (3,875)
Loss on termination of
operations (852) (251) (538)
Profit on sale of properties 97 - -
------ ------- -------
Profit before interest 5,731 6,624 9,007
Net interest payable 1,224 1,686 3,012
------ ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation 4,507 4,938 5,995
Taxation 1,578 1,580 3,484
------ ------- -------
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 2,929 3,358 2,511
Preference dividends (non
equity) - 32 32
------ ------- -------
Profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders 2,929 3,326 2,479
Ordinary dividends 1,885 1,928 6,016
------ ------- -------
Retained profit for the period 1,044 1,398 (3,537)
====== ======= =======
Earnings per ordinary share
Basic 5.4p 5.9p 4.4p
Underlying 7.1p 6.8p 14.9p
Dividend per ordinary share 3.44p 3.44p 11.00p
Statement of total recognised gains and losses
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation for the period 2,929 3,358 2,511
Exchange losses on the
translation of overseas assets (216) (42) (216)
------ ------- -------
Total gains and losses
recognised since last annual
report 2,713 3,316 2,295
------ ------- -------
1. The financial information in this document has been
prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in
the audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2000. This
financial information was approved by the directors on 4
December 2000.
2. The financial information is unaudited but has been
reviewed by the auditors and their report to the company is
set out on page 7.
3. The results for the year ended 31 March 2000 are an
abridged version of the company's full accounts which have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies, on which the
company's auditors reported without qualification.
4. The amount shown for estimated taxation for the half year
ended 30 September 2000 represents 35% of the profit on
ordinary activities before taxation (30 September 1999 - 32%).
5. Earnings per ordinary share at 30 September 2000 have
been calculated by dividing the profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders of £2,929,000 by the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue of 54,694,191.
6. Copies of the Interim Report will be posted to
shareholders on 8 December 2000 and are available from the
company's registered office, Ploughland House, P.O. Box 14, 62
George Street, Wakefield, WF1 1ZF
Consolidated balance sheet (unaudited)
30 September 2000 30 September 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 19,687 19,517
Tangible assets 58,030 69,610
Investments 1,383 169
------- -------
79,100 89,296
Current assets
Stocks 17,396 24,653
Debtors 37,159 45,212
Pensions prepayment
due after more than
one year 11,393 11,059
Cash at bank and
in hand 10,669 5,601
------- -------
76,617 86,525
------- -------
Creditors-amounts falling
due within one year
Bank loans and
overdrafts 9,649 13,244
Trade and other
creditors 26,510 34,698
Taxation 1,239 1,892
Dividends 1,882 1,980
------- -------
39,280 51,814
------- -------
Net current assets 37,337 34,711
------- -------
Total assets less current
liabilities 116,437 124,007
Creditors-amounts falling due
after more than one year 36,589 47,337
Provisions for liabilities
and charges 6,074 7,086
------- ------
Total net assets 73,774 69,584
------- -------
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2,790 2,838
Share premium 41,772 41,722
Revaluation reserve 2,063 2,195
Other reserves 1,134 1,084
Profit and loss account 26,015 21,745
------- -------
Shareholders' funds 73,774 69,584
------- -------
Ordinary shareholders' funds
per share 132p 123p
Consolidated balance sheet (unaudited)
31 March 2000
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 20,008
Tangible assets 57,918
Investments 1,072
Current assets
Stocks 19,884
Debtors 40,332
Pensions prepayment due after more
than one year 11,106
Cash at bank and in hand 11,672
Creditors-amounts falling
due within one year
Bank loans and overdrafts 8,935
Trade and other creditors 35,175
Taxation 1,031
Dividends 6,016
Net current assets 31,837
Total assets less current liabilities 110,835
Creditors-amounts falling due after more
than one year 32,051
Provisions for liabilities and charges 5,890
Total net assets 72,894
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 2,788
Share premium 41,722
Revaluation reserve 2,080
Other reserves 1,134
Profit and loss account 25,170
Shareholders' funds 72,894
Ordinary shareholders' funds per share 131p
Cash flow statement
Half year Half year Year
ended ended ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Cashflow from operating
activities 7,705 7,705 18,908
Returns on investments
and servicing of finance (1,439) (1,701) (3,059)
Taxation (1,117) (880) (2,937)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment (6,245) (6,467) (9,565)
Acquisitions and disposals 121 (11,035) 10,318
Equity dividends paid (6,020) (6,163) (6,183)
------- ------- -------
Cash (outflow)/inflow
before use of liquid
resources and funding (6,995) (18,541) 7,482
Issue of shares 52 - -
Repurchase of own shares - (608) (1,817)
Increase in debt 5,590 15,203 1,254
Capital element of
finance lease rentals (361) (480) (994)
------- ------- -------
(Decrease)/increase in
cash in period (1,714) (4,426) 5,925
======= ======= =======
Half year Half year Year
ended ended ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Reconciliation of net
cash flow to movement in
net debt
(Decrease)/increase in
cash in period (1,714) (4,426) 5,925
Cash inflow from
increase in debt and
lease financing (5,229) (14,723) (260)
------- ------- -------
Change in net debt
resulting from cash flows (6,943) (19,149) 5,665
Exchange movement (859) 236 336
Loans and finance leases
acquired with subsidiary
Undertaking - (2,317) (2,367)
------- ------- -------
Movement in net debt in
period (7,802) (21,230) 3,634
Net debt at beginning of
period (28,115) (31,749) (31,749)
------- ------- -------
Net debt at end of period (35,917) (52,979) (28,115)
======= ======= =======
Half year Half year Year
ended ended ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Reconciliation of operating profit to
operating cash flows
Operating profit 6,532 6,875 13,420
Goodwill amortisation 472 363 748
Depreciation charges 4,211 5,106 9,539
Amortisation of own shares 15 18 30
Loss/(profit) on sale of
tangible fixed assets 44 (166) 13
Cash flow relating to
exceptional reorganisation - (251) (538)
Decrease in stocks 430 224 491
Decrease/(increase) in debtors 1,445 (3,337) (7,028)
(Decrease)/increase in
creditors (5,444) (1,127) 2,233
------- ------- -------
Net cash inflow from
operating activities 7,705 7,705 18,908
------- ------- -------
Group turnover and operating profit
Half year ended Half year ended
30 September 2000 30 September 1999
Operating Operating
Turnover profit Turnover profit
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Class of business
Continuing operations
Technical plastics
division 62,063 5,757 56,189 5,351
Specialist wire
division 21,038 1,614 21,141 1,286
------- ------- ------- -------
83,101 7,371 77,330 6,637
Rationalisation costs
(note 1) (190) (139)
------- ------- ------- -------
83,101 7,181 77,330 6,498
operations 5,567 172 21,491 1,339
Rationalisation costs - (4)
------- -------
88,668 98,821
------- ------- ------- -------
Divisional operating
profit 7,353 7,833
Central administration costs (499) (575)
Pension cost:-
- regular cost (1,269) (1,340)
- credit in respect of surplus 1,419 1,320
Goodwill amortisation (note 2) (472) (363)
------- -------
Group operating profit 6,532 6,875
------- -------
Geographical segment - by
United Kingdom 48,034 50,992
Rest of Europe 13,047 18,182
Rest of World 27,587 29,647
------- -------
88,668 98,821
------- -------
Year ended
31 March 2000
Turnover profit
£'000 £'000
Class of business
Continuing operations
Technical plastics division 116,573 11,000
Specialist wire division 43,199 3,462
------- -------
159,772 14,462
Rationalisation costs (note 1) (1,101)
------- -------
159,772 13,361
Discontinued operations 31,521 2,151
Rationalisation costs (125)
------- -------
Divisional operating profit 15,387
Central administration costs (1,179)
Pension cost:-
- regular costs (2,590)
- credit in respect of surplus 2,550
Goodwill amortisation (note 2) (748)
Group operating profit 13,420
Geographical segment - by destination
United Kingdom 100,708
Rest of Europe 33,470
Rest of World 57,115
1. The rationalisation costs in the half year relate to
both divisions.
2. Goodwill amortisation relates to the technical plastics
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
Half year ended Half year ended Year ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation
for the Period 2,929 3,358 2,511
Dividends 1,885 1,960 6,048
------- -------- -------
1,044 1,398 (3,537)
Other recognised losses
relating to the period (216) (42) (216)
Goodwill reinstated - - 9,628
New share capital issued 52 1,552 1,552
Share buy back - (608) (1,817)
------- ------- -------
880 2,300 5,610
Opening shareholders' funds 72,894 67,284 67,284
------- ------- -------
Closing shareholders' funds 73,774 69,584 72,894
------- ------- -------
Report of the auditors
To Carclo plc
We have been instructed by the company to review the financial
information set out on pages 3 to 6 and we have read the other
information contained in the interim report and considered
whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information.
Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information
contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been
approved by the directors. The Listing Rules of the Financial
Services Authority require that the accounting policies and
presentation applied to the interim figures should be
consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding
annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for
them, are disclosed.
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained
in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of management
and applying analytical procedures to the financial
information and underlying financial data and based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A
review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and
verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with Auditing Standards and therefore provides a
lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.
Review conclusion
On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material
modifications that should be made to the financial information
as presented for the six months ended 30 September 2000.
Ernst & Young
Chartered Accountants
4 December 2000
Financial Calendar
Interim ordinary dividend for 2001 payable
to members on the register on 2 March 2001 6 April 2001
Ex-dividend date 28 February 2001
Preliminary announcement of the results for
the year ending 31 March 2001 18 June 2001
Registered office:
Ploughland House
P O Box 14
62 George Street
Telephone: +44 (0) 1924 330500
Fax: +44 (0) 1924 339900
Web site: