Final Results
Cardiff Property PLC
29 November 2007
(The group, including Campmoss, specialises in property investment and
development in the Thames Valley. The portfolio, valued in excess of £35m, is
primarily located to the west of London, close to Heathrow Airport and in
Surrey and Berkshire.)
2007 2006
Revenue £'000 700 2,442
Property sales £'000 196 1,927
Net assets per share pence 1,189 1,123 + 6%
Profit before tax £'000 1,475 2,549 - 42%
Earnings per share pence 74.5 137.6 - 46%
Dividend per share -
paid and proposed pence 11.25 10.05 + 12%
Gearing % nil nil
Richard Wollenberg, Chairman, commented:
'The improvement in take up of new office space in the M4 corridor, forecast for
the latter part of 2007, has not materialised. The majority of property
professionals remain optimistic of an improvement in the letting market but I am
not convinced that this will happen. Investment values for commercial, as well
as residential property, will, no doubt, come under further pressure. The Thames
Valley, by virtue of its proximity to Heathrow Airport, will remain an important
trading and commercial location and be attractive to a range of occupiers.'
For further information:
The Cardiff Property plc Richard Wollenberg 01784 437444
Arbuthnot Securities Richard Wood 020 7012 2000
(The group, including Campmoss, specialises in property investment and
development in the Thames Valley. The portfolio, valued in excess of £35m, is
primarily located to the west of London, close to Heathrow Airport and in Surrey
and Berkshire.)
Chairman's statement
Dear shareholder
The improvement in take up of new office space in the M4 corridor, forecast for
the latter part of 2007, has not materialised and, although some new office
lettings have taken place, the Thames Valley market remains subdued. The strong
letting market in Central London and the City of London had expected to benefit
the M4 corridor but to date the number of reported transactions has been
Grade A headline office rents remain firm, although supported by incentives such
as rent free periods and landlords accepting tenant breaks at 5 and 10 year
intervals. The majority of property professionals remain optimistic of an
improvement in the letting market but I am not convinced that this will happen
in the short term. There is a lack of new grade A office space currently
available within the Thames Valley and new office schemes have commenced in
towns close to Heathrow such as Reading, Slough and Maidenhead. It will,
however, be important that the letting of this new space is completed to sustain
the current optimistic mood.
Uncertainty in the financial markets, the rise in interest rates and the real
possibility of a slow down in the UK economy has inevitably led to caution and
delayed activity in the commercial property sector. The removal in March next
year of void rates relief on empty commercial buildings has added an additional
cost factor to speculative development projects and will play a significant role
in determining whether or not new developments are commenced without securing a
As a result of recent increases in interest rates the property investment market
has seen a decline in values of around 5% during the last quarter. Institutional
and private investors are awaiting clarity in the financial markets and signs of
improving liquidity in the debt market. I do not expect a major collapse as some
market operators seem to suggest but a further 5% fall in commercial property
values is likely.
In the residential market, although here again Central London has defied the
trend, asking prices have seen a decline of just over 5%. The tightening of
lending conditions and worries surrounding the UK economy will inevitably lead
to a further period of uncertainty. Surrey and Berkshire are not immune to these
market movements and I am of the opinion that this market will experience a
further fall in values. I do not subscribe to the view that the housing market
will suffer a major decline in values. The financial market indicates that a
fall in interest rates may occur in the short term but I am sceptical that this
will lead to any increase in values or activity over the next year. The
residential market has seen a remarkable growth rate over the past few years and
it should come as no surprise that the market will experience a reverse.
Obtaining planning permissions for new detached homes within the region
continues to prove a long and difficult process and the lack of new projects
coming to the market will always provide a supportive base for values.
Despite this uncertainty in the market the group, including Campmoss Property
Company Limited, our 47.62% jointly controlled entity, has achieved a further
increase in asset value per share, whilst operating profit has reduced as a
result of lower development property sales.
For the year to 30 September 2007 profit before tax was £1.48m (2006: £2.55m)
including an after tax contribution from Campmoss of £0.66m (2006: £0.96m).
Revenue totalled £0.70m (2006: £2.44m) which represented gross rental income of
£0.50m (2006: £0.52m) and sales of development property of £0.20m (2006:
£1.92m). The group's share of gross rental income of Campmoss amounted to £0.91m
(2006: £0.93m). It should be noted, however, that these revenue figures are not
included in group revenue under IFRS rules. Profit after tax attributable to
shareholders for the financial year amounted to £1.30m (2006: £2.43m). Earnings
per share was 74.5p (2006: 137.6p).
The company's commercial and residential investment portfolio, which is valued
annually by Cushman & Wakefield and Aitchison Raffety respectively totalled
£5.91m (2006: £5.73m). The portfolio excludes property under development or
refurbishment and held for re-sale which is held as stock on the balance sheet
at the lower of cost or market value. At the year end, stock included commercial
property at The Windsor Business Centre, Windsor. The group's property portfolio
under management at the year end, including the Campmoss investment and
development portfolio was valued at £35.85m (2006: £34.46m). The company's share
of the net assets of Campmoss amounted to £8.62m (2006: £7.96m).
Net assets were £20.64m (2006: £19.56m) equivalent to 1,189p per share (2006:
1,123p) an increase of 5.9% over the year (2006: 13.4%).
The group, including Campmoss, has adequate resources to complete the current
development programme. Certain facilities were repaid over the last two years
following sales of investment property. Cash balances are placed on short term
During the year the company purchased for cancellation 5,500 ordinary shares for
a total consideration of £51,626. The directors are proposing the annual renewal
of their authority to acquire shares and the rule 9 authority both of which will
be included in the resolutions to be placed before shareholders at the Annual
General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting respectively to be held on 10
January 2008.
The directors are recommending a final dividend of 8.25p per share (2006: 7.30p)
making a total dividend for the year of 11.25p (2006: 10.05p) an increase of
11.9%. The final dividend will be paid on 7 February 2008 to shareholders on the
register on 18 January 2008.
The Property Portfolio
The group's investment portfolio continues to be primarily located to the west
of London, close to Heathrow Airport and in the counties of Surrey and
At The Maidenhead Enterprise Centre, Maidenhead, three units are now let and
negotiations continue for two further units. The development totals 14,000 sq ft
and comprises six business units which offer fully carpeted offices on the first
floor with industrial workspace on the ground floor.
At The Windsor Business Centre, Windsor, one vacant unit has been re-let
following refurbishment. This is a similar development to that at Maidenhead and
comprises 5 business units totalling 15,600 sq ft. The remaining units are let
on medium term leases.
At The White House, Egham, a lease surrender for one of the retail units and
subsequent re-letting to a new tenant has been completed. A higher rental value
was achieved and this should assist rent reviews on the remaining units which
are currently under negotiation.
The group retains two houses in Egham, Surrey, which have been let on assured
shorthold tenancies.
Campmoss Property
Campmoss continues to retain freehold property located at Woking, Burnham,
Bracknell, Maidenhead, Worplesdon and Slough.
At Datchet Meadows, Slough, the vacant office building has been demolished
following the grant of planning permission earlier in the year for 35 new
residential units. Development of the new scheme has now commenced and
completion is expected during the middle of next year. A sales and marketing
campaign is currently in preparation.
Obtaining planning permissions continues to involve long and detailed
discussions with the relevant authorities. It is therefore pleasing to report
that at Highway House, Maidenhead, permission was granted for a new 46,000 sq ft
headquarters office building. It is the intention to seek a forward letting
before commencing this development.
At Clivemont House, Maidenhead, planning permission was granted last year for a
new 50,000 sq ft headquarters office building on the existing office site.
Discussions with new and existing tenants are taking place whilst the
development programme is being formulated. The property has been partially let
on a short term lease.
At Bracknell, an outline planning permission for the New Town Centre Scheme has
been granted and our three properties at Market Street are included in the Town
Plan. Discussions continue for our proposed retail, office and residential
development and a revised planning application is expected to be submitted this
At Tangley Place, Worplesdon revised planning applications for a new 19,000 sq
ft headquarters office building and, as an alternative, a 70 room Care Home have
been submitted. We await further meetings with the planning department to
achieve a successful outcome.
At the year end the portfolio, which include the above freehold properties, has
been valued by the directors, taking account of external advice where available
and assessed at a current market value of £28.88m (2006: £27.53m). Rental income
from the portfolio totals £1.91m (2006: £1.95m) and is received from twenty four
tenants. At the year end net borrowings totalled £6.71m (2006: £7.00m) and
gearing was 36% (2006: 40%).
Quoted Investments
The group holds a small equity portfolio which includes Tribal Group Plc,
ImmuPharma Plc, Kiwara Plc and General Industries Plc. The fair value of these
investments is currently in excess of cost. I remain a director of Kiwara Plc
and General Industries Plc, quoted on AIM and Plus Markets respectively.
Management & Staff
The achievements in planning, letting and management of the group's properties
are due to the dedication and hard work of our small team based in Egham and our
joint venture partner.
On behalf of shareholders I would wish to take this opportunity of thanking them
for their effort and support during the year.
Shareholders Telephone Dealing Service
The company continues to offer its free share sale service to those shareholders
who wish to dispose of holdings of 500 shares or less. This facility is provided
by our registrars, Computershare Investor Services Plc. Shareholders should be
aware that this service should not be construed as an encouragement to buy or
sell the company shares. If in any doubt shareholders should contact their own
financial advisors. Computershare can be contacted on 0870 703 0084.
Investment values for commercial and residential property will no doubt come
under further pressure. The removal of relief for rates on empty commercial
property, even if a tenant is being actively sought, will place a greater
emphasis on finding occupiers for existing buildings and reduce the willingness
for development ahead of securing a letting.
The Thames Valley by virtue of its communications network, motorway access and
close proximity to Heathrow Airport will remain an important trading and
commercial location and be attractive to a range of occupiers. Location, quality
of space and available car parking facilities are important considerations.
The group retains a portfolio of well located freehold property which provides
a secure stream of rental income as well as the potential for a sizeable future
development programme. Key planning permissions have been secured during the
year and I remain confident that further successes will be achieved. I look
forward to reporting progress at the interim stage.
J Richard Wollenberg
28 November 2007
Consolidated Income Statement
2007 2006
£'000 £'000
Revenue 700 2,442
Cost of sales (175) (1,467)
______ ______
Gross profit 525 975
Administrative expenses (463) (493)
Other operating income 250 337
______ ______
Operating profit before gains on investment
properties and other investments 312 819
Profit on sale of investment property - 139
(Loss)/profit on sale of other investments (7) 34
Surplus on revaluation of investment properties 167 391
______ ______
Operating profit 472 1,383
Interest receivable and similar income 347 203
Interest payable - -
Share of results of jointly controlled entity 656 963
______ ______
Profit before taxation 1,475 2,549
Taxation (178) (121)
______ ______
Profit for the financial year attributable to 1,297 2,428
equity holders ______ ______
Earnings per share on profit for the
financial year - pence
Basic 74.5 137.6
Diluted 73.8 136.4
______ ______
Final 2006 paid 7.30p (2005: 6.30p) 127 115
Interim 2007 paid 3.00p (2006: 2.75p) 52 48
______ ______
179 163
______ ______
Final 2007 proposed 8.25p (2006: 7.30p) 143 127
______ ______
The above results relate entirely to continuing activities. There were no
acquisitions or disposals of businesses during the period.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
2007 2006
£'000 £'000
Non-current assets
Investment properties 5,905 5,730
Investment in jointly controlled entity 8,615 7,959
Property, plant and equipment 2 4
Other financial assets 340 357
Deferred tax asset 22 37
______ ______
Total non-current assets 14,884 14,087
______ ______
Current assets
Stock and work in progress 992 1,132
Trade and other receivables 1,983 1,497
Cash and cash equivalents 3,765 3,990
______ ______
6,740 6,619
______ ______
Total assets 21,624 20,706
______ ______
Current liabilities
Corporation tax (148) (316)
Trade and other payables (482) (447)
______ ______
(630) (763)
______ ______
Non-current liabilities
Provisions (65) (115)
Deferred tax liability (288) (272)
______ ______
(353) (387)
______ ______
Total liabilities (983) (1,150)
______ ______
Net assets 20,641 19,556
______ ______
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 347 348
Share premium account 4,946 4,946
Other reserves 2,300 2,299
Investment property revaluation reserve 5,365 4,892
Retained earnings 7,683 7,071
______ ______
Shareholders' funds attributable to 20,641 19,556
equity holders ______ ______
Net assets per share 1,189p 1,123p
______ ______
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
2007 2006
£'000 £'000
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit for the year 1,297 2,428
Adjustments for:
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 2 3
Financial income (347) (203)
Share of profit of jointly controlled entity (656) (963)
Profit on sale of investment property - (139)
Loss/(profit) on sale of other investments 7 (34)
Loss/(profit) on disposal of fixed assets 1 -
Surplus on revaluation of investment properties (167) (391)
Fair value of options granted - 50
Taxation 178 121
Decrease in provisions (50) (162)
______ ______
Cash flows from operations before changes in
working capital 265 710
Decrease in stock 140 1,569
Increase in trade and other receivables (486) (1,283)
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables 35 (212)
______ ______
Cash (absorbed by)/generated from operations (46) 784
Tax paid (315) (81)
______ ______
Net cash (out)/inflows from operating activities (361) 703
______ ______
Cash flows from investing activities
Interest received 347 209
Acquisition of property, investments and
plant and equipment (9) (238)
Proceeds of disposal of property, investments
and plant and equipment 29 458
______ ______
Net cash flows from investing activities 367 429
______ ______
Cash flows from financing activities
Purchase of own shares (52) (335)
Dividends paid (179) (163)
______ ______
Net cash flows from financing activities (231) (498)
______ ______
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and (225) 634
cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents brought forward 3,990 3,356
______ ______
Cash and cash equivalents at year end 3,765 3,990
______ ______
Other Primary Statements
Consolidated statement of recognised income and
2007 2006
£'000 £'000
Net change in fair value of available for sale
financial assets recognised directly in equity 19 -
Profit for year 1,297 2,428
______ ______
Total recognised income and expense for the
year attributable to the equity holders of the 1,316 2,428
parent company ______ ______
Notes to the Financial Statements
1. International Financial Reporting Standards
The consolidated results for the year ended 30 September 2007 and 2006 are
prepared by the group under applicable International Financial Reporting
Standards adopted by the European Union ('adopted IFRS') which have been adopted
and incorporated into the principal accounting policies.
2. Segmental Analysis
The primary format used for segmental analysis is by business segment, as the
group operates in only one geographical segment. Segment results, assets and
liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those
that can be allocated on a reasonable basis.
2007 2006
£'000 £'000
Revenue (wholly in the United Kingdom):
Property and other investment being 504 515
gross rents receivable
Property development being sale of 196 1,927
development properties ______ ______
700 2,442
______ ______
Profit before taxation:
Property and other investment 1,424 1,886
Property development 51 663
______ ______
1,475 2,549
______ ______
Net operating assets:
Property and other investment 20,871 19,845
Property development 2,905 2,869
Eliminations (2,152) (2,008)
______ ______
Total assets 21,624 20,706
______ ______
Property and other investment 2,405 2,111
Property development 318 483
Eliminations (1,740) (1,444)
______ ______
Total liabilities 983 1,150
______ ______
Net operating assets 20,641 19,556
______ ______
3. Earnings per share
Earnings per share has been calculated in accordance with IAS 33 - Earnings Per
Share using the profit after tax for the financial year of £1,297,000 (2006:
£2,428,000) and the weighted average number of shares as follows:
Weighted average number of shares
2007 2006
Basic 1,740,839 1,763,962
Adjustment to basic for bonus element
of shares to be issued on exercise of options 17,814 16,046
_________ _________
Diluted 1,758,653 1,780,008
_________ _________
Financial Calendar
2007 29 November Final results for 2007 announced
2008 10 January Annual General Meeting
16 January Ex dividend date for final dividend
18 January Record date for final dividend
7 February Final dividend to be paid
May Interim results for 2008 announced
30 September End of accounting year
Directors and Advisers
Directors Auditor
J Richard Wollenberg, KPMG Audit Plc
Chairman and chief executive
David A Whitaker FCA
Finance director Stockbrokers and financial advisers
Nigel D Jamieson BSc, MRICS, FSI, Arbuthnot Securities Ltd
Independent non-executive director
Secretary Bankers
David A Whitaker FCA HSBC Bank Plc
Non-executive director of wholly owned
subsidiary Solicitors
First Choice Estates plc Charles Russell
Derek M Joseph BCom, FCIS, MSII Morgan Cole
Head office Registrar and transfer office
56 Station Road Computershare Investor Services Plc
Egham PO Box 82
Surrey TW20 9LF The Pavilions
Telephone: 01784 437444 Bridgwater Road
Fax: 01784 439157 Bristol BS99 7NH
E-mail: Telephone: 0870 702 0001
Web: Dealing line: 0870 703 0084
Registered office Registered number
Marlborough House 22705
Fitzalan Court
Fitzalan Road
Cardiff CF24 0TE
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange