Final Results - Year Ended 31 December 1999

Dinkie Heel PLC 3 April 2000 DINKIE HEEL PLC PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1999 Extract from the Chairman's Statement: Financial results I am disappointed to have to report a loss on ordinary activities before taxation for the year of £427,000 (1998, profit £217,000). No tax charge or credit is due for the year (1998, credit £30,000). Losses per share were 2.89p (1998, earnings 1.84p). Gearing at the balance sheet date was 59.8% (1998, 42.4%). Review of the year For the toe cap and rubber moulding businesses the year was one of enormous change and difficulty. Integration of the FCE toe cap business acquired in October 1998 took longer and was more costly than anticipated. That integration also required the removal to Phillips Rubber of the rubber moulding business being carried out in Warmley. That removal, whilst difficult in itself, also co-incided with a sharp decline in the market for those products and Phillips had to make large stock provisions in direct consequence. By contrast the Company's two operations in Northampton, together known as Davies Odell, continued their rapid diversification away from the footwear trade. Sales of EVA flooring products for the equestrian and dairy industries grew substantially as did sales of products for impact protective clothing and accessories for sports applications (PPE equipment). The acquisition in May 1999 of the business of Sports Protection Ltd provided new opportunities in PPE equipment. Exports now represent 40% of Company turnover, a full 10% increase in the year. Export sales are increasingly important to the Company and the detrimental effect of the weak euro on sales opportunities and prices considerably outweighs the beneficial effect that it has in restraining raw material buying prices. The loss before tax in the second half of the year was £210,000 (first half year £217,000). The toe cap business, trading as Dinkie-FCE, included a full year of sales from the FCE business acquired in October 1998. Sales volume was 37% higher than in 1998 and second half year sales were 15% higher than in the first half. The increased volume derived entirely from extra export sales. Average selling prices fell by 8% over the year but the rate of fall in the second half year slowed to just 1% below those of the first half. As mentioned above, integration problems with FCE caused considerable disruption during the year and it was towards the year end before these were finally resolved. Orders were at satisfactory levels throughout the year and the increased ability to satisfy them is demonstrated in the increased sales in the second half. Sales of lightweight EVA flooring products to the equestrian and dairy industries and of products for impact protection in protective clothing increased by 80% and 46% respectively compared with 1998. These products together formed 19% of total Company sales for the year (1998, 12%). Sales of footwear products at Davies Odell fell by 17.5%. The profit of the combined operation increased by 60% by comparison with 1998. Following the re-organisation, Phillips Rubber produces all of the Company's moulded rubber production for footwear repairers and manufacturers. However a 20% fall in sales to the repair trade, particularly overseas, and the absence of sales overseas to certain footwear manufacturers resulted in turnover for the total business falling 35% from 1998. Stock provisions totalling £58,000 were made in 1999 in direct consequence. The Company generated net cash inflow from operating activities of £70,000 (1998, £699,000). Capital expenditure was £261,000 and the interest cost of borrowings £164,000. Net debt increased by £447,000 to £2,158,000 representing gearing at the balance sheet date of 59.8%. Dividends Given the need to conserve cash and in the light of the loss for the year the board has considered that it cannot recommend a dividend for the year (1998, total dividend for the year 1.2p per share). Prospects For the last fifteen years the Company has been consolidating various parts of the UK footwear components industry in order to increase market share and retain profitability in a continually declining market. The wide product range has also enabled significant export business to be developed. The relative strength of sterling has put both export margins and volumes under pressure in our two main manufacturing areas - rubber components and steel toe caps. Although decline of the UK footwear industry has been continual it is only recently that the safety footwear market, the Company's largest market sector, has been affected. In just four years the import penetration of safety footwear has increased from 10% of consumption to over 50% in 1999. The medium term implications of these developments are being actively considered by your Board. The Dinkie-FCE toe cap business has begun the year with sales orders lower than in 1999 and a consistent pick up is still awaited. Some running-down of stocks built up by our customers ahead of the new millennium and the effect of an extended New Year holiday may be partly to blame. The decline in sales prices has slowed and margins are being helped by the effect of exchange rates on prices of raw materials. Production has overcome the difficulties of 1999 and is nearing the planned level of efficiency. Davies Odell has begun the year satisfactorily and sales of lightweight EVA flooring products and PPE equipment are continuing to grow. Phillips Rubber has recovered some of the sales accounts with manufacturers that it lacked in 1999 and has obtained additional export business. Integration of production of the more diverse range of products is now complete and operating satisfactorily. David M Parkes Chairman PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 31 December 1999 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations 10,718 10,224 Cost of sales (10,163) (9,190) ------ ------ Gross profit 555 1,034 Net operating expenses (818) (725) ------ ------ Operating (loss)/profit Continuing operations (263) 309 Interest payable (164) (92) ------ ------ (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (427) 217 Taxation - 30 ------ ------ (Loss)/profit for the financial year (427) 247 Dividends - (177) ------ ------ (Loss)/profit for the year set against reserves (427) 70 ------ ------ (Loss)/earnings per share, basic and diluted (2.89)p 1.84p ------ ------ BALANCE SHEET at 31 December 1999 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 Net assets employed Fixed assets: Intangible assets 496 474 Tangible assets 3,312 3,375 ----- ----- 3,808 3,849 ----- ----- Current assets: Stocks 1,570 1,865 Debtors 2,069 2,032 Cash at bank and in hand 18 25 ----- ----- 3,657 3,922 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (2,965) (2,751) ----- ----- Net current assets 692 1,171 ----- ----- Total assets less current liabilities 4,500 5,020 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (828) (986) Provisions for liabilities and charges (65) - ----- ----- 3,607 4,034 ----- ----- Capital and reserves Called up share capital 738 738 Share premium 715 715 Revaluation reserve 536 544 Profit and loss account 1,618 2,037 ----- ----- Total equity shareholders' funds 3,607 4,034 ----- ----- CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 31 December 1999 1999 1998 £'000 £'000 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities Operating (loss)/profit (263) 309 Depreciation charges 401 287 Re-organisation costs paid - (205) Decrease in stocks 326 156 Increase in debtors (121) (101) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (273) 253 ----- ----- Net cash inflow from operating activities 70 699 ----- ----- Cash Flow Statement Net cash inflow from operating activities 70 699 Returns on investments and servicing of finance (164) (92) Taxation 62 (31) Capital expenditure (261) (481) Acquisitions (65) (1,521) Equity dividends paid (89) (215) ----- ----- (447) (1,641) Financing (55) 1,259 ----- ----- Decrease in cash (502) (382) ----- ----- Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Decrease in cash in the period (502) (382) Cash reduction/(increase) from change in debt 55 (869) ----- ----- Change in net debt (447) (1,251) Net debt at 1 January 1999 (1,711) (460) ----- ----- Net debt at 31 December 1999 (2,158) (1,711) ----- ----- Notes: 1. The Annual Report and Financial Statements will be sent to all shareholders. Further copies will be available to the public from the Company Secretary at the Company's registered office, St Ivel Way, Warmley, Bristol BS30 8TY. 2. The calculation of (loss)/earnings per share is based on losses of £427,000 (1998, earnings £247,000) and on 14,770,000 (1998, 13,436,666) ordinary shares being the weighted average number in issue during the year. 3. The abridged Accounts for the year ended 31 December 1999 and 1998 do not constitute statutory accounts and are an extract from the Company's statutory accounts on which the auditors give an unqualified opinion. For further information contact: Geoff Martin, Dinkie Heel, Tel: 0117 961 3163 Ken Rees, Winningtons, Tel: 0117 930 8839 / Mobile 0802 466567 John Wakefield, Rowan Dartington, Tel: 0117 933 0020


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